Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2242: Everyone's war against everyone!

"It's so spectacular!"

Li Jialing wore a super-small crystal that could be deformed in three stages, and surrounded by the golden scorpion as a guard of Li Yao.

After all, he is a young man's heart, and how to pursue the "freedom of freewheeling", but sees hundreds of starships leaping out of the void, paying homage to Li Yao, making the sun and the moon dull, the scene of heaven and earth changing. Still excited and excited, the blood is boiling, not yourself.

A movement in the heart, faintly gave birth to a feeling that if these stars are surrendered, they are all good.

Li Jialing was originally cultivated by Li Lingfeng and was not a fake successor. Li Lingfeng and Wu Yingjun used the secret method to pour a lot of wisdom into the mind and the ability to understand the truth.

However, in the past, he was suppressed by Li Lingfeng. The unique rebellious mentality of young people is extremely unwilling to use this ability. He just wants to escape to the ends of the earth, and the farther away from Li Lingfeng, the better.

but now

Li Lingfeng and Wu Yingjun were both dead. He finally broke free from the shackles that had been wrapped around him and gained initial freedom.

But there is some feeling of ignorance, I don’t know where to go next.

In front of the mountains, the vast fleet of seas, the arrogance of the stars, but ignited another group of his heart is born, inherited from the mother's side.

Recalling the journey of the past three days of arrogance, Li Jialing is still immersed in the dream, even the fingertips are burning.

Especially the terror performance of his "cheap big brother" Li Yao.

In "The City of the Sky, Manzhushahua", he has already seen Li Yao's tyrannical.

However, I did not expect the giant soldiers to upgrade in an all-round way. Together with the assistance of the "Dragon Flames", Li Yao was able to succumb to such an incredible degree. It is really possible to fight the entire fleet with one's own strength!

When the golden flame that was enough to tear the universe rushed out from Li Yao, even Li Jialing felt the scream in the depths of the bone marrow. It is no wonder that the shrimp and crabs in the opposite investigation fleet will choose to surrender.

"Almost all the fleets in the third theater responded to the call of General Lei Chenghu, gathered here to raise the righteous flag, and even the neighboring theaters had new warships desperate to jump over the prestige of General Lei in the expeditionary army. It was really in full swing. !"

Under the modulation of Li Lingfeng, Li Jialing's small head is filled with the knowledge of various imperial war emblems. From the battle emblem of the ship's head, he can quickly distinguish the fleet, family, sects and even the world to which a warship belongs. After a meal, and in the peer-to-peer private communication channel, Li Yaodao, "However, in addition to the prestige of General Lei, the invincible strength of Yao Ge is also a major factor that attracts them. You broke into the flagship of the investigation fleet. The picture, at the moment, has spread throughout the entire Xinghai with the secret channels built by the Wanmeng Business Alliance. It is ten times more powerful than the one in the Wuying world more than a month ago. No wonder these people believe it and treat you as a big one. Inside the master', change to me, if you don't know, you will think that you are killed in the palace?"

"This year, who is more stupid than others, people may not really believe that I am a ghost ‘big master,’ but the situation is forced, need a big master.”

Li Yao smiled a little and accepted the glorious respect of many starships very much, but he had a very clear understanding of his identity. "No matter what the prestige of General Lei Chenghu is, my combat power, or the illusion of 'big master' And the 'clothing belt 诏' is not the reason for the armed forces in these places. The reason why they came here is simply forced by the four electorate families to go to nowhere, and they can only fight hard."

Li Jialing thoughtfully: "Well?"

"In the final analysis, this is the innermost contradiction of the 'Xianxian Avenue' and it is impossible to resolve it."

Li Yao sighed. "When the words "weak meat and the survival of the fittest" become the truth of the world, the first rule guiding social operation means that the star sea has completely turned into a **** abattoir.

"Today, the cultivator can treat the ordinary person as the 'original person', and as a lower-level race than the 'real person' to smother, abuse and crush, then tomorrow's high-level cultivators can also regard the low-level cultivators as heterogeneous, as Another lower-level species, going to the bottom without a bottom line, is constantly exploiting.

"But there is still a high order above the high level. For a singular god, is the Yuan Ying strong person also a 'lower animal', and he is not the same species, can he be oppressed and slaughtered?

"As a result, the entire Xiuxian civilization has become a 'war for all people'. The real person and the original person are not a species. The refining and foundation are not a species. The knots and the babies and the gods are not all. A species, without the most basic foundation of trust and cooperation, is a natural competitor.

"Everyone is an enemy of each other. Everyone is not worthy of trust. The most important purpose of cultivation is no longer to contribute to the country and civilization. But it has become a self-improvement at all costs, and it is necessary to climb up and climb. Going up, you can eat other people, can't climb up, can only be eaten by others!

"In this kind of real human empire, there is a little bit of cohesiveness, and with more rhetoric and false glory to cover up, it is just disguised as the country's interstellar primitive jungle.

"Even in the ancient world, there are wise men who know, 'Jun as the people are like grass and mustard, and the people like the vengeance', 'real people' will be the 'original' as a mustard, 'the original person' will naturally 'real people' as revenge; Yuan Ying, these high-level cultivators, will use the low-level cultivators of refining and building foundations as grass mustards, and the low-order cultivators will naturally use the high-order cultivators as enemies; the four electorate families will be the grass stalks of the small and medium-sized world outside the empire. The local cultivators naturally regard the central government as enmity. When the contradictions intensify to no more, a Mars can burn the raging flames of the rebellion. We are just acting as this 'Mars'."

Li Jialing muttered: "It is true that the four electors of the emperor are too greedy and insatiable. Do they not think that such harshness and crushing will arouse strong dissatisfaction in the local area?"

"This has nothing to do with ‘insatiable,’ and it’s not a question you want to get.”

Li Yaodao, "The cruel law of 'weak meat and strong food' also exists within the four electoral families. Under the brutal competition of the enemy, who can take into account the long-term interests, think about how to get the most benefits in the short term to strengthen Yourself.

"People who don't think so will soon be eliminated. Only the most treacherous, the most despicable, the most vicious, the most greedy can survive, step by step become the master of the family.

"Hundreds of years of screening, such rules have been engraved into their bone marrow, since they have bitten a piece of fat, it is that the bones will never be loose."

"Moreover, the extreme worship of power often makes them ignore the voice of the so-called 'weak people'. It is even more difficult to understand how terrible these raging angers are when they are united, perhaps only dead. Will you repent of it!"

Li Jialing was silent for a long time, saying: "Is that Yao brother thinks that the empire still has to be saved, can General Lei and the Queen of the Queen save the empire?"

"If they can really eliminate the four electorate families, and use the corpses of these four behemoths to ease the contradiction between other cultivators, maybe you can get a buffer period of several hundred years?"

Li Yao thought for a moment, "But the resources left by the four major electoral families have always been consumed a clean day. Today, these indignations of the small and medium-sized cultivators will eventually expand into a behemoth that is hard to fill. As a new cancer, the next generation of the 'four major elector families', what time is it?

"In the end, this is not only an institutional issue, but also a natural flaw in Xiuxian Avenue. It is not a certain immortal, moral paradigm that can be changed.

"Yes, with General Lei Chenghu, these days, to observe him closely, I have to admit that apart from the serious differences between means and ideas, he is indeed a selfless, one-minded consideration for human civilization. , the pure sense of the immortal in the true sense.

"How about that, there can be a few pure, loyal, selfless cultivators like him, even if he can 'reproduce the glory of the empire' today, what should he do after his death, the speed of the so-called 'new empire'? It will only be faster than the 'old empire'!

"There is no way, the so-called '100% pure perfect cultivator' is a violation of human nature. Such a cultivator may occasionally produce one or two, but it is impossible for all cultivators to become Lei Chenghu unless the school is holy. The set of alliances will all brainwash people and deprive them of their **, but this will lead to the death of the whole society, such as mechanical operation, without seeing a little innovation and vitality.

"So, only"

Not waiting for Li Yao to say "only the road to repairing the universe can save the universe", Li Jialing preached: "Yao Ge may be right, but I still feel

“100% pure perfect cultivator is not always there. 100% pure perfect comprehension is also very rare? It has the power of tyrannical power, but it is willing to serve ordinary people even sacrifice, but also face the ordinary people Inferiority of the purpose, it sounds very unhuman!

"If a country needs a large number of 100% perfect comprehensors to maintain, this country will not exist for a long time, it will become today's empire like this?

"Perhaps, in theory, the perfect Xiuxian Avenue or the Comprehension Avenue is just a theory. It is no match for the erosion of time. The enemy is not the word "humanity". In the end, it will be turned into a mess, a mess, and a face-to-face look.

"Hey, Xinghai is really too arrogant and too confusing, and humanity is too complicated and too mysterious. What should we do?"

Li Yao has been silent for a long time.

"I still want to believe in human nature."

Finally, he said calmly, "Your question is too big. I can't answer it for the time being, but one thing is certain. If the battle of His Royal Highness and Lei Chenghu can really win, it really beats the four electorate families. The human civilization in the central part of the Xinghai has been fighting for hundreds of years.

"Who knows what will happen in a few hundred years, there will always be a new generation of human beings who are smarter, more rational, and more far-sighted than us, to solve problems that we cannot solve?

"This is also me, why a comprehension is involved in the cultivation of the immortals."

Li Jialing exclaimed: "Wow, how do I suddenly feel that your thoughts are good?"

"I am a very deep person, but I have always been relatively low-key. I don't want to show it casually. But my thoughts and talents are full of thoughts, but I can't hide it. If you don't pay attention, you will throw it out. You will help me to follow me. point."

Li Yao drove the golden shackles, and Huo Ran got up. The warship knife ran across the waist and looked around at the sea of ​​the starships that spent eight doors on Friday. "Let's go, all the elites are basically in place. Let's go see General Ray, officially lifted up' Respecting the emperor, the sword of the revolution of the gods!" (.)

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