Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2226: Kill freedom!

The cruelest thing in the world is not to lose freedom, but to regain freedom after decades of losing freedom, but once again watch it slip away from your own fingers!

All the beasts, these formerly daring robbers, heartbreaking serial murderers and psychopathic arson and blasters, all stretched their necks, sullen sputum from the corners of their mouths, and looked forward to the whistle of the sounds in all directions.

"At this moment, God's prison is in a serious riot, the gate opened in front of you, leading to the third prison, where the sacred prisoners of war are the chief culprit in making all the chaos, and their ultimate goal is to detonate four energy base stations. Completely activate the dormant volcanic belt in the ground, so that the boiling magma engulfs the whole god, and all the guards, including you, of course, jade!"

Lei Chenghu continued to growl. "My hundreds of starships are breaking into the atmosphere, but there is still a period of time from the heroic soldiers infiltrating into the bottom of the gods. Now, only you can save the gods, save yourself and all Human life!

"Look around, see? The whole **** is in prison, full of super-precision crystal eyes, can clearly photograph each of your faces and every move, rush, rush to kill Those sacred men in dark red prison uniforms, as long as they monitor the crystal eye, any one of you, killing a sacred prisoner of war, I will forgive him and summon him to join my army.

"My army is stationed in the most prosperous world in the Shin Kong area of ​​Sunbeam. It is the paradise that the empire has just attacked. There are endless alcohol, beauty and spar veins waiting for my soldiers to enjoy! Even if I am kneeling down A husband can live a more extravagant life than the city owners of the rear world!

"How long have you not tasted the taste of a woman, huh? I don't want to spend the rest of my life on the **** of the cock, and use your fists to fight for freedom, sunshine, beauty." And the alcohol bar! I don't care what unforgivable crimes you have committed. Just kill a sacred person, I will forgive you and take you to the paradise ahead!

"You can't believe me, but look at the companions around you. Remember, the number of sacred people is limited. The people I can take are also limited. Let's start with a strong one. You won't lose a bit. , a sacred ally, remember, everyone can only kill one sacred person, and the rest will be given to the companion to kill!"

These words thoroughly inspired the blood of the beasts.

The heavy wheezing of thousands of beasts gathered together, like the power unit of the Star Warship, and made a deafening roar.

Thousands of prisoners who want to be held here for a lifetime, perhaps only one in ten believe in Lei Chenghu’s words.

But as long as this one-tenth, even as long as two or three people step by step, the impact of the wave can not be stopped.

Start with a strong hand!

The number of sacred people is limited. It is not a prisoner of war wearing red-red prison uniforms, but a one-way ticket to heaven on earth!

If they don't act immediately, the sacred people will completely activate the underground volcano, let them die in the hot magma!

It’s hot, it’s getting hotter, and there’s really a surge of magma coming up, this is true!

That is the voice of "God of War" Lei Chenghu. General Lei said that they are unable to escape. Try not to lose anything. Instead of waiting here to die, it is better to fight for it!

Sunshine, alcohol, and beauty!

Thousands of trousers and hard beasts suddenly gathered into a surging crowd, drowning the ramp to the third prison.

Lei Chenghu directed Yun Chenghua to give them a green light, and all the gates of the road were opened, and even a string of huge arrows formed by the naked eye to guide their direction.

The sacred prisoners of war in the third prison are desperately trying to escape in all directions, striving to create a larger chaos.

However, Yunchenghua has closed all the ramps and ventilation pipes except the one leading to the first warehouse. They do not have a heavy siege magic weapon. They can only use the flesh and blood to hit the gates and walls again and again, even on the wall. A few caves, the number of people who can get in at one time is extremely limited.

The vast majority of the sacred prisoners of war, still entrenched in the third prison.

Many people also heard the beast's cry and searched the past in the first warehouse, just in time to collide with the burning tide.


The monitoring of the crystal eye actually took a clear picture of the impact of the two sides, and even the blue veins of each prisoner’s face burst out.

This is not a battle at all, not even a massacre. The three sacred prisoners have not reacted yet, and they are swallowed up by the wave of beasts. When the tide tramples on, it is not even a little bit of meat residue. All the prisoners are rushing to reach out to the pilgrim prisoners, even if they are unarmed, they must bite on them. Even if they know that the sacred prisoners have already lost their lives, they will tear the broken limbs more and more until the holy The alliance of war prisoners turned into a raging storm, which is to find the next target.

No one has ever taken care of the order that Lei Chenghu just said, "Everyone kills at most one sacred prisoner of war, and the remaining prisoners of war are left to his companions."

First, the lights are so dark, the scene is so chaotic, who knows if the surveillance crystal eye is photographed clearly?

Second, so many people are working at the same time. Who knows who killed the sacred prisoners of war?

So, still kill a few more insurance!

In the control center, the battle in the surveillance screen seems to have returned to the wild era of tens of thousands of years ago.

The vast majority of the people on both sides are unarmed, without a sword and without a crystal, all with teeth and fists.

The sacred prisoners of war are cold and **** flesh-and-blood machines, and the imperial death row is the beast of the claws.

The brutal picture of limb fractures, flesh and blood, and visceral bursts, even the guards in the control center, who have experienced many battles, looked pale and frightened.

"The morale is high, the military heart is available!"

Lei Chenghu looked at the tons of pouring blood in the surveillance screen and was very satisfied with the nod. "The cloud warden, remember to carefully analyze these pictures, identify the warriors we want to pardon, and take them away when evacuating."

"Do you really want to forgive these people?"

Yun Chenghua blurted out. "They are all unruly murderers. Even if they have strong combat power, they will be black sheep in the army!"

"I have never said a word from Lei Chenghu. Since I have said that I have to forgive them in the public, there is no reason to say anything."

Lei Chenghu glanced at the warden, faintly saying, "As for fear that these unruly guys will become black sheep, I don't have to say that I want to take them to the front line, and did not say which troops to join.

"I have a death squad, and I need these courageous and **** warriors to join. Believe me, if these warriors can live in my death squad for a year, they will definitely wash their minds and change their past."

"Well, where is the Shenwei Fleet now, how is your anti-aircraft fire network ready?"

Yun Chenghua breathed a sigh of relief, opened the configuration map of the air defense fire network and the azimuth map of the Shenwei Fleet, pointing to the point: "The generals please see, I have sent 80% of the residual spirit of the entire God's prison to the air defense. Among the four core 'Tiantian Cannons' in the fire network, most of the Shenwei Fleet's warships have also landed below the atmosphere, and continue to decline, ready to carry out repression operations. I have reset the enemy and the enemy identification system and secretly locked it. they."


Lei Chenghu said, "What about the flagship of the Shenwei Fleet?"

"This is where the problem lies."

Yun Chenghua’s face is a bit ugly. “The flagship is still in the atmosphere, and it has not come completely. I wonder if it is suspicious.”

"Can't wait any longer."

Lei Chenghu said, "As far as the flagship is in the current position, is there any way to get a round of fire to knock it down?"

"It can be, land-based artillery is a hundred times more powerful than ship-borne artillery."

Yunchenghuadao, "But the disturbance in the atmosphere is very serious. To ensure that a round of fire is completely destroyed, it is necessary to concentrate 95% of the psionic power on the Tongtian cannon, and the nine-nine-thousand-day cannons will be overloaded and destroyed. .

"The result is that after a round of fire, our psionic power is temporarily exhausted, and the air defense fire network will be displayed in an hour, and the core of the cannon can melt, completely abolished, and lose its flagship. The fleet can bombard us as much as we want, then what should we do?"

"tell me"

Lei Chenghu’s eyes sparkled. “In this case, does anyone know on the Shenwei Fleet?”

Yun Chenghua glimpsed and shook his head.


Lei Chenghu continued to ask, "Even if the Shenwei fleet is indiscriminately bombing us, the Shenwei prison, which is buried hundreds of meters underground, can't resist the carpet bombing of the other side for several hours? Or, the Shenwei fleet without the leader. Dare to send their soldiers, into the intricately maze of the underground, and we go through the floor to the room, the most brutal competition?

"If you are not, what are you still worried about, immediately execute the order, input all the psionic power into the air defense fire network, and lock all the air defense magic weapons that can be launched to the flagship of the Shenwei fleet, and ensure that it will be destroyed in one round!"


Yun Chenghua was upright and then widened his eyes. "Reporting the general, the flagship of the Shenwei Fleet sent a communication request!"

"Don't worry about it, continue to execute the command."

Lei Chenghu looked at the light curtain thoughtfully and suddenly turned to Li Yao. "Calculating time, our Queen's Highness, is it almost time to go?"

"Reporting General!"

Li Yao did not have time to answer, Yun Chenghua once again exclaimed, "Our remote observatory has detected that there are large-scale mass objects, tearing the barriers of four-dimensional space, and quickly moving to the mysterious ice world! ”

"Ha ha."

Lei Chenghu smiled and showed his sharp teeth like a tiger shark. "Connect the flagship communication channel of the Shenwei Fleet and use your communication signal to strengthen your locking accuracy. If the cannon is fully charged, you can launch it directly!"

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