Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2243: Say you are, you are!

When Li Yao and Li Jialing stepped into the secret room behind the flagship command center of the Thunderbolt, only Lei Chenghu was alone in the secret room, quietly staring at the three- and sixty-degree surrounded three-dimensional light curtain.

On the light curtain, the stars are shining, and the stars are all around this perfect cultivator.

Back to his own fleet, Lei Chenghu is like a dragon into the sea, compared with when he is trapped, the whole person's momentum has skyrocketed tenfold!

Li Yao even faintly felt that the spirit of this "God of War" has turned into a nerve and blood vessels, extending infinitely from this secret room, connected to the thundering fleet and even every starship in the third theater!

Lei Chenghu is completely integrated into the fleet. Every starship is one of his cells. He is the fleet. The fleet is him. He is made up of countless starships. The incarnation of the Imperial Army!

"General, almost all the fleets in the third theater are all in the same league. Even if they are not here, they are preparing for the Xinghai Jump, which will appear at the same time."

Li Yao glanced at the force deployment map on the wraparound stereoscopic light curtain. "How did the fleet of the four major electoral family systems react to our actions?"

"We have returned to the third war zone for three days. These people should be ignorant of how stupid they are, but they still can't decide what we are going to do, just dispatching troops near the third theater and cutting off our supply line. However, I still dare not rush into the third theater to find death."

Lei Chenghu sneered aloud. "Unfortunately, in the vast expanse of the Xinghai, any blocking and prevention is useless. Offensive, offensive, and bold attack are the only way to win!

"In eight hours, the thundering fleet and the third-warmed special mixed formation with great expansion will be able to launch a large-scale Xinghai jump, appearing at the predetermined coordinates, but this time without any room for the attack, it will also exhaust all our spar. Fuel and weapons and ammunition, in other words, this is a smashing, desperate battle, and there are not enough resources, we are a dead end!

"I hope that the information of your Queen's Royal Highness is as accurate as she said, and the rest of the ‘renovationists’ can also work together with the ‘the sacrifice of the self and the new empire’.”

"Despite the reassurance of the general, the deep-sea fleet of His Royal Highness has already been ready to go, and will definitely be at the scheduled coordinates and the thundering fleet, and the destination we are about to attack has long been infiltrated by the reformists. It’s not a problem. It’s sure to beat the enemy and get the most resources at the least cost.”

Li Yaodao, "As for the rest of the ‘renovationists’ friends, don’t worry, as long as the thunder and the deep space fleet raise the righteous flag at the same time, the fire of innovation burns the entire empire, do they have a second choice?”

Lei Chenghu stared at Li Yao deeply and nodded. "Well, for the empire, let us get everything out and bet on it!"

He tapped on the wrist crystal brain and said: "Bring it in."

The door of the Chamber of Secrets slipped silently. Two steel guards who were highly motivated by the spirits and loyalty to Lei Chenghu dragged a middle-aged man who was also wearing the Imperial Army black uniform.

The door of the Chamber of Secrets was closed again.

Looking at the silver-haired gimmick on the shoulder of this middle-aged man, he was a lieutenant general of the Imperial Army.

However, he was locked in the hands, legs and spine by the iron-thorny imprisonment, and he could not move.

It seems that he has also been forced to take down the spirit of suppressing the spirit, banned anaesthetic anesthesia and hypnotic drugs, all over the body, and confused and slow.

This monarch is called Dongfang Yuan, the highest commander of the "Investigation Fleet" under the special investigation committee.

That is to say, according to the order of the Senate, he came to the third war zone to dismember the thunder and thunder fleet, and arrested the responsible person of the militant.

Originally thought that the group of dragons without a head, the heart of the thundering fleet is the fish on the cutting board, but not the thunder and the tiger will silently kill, and there is a tyrannical super giant soldier to play a perfect "dagger" Tactics."

Dongfang Yuan did not kill the body and became the courage of the empire's civil war. Under the intimidation of Li Yaorui's incomprehensible blade, he could only be a prisoner.

Until now, he still does not know the whole ambitions of Lei Chenghu, Li Linghai and Li Yao.

I thought that this was just an ordinary change. At most, Lei Chenghu wanted to use him as a bargaining chip to get more benefits to the Senate.

Therefore, when I saw Lei Chenghu, the investigation fleet commander was too busy to pick up: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, Liao Haihou, everything is misunderstanding, the so-called military can not be one day, considering that you are under investigation during the investigation. The third theater cannot be commanded by no one. The commander of the expeditionary army will temporarily send a position to replace your position and strengthen the defense of the third theater. Since Liao Haihou has returned from the rear, the fleet of the squad will naturally not stay in the third theater. I also hope that Liao Haihou will focus on the overall situation, don't... don't be brothers!"

Lei Chenghu and Li Yao looked at each other and both of them sneered at the same time. The laughter was full of contempt and sorrow.

"Liao Haihou, you, what do you want to do!"

Perceived the chill of the overflowing of each of the pores of Lei Chenghu, the East swallowed hard and swallowed, and the voice became sharp and thin. "You don't want to mess around. All the resources in the third theater depend on the rear supply." Just because you are alone, you can't look down on the wind and waves. You, you must think clearly, don't hurt so many brothers of the thundering fleet."

Having said that, the sound of the East Far is abruptly stopped, and the eyes are sucked out by the negative pressure, staring at the wraparound light curtains behind Lei Chenghu and Li Yao, and the sweat is so cold that the teeth are not touching. stop.

He saw the mighty fleet that had jumped out of the void in the wraparound light curtain.

Originally stationed in the thousands of worlds in the third theater, the fleet of resources planets, at least the most powerful starships of these fleets, all jumped to the anchoring star of the thundering fleet to form a joint fleet. .

This is a very unusual move, and certainly not approved by the Expeditionary Command.

The East is also a person who brings troops. Naturally, this unusual transfer has only one purpose.

Lei Chenghu is about to exhaust the power of the third theater and launch a large-scale attack on his goal. Where will it be?

The oriental telecentric thinking of electricity, the pupil instantly contracted to the limit, straight gasping, even half a word can not spit out.

Lei Chenghu looked at him coldly and said nothing. He suddenly pulled off the Imperial Expeditionary Armbands on his left sleeve and put on a new scarlet new armband.

The center of the new armband is a Samsung lightning war emblem. The left side of the war emblem is "Respecting the Emperor", and the right side is "Rebellious", four murderous little characters.

Black uniform, red armband, respected by the emperor, shocking!

"Take some courage and courage, don't be so embarrassed, even if you are invaded by the demon, you can cultivate the ecstasy, and become the evil 'cultivator', still an upright imperial soldier."

Lei Chenghu smoothed the armband, and he was wearing a dress crown. He said to the East, "You will take your sacrifice flag later, you don't want to lose the decent of the Imperial soldiers!"

"The devil? What the devil!"

In the small eyes of the East, the mung bean has three points of confusion, and it seems to have caught the last straw. He hastened, "The conscience of heaven and earth, how does this relate to the extraterrestrial demon? I am not a magician, no, Liao Haihou, this is definitely a misunderstanding, it is a misunderstanding of Tianda!"

Between the eagerly, he did not think of the word "sacrificial flag" that Lei Chenghu said later. After he finished speaking, he was more stunned and stunned to the extreme.

Lei Chenghu made a look at the two steel guards. One of the guards kicked the East and kicked it to the ground. Another guard took out a fluorescent green mystery from the reinforced iron bones of his own limbs. When I arrived at the neck artery of the East, all the brains were injected.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough!"

Poor East is really not thinking that the situation will become so bad, the will is a little weaker, and when there is still the power of a battle, it will be awkward, and now seeing Lei Chenghu’s wolf ambition, but it is regrettable.

He was like a drunken prawns, rolling around, violently twitching, his face full of painful expression.

The white foam gushes like a fountain, but it becomes a viscous green liquid in a moment, and it is also faintly mixed with blood.

A thick and sturdy blood vessel covered the whole body, and the blood vessels faintly black gas, and the horror reached the extreme.


He ignited a group of black spirits, which was more violent, more ferocious and more awkward than ordinary aura. If you have life like a claw, you will make a "squeaky" cry.


Even the magic weapon that banned him was smashed by the amazing power. The madness of the East is far like a burning beast, and it is screaming at the thunder.


In the next second, he was slammed into the ground by Li Yao. One hundred bones were broken, and the fierceness that was stirred up by the drug suddenly vanished.

Li Yaozhen stepped on the head of Dongfang Yuan and frowned. "Is this the ‘幽能?' He really became a cultivator?”

"No, it's just an excitement that is very similar in expression and solitude."

Lei Chenghu said faintly, "It’s just that the expressions of the extraterrestrial demon are originally ever-changing and speculative. No one can tell what the real solitude and the cult are like. Now, we say that he is, he That is.

"The sacred alliance is too special after all. It is unreasonable to accuse our enemies of relying on the sacred alliance. But it is much more reasonable to be eroded by the celestial demon.

Li Yao looked at Lei Chenghu: "I originally thought that General Lei was a bright and honest soldier. He never bothered to use this kind of...can't afford to think about it."

"In the past, I really didn't bother to use this boring trick."

Lei Chenghu said calmly, "But that doesn't mean that I don't know anything about these tricks.

"The soldiers are the soldiers. The soldiers have no distinction between being fair and mean and shameless. The soldiers have only won two defeats, and they have lost."

"For the empire, no matter what means, I must win this battle!"

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