Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2220: The name of God of War!

The two sacred assassins strode to the door of a secret room at the end of the ramp, taking four round magic weapons from their arms and pressing them in the four corners of the gate.

The round magic weapon sends out the sound of “sucking and nourishing”, and four red light beams are connected to each other. Two crosses of radiant light are irritated from the diagonal line. A total of six black light erodes the door continuously, no more than ten seconds. Just burned a square hole on the gate, and the door panel "Ding zero 啷" thicker than half a meter fell to the ground.

The rest of the sacred assassins have slammed their knees and guarded the main import and export around them, ready to spend time with the gods and guards to guard the jade.

The two strongest sacred assassins are about to bow into the hole, and a black figure has already taken the lead from the secret room!

This black shadow is wearing a general uniform of Lei Chenghu. The rabbit is between the fallen and the face. The appearance is also very similar to that of Lei Chenghu. The expression is slightly different. The horror is mixed with doubts. The movement is also a bit stiff, quite a bit. The meaning of man manipulation.

Between the electric and the stone fires, the two sacred assassins naturally couldn’t take into doubt, and they sneaked aloud, including the “fishbone” Hong Jiping’s transparent fish bone blade. The most hot attack, they all turned to the key of “Lei Chenghu”. Attack!

Unexpectedly, just as they were sharp and daring, when the move stretched to the limit, the second black figure appeared again in the secret room, hidden under the first figure, more old but more rapid, really like being seriously injured, like crazy The devil's tiger goes down!

When I just pulled out the secret room, I was wearing a soft body, but within 0.1 seconds, it was the upper body of the claws and claws. The power claws composed of five high-frequency vibrating blades caught the fishbone. Lower abdomen.

It seems that if the "fishbone" Hong Jiping wants to send his "fishbone" to the heart of the first guy who was thrown out, then his own belly must be second shadow, and the internal organs must be smashed. Clean!

"He is not Lei Chenghu!"

"He is Lei Chenghu!"

Rao is a ruthless sacred assassin, and he did not expect that there will be more than one person in the room, and another guy who looks like Lei Chenghu.

Unexpectedly, Lei Chenghu will be so eager to reach this level. Hearing the sound of fighting outside, the first time to analyze the situation, the other person will be restrained, the joints and the acupoints will be blocked, and then put on their uniforms, acting as " Sandbags and bait are thrown out first!

Lei Chenghu’s sudden counterattack, hitting the sacred assassin, was unprepared, and the sacred assassin, including the “fishbone” Hong Jiping, could only give up the “bait” and turn to the real Lei Chenghu.


"Squid" Hong Jiping's transparent blade smashed into the palm of Lei Chenghu's left hand.

In other words, Lei Chenghu took the initiative to use his left hand to hold Hong Jiping's Sword of the Sword, and with his amazing willpower, the secret sword that passed through the millennium could not be moved.

And his right arm, still in accordance with the attack posture just now, pierced the power claws into the lower abdomen of Hong Jiping.



The Sword of the Fishbone once again provoked the psionic volatility of thousands of cattle hairpins, and tried to drill up all the way to Lei Chenghu's internal organs and limbs.

Lei Chenghu’s power claws also fluctuated wildly, suppressing the flames of most of the month, such as volcanic eruptions, shattering, smashing, and burning the ash of Hong Jiping’s internal organs!

The strange destructive power of the fishbone secret sword only rises to the left shoulder of Lei Chenghu, and it will never be able to pass.

Because Lei Chenghu twisted, folded, and tore, he even tore his entire left arm to tear down, preventing the attack of the fishbone secret sword from expanding.

And his power claws are tilted upwards, and the heart of Hong Jiping is smashed and burned to ashes!

"Fish thorn" Hong Jiping's eyes widened, until the flames came out from the depths of the throat, and I couldn't believe that Lei Chenghu could refuse this degree.

On combat effectiveness, it is known as one of the "four masters of the gods and prisoners", and there are many "fishbone" Hong Jiping, which is blessed by the sacred secrets of the Holy League. Perhaps it is beyond the "God of War" that specializes in the art of commanding.

However, Lei Chenghu told all opponents with the most brave and cool performance. The word "God of War" is definitely not a name!

A shot, paying the price of one of his left arms, he abolished the first master of the sacred assassin, and also won for himself, the crucial five seconds!

The wound on the left shoulder and the **** flesh was quickly wrapped up by the medical agent like a gel. Lei Chenghu took the **** claws of the blood from the "fishbone" Hong Jiping, and took a series of blood spots and suspicious The minced meat, the excitement of his throat, staring at the remaining opponents, but he did not even look at his own limbs and his eldest son who was fainting on the ground.

Lei Chenghu bowed his waist, gasping, power claws one by one, the body exudes boundless blood and suffocation, the so-called "sleepy beasts" is what he looks like at this moment!

At this moment, because of the unseen "fishbone" Hong Jiping's heavy hit, the sacred assassin's encirclement has a fatal gap.

All the sacred assassins have gaze at the gap of the "fishbone" Hong Jiping. Several assassins are eager to make up the position. Some assassins think that Lei Chenghu will break through here, but they will lock all kinds of remote magic weapons. Lei Chenghu’s escape route.

However, Lei Chenghu not only did not break through, but instead rushed to the most dense place of the Assassin’s Assassin, condensing the five chain saw swords and the shocking swords that were seized on the battlefield, and spent three full years by the imperial refiner masters. The power claw named "Tiger" is really like the soul of a five-headed tiger attached to it, and at the same time launching an attack against the five sacred assassins!

That thunder and inexhaustible appearance, it seems that there is no such thing as "breakthrough" in Lei Chenghu's mind.

Either he killed all the assassins.

Either, he stood upright and was killed by the assassin.

There is no third choice!


The power claws pierce an assassin's chest and rotate at high speed.

The second assassin's long sword also pierced Lei Chenghu's shoulder, but was pinched by his muscles and bones, and he couldn't move half a step.

"Booming and banging!"

Lei Chenghu's crystal-shouldered honeycomb-type magazines were all opened, and a series of miniature light **** exploded between him and the assassin, and the assassin's crystals were blown up, and they were riddled with holes.

His own crystal scorpion was also attacked by the rest of the assassins. The psionic shield quickly became a deep red and completely collapsed. The crystal scorpion was torn by an inch, revealing the vulgar old body below.

Lei Chenghu is ignorant, as if the painful nerves have been completely sealed in a hundred years of fierce fighting, killing three assassins in one breath, the enemy and his own blood rushing to the ground, this foot slips and knees down. The five claws pierced the earth deeply.

This crazy tiger has finally exhausted all ammunition, fuel, psionic power and strength and has to stop.

Rao was sealed with seven emotions and six desires. He only knew that the sacred assassin who faithfully executed the order was deeply shocked by Lei Chenghu’s bravery and madness. After half a second, he raised the chain saw sword, the shock knives, the sagittal gun and Crystal magnetic gun.

Lei Chenghu made a confusing laughter under the cracked crystal mask. I don’t know if it’s a waste of effort, or the stupidity of the corpses in the Senate. He struggled to stand up and aim at the sword of the sacred people. And the guns, high up the thin chest.

at this time

The samurai assassin’s sagittal gun and crystal magnetic muzzle have just spewed out a deadly flame. When a burning bullet flies toward Lei Chenghu’s chest and head, four black awns are just rightly inserted into both sides. In between, it was instantly extended into four black shields, "Dangdang", helping Lei Chenghu absorb all attacks!

Booming and banging!

It seems that the whole sea of ​​the ocean is rolling towards them, and it is like a roaring roar!

The pupils of many Assassin's assassins instantly magnified, and they couldn't believe the crystal eye feedback on their helmets. When they looked back, they found that the crystal eye did not go wrong. It was a large piece of dark gold cubes garbled!


A sacred assassin wearing a heavy-duty crystal scorpion and a height of more than three meters and five is wielding a power glove that is thicker than the thigh, and it is hit by a dark golden cube, but it is instantly blasted with a whole body, even the bones. Dugen root broke, and the mouth of the mouth broke through the flesh and blood, and it was extremely fierce!

"Hey! Hey!"

Two other sacred assassins squirmed strange steps from the left and right toward the dark golden cubes, but they were stunned by the horrible horror of the horror, hitting the wall and smashing the crystals!


The remaining sacred assassins have not yet reacted, and the chainsaw sword, the shocking sword, the blasting gun and the crystal magnetic cannon burst in the hands, and then they are swallowed up by a strange wave of waves, like a lonely boat in the stormy waves. I can't help myself!

When the four black shields were re-formed into four black crystals, no one sacred assassin could stand on the ground while Li Yao was slowly spinning.

"Call! Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Li Yao gasped for a breath, and through the automatic energy supplement system of Jingjing, a large amount of high-energy nutrient and medical drugs were swallowed into the abdomen, and in just three seconds, all the supplies in the Qiankun ring were swallowed up.

No way, the higher the realm, the more energy is consumed when the output is full, and the longer the preparation time and the subsequent cooling time. The crazy performance in just one minute is actually three days higher than the ultra-high intensity training. It takes three nights to work hard. Rao is a high-energy nutrient for the whole of the Qingkun, and he can't add one-third of his deficit.

In a short time, don't think about it anymore.

Fortunately, he caught up!

"General Lei, Liao Haihou?"

Li Yao stared at the middle-aged man in front of the figure who was thin and lost his left arm, but he was not shocked.

The eyes of "vulture" and "God of War" collide!

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