Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2218: The horrible computing power of the gods!

When Li Yao carefully looked at thousands of sacred people through the hole, these sacred people also received some kind of signal, and they brushed their heads and stared at Li Yao.

This is a more strange feeling.

Even if ordinary people hear the sound of explosions on their heads, there is a ventilation duct or a crack in the ceiling to open a large hole. If you look up, it will definitely be uneven, and it will continue one after another.

The expression after the look up should also be intricate and completely different. Some people are surprised, some are afraid, some are confused, and some people immediately wake up with new enemies.

But the reaction of the sacred people is totally different.

They are like receiving a certain signal, raising their heads in a half-second, and gazing at Li Yao with a neat and uniform posture.

Thousands of pairs are unfathomable but not half-silked, as if the eyes of the frozen ink are frozen, while watching at themselves, Rao is Li Yao, a nerve-skinned powerhouse, and feels a few cold and cool.

Then, Li Yao heard the voice.

It is like an ancient curse, like a demon slang, more like a single person sleeping in the middle of the night sweating, someone whispered in the ear, suddenly woke up and found out that the baby is crying outside the window.

This weird voice is like an invisible vortex, entrenched in the heads of all the sacred people.

Li Yao’s seven senses are fully open. Every brain cell stretches to the limit like a blooming flower. Instead of using eyes and ears, it uses the soul and the soul to “see”, “listen” and deeply perceive. It’s got this terrible sound.

He "sees" that every sacred man's brain is like a sulphur fountain, and he is ejecting brainwaves. All brain waves rise like a black smog in the air. Flowing vortices, whirlpools and countless ripples and ripples, hundreds of millions of information flows in this way, quickly exchange, analysis and deployment.

Li Yao thought about electricity and instantly understood everything.

Understand why these sacred people who have just been trapped in the shackles can form a uniform formation so quickly, and act like a well-trained army.

They don't communicate like sounds and actions like ordinary people.

Instead, they stimulate each other's brain waves to form a temporary local area network, a special "combat network."

As long as one or two secretly sneaked into the sacred espionage, the full set of operational plans can be deployed through the "Battlenet" to the depths of every sacred person's brain, and even each sacred person can instantly upload their physical data. , the strength of combat and the supernatural powers, after calculation, optimize the task of allocating everyone.

Such combat effectiveness is naturally much higher than that of the first custodians who are only screaming, screaming, and arrogant.

This is the form of combat that is often used in combat.

I did not expect to be universal in humans.

Also, in the eyes of Pangu civilization, the so-called human being is a relatively special "battle battle"?

This is the first time that Li Yao really realized the meaning of the words "Sacred Alliance". There is a feeling that the heart has been twisted.

Thousands of sacred people stared at the dome of the warehouse at the same time, and thought that there would be new enemies on the top.

Unexpectedly, it was only Li Yao, and Li Yao was wearing the orange prison uniform of the first prisoner, and they were immediately judged to be without threat.

The sacred people once again turned their attention to the jailer in front of them.

The jailers and battle squads that flowed into the third prison from all directions are indeed several times more than the first.

After all, the first prisons are criminals, and there is no organized rabble. Even in the chance of one in ten thousand, they really escaped from the gods and prisons. On the harsh surface of the snow and ice, there is no possibility of survival. When you become a hail, you can only go back to the prison and you will be jealous.

But these sacred prisoners of war are completely different.

Their companions can make such a big scene, and God knows how many backs are there?

For a time, all the elite soldiers of the entire Shenwei prison were gathered in the third prison.

The sacred ally is under the strange "brain wave local battle network" organization, and the jailer is playing well. Of course, these sacred people are extremely valuable important prisoners of war, and the prison is not determined to completely kill. They used only non-lethal imprisonment and coma magic weapons to attack. When they found out that the situation was completely out of control, it was very difficult to recover.

Li Yao did not care about the hot porridge in the next pot.

His concern is the passage of time and minute.

It has been nearly twenty minutes since the beginning of the explosion to the bottom of the foot.

Li Yao is almost certain that the sacred assassin has been silently looted under the cover of riots and riots in the house of generals Lei Chenghu’s house arrest.

The strong man in the gods and prisons, this time may also come to General Lei Chenghu, is coercing Lei Chenghu transfer.

He has been entangled by jailers and prisoners for too long, and according to the original route, nine out of ten will fall behind the sacred assassin and the gods and prisoners!

"No way, re-planning the route, fast, fast, fast!"

Li Yao blinked, and the deep black ink was deep in the pupil. It was like a drop of two drops of seven-color rainbow condensed paint, and the ripples of red and purple were instantly smashed.

The brain cells are burning, the brain cells are screaming, and the whole cerebral cortex is full of turbulent waves, which together push Li Yao’s computing power to the limit of the gods!

Li Yao felt a whirlwind, just like the speed of the planet's rotation was instantly 10,000 times faster, and it could not help but vomit.

This is a symptom of a severe concussion.

In order to provoke the strongest computing power, he forced the brain to run at an ultra-high speed, and also caused the brain to hit the hard skull with a frequency of hundreds of times per second.

Change to an ordinary person, I am afraid that it will faint in the past three seconds, become a vegetative person and even the brain will die.

No way, the physiological structure that human beings are born with is not designed for the monster of "reinforcing the gods".

From a certain point of view, those who have broken through the realm of the gods have stolen the power that should not belong to them and should not belong to all human beings from the mysterious universe!

The cost of a severe concussion, such ultra-high-speed computing power, of course, in exchange for the structure that Li Yao wanted.

"Tick, ticking, dropping, answering, dropping... answering..."

The whole world slowed down in front of Li Yao, as if it was drowned by some kind of viscous liquid.

Whether it is a flying bullet, a swelling black light, a shock wave generated by an explosion, and a thousand pieces smashed by a shock wave, or a faceless sacred singer, a sneaky screaming prisoner, and a sinister jailer, all become almost A still statue, a group of actors who are performing funny mime.

One life, two, three, three things, Li Yao's thoughts are also turned into thousands of lightning, and entangled in every sacred person and jailer, observing their posture, eyes, muscle lines and even each The micro-expressions, from which they calculate their combat power, fighting will and operational intent, to design a path that is the fastest and easiest to cross the battlefield.

These lightning-like thoughts are the virtual nerves of Li Yao. The virtual nerves are constantly spreading and interlacing, but they are swallowing the entire battlefield into the brains of Li Yao, making him the absolute master of the battlefield!

All the information is transmitted to the soul of Li Yao in the blink of an eye at the speed of nerve conduction.

The result of massive data analysis and output is that the entire world is becoming transparent.

First, the crystals of the jailer gradually crystallized. Then the muscles of the jailer and the prisoners of war were stripped, and the blood vessels and neural networks were all vivid. The peristalsis and contraction of the internal organs were carefully grasped by Li Yao, even the heart to the blood vessels. How much pressure is applied and how fast the blood is flowing, can't escape Li Yao's perception.

No matter how strange the brains of the sacred people, they are ultimately the carrier of the flesh and blood of "human beings".

No human being can't be killed.

Li Yao mastered the Achilles heel of everyone on the battlefield.

And this is far from over.

The four walls of the warehouse, including the seemingly sturdy ground, all exposed the most primitive material and composition under the violent impact of Li Yaoyi’s thoughts, and let Li Yao analyze its most vulnerable stress bearing points. See, all the walls and ramps are crystal clear, dozens of walls and passages are superimposed together, like an intricate crystal maze.

In the end, all the roads and dead roads of this crystal maze disappeared, leaving only a nearly straight passage.

At the end of the passage, Li Yao perceives a dozen groups of extremely vigorous life energy, and is madly releasing and colliding.

"It's not good, it must be the strongest of the gods and prisoners, and the sacred assassin is fighting!"

These dozens of life energy levels are dozens of times stronger than the jailers and prisoners of war here, and must be masters of both sides.

But the powers of God and the prison are all on the bright side. Since they have conducted detailed research on them before they sneak into it, there is no reason why the sacred assassin does not do this.

And the sacred assassin lurks in the dark, as long as an assassin slips through the net, it is bad!

"No matter what, exposure is exposed, within half a minute, you must arrive at your destination!"

Li Yao took a deep breath and almost absorbed the air in the entire ventilation duct, even if it was doped with a lot of poisonous mist and corrosive ingredients.

Through the catalysis of this air, all the muscle fibers are fully burned, releasing the powerful energy comparable to the main propeller of the Star Wars.


The flames flowed out of every pore of his lava like a magma, instantly shrouded him into a glaring little sun, but both sides of the melee are unaware that the speed of his "transformation" is too fast. Until the small sun 狠狠 tears, the mysterious warfare? The imperial blade of the imperial controversy, only a few of the most sensitive jailers and prisoners of war, will be "stunned" four words, slowly written on the face .


Li Yaoru slammed into the ground like a meteor, and the shock wave blasted dozens of jailers and prisoners of war.

The limit of thirty seconds is crazy, the timing begins!

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