Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2228: The overall situation has been set!

After Lei Chenghu smashed the iron and cut it, he couldn't allow all the captains to argue. He cut off the communication picture on his side, just picking up a **** countdown and showing it on the other's light curtain.

Through the communication screen that the other party is still open, it can be seen that all the starship captains, chief officers, staff officers and even members of the bridge group are shocked and are in a semi-hypnotic state.

Some people quickly grind their teeth, probe the brain around them, and look at other people's reactions; some people rub their waists with sabre and swords, their eyes are full of confusion; some members of the bridge group whispered, they turned their vigilance to their own Chief.

The countdown continued unrelentingly, two minutes and fifty seconds, two minutes and forty seconds, two minutes and thirty seconds.

Regardless of the starship or the detection magic weapon in the control center of the gods, the screams are not far from the near-Earth orbit. Numerous large-quality and high-density objects tear the three-dimensional space barriers into riddled holes. Like a giant beast, one by one reveals a sly claw.

They shook the debris of the stars and rushed toward the prey.

"General, our air defense fire network is far from being repaired to the extent of the second launch. Even a spar battle can't be beaten!"

Yun Chenghua whispered, "What if three people refuse to surrender after three minutes?"

"First, there are a large number of our people in the Shenwei fleet. Under their leadership, it takes no more than three minutes and at most one minute. All starships will land and surrender."

Lei Chenghu said very calmly, just like explaining a fact that is obvious again. "Second, if after three minutes, there is a small starship that refuses to surrender, then command the starship that has surrendered, and these will be stubborn. The ineffective 'traitors' are all down."

Yun Chenghua’s eyes widened: “This...”

Lei Chenghu smiled a little, no longer spoke, and even no longer put his attention on the Shenwei Fleet, but he was staring at the deep-sea fleet that had jumped out of the four-dimensional space and was gathering outside the near-Earth orbit.

The empire's eyes were obscured by the blood of the solidified, and I didn't know the depths of the eyes, and the realm of the soul, what is the idea.

This is a difficult psychological saw.

However, hovering in midair, just saw the flagship volley explosion, lack of sufficient intelligence, not only to resist the strong pressure of the deep sea fleet after hard-resistance, but also penetrate a large number of "innovationists", the dilemma of the Shenwei fleet, but it is destined to lose.

Two minutes into the countdown, the Shenwei fleet collapsed. One ship after another removed the Psionic Shield and lowered it to a relative height of 100 meters.

The power of the example is endless. The more starships land, the more star-shaped ships that are still standing in the sky, the more pressure they bear, the more dense the locking ripples that hit the outer shells of these stars. The sound of Bobobobo is endless, and before the shattering of the sacred shield of the starship, the eardrums and nerves of everyone on the starship are first taken.

As a result, even though the captains of these starships still want to delay the time, the burning eyes of the members of the bridge group and the swords that are eager to move have forced them to land with the current.

Three minutes later, all the starships landed 100 meters from the ground, and removed the colorful psionic shields, like the bare chicken in the cold wind.

All the captains sent a signal to the Shenwei prison control center through the public channel: "I am willing to obey the orders of the Imperial Liao Haihou and General Lei Chenghu, and let General Lei drive!"

The riots inside the gods and prisons also came to an end in the killing of Shura’s hell.

The sacred prisoners of war no longer believe in firmness, ruthlessness, fearlessness and fearlessness. They are the most sophisticated killing machines, but their number is so little. It is the temporary imprisonment of the gods and prisons as prisoners of war.

Most of the prisoners held by God's prison are still extremely wicked and mad criminals.

The number of these dangerous criminals is more than ten times that of the sacred prisoners of war. Even if the fighting power and organization of the two sides are slightly different, they will be wiped out by such a large number gap.

When the violent tides of the beasts roared, they were doomed to the demise of the sacred prisoners of war.

At the end of the killing, the guards of the gods and prisons had to join the battlefield, just to rescue several sacred prisoners of war from the criminal criminals, leaving a living mouth for interrogation.

If this is not the case, all the sacred prisoners will be torn into pieces by criminals, and then chewed into bolognese!

Of course, when the sacred prisoners of war were almost killed, the criminals who couldn’t change their dogs could start attacking each other. Perhaps they thought that if they had enough people to kill, they would be able to take the credit and Ray Chenghu would take the rest. People take it away.

Lei Chenghu did not prevent criminals from doing this. This acquiescence is encouraged by the prisoners.

He even ordered Yun Chenghua to continue to seal the exits of the first and third monitoring areas to the outside world. If necessary, reduce the concentration of oxygen input into the inside, and at any time, the prisoners will be dying of oxygen deficiency.

Now, there is no need to do this now, and then kill the prisoners' strength and reduce the number of beasts.

From the sacred assassin smashing his door, it is no more than half an hour.

Within half an hour, the Shenwei Prison and the Shenwei Fleet have fallen into the hands of the Empire General Lei Chenghu!

"The cloud warden, draw one of your most trusted guards to the ground and perform two missions."

Lei Chenghu’s face is full of no sorrow and no joy, as if Li and Li Yao’s two people captured the gods and the prisoners and surrendered to the Shenwei fleet. They are not worth mentioning. It’s as simple as taking a toy from a child’s hand. First, I searched for a hundred miles of snow. I highly suspect that the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect, Dong Lei, did not die in the explosion. He must find most of his wreckage. If he is still alive, kill it!

"Secondly, please ask the captains of all the starships of the Shenwei Fleet and the key figures of the bridge group to come inside the gods and prisons, and say... I want to face them in the most critical moments, not to fear, to make the right choice, to save countless officers and men. The reason, then tell them, I will personally go to the emperor to ask for their merits.

"And, at all costs, repair at least one energy supply base station as soon as possible, and restore the initial defense capabilities of the Shenwei prison. As for the prisoners and prisoners of war who are still strangling, they will not be in charge for them, and they will be tired afterwards.

"Finally, where are the political prisoners, you and I can go out and release them."

Everyone in the Yunchenghua and Control Center couldn't believe it, so... it was easy to surrender the entire Shenwei fleet.

For a while, the warden was "squatting" and standing upright, forcing his inner excitement and executing the order.

Lei Chenghu turned his cold eyes to Li Yao, and passed the secret passage of the secret: "Okay, now you can go to your master and prepare for negotiations between the two sides, but before she shows enough sincerity, I won't go to her starship. If I want to talk, please ask our honorable Queen's Highness to talk to the 'my' gods.

"Reassure, what do you say is my savior, I will not let you be embarrassed, as long as you bring the words, the Queen's Highness will definitely succumb to the gods and prisons, after all, the current situation should be you more Anxiously, I have the Shenwei Fleet. As long as a starship can launch a super-long-range Xinghai jump, you can return to the third theater. My thundering fleet goes, and the Queen’s Highness has been hidden in the dark for so many years, but today it’s out. I’m afraid that the arrow is out of the string, is it out of control?”

In the face of Lei Chenghu's control of everything, Li Yaofei blinked and said: "Hey, what is the contact with the Queen's Highness is not urgent, can I release all political prisoners with General Lei?"

Lei Chenghu once again stunned, gazing at Li Yao’s eyes and adding a bit of confusion. It’s hard to know what kind of person Li Yao is, and how the Imperial Queen Li Linghai would send such a cargo to perform such a crucial task: "You... aren't you afraid that your master is waiting?"

"First, I said that the Queen's Highness is not my master. I am absolutely free, but only loyal to the Xiuxian Avenue and the real human empire."

Li Yaozheng said, "Second, before I came, the Queen's Highness was full of thousands of miles. I must guarantee the safety of General Lei. This is my top priority.

"And the powerful personality charm and infinite domineerness that General Lei has just demonstrated has deeply impressed me, and I have reached the level of adoration and admiration for General Lei.

"Now the inside of the gods and prisons is still so chaotic. What if the political prisoners hide the sacred espionage? So I have to stay with the generals of Lei. If necessary, pay for my life and defend the generals of Lei!

"As for the Queen's Highness, it doesn't matter if she waits a little. Anyway, the gods and the Weiwei fleet are all settled, or the security of General Lei is important!"

Lei Chenghu: " want to follow my **** and make friends with political prisoners who are very likely to make a comeback?"

Li Yao: "Hey, hey."


In the end, Lei Chenghu still did not pass Li Yao.

After all, with the strength of Li Yao, like a dog skin plaster sticking to the back of Lei Chenghu's ass, no one wants to tear him off.

Moreover, Lei Chenghu did not want to completely tear the face with Li Linghai. Even if the mouth was tough, in fact, everyone really needs each other.

As a result, those who once took control of the vital forces and hubs of the real human empire, in the emperor's extreme heavens, the celestial stars are considered to be high-powered, but offended the four electorate families, the political prisoners who fell from the clouds in the abyss, cold in the dark In the dungeons of the past ten years and decades, the first light of hope that was seen was composed of Li Yao, Lei Chenghu and Yun Chenghua.

Lei Chenghu and Yun Chenghua, they are no strangers, one is the "God of War", and the other is the warden of God's prison.

Li Yao especially left a deep impression on them.

Before every prison, Li Yao will release the smashing weather of the gods, and the golden light and all kinds of dazzling sound and photoelectric effects will not hit the body like money, and make yourself arrogant and arrogant. .

Without waiting for Yuncheng to open the door, Li Yao would grab it up, use the hands of the psionic physique to break the iron fence, smash the door lock, and kick all the defensive arrays.

"In the name of the new empire, you have regained your new life. I will be slaying to protect your safety. Don't worry!"

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