Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2236: Red clouds sad song!

The real human empire, the new glory area, the third theater, the edge of the western border, the 223th resource planet with no atmosphere and extremely harsh environment.

The West Boundary is a small world of 3 billion kilometers in diameter. The stars here are still in the youth period that was born, so that the seven planets around the stars are all affected by the intense gravitational changes, and the dense atmosphere cannot be formed at all. There is no one living planet.

The ever-changing gravitational and crustal movements, as well as the innumerable planets being torn apart, the exchange of materials for various meteorite impacts, and the numerous satellites in the West Side are rich in rare metals and rare spars.

The West Side is the most remote small area in the Third War Zone. The 223 Resource Planet is the most remote planet in the Western Front.

It is rich in a precious "nickel fusion spar vein", which is refining into high-explosive bombs, which can greatly enhance the destruction ability of the shells and even increase the radius of destruction by more than 100%.

Therefore, after the empire regained the Western Journey from the hands of the sacred alliance, it also sent a small fleet, stationed on the 223 resource planet.

The task of this fleet is not to hold on to the 223th resources of the Cyclone's counterattack. The resources of the Star Expeditionary Force Base Camp have never thought that they can do this.

They are merely “engineers” who are responsible for the difficult clean-up and reconstruction of mining bases destroyed by the sacred squad in the extremely harsh and ridiculous world.

This is the mission of the ninth fleet of the Imperial Expeditionary Forces Third War Zone, also known as the "Red Cloud Fleet."

The Chiyun Fleet is a miscellaneous army, local armed, or the scornful tone of the emperor's dignitaries and gates. "The gang of gangs of the gangs of the gangs is the epitome of thousands of miscellaneous soldiers."

The Red Cloud Fleet came from the Chiyun world. It was not until 500 years ago, at the end of the "Empire Age" era, it was conquered by the Empire, or a good world, "a empire".

Because at that time, in the face of the mighty army of the empire falling from the sky, the rulers of the Chiyun world wisely chose to surrender, and the Chiyun community itself is a land of poor mountains and poor resources, in addition to the hungry billions of people. In addition, there is nothing worthwhile, so the empire generously gave the Akasaka a considerable degree of autonomy, as long as the Chiyun community regularly pays taxes and military sources, and obeys the emperor’s and the Senate when the empire needs it. Command, send troops and the empire together to attack the enemy.

Even if it is so "generous" and "benevolent", for the people of the Chiyun community and even the immortals, the past five hundred years have been extremely difficult.

The empire’s tax burden is one day in weight. In addition to the amount of taxes paid directly to the court, the four electorate families are constantly making their names, and they are smashing the bones in the form of various “costs” and “special taxes”.

From the dozens of extremely developed industrial worlds in the central part of the Xinghai Sea, the magic weapons and industrial manufactured products that have been continuously produced on a large number of water lines have flooded into the Chiyun world like a flood, completely destroying the rough and backward backwardness of the Chiyun world, but relatively The independent industrial system has firmly tied the Chiyun community to the most downstream of the chain of rights and gates, and has become a negligible component on the assembly line.

Five hundred years ago, even if the technology was relatively backward, the Chiyun community could still refine its own crystals, armored wars and even starships, and even refine one or two of the simplest Xinghai jumping magic weapon units.

However, today, on the surface, the various magic weapons used by the Chiyun people are more exquisite, gorgeous and powerful, but there is no longer a crystal 铠 is the own brand of the Chiyun industry. All the crystal clearing factories in the Chiyun world are all The sectarian acquisitions of the four major electorate families have smashed the “outdated” assembly lines and replaced them with a new line of “valuable and unpaid donations”.

Naturally, the core technologies of these magic weapons pipelines are all in the hands of those who are in the center of Xinghai. They will never be known by the Chiyun people.

What's more, these magic weapons factories can no longer produce a complete set of crystal crucibles, only 5% of the components on the crystal crucible, and the remaining 95% are shipped from the Central Sea of ​​Xinghai, and then assembled on the spot.

As a result, the self-industrial system of the Chiyun community completely collapsed and lost all bargaining power. It was smothered by the dignitaries and gates of the central government of Xinghai, and became the land of the other party’s magic dumping and resources.

What is more tragic is that, in addition to manpower, the Chiyun community does not have any reserves that are sufficient to supply the resources of the entire empire.

The artificial price here was suppressed to the horrific level. The lords from the center of Xinghai said that it is to see the manpower price of the Chiyun community is cheap, and the workers are willing to do it, and the magic weapon factory is set here, otherwise the lords can Pat the **** to go, go to other big world to open a factory, and even replace all human workers with psionics.

They are to feed the workers, and they look at the compatriots of the empire to do good deeds!

When these words were spoken, these high-spirited lords suddenly forgot that it was in the centuries-old dumping that they used various despicable and shameless tricks to kill the major sects and magic weapons factories in the Chiyun community. Only hundreds of millions of workers have no food and clothing, and there is no way to go.

However, the lords are not talking about this in the air, but sitting on the bridge of the heavy cruiser and saying these words, even when they come to the ground, there is a whole group of crystal wars to "guard the factory". What about the workers in the Chiyun community?

A strong and strong Akane worker worked hard for a year in the Fabao factory of the four major electorate families. He was able to vomit blood and even the lungs were shrinking. He still could not support a young and old, and had to let his wife and daughter go. Heavy oceans, going to the Xinghai central dignitaries and the entertainment clubs opened by the gates to "work", with a humiliating and stinky money to support the family tragedy, in the past few hundred years in the Chiyun world, abound.

The dignitaries and gates in the central part of Xinghai will even reach out to the agricultural field in the Chiyun community, using various secret methods to modulate the genetically modified “Lingdao, Lingmai” and alien crops to replace the native rice and wheat in the Chiyun community. Grain.

Because these "Lingdao, Lingmai" really have high yield and excellent taste, they are rich in all kinds of nutrients and calories. At the beginning, the food groups controlled by the four major elector families also gave high subsidies to those factories. Workers who work hard and earn meager wages can only afford the food they provide.

Therefore, these foreign grain groups have expanded very rapidly in the Chiyun world. In just a few hundred years, they have merged the small and medium-sized grain groups of the Chiyun community itself, and acquired large areas of land from farmers as they did a hundred years ago. The magic industry system in the cloud industry does the same.

The name of the Chiyun community is "autonomy", but after all, it is a part of the empire. There is no way to formulate an independent law to block the outsiders from attacking the city. They can only watch these foreign grain groups claim to be kings.

When most of the land and seed sources were in the hands of the foreign food groups, these guys finally saw the poor, they waved the sword of the law, and changed the genes of Lingdao and Lingmai with the secret method, so that all seeds can only be harvested. Once, it can't be planted again.

In other words, the Chiyun community lost all its own crop seeds, and if it needs to be planted, it can only continue to purchase from the grain group.

Even if the people of Chiyun wanted to secretly experiment and cultivate their own excellent seeds, they were surprised to find that the foreign group had given them to them to plant them on a large scale and to recover the fruits of the "extraordinary economic crops". There is a great change in the composition of the soil!

It has been polluted by these alien economic crops for a hundred years. Now the most fertile soil in the Chiyun world is only suitable for planting the seeds of the foreign grain group. Other seeds are planted, and even if the buds can be extracted, they will only die in a large scale.

At the beginning, the outsiders spent a lot of money to buy the sour and sloppy "fruit crops" from their hands. They also said that when the rich people in the central Xinghai favorite to taste this taste, the Chiyun people also laughed and laughed. The rich people in the central Xinghai are really weird.

Until today, the Chiyun people wake up like a dream and finally know what it is like to be a bitter fruit.

The taste of the fruit is not the taste of the fruit, but the taste of their blood.

This wake up is really coming too late.

From the industry to agriculture, to the complete cultivation system, the Chiyun community was invaded and destroyed by the outsiders in the central Xinghai, and the whole fell into the hands of others.

Even if the landlord of the Chiyun world still has a nominal "autonomy", what is the point?

This is even worse than direct aggression.

Because of direct aggression, it is necessary to establish a government and have the obligation to control and guarantee the local people.

But now, everything is economic, and all folk sects have done it. They have swallowed up all the benefits, and all the "duties" are still in the autonomous government of the Chiyun world, in those stunned leaders.

The life and death of the Chiyun people, regardless of the central affairs of the Xinghai, is in charge of the local landlord, "the cruelty, the squeezing is too much", at most when the past is not over, the four electors of the emperor family leaked some debris from the teeth. Rescue supplies, that's all.

Ordinary people in the Chiyun world have lived this kind of food, and they are struggling to survive on the edge of life and death.

The cultivators in the Chiyun world are not much better than the average person, or even worse.

In the past, when there were independent industrial and agricultural systems, all areas of the Chiyun community needed a large number of cultivators to support them. The status of the cultivators was extremely high and the interests were enormous.

But now, the wave of foreign capital and technology is surging, and the first is the dignity and dream of the local cultivator.

The sects of their own homes have been squeezed by foreign giants, and they have to swallow their voices to work for foreign giants, but even if they have been loyal to their lives forever, even let their children and grandchildren spend their lives for the foreign giants for the rest of their lives, they are still the hometown of the people, even the backcountry. A dog can never enter the core management of these giants, and the management will always come from the central part of Xinghai!

This is the fate of Chiyun’s five centuries.

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