Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2240: Horrible golden giant soldier!

From this moment on, the Chiyun Fleet was mobilized intensively. The surface was calm and calm, but the reality was an undercurrent. Numerous invisible fangs were extended to the transport ship sent by the special investigation committee, and all the other roads were cut off.

With the gradual erection and commissioning of the new communication magic weapon, the new theaters in the center of the third theater and the different fleets stationed in various star fields have continued to transmit new information.

The news of each channel has been patched together and confirmed, and it has confirmed the same statement that General Lei Chenghu is really back!

Not only that, the process of returning General Lei Chenghu to the thundering fleet is even more shocking than Wei’s father and son imagined!

In the half-month that Lei Chenghu left the thundering fleet, the situation of the thundering fleet was a day after the day, and it was already in jeopardy, and it was about to be unloaded by the people.

The four major electoral families have been extremely jealous of this outstanding team with strong combat effectiveness. They are not as lightly as the Red Cloud Fleet. They only send a transport ship to give them a chance.

The Senate authorized a special investigation committee to transfer a portion of the elite forces from several fleets deployed in the nearby theaters, and went hand in hand to surround the thundering fleet.

In name, it was replaced with the thundering fleet. In fact, it was forced to force the key personnel of the thundering fleet to accept the isolation review of the special investigation committee.

The thundering fleet itself will also be split into seven or eight sub-fleet and deployed to different worlds separated by hundreds of millions of stars.

If this plot is really successful, the thundering fleet will fall apart, and the key figures will be quarantined and examined, then it will be arbitrarily slaughtered, and it will fall.

The hearts of the arrogant, all the officers and men of the thundering fleet of the rest of the battle are naturally unwilling to sit still.

On the combat effectiveness, they may not be able to compete with the elites of the four major electorates to make a sharp battle.

But there are three most critical issues that are placed before them.

The first is that their leader, Lei Chenghu, is still unclear or even missing. The whole fleet is headless and has a heart.

Secondly, the four electorate families held the Senate, and used the excuse of investigating the "Blood League event" to firmly occupy the name of the righteousness.

Enemy with the special investigation committee is the enemy of the Senate, which means that it is against the empire and the emperor, and will be charged with the "traitor."

Most of the officers and men cannot afford such courage, and they cannot make such determination.

Third, the most important point is logistics.

The sacred alliance implemented a scorched earth strategy during the retreat. The entire new recovery zone, including the four major theaters, was seriously damaged ruins and heavily polluted areas, which was insufficient to maintain the daily consumption of the main fleet of the Thunder Fleet. More than % of the materials must rely on the supply behind.

Do not say anything else, it is the astronomical figure that the Thunder Fleet is so many that the cultivators consume the spar, high-energy nutrient and heavenly treasure that they consume every day.

The way of cultivation, such as sailing against the water, does not advance, but even if you only want to maintain the current realm, you must practice hard every day. If you don’t practice for three days, your perception will be slow, and the roots will wither, slowly degenerate and even Dropped to a weaker realm.

It seems that the brave warriors can't eat for three days, and the stronger they are, the bigger the appetite is. The three hundred pounds of strong men don't eat half-baked pigs, how can they exert their full strength?

If the rear supplies off their supplies, within a month, the thundering fleet becomes a passive water, and it will be trapped in the vast sea of ​​stars.


After many days of painful struggles, many of the generals of the thundering fleet had to bow to the Senate, just like the Akane Fleet, and they agreed to meet all the conditions of the special investigation committee.

General Lei Chenghu returned to the third theater in such a moment of glory.

It is said that he only came back with three starships, but it has the magical power of unfathomable. When he came back, the whole fleet of desperate and deadly fleets was reborn, and he was reborn, injecting an extremely exciting and powerful agent.

He regained control of the fleet in an instant, imprisoned the wall grasses that saw the wind and rudder, but ordered the iron and blood officers who were tough to the last moment, secretly dispatched the most powerful and concealed destroyers to form a special mixed formation.

At this time, the special investigation committee's starship did not know that he secretly returned to the thunderbolt fleet, still scattered in the third theater, arresting militants, warning the commanders of the local fleets as they are in the Akane fleet. The same is done.

Lei Chenghu seized the valuable opportunity of the other forces' dispersal, and the pro-rate mixed team raided the star field of the other's flagship, and captured the flagship without any effort!

The fleet that the special investigation committee temporarily summoned was just a bluff, taking advantage of the signature foxes of the Senate, and did not do a good job of making a hard battle with the thundering fleet.

After Lei Chenghu put on a situation of arrogance, murderousness, and the battle of a soldier and a pawn, all these guilty guilty guys quickly collapsed, and in turn surrendered to the thundering fleet.

In this way, the four major electoral families imagined that they had three steps of “changing defense, splitting and reviewing”, so that the plan to dismember the thundering fleet was not completed. Instead, the thundering fleet captured a large number of new warships and obtained a large number of crystals. Stone, fuel, magic and ammunition!

This is what happened in the middle of the third theater in just three days, or even two days.

Because the 233 resource planet is too remote, the shocking news came here at this moment.

Too horrific news made both the father and the son of Wei's mouth stunned, and the bottom of his heart was so horrified that he could not calm for a long time.

But under the tide of the heart, there is a faint suspicion that this is true?

The victory of General Lei Chenghu seems to be too smooth and exaggerated. Is there any more unknown factor?

In the uneasiness, I suffered for three hours, and finally the truth was completely white.

From the center of the third theater, a number of battle videos with very clear angles have been released. All of them can prove that the flagship and core warships of the "Investigation Fleet" have indeed been disarmed and captured by the thundering fleet!

"Father, please see the video material just sent, we should get this key evidence one step earlier than the special commissioner!"

Wei Yuanjia was very excited. He couldn’t help the light curtain to activate the light curtain. "It’s true, General Ray really did, and there is."

Wei Guanghui waved his son's chatter, narrowing his eyes and watching the Star Wars picture taken from hundreds of different angles.

It is said that "the war", in fact, the two sides did not have a fierce exchange of fire, the investigation fleet seems to be shocked by General Lei Chenghu's pro-special mixed team jumping out of the void, but is afraid to the Liaohai of this empire Hou started.

The ship's capital of the two starships engraved the Samsung brilliance warfare of the real human empire, and they were arrogant and arrogant. Even the smashing attack clusters were released, but they always kept the last line of reason, without breaking the bottom line of fratricidalism, just in desperate silence. Cold and cold in the middle.

The silent confrontation in the cosmic vacuum seems to be more suffocating than the cannon roaring and the barrage sweeping.

Wei Guanghui can imagine that in the silence of death, the communication channels of both sides are screaming and shouting, letting the other party put down their arms and surrender, otherwise it will lead to immeasurable consequences, even a civil war!

This is a contest of will, and it depends on which side's will collapses first.

At this moment, a golden mang, which is more dazzling than the supernova explosion, suddenly flashed from the flagship of the investigation fleet!

"this is"

Wei Guanghui is a spirit, can't believe his eyes.

There was a glamorous golden giant soldier in the picture. It should be unconsciously touched on the flagship of the investigation fleet when the two sides were cold and cold, and summoned at an incredible speed.

This is how a giant soldier!

Even if the pictures in the three-dimensional light curtain are scaled down by a hundred times, this golden giant soldier still exudes the domineering spirit of the world and the alleged killing.

As soon as it appeared, the screaming tail flames of hundreds of starships were completely eclipsed, and even the stars of the stars were completely swallowed up by it, making it the only protagonist on the battlefield!

Wei Guanghui has never seen such a delicate, gorgeous and perfect giant soldier. Compared with this golden giant soldier, the two assembled pieces in his fleet are really like scrap iron. I am tired of it.

The Golden Giants hand held a slender slashing knife, and the blade was intertwined with infinite golden feathers. The hand guards were sixteen open wings.

The Golden Giants danced a seamless knife flower, and the ship's knife completely ignored the investigation of the fleet's flagship psionic shield and seven armor shells, and easily penetrated the flagship upper central bulge.

Wei Guanghui understands the structure of this type of warship, knowing that behind this bump is the bridge.

This golden giant soldier of the gods fell into the heart of the flagship with a single knife. Perhaps everyone on the bridge was stunned and cold sweated and looked at its blade!

With the fighting power of this golden giant soldier, as long as the psionic energy is gently sprayed, the knives that are stirred up are enough to burn everyone on the bridge to ashes.

There is no suspense in the next contest.

The flagship of the investigation fleet, which was held by the Golden Giants, collapsed instantly. Lei Chenghu’s special-mixed team was defeated by the blood.


Wei Guanghui pointed to the golden giant soldier and asked incredulously, "What is this giant soldier, who is driving?"

"Intelligence says that this giant soldier is called 'Golden Big Bang' and is controlled by ‘vulture Li Yao’.”

In the face of the performance of the Golden Giants, the whole investigation fleet was shocked by just one knife. Wei Yuanjia also showed his expression of lingering feelings. He was respectful. "The vulture Li Yao is the biggest hero of this campaign. It is said that even Lei Chenghu The general was all alone in his own hands and rescued!"

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