Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2239: The war of capital!

"Spell? What to fight? Use our small clouds of the Red Cloud Fleet to collide with the four giants of the Electoral family, or learn the 'Blood League' that has no brains, and kill them under the crowd. An empire veteran, and then catch up with his entire organization? It’s just a mess!”

Wei Guanghui can't wait to smoke his son's two big mouths to make him awake and wake up. He paused, and every wrinkle suddenly filled with vigilant light. "Wait, you tell me honestly, you shouldn't be this too... Members of the Blood League?"

"Absolutely not, the baby is not too confused to this extent."

Wei Yuanjia hurriedly showed his father his heart. "Even if your grandson laughs, as far as the child knows, he and the Blood League will not have a little bit of it, but only joined another youth officer league "Wan Yinghui"."

"Hey, the young people nowadays don't know that they are really working for the family and the empire, but they are all joined by the organization of the organization all the time. Otherwise, they are sneaky, or they are brave and innocent. More than a defeat!"

Wei Guanghui smashed the splayed character and dismissed it. "In my opinion, let Tianxiao be taken away by the special investigation committee and reflect on it for a few days. Anyway, the other party just takes him as a chip, and may not really hurt him." This time, I have a bit of a hard time, and if I want to come, he can learn to converge!"

"Father... this is a different story!"

Wei Yuanjia is very rare and his father is in a tit-for-tat position. "The powers and gates in the central part of Xinghai are so harsh on the local immortals. It is true that there are fires in the Buddha. We were born and died in the front line, fighting for more than ten years. In exchange for a pool of ice water and even jail, and these people sitting all day sitting behind the fingers, take us as cannon fodder and chess pieces, and now they have won the victory and come out to **** the fruits of victory, let alone laugh at them. That is, I still have dozens of other small friends in the small world can't bear it!

"The power of the dignitaries and the gates is powerful, but if all the friends in the small world outside the empire can unite, they may not be able to fight with them. At least, they can recapture what should belong to us!"

"Crap, everyone knows that hundreds of small circles can unite and balance dozens of powerful worlds in the central part of the Xinghai, but hundreds of small circles are scattered among the imperial parties, far from each other, thousands of light years, between many small circles. There are hundreds of years of frictional contradictions, and they have been controlled by the four major electorate families by means of 'divide and rule, and to provoke dissenting'. It is a distracting sand, how to unite?"

Wei Guanghui sneered, "When the 战神神雷成虎 is in time, perhaps with his prestige and the powerful combat power of the thundering fleet, he first combined the power of dozens and dozens of small circles.

"But you didn't listen to the little hybrid of the special investigation committee. General Lei has been under house arrest. I don't know what method is being used. If I don't want to use it for too long, I will completely obey the post.

"At the moment, the third theater is the leader of the group, and the hearts of the people are stunned. Even the thundering fleet is difficult to protect itself. It depends on the three rafts and several broken guns of the Red Cloud Fleet. Even the giant soldiers are only two broken and ruined. If you assemble the goods, you want to be the first bird? Who will be stupid to go to die with us."

Wei Yuanjia was silent, but his eyes showed a firm and bright light.

Zhizi Mo Ruofu, Wei Guanghui gave a slight glimpse, knowing that his son must have extremely important information and did not say anything. He hurriedly pulled his son into the command room, locked the door and sealed it with a layer of sound insulation. This only said: "What? Happening?"

Wei Yuanjia cleared his throat and tried to pretend to be unhurried, but the trembling voice still exposed his inner urgency and excitement: "Father, if I tell you, General Lei Chenghu is likely to have escaped. Out of prison, returning to the third theater, is convening the thundering fleet, and erecting the flag of 'respecting the emperor?'

"What... respect the emperor, rebel?"

Wei Guanghui was shocked. It was like a bombing roar in his head. He clearly had the powerful strength of the Yuan Ying realm. For a time, even the pores forgot to control, and the sweat was like rain.

He grabbed his son's shoulder and his fingers were deeply embedded in his son's skin like a pair of irons. "Where, where is the news!"

This question makes a lot of sense.

The Red Cloud Fleet is stationed on the edge of the third theater, deep in the harshest part of the world. The stars here are like a moody child, and every second is constantly ejecting the most violent radiation and magnetic ripples. The thick, smoke-like interstellar dust envelopes a star-shaped field with a diameter of more than one billion kilometers, such as a "fog wall," which greatly interferes with the incoming Linger signal.

Resource 223 is like an island. Even if the super-power communication base station with the highest power is set up, the communication with the outside world is still intermittent. Sometimes, two or three days will not receive news from the outside world. Sometimes, when a large piece of news is received, It's a snowflake or a messy piece of data.

Especially in the last half of the month, the resources of the 223 resource planet entered the frequent period of geological activities, various volcanic eruptions and super-strong earthquakes continued, greatly deterring the contact between the Chiyun Fleet and the thunderstorm fleet's third theater general command.

At least, the official channel controlled by Wei Guanghui, the general command of the third theater has remained silent.

But now, the information of the official channel has not yet arrived, but the son has brought such a "small road message". How can Wei Guanghui not be suspicious?

"The father does not have to doubt that his son's intelligence should be 80% credible."

Wei Yuanjia mysteriously said, "It was transmitted through the secret channel of the ‘wanjie business alliance.'”

"Wanjie Business Alliance?"

Wei Guanghui frowned. "The dealer organization that has made a lot of money in recent years, gave us a large low-interest loan in the first half of the year?"

"Exactly! Young military officers such as 'Blood League' and 'Wan Yinghui' are just a few young people's brains, but the Wanshang business alliance is different, even if the fathers do not necessarily know their power. How powerful is this organization that represents the power of many local capitals in hundreds of small circles outside the empire!"

Wei Yuanjia completely tore up the disguise, and desperately said, "The most powerful force in the sea of ​​stars is psionic power. The power stronger than psionic power is capital! The war of the outer capital of the empire against the central capital of the empire has begun in an all-round way. In the alliance of business alliances, we are no longer a loose sand of bullying, but can really bring together the power of hundreds of small circles, and then the trustworthy powerhouse such as General Lei Chenghu, and ... higher level The big guys come to lead, we will win!"

He was slightly different from his son. When he heard this, Wei Guanghui calmed down and stared at his son. "Good boy, it seems that you have done a lot of things with me all these years. I am really old. I didn’t know anything!"

Wei Yuanjia stunned, but he was looking up, and he ignored his father. He said loudly: "The child has no self-confidence. Everything is done for the Chiyun world and the Wei family. The reason why I don't tell Father, just for the safety of his father, and the family to do the cutting, everything is ruined, all the blame is borne by the child, and the knives are all shouldered by the child!

"In any case, we Weijia can be a master of the sacred family. We should all be high-ranking, savage and savvy. We are destined to marry the stars, we must be arrogant, we must do something big, not to swallow the dog. What's more, now I want to be a dog, I have to go to the point where 'man-made knife, I am fish'!

"Father, if you are a high-ranking person in the Yuan Ying period, would you be willing to live like this for a lifetime, like a shaggy dog? If the four electorate families don't give us a living, we will follow Lei Chenghu. The generals fight together! The big deal is a death, and the Holy League **** battle for more than ten years, hundreds of battles in size, is it still afraid of death?"

Wei Guanghui did not even blame his son for describing him as a "hairless dog". He was like a water, and he frowned and thought.

As a statue of a dead wood, he thought for a long time, but the whole person was like a ten-year-old, hoarse voice: "The news that General Ray returned to the thundering fleet, is it?"

"It should be exact."

Wei Yuanjia hesitated, said, "To be honest, father, now is not our family of the Red Cloud Fleet. It is very likely that all the local fleets in the third theater will be turbulent. Even some brothers who have been born and died in the vicinity of the war zone." The troops are all ready to move, the machine can’t be lost, and the loss is no longer coming!”

"I don't want to be 'should', let alone 'very likely'!"

Wei Guanghui said with a slap in the face. "Re-exploration, we must find out whether General Lei has returned to the thundering fleet. It is even more important to find out what forces are helping him escape the control of the four electors!"


Wei Yuanjia heard his father's tone loose, and he was overjoyed. "Baby and the friends who are working hard to get through the 233 resource planet to the secret communication channel of the Third Theater Command, Wanyou Business Alliance, brought a new type of The super communication magic weapon is being set up and debugged, and soon the latest news has arrived.

"As for now, these people on the list..."


Wei Guanghui indulged for a moment, said, "You should first bring all the people on the list together, including Tianxiao, and show them the list, telling them that they have been provoked to kill.

"If General Lei Chenghu has not returned, it is just a false news of a happy white, then you should not blame the father for the heart, you can only tie these people out of the five flowers, in exchange for a temporary respite, and then long-term discussion.

"But if General Ray is really back, these people are the most elite death squads. Hey, I will let the special investigation committee's little hybrid know that it has provoked a Yuan Ying period cultivator, what is the consequence..." -

It is said that it is another year of college entrance examination.

"The 40,000 Years of Comprehension" has been written for more than two years. I don't know if I have followed up from high school and followed the road to the college entrance examination.

Hahahaha, the old cow is here, condensing the power of all the friends, I wish you all the power of computing can reach the limit, the brain cells are completely burned, and the results are good!

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