Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2227: Soldier, ruthless!

The illusion of the commander of the Shenwei Fleet, Dongfang Lei, appears in the three-dimensional light curtain.

This is a young man with a starry eyebrow and a heroic look. The uniform of the pen seems to grow up on the body to bring out a slender figure. The handsome face is full of the pride of the superior. At first glance, it is the four electors. The core children of the family, the lucky ones who are destined to control the lives of thousands of people.

Indeed, just looking at the face can tell the difference between him and Yun Chenghua.

One is the one who is helpless in the family and is crowded out. If there is no accident, it is destined to suffer in the bitter cold.

The other is to go to the gods of the prison to practice for a few years, to use this as a springboard, there is hope to climb the higher platform of the pride of the sky.

Therefore, even if the rank of Dongfang Lei is lower than that of Yuncheng, in theory, it should be controlled by the latter, but in fact, it can be "cheap", and it does not need to pay attention to the order of Yunchenghua.

This is also the reason why Li Linghai prefers to infiltrate the deputy chief of staff of the Shenwei fleet and some of the captains. Dong Lei, the chief commander, is too difficult to convince and buy.

Lei Chenghu did not think about buying Dongfang Lei, but he looked at the top commander of the Shenwei fleet with no expression.

However, Dongfang Lei was taken aback by the control of the center, and the blood-dyed robes and the one-armed Lei Chenghu were shocked.

Take a look at Lei Chenghu, and then look at the success of Yun Chenghua, who is running under the command of Lei Chenghu. Dongfang Lei instantly understands everything, and there is a strong fear and anger in his eyes.

Fear and anger flashed away, all hidden in the deepest part of the pupil, Dongfang Lei took a deep breath and made the final struggle: "Liao Haihou, I surrender!"

Lei Chenghu made a "immediate launch" gesture toward Yun Chenghua, faintly said: "Oh."

"Tongtian cannon, overloaded psionic perfusion, limit bombardment mode, launch!"

Yun Chenghua clenched his fists, and his forehead oozes fine blood beads. He also looked at Dongfang Lei without hesitation and slammed it toward the console!


Hundreds of small and medium-sized warships belonging to the Shenwei fleet have burst into the atmosphere, floating under the blue sky and white clouds, and completely exposing their abdomen to the anti-air fire network of God's prison.

In order to increase the speed of the decline, the anti-gravity array is fully operational, and they have not even ignited 100% of the psionic shields. They did not expect the friendly forces to bloom the most sharp fangs toward themselves.

The flagship of Dongfang Lei is suspended in the atmosphere, with a typical dilemma.

When he found himself locked in by the four-door giant cannon and hundreds of anti-aircraft magic weapons units, it was too late for the direction of the turn or the psionic Shield.

The cosmic war must also follow the oldest military common sense. The land-based firepower is always above the ship's firepower.

Even a super-heavy warship of more than a dozen kilometers, it is the limit to allocate a one or two kilometer-long main weapon compartment, not to mention that a starship can carry a limited amount of ammunition and fuel, even if it carries a hundred and ten It is also not enough to support a long-range roar of a smashing cannon.

This is also the reason why the crystal and ammunition can be popular in the Star Wars, the fuel and ammunition restrictions, forcing both sides of the war to have to adopt the most economical and "cost-effective" way to kill, that is the white-knife.

Land-based firepower built on the planet is another matter.

Even the smallest planets are often tens of thousands of times larger than the starships, and the volume is increased by geometric progression.

Compared with a star ship with a narrow space and a headache for logistics, the "ballistic amount" and weapon size of a planet are almost infinite.

Some important military fortifications can completely hollow out more than a dozen kilometers of ground to build a horrific super cannon. With tons of fuel, the projectiles of dozens of tons will be launched at a terror speed of four or five times the speed of sound. Go out.

It is unfortunate that the gods and prisons are such an "important military fortress", and the four "passing cannons" buried deep in the ground. If they are completely dug out and stand on the ground, they are four towering skyscrapers. One spot!

Ironically, the empire painstakingly managed God's prison for hundreds of years, and spent countless resources to refine such four super-air defense guns. The first true roar was actually directed at the empire's own starship.

The Tongtian cannon adopts the dual-attack mode of super-radiation and thunder-magnetic projectiles. First, four bright lights rise like lightning storms, and the flagship of Dongfang Lei is instantly interlocked from four angles to destroy the rushing posture and destroy the rush. The psionic shield.

Followed by four projectiles filled with high-explosive spar, dragging the tail of the black smoke, like the devil's claws cut through the void, grabbed the past.

The flagship of Dongfang Lei is desperately dodging, but the distance between the two sides is too close, and the first wave of super-radiation also greatly interferes with the anti-gravity array and power unit of the starship, making the starship like a whirlpool of destruction. .



At the cost of tearing the starship, Dongfang Lei escaped the attack of the first high-explosive bomb, but this high-explosive bomb has already set up a remote-controlled detonation array, which will burst out when it is about to fly out of the atmosphere. The shock wave seriously disturbed his evasion, so that the next three shells plunged into his flagship. The three earth-shattering explosions sounded like a chain, and three huge fireballs rose at the same time in the front, middle and back of the flagship. The fire instantly dyed the entire sky, and it was darkened by smoke.

In the communication screen, Dongfang Lei couldn't even make a scream, and it was completely swallowed up by the shock wave and the flame!

Even if it has been cruel to such a degree, Lei Chenghu has never let go of the flagship of this wrecked Shenwei fleet, ordering Yuncheng to concentrate all the ground firepower, even if the psionics and the ground forces’ individual weapons are good, crazy. Bombardment by fireballs in midair.

For a time, the 10,000 gold lines bloomed between heaven and earth, and the barrage almost stabbed everyone's eyes.

The spirit of God's prison is completely exhausted, and even the lights in the control center are suddenly darkened.

The flagship of the Shenwei Fleet was also torn apart and turned into hundreds of thousands of raging pieces. "噼噼啪啪" fell into the snow, melting the snow and snow, turning into a thousand pillars of smoke, rising like a spectacular Smoke column jungle.

All the starships of the Shenwei Fleet and all the officers and men on the Starship saw the scene of the flagship being destroyed by ground fire.

At this moment, the whole world and even the time seemed to have been frozen by the eternal ice and snow. All the ordinary ships of the starships who went to the captain in the power cabin were all stunned and heartbroken!

"The sky-fired cannon is over, and the entire air defense fire network includes the internal defense system!"

Yun Chenghua cried his teeth. "The bombardment just added to the burden of the energy supply base station. The only remaining reactors were reimbursed. It was not an hour, but at least three hours. We could not launch a projectile into the sky. !"

"It doesn't matter, continue to lock all the starships in the sky, launch your lock signal waves, let the other party know that we have aimed at their eyebrows, and then connect me to the fleet's public channel. I want to send all the officers and soldiers of the Shenwei fleet. Speak."

Lei Chenghu used the only right hand to complete the entire military. The huge light curtain in front of him was divided into hundreds of small squares, and the bridge images of hundreds of star ships were successively jumped out.

Naturally, the bridge was full of white-faced, full-flooded Shenwei Fleet officers and soldiers. They all heard the "corkpobo" locking ripples, and they could not help but fear.

When I saw the "God of War" Lei Chenghu suddenly appeared, most of the captains and staff were shocked, and they became more and more confused.

"All the brethren of the Shenwei Fleet, I am Lei Chenghu. It is a pity that when I met, I bombarded your flagship and killed countless innocent brothers."

Lei Chenghu frowned deeply and his voice was very strong. "However, I have to do this because God's prison has reached the most critical moment!"

"The sacred spies have long sneaked into the gods of the prison and the Shenwei fleet. They are carrying out the largest prison operation in the history of the empire. They detonated the underground volcano and have destroyed the majority of the gods!

"The progress of the sacred people is so smooth, because their spies have infiltrated your heart and brain. The top commander of the Wei Fleet, Dong Fang Lei, including a large number of captains and staff officers, are all sacred spies, or The sacred spy brainwashed and controlled!

"Once you really come to the ground, these sacred espionages will meet with the sacred prisoners of the underground, killing all of you, taking your starships, and growing up. This is their plan!

"I am in danger, and I am responsible for smashing the enemy's jailbreak plan, but it is a step backward. I can only destroy the flagship that you are completely controlled by the sacred alliance. Even though this flagship must have a brethren who knows nothing about it, I have no choice!

"I have detected that the mass objects behind you have come out, that is the main force of my thundering fleet. Come to calm down the riots and escapes. Don't panic, the reinforcements have arrived, and the gods are still in our hands!

"Now I announced that from this second, the Shenwei fleet was officially directed by me. In order to prevent further destruction or suicide attacks by the sacred spies in the fleet, all starships removed the psionic shield within three minutes. To a height of one hundred meters from the ground!

"Repeat it again, within three minutes, all the starships that were not controlled by the Holy Alliance, still loyal to the empire, all removed the psionic shield and fell to a height of 100 meters from the ground, waiting for the reinforcements to come!

"After three minutes, the starship that has not yet removed the psionic shield and dropped to a height of one hundred meters will be regarded as the rebel starship controlled by the sacred espionage, the anti-aircraft fire network on the ground and the upcoming The thundering fleet that rushed to the battlefield will destroy it mercilessly!

"At the same time, please also ask the bridge group of each starship to pay close attention to you. The sacred spies are likely to lurk around you, especially your sergeant! I authorize you to carry out any necessary actions on the people around you. Let the starship drop to a height of one hundred meters, as long as you really took out the sect of the sacred sect, after the war, all merits and rewards!

"Brothers of the Shenwei Fleet, please believe that I will never want to meet any of the soldiers in the army, but ... the military law is ruthless!

"You only have three minutes, and all the starships that remain in the sky after three minutes are the same as the flagship of Dongfang Lei!"

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