Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2241: Big inside master!

"Golden cockroaches... Li Yao..."

Wei Guanghui chewed the name for a while, and he couldn’t think of the origin of this person, frowning. "Whose is this, when the empire suddenly emerged such a peerless powerhouse that drove super giant soldiers." ?"

"My father didn't know. The intelligence said that this vulture Li Yao came from the emperor."

Wei Yuanjia blinked, even though only the father and son, still clasped their mouths with their palms, and lowered the door of the door. "Not only from the emperor, but also from the deep palace, the original was the person around him."

"The people around you?"

Wei Guanghui's eyes widened. "Every way from the emperor escaped? Actually, there is this!"

"Intelligence said that this vulture Li Yao comes from a very secretive family of Xiu Xian. From the era of the Black Star Emperor thousands of years ago, he has been loyal to the Emperor, the legendary ‘big master!’

Wei Yuanjia said, "There are very few descendants of the vulture Li Yao. It seems that they have cultivated a strange secret. The first generation can only inherit one, just acting as a personal bodyguard under the dynasties, and deeply trusted by the Majesty.

"However, my father also knows that in the last five hundred years, the imperial power has declined. The Supreme Lord of the Real Human Empire, which was supposed to be supreme, has become a famous "virtual prince". Instead, it has been swayed by privileged factions and corrupt officials. The family of Li Yao is also quite declining. In the deep palace, only the minions can be lurked and low-key behaviors. The outside world has never known his existence.

"This time, it is the four major electorate families who are too aggressive, because they have different opinions on how to deal with the new recovery zone, and they have their own opinions. They have insisted on their own opinions. They even took the Emperor Shenwu from the palace. And even conspiracy wants to kill the Queen's Highness!

"I can bear it, I can't bear it. The Emperor Shenwu has the heart to eradicate the traitor and recapture the big government. Therefore, let the vulture Li Yao put the jade slip containing his script into the clothes belt, escape the emperor, call the world's righteous army, and jointly fight against the vassal. It’s called 'clothing belt 诏'!”


Wei Guanghui listened to God and did not feel indulged.

These people joined the empire's remote world five or six hundred years ago. The emperor of the real human empire has always been very complicated.

On the one hand, in the official propaganda, the empire is naturally the embodiment of the emperor's sacred martial arts, victorious, supreme, and is the embodiment of the gods.

Over time, the ordinary people of the empire have an unrealistic illusion about the emperor's majesty. They believe that no matter how dark or cruel the status quo is, it is only a temporary torment. One day, the emperor will lead all the imperial people to overcome difficulties and usher in the dawn. .

On the other hand, to the Weis and his sons, to control the level of the world, there is a profound understanding of the political pattern of the imperial capital and the embarrassing situation of the emperor, the "virtual prince."

Like the emperor of the remote world, the emperor, who seems to be on the top, is the object of being crushed and persecuted by the dignitaries and the gates!

This kind of understanding made them and the emperor faintly give birth to a feeling of "coming with the same illness, with the same enemy."

In the depths of their hearts, they do not want to see a second, powerful monarch who is as powerful as the Black Star Emperor. It can lead hundreds of millions of cultivators to open up a vast expanse of the sea and bring human civilization to a new peak. They realize great value in life and do not work hard to cultivate one!

Rather than now, the wolves are the dogs of the four electors!

"The situation in His Majesty is really so difficult. Is it so hateful to the four electorate families, and even let the most close people around them escape the Imperial Capital with the ‘clothing belt?’”

Wei Guanghui’s eyes turned round and round, and the complex ray of light was mixed. The breathing was short-lived for a long time, and hesitated. “It’s a big thing, is it true or false?”

"Oh, father, adults, you still can’t see through it now. It’s not important whether the so-called "clothing belt" is true or false. What is important is that there is such a number of 'big inner masters' with 'clothing belts' Escape, we have a big name that is enough to fight against the Senate!"

Wei Yuanjia raised his voice. "And the power hidden behind the Wanmeng Business Alliance can actually rescue General Lei Chenghu from the death row of the four electorate families. It is also evident that their power is strong!

"Now, General Lei has regained control of the thundering fleet. The local fleets in the third theater have responded with countless bees, and there is another unfathomable force to meet in the Imperial City. Isn't our best chance?

"'Respect for the emperor, the revolution of the gods,' this is the great meaning of the belt, this is the time when the wind is rising, the world is overturned, and the old and the new is the best. We miss such a great opportunity, and we can never get rid of the human beings and sway the pity. Destiny!

"What's more, according to the child's speculation, this vulture, Li Yao, who is driving the golden shackles, is really gorgeous in the golden master of the 'big inner master', and his arrogant combat power, his father also witnessed I saw that the empire had never seen such a person before. If it was not in the deep palace, who could equip such a super-powerful super-powerful soldier, and could provoke such a terrible psionic power, it would not necessarily be the sky falling. What?"


Wei Guanghui rewinded the battle video and turned it over and looked at it several times. The more he looked at the giant soldiers who felt timid and scared, it was indeed not the ordinary cultivation sect.

"Father, no time to hesitate."

Wei Yuanjia snapped, "Do it!"

Wei Guanghui is still thinking, the tiny crystal brain on his wrist is shaking wildly, and he reports a very embarrassing news to him.

It has been moored in the outer star field of the 233 resource planet. The ship from the special investigation committee has not yet reached a limited time. It has the power to activate the power unit and want to expand the meaning of the Xinghai escape!

"They must have received the news and know that General Ray is back!"

Wei Yuanjia was shocked and happy, and looked at Wei Guanghui nervously, "Father!"

Wei Guanghui took a deep breath, and once he made up his mind, the whole person became stunned and the hand knife slammed down: "Don't let the little **** run, beat him down by Laozi!"

On the periphery of the 233 resource planet, a ship with a double badge of the Senate and the special investigation committee has been swaying around the circle of milky white halo, tearing the barrier of three-dimensional space and entering the three-dimensional space of the broken void. status.

Suddenly, the artillery fire from nearby starships and the ground completely covered the ship like a storm!

After a round of indiscriminate bombing, the advanced transport ship, which had just been able to witness the people, suddenly became riddled with grief, and the face was smashed and spurted out of the air and explosive debris.

There are so many scars around the body, the transport ship can't carry out the Xinghai jumping and scalp forcibly jumping. It will only be completely shredded and annihilated by the turbulent waves of the four-dimensional space, and will never be put together again!

"Zhao special envoy..."

In the communication channel, Wei Guanghui sneered, "The appointment time has not yet arrived, why is it so urgent, do you want to leave without saying goodbye?"

"Wei, Wei Zhongjiang!"

The little man with a pointed-toothed monkey has become whiter than the dead, and he has been smoked by the smoke. He is stuttering and screaming. "What do you mean, you are not afraid, not afraid of the Senate." Thunder anger!"

"Means nothing."

Wei Guanghui took advantage of the eight-character Hu and smiled. "All the radicals on the list, I have already caught all of them for the special envoy of Zhao. Now I am sending them to your starship. They all have a lot of secrets to explain. There are a lot of questions I want to ask you, and everyone will slowly review it and not go late!"

In all directions, countless shark-like assault ships rushed toward Zhao’s wounded, unmovable transport ship, and a **** feast was about to begin.

"no, do not want!"

The screams of Special Envoy Zhao resounded through the clouds. "You dare, you dare, ah!"


Outside the 9700-year-old light, in the center of the third theater, the flagship of the thundering fleet was temporarily stationed in the star field, and the front end of the total flagship "Ironian" of the Imperial Expeditionary Forces Third War Zone, which was elevated above the head of the collision. Bathe in the dark universe, face the endless stars, and sit on the top of the earth, the magical golden giant soldiers!

A powerful slashing knife that smashed the light cruiser into two sections on one leg ran across the legs. Under the golden mask, it revealed the deep and complex light of humanity, gazing at the stars and rivers, thoughtfully.

This plate sits on the flagship of the thundering fleet, and the officers and soldiers of the thundering fleet are extremely awe-inspiringly known as the "golden scorpion" giant gods. It is naturally the "nine secluded mysterious bones" that have been upgraded and upgraded by the emperor's secret treasure.

Soaked in the mysterious liquid metal of the "small black", the psionic power and thoughts are extended to the most subtle perceptual wafers of the giant soldiers. The driver who is looking at the galaxy and quietly thinking about it is naturally upgraded to "big". Li Yao of the master.

Li Yao is waiting for someone.

“Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!”

The cosmic vacuum could not transmit sound waves, but the three-dimensional space in front of the iron flow was torn, and the space could not spread to the giant soldiers, but it still had a slight noise.

Like the fireflies in the night, the fireflies rise from the bushes, and the ships of different shapes and colors are painted. The starships with different styles of warfare jump out of the void, and the most splendid brilliance blooms in front of the iron stream. .

These starships are all from the local armed and warlord fleets in the Third War Zone, and even the most powerful battleships and flagships of the various squadrons.

They really responded to Lei Chenghu’s call, and broke through all the blockades and concerns, and came to listen to Lei Chenghu’s order!

Even if this is a struggle for the inner struggle of the immortals, but as more and more starships leap out from the void, from nothing to the darkness of nothing to the glorious fleet of the fleet, Li Yao is still slightly reluctant. Touching, also burning the soul of the soul, stirred up the golden flames of the overbearing spirit.


There is a lifelike golden giant eagle that empties from the head of the Iron Flow, devours the colors of all the stars!

Starships from all the worlds have regularly radiated the headlights of the ship, gathering together into a dazzling array of shining lights.

According to the rules of the empire, this is the way to express the highest respect when the star ships meet each other, which is equivalent to the salute of the past.

They all perceive the tyranny of the golden shackles, recognize the identity of Li Yao, and express their sincere respect to the "warrior from the emperor."

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