Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2235: I am also patriotic!

"Why is there such an exaggeration, General Ray wants to smash it."

Li Yaofu does not change the color. "In fact, I am only with the brother 'Yellow Wind'. I have been retreating from the secret base of the Queen's Highness since I was a child. I have rarely come out to contact the society since I was young, so people are relatively simple. Occasionally, it seems very straightforward. Originally, there was no secret in the bottom of my heart, and I could see the secret of the light. What can General Lei see through?"

Lei Chenghu’s brow wrinkled like a two-handed sword, and it was about to fall down on Li Yao’s carotid artery.

He clenched his fists and squeaked his knuckles, seemingly to curb his impulses with amazing willpower.

"it is true!"

Li Yao is full of sincerity, and his eyes are as pure and transparent as a baby. "I think the generals of Lei have seen it. My real age is not big."


Lei Chenghu was silent for a long time and nodded. "Your cells are very energetic. The ripples of the spirits are full of vibrant flavors. You are not the most powerful **** I have ever seen, but definitely the youngest one. I guess, apart from retreat practice or long-term hibernation, should your real age be no more than one hundred years old or even eighty years old?

"It’s incredible to be less than 80 years old. What kind of monster are you doing and how to cultivate it!"

"I am not a monster, just use all the time to retreat."

Li Yaodao, "If it's not 'the ears don't smell the window,' and grasp every minute and every minute of mad cultivation, how can it impact the realm of the gods in just a few hundred years? General Lei has never heard my name before. Can't find any information about me? That's right, because I really haven't been out of society, this is the first time, so there is no experience, the whole person looks very green, if you make a mistake or do something wrong, Also ask General Ray to forgive me."


Lei Chenghu took a deep breath. "Listen well, I don't care if your ghost is true or not, and whether your Queen's Highness is under the banner of the "innovation empire", whether there is any other purpose. But for me it is the responsibility of one soldier!

"Tell me, do you love the empire?"

Li Yao raised his chin high and respected a textbook-like unity ceremony: "Infinite love!"

"But I hate the empire, and even hate the empire that all the pores are now rancid."

Lei Chenghu’s look is gloomy. “It’s just that no matter how many flaws in the real human empire, many times it seems too dark and cruel, and even being used by traitors and small people, and they are tools for satisfying their own desires. The empire is always human civilization. The strongest shield, the sharpest sword, and... the only home.

"The empire may have such problems, there are countless reasons for being hated, but it finally condenses the power of the vast majority of human beings in the sea of ​​stars, so that hundreds of millions of human beings can unite to fight against the sacred alliance, the demon, All sorts of strange stars and interracial, and even too dark the universe itself.

"Xinghai is too vast, and human ambitions are too strong. If there is no big name for the 'real human empire', I don't believe it, even if there is no invasion of the sacred alliance, the demon or any starry aliens, within a hundred years, a plate of scattered sand The various human worlds will be divided into different kingdoms, and the colorful battle flags will be erected and killed by various absurd reasons.

"At that time, there is no need for any monsters and devils. It is up to human beings to turn all the stars into Shura blood prison, just like the collapse of the Xinghai Empire and the establishment of the Xinghai Republic for thousands of years!

"and so……

"Even if today's empire has many shortcomings, even if it grows more black spots, abscesses and tumors on its bloated body, even if I hate it for a lot of time, I will do it to an emperor. The responsibility of man, crush my flesh and blood, bones and three souls to defend it, and always defend it!

"Please tell your Royal Highness, if she is worried that my will will be shaken, then I don't have to. I have been completely ignorant of the four electoral families. I have completely understood that I have been too weak for the past 100 years. Too hesitant, too much to take care of the honors and guidelines of the so-called 'military', and did not do everything in their power to save the empire.

"But today, I have completely realized my own path. No one can stop me from using steel and flames, and even use shameless and unruly means to save the empire!

"If the ultimate purpose of His Royal Highness is as bright as she said, then I will always be loyal to her, even when her personal interests and the overall interests of the empire are united, help her become an unprecedented queen, and Is there anything wrong?

"But if I find out that her ambition is too violent and hurts the interests of the empire, our cooperation will burst instantly. I will stop her at all costs and destroy her, understand?"

Li Yao was busy nodding his head: "I understand very much!"

"And you are the same."

Lei Chenghu’s eyes are sharp to the extreme, as if they can penetrate Li Yao’s body and then penetrate the three-layer bulkhead and the outer atmosphere. “I don’t care if you are a slick or a ghost, or really 'simple, green and straight’ As long as you are truly defending the empire and defending the interests of human civilization, I will be willing to call you a 'daoyou', fight side by side with you, and fight for it!


"If I find out what secrets you have hidden, and this secret has hurt the interests of the empire, believe me, there will be 10,000 shells of artillery shells on your head at the same time, even if you flee to the edge of the Xinghai Sea and after the millennium I will crush the bones and destroy the soul to find you and kill you!"

Li Yao Chang Shu breathed out: "That's good!"

Lei Chenghu frowned: "What is it?"

"Then I will be relieved."

Li Yaozhen’s big eyes with clear and transparent eyes suddenly burst into the hotter light than the sun. “Because I am guaranteed by personality, I am definitely a loyal patriot. I love my motherland infinitely, and General Lei. I am willing to throw my head for the motherland, sprinkle blood, grind the bones into powder, burn the powder into ash, and turn the ash into the mud and spread it into the land of the motherland. I love it so ridiculously!

"I firmly believe that my motherland must represent the highest interests of human civilization, so I will not betray the motherland. No matter the enemy who is strong, vicious, and rebellious, I will fight blood to the end, even if there is only one battle left. The cecum, I will use this cecum to roll up a knife and continue to fight!

"So, what General Ray said will never happen, then of course I am relieved!"

When Li Yao swears and swears, Lei Chenghu has been staring at his eyes, not even concealing that he is spying on Li Yao’s heart.

And Li Yao is also open to let go of his own mind, let Lei Chenghu to enjoy the feeling.

Lei Chenghu perceived for a long time, his brows were slightly loosened, and his suspicion on his face was not scattered for a long time. He muttered: "Why... what you said is true, there is no smell of falsification?"

"It was true. I am really a patriot who is unwavering and arbitrarily replaced. It is because of the infinite love for the motherland and human civilization that I am willing to take the risk of coming to this place!"

Li Yao is very strong. "I really don't understand why I am telling the truth. General Lei is not willing to believe it. Is it only a patriot of General Lei?"

"... forget it."

Looking at Li Yao’s flawless face, Lei Chenghu chose to give up very rarely. “In any case, thank you for your help in God’s prison. If you are a true patriot, I believe we will get along very much. Pleasant, Li...dao friends.

"Now, let's go back to the third theater!"

Lei Chenghu used the newly installed Lingyi prosthetic arm to be the right military cap, and swaggered out of the command room and came to the bridge.

Above the bridge, they have just been formed together, and there are still some flaws in the depths of their hearts, but they are the officers and men who are covered by ten times of excitement and excitement.

A scorpion was covered with bandages, and the left and left feet were replaced by spiritual and prosthetic limbs. It seemed to be being tortured by severe pain. A middle-aged officer with a twitching face limped to Lei Chenghu. Lei Chenghu respected a very beautiful military ceremony: "All officers and men have been assembled, please train the military!"

This person, just one day ago, was swayed by the four electorate families, betrayed his father, and in turn was taught by his father, and he struggled to kill a **** path in the depths of God’s prison. Lei Chenghu’s eldest son, Lei Honghai !

Lei Chenghu nodded his face, slowly looking around, letting the fire in his eyes detonate the magma of many officers and soldiers, and this came to the console.

Lei Honghai gnawed his teeth, and the severe pain that was unbearable and unsuitable for the limbs to rub the wounds opened the public communication channel covering the three starships.

"All the officers of the first special mixed team of the Shenwei Fleet!"

Lei Chenghu faced hundreds of intricate faces on the light curtains and screamed with enthusiasm. "The war that determines the future of the empire and even human civilization has started, and you and I are the only protagonists in this war!

"Before today, you are still a group of unconventional people, a nameless generation, a loser of family competition, a scrap left by no one, and a defective product that has been kicked into this ice and snow without any mercy. It is not worthy of leaving a name anywhere, even the 'zero' that does not exist on the genealogy, even violates the law, angered the dignitaries, and is destined to rot the last bone in the black prison!

"But today, your name will be resounding through the clouds, and will be cheered by thousands of people, engraved on the monuments of the Imperial Metropolis, the celestial stars, and the monumental central square of every inhabitable planet!

"The empire will not forget, history will not forget, civilization will not forget everything you have done today, and will not forget your sacred and glorious name!

"All ships have, all personnel are ready, the full power output of the Xinghai Jumping Unit, the target third theater, advance!"

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