Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2219: A new magical power!

In the first second, like a flood, the tsunami-infested violent music sounded in Li Yao’s mind, his every meridian and blood vessels, and the whole space at the same time.

This blockbuster-like violent music not only spurred Li Yao’s warfare to the limit, but also slammed on the sacred people’s “brain wave local battle network”, which instantly exploded and exploded the entire battle network. It’s a stagnation.

Originally retired and orderly, uniform and uniform, thousands of people like the same person of the sacred people, are like broken puppets, damaged the navigation system machinery, there is a moment of error.

When Li Yao was heavily slammed into the ground and picked up the shock wave of the mountain and the tsunami, he spurted out the glare of the golden stream from the body.

The streamer criss-crossed, in the range of three or five meters around him, condensed into a chessboard-like garbled!

In this way, whether it is in the eyes of an enemy close to the enemy, or under the ubiquitous surveillance of the crystal eye scan, what can be seen is not a distinctive crystal, but a large piece of coded golden cube!

This is Li Yao in the Deep Sea Dragon Palace, summing up the lessons and shortcomings of the previous battle, and the new magical light-coded technique that has been cultivated!

Because his fighting style is too clear, and the shape of the mysterious warfare is too sharp, coupled with his incomprehensible, very strong personal charm, so that every battle he will definitely be recognized by the enemy.

Once or twice, you can continue to "explode" the crystal scorpion to cover people's eyes and ears, but over time, it will inevitably be seen by the hearts of people.

Therefore, he has been contemplating a kind of thinking, and will not be seen by the enemy in his "peak form".

The so-called "Xuanguang coding" is the use of psionic power to spur the glare of the mysterious light, and fine-tune the frequency of the mysterious light, forming a garbled pattern of different shades and checkers, which can greatly disturb the naked eye and the crystal eye of the enemy. I can't see it clearly, and naturally I can't see how he shot it!


Li Yao’s thoughts are electric, and the spirits are arrogant. Thousands of gods linger on the fragments of the splash in the air, using the power of the rotation of the gods, like a crystal cannon, instantly accelerates the debris to more than five times the speed of sound, shooting a few The most vulnerable part of the ten sacred people!

Sprinkling that seems to be free to do so, is actually the most vulnerable and most incapable of the enemy.

Sure enough, the thirty-two pieces were not defeated, and the blood of the bowl-sized mouth was blasted on the sacred prisoners.

Rao is a sacred prisoner of war who is blessed by fanaticism and cold will, and is also screaming and losing his fighting power!

This is only the first second.

The second second, the mysterious warfare? The two butterfly wings of the Emperor's Blade stretched to the limit, the sharp edge is like a high-speed rotating meat grinder, and it is hard to create a **** path in the sacred prisoners!

In Li Yao’s time perception, the sacred prisoners of war all evaded in a very slow motion, meaninglessly, until now, the horror and irresistible despair, they completely climbed into their faces!

In the third second, the strongest of the thousands of sacred prisoners of war rushed from all directions to Li Yao. It was like a pile of deadly machinery. Some of them managed to get swords, guns and crystals. Their posture is ready to go with Li Yao.

However, in the face of serious shocks in the brain and raising the realm to the ultimate Li Yao, how can these sacred prisoners of war be opponents?

"Breaking! Blots! All are flaws! It's just a bunch of targets that are made up of flaws!"

Li Yao’s figure flashed, and the dark golden three-dimensional garble pattern split into seven or eight virtual shadows. At the same time, the sacred war prisoners swallowed up and swallowed. After half a second chewing, they vomited, but there was no There is a bone that is intact in a sacred prisoner of war!

Fourth second, fifth second, sixth second, seventh second!

Li Yao rabbit has fallen and his body has been flashing. He has penetrated a large number of sacred prisoners and came to the camp of a large number of jailers.

These jailers were all shocked by Li Yao’s fierce performance. He saw him killing the Quartet among the sacred prisoners of war. He thought he was the strongest in the prison of God.

However, each of the crystals' enemy and enemy identification systems screamed and identified the gold garble in front of them as "an extremely dangerous unknown intruder", which made the jailers feel overwhelmed.

"Don't get in the way, get out!"

The red-eyed Li Yao screams, and the whole body is so strong that it is like a shadowless invisible knife. It is not the face of the jailers. These jailers are not the sacred prisoners of war without fear. They made screams and trembled their limbs. They were rolled up by Li Yao and caught up in a mess of sacred prisoners of war.

Behind the prison, it is the breakthrough point selected by Li Yao!

The brightness of the gold garbled suddenly increased tenfold. The golden blade passed through the protective layer of the crystal mask and pierced the retina of every jailer and prisoner of war, making them instantly blind.

Li Yao's hands clasped to the wall made of superalloys, and took a deep breath again. The whole body crystallized almost into an iron ball, and then, he released!


It was like a main gun with a super-large battleship. It hit the wall and the fire was fully open.

No, not a shot, but...

"Booming and banging!"

Li Yao’s arms are like two unbreakable pile drivers. In front of him, a squat of ten or twenty meters long is blown up. The inside of the tunnel is full of liquid alloys that are “drip and answer”. The shock wave generated by bombardment Spread to the entire warehouse, almost bursting all the jailers and prisoners of the internal organs, everyone bleeds, eyes scattered, hands waving wildly, stumbled together!


The structure of the Shenwei prison in the depths of Li Yao’s brain field was once again magnified infinitely, covering the real world in front of him, making him know the structure behind the hole. ,

After opening such a nearly straight passage, the life energy hidden under several layers of alloy walls became clear.

Li Yao can clearly perceive the situation of the life energy of the dozens of groups. The killing has come to an end, and one of them seems to control the overall situation.

I don't know, it is the sacred assassin, or the power of the gods and prisoners!

Li Yao squinted his eyes, and the gold garbled cube moved again at high speed, turning into a dark gold streamer, and rushing toward the dozens of life energy!

Hope... still catch up!


Zuo Zongchao's eyes were congested, and he slowly highlighted his eyelids. He decided to look at the blade from his back, and the sharp edge of his heart, the sound of blood in his mouth, and a pink blood in his nose. Bubbles are both doubts and despair.

He certainly recognizes this sword, which is like a transparent fish bone, and the surface is engraved with the mysterious sword of countless evil runes.

Today, with the chainsaw sword and the shocking swords popular, this kind of secret swords refining in ancient ways is not much, but the refining is so refined, and after thousands of years of washing, I don’t know how many generations of masters are warm, the whole There is only one **** in prison.

This sword is called "fishbone".

The "fishbone" is also the nickname of the sword master.

"Squid" Hong Jiping, one of the "four masters of the gods and prisoners" with the "Magic Tiger" Zuo Zongchao, is also a fighting-type Yuan Yingqiang, although the figure is small and thin, but often like It is a fishbone that can make an enemy lie in the throat.

They are "the four masters of the gods and prisoners", and secretly cultivate a set of methods of joint attack. Among them, the "fishbone" of the "fishbone" Hong Jiping is the most crucial killing, responsible for a large number of attacks and disturbances. Must kill!

Therefore, when riots occurred in the depths of God's prison, and the riots escalated to the sneak attack of the sacred priests, they "the four masters of the gods and prisons" first rushed to the most secret area of ​​house arrest.

Being under house arrest is not only a "Liaohai Hou Leicheng Tiger", but also a lot of people with high weight and great value, but they will not cooperate with the four elector families for a while.

Such an important area, naturally, they are sitting in the town of "the four masters of the gods and prisoners", and they are all foolproof.

More than a dozen assassins invaded this area, and there were at least four fighting yuan infants. The crystals of the equipment and all kinds of aggressive magic weapons were even more fascinating over them!

Under the horror, they can only cope with the combination of day and night cultivation.

However, I did not expect that when the "fishbone" killing was to stab the enemy's throat, it was stabbed from the chest of Zuo Zongchao.

Moreover, the vibrating of the "fishbone" is to shoot thousands of sharp psionic spurs into the body of Zuo Zongchao, running along his blood vessels and tendons, and stabbing his major points. broken!

Zuo Zongchao snorted and painfully slammed on the ground. He only felt like a balloon with a lot of holes, and while he was blowing outward, he dried up.

A glimpse of the head, just to see the "fishbone" Hong Jiping slowly recover his "fishbone", the face of the steel covered can not see a trace of expression, but also can not perceive a temperature.

"You are a sacred man?"

Zuo Zongchao really wants to take off the mask on the other's face and see if the face hidden underneath is equally cold and gloomy. I can't believe the scene when I practiced together with Hong Jiping on weekdays. "How can you be holy?" Alliance, how is it possible!"

But these words were all drowned in the blood, and even half of the words could not be spit out.

He was chilly, and there were always black waves in his eyes. He did not expect the sacred alliance to infiltrate the empire. He had reached the level of Yuan Ying. In the face of such a ferocious and strange enemy, the empire... really won. ?

Zuo Zongchao's eyes gradually solidified, like black curved mirrors on both sides.

Under the mirror of the black mirror, the sacred assassin who obtained the advantage of Yuan Ying, cleanly and neatly settled the remaining guards, and even did not hesitate to go with the "four masters of the gods and prisoners", in the shortest time, control the audience!

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