Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2244: The world of justice is a total of!

When Li Yao, Lei Chenghu and Li Jialing came to the large conference room behind the bridge, the commanders of the various fleets had already projected themselves in the conference room through a close-range holographic transmission, waiting slightly anxiously.

In the weak and strong food, the first human-powered empire of the armed forces, the highest commander of every fleet of the world, even if it is not the actual controller of the world, is often the confidant of the landlord and even the blood relatives, and is the spokesperson of the interests of one side.

Relying on the continuous development of Xinghai jumping technology, although the ultra-large-scale fleet needs to consume a lot of psionic power in an instant, the back and forth jump of one or two starships can still be tolerated. Many landlords use this method in the front line and their own. Go back and forth between the old nests.

He was informed by the news that Lei Chenghu had escaped from his birth. He even heard that he had raised the banner of justice. These were driven by him for more than ten years. He was loyal to his loyal landlords and warlords. On the one hand, he was loyal, but more importantly, Naturally, like the Weis and his sons in the Chiyun world, I hope that Lei Chenghu can defend their interests.


"Hou Ye!"

"Tiger handsome!"

When I saw Lei Chenghu coming in, all the three-dimensional projections were straightforward. I first respected Lei Chenghu for a respectful military ceremony, and then I called Lei Chenghu in a variety of ways.

No matter how it is called, all the leaders and warlords reveal urgent expectations.

Lei Chenghu slowly glanced around in a circle, unexpectedly did not return, but took off his military cap and held it in his hand. Then he made an unexpected action for everyone. He even had his legs together and the waist was folded 90 degrees. I took a deep bow to these men!

"this is"

All the landlords and warlords were shocked. They cast a shadow on the total flagship iron flow number in the third theater. The real body is still on their respective flagships. Naturally, there is no way to go forward and help the thunder, and they can only stutter. "You, what are you doing!"

"Before the official start of the military talks, let me express my deepest apologies to everyone."

Lei Chenghu’s gesture of bowing his sins was kept for three seconds, and then he straightened his waist again, put back his military cap, and finished the whole coat. He said, “Don’t misunderstand, I’m not just apologizing to you. It is also apologetic to the imperial sons who have been fighting for more than ten years and even heroic sacrifices.

"I have promised to you, every sir to the sword that I gathered under my sword. I will lead them to win all the victories. I will let them die. Even if they fight and die, their sacrifices can be exchanged. The glory of oneself, the rise of blood, the future of hometown!

"I promised that I will let the Senate honor the pre-war commitments and give us the respect, honor, warfare and interests of the formerly unremarkable 'Miscellaneous Army, the Country, and the Westerners.' I will build a new one in the Imperial Capital. The 10,000-meter-high Tongtian monument, the name of each victim, can be clearly found on it!

"All this, I have all promised, with my life of Lei Chenghu guaranteed!


"I disappointed everyone. I failed to fulfill my promise. A month ago, I went to the Senate to let them hear the voice of the front line and hear our voice in a peaceful way! But the Senate has a kind of The most indifferent, the most humiliating, the most embarrassing way, rejecting our reasonable demands, putting all our lives and deceased for more than a decade or even hundreds of years, hundreds of years of sacrifice, hundreds of years of loyalty, hundreds of years of selfless dedication and Loved the spirit, all smashed, stepped into the mire, crushed even lower than the dust!

"I am sorry everyone, I am sorry for every heroic combatant in the third theater. I am sorry that in the past 100 years, under my call, I am screaming at the smashing spirit of the Samsung Blitz flag. I am sorry for everyone who once believed me!"

Having said that, the eyes of Lei Chenghu, the "God of War", turned red and the voice shook.


"Hou Ye!"

"Tiger handsome!"

Even in the ruthless world of cultivating the world, the hearts of these warlords and the landlords have been as cold and hard as steel, but they can’t help but feel the apology of Lei Chenghu’s shocking heart. Hey, excited, "This, this does not blame you, we all know that you have tried your best, but unfortunately the wolf in the Senate is in the way, almost even you fall into it!"

“The loser only said ‘do it’, the winner only thought about how to win!”

Lei Chenghu’s eyes are red, and the turbid tears that are flowing in the spirits are still in the corner of his eyes. The whole person has changed from sorrow and sorrow to murderousness and gnashing his teeth. “The facts of the past month prove that the road of peace and security has been completely cut off, not only Our frontline soldiers, even the empire and even the emperor, are in great danger.

"As a cultivator and an imperial soldier, we must do everything we can to get rid of everything. It is not just a retreat in the face of ‘doing the best.’ The situation is so crisis, we can only go one way!

"At this moment, I am not a general, Hou Ye and Hu Shuai. I am just an ordinary cultivator and an imperial soldier. I am only a brother who has been born and died together for at least ten years!"

"I Lei Chenghu brought all the brothers here. I just want to ask you a question. Would you like to believe me again, the last time!"

Lei Chenghu’s line of sight fully explains the meaning of the four words “Tiger.”

All warlords and landlords are busy nodding their heads: "I am willing, of course, willing, don't say it once, absolutely believe in one hundred times!"

"Once, as long as the last time is enough, because I will never let you down again. I will never let any one of my sons and daughters sacrifice in vain. I will never let those pigs and dogs and wolves invade any point. It should belong to you. interest!"

Lei Chenghu took a deep breath, and the lightning-like gaze circled again. His eyes were strong, and almost all the holographic projections were shredded. This is not a panic. "In specific cases, I have already Everyone has introduced it, I won't go into details here. Since everyone is willing to believe me, with all the spirits and everything to come here with me, you are the backbone of building a new empire, and I am willing to believe everyone without reservation!

"To introduce to you, this is the Li Yaodao friend who died from the imperial capital and escaped from his majesty. He used to be his personal bodyguard. Now he has been granted the status of 'special envoy' and brought the secret of his majesty!"

Li Yao gently coughed and stood up, and the whole body stirred up a faint flame, and the pale golden flames made the dark eyes more unfathomable.

"I have seen Li Envoy!"

Regardless of whether this "Lee Special Envoy" and "Ming" are really true or false, at least the great strength of the Golden Jubilee and Li Yao will not be deceiving. What are the alert characters of these warlords and the landlords? Naturally, this "vulture Li Yao" is the core figure of the reformist. Once it becomes a major event, the fake must become true.

At the moment, Li Yao was respectful and courteous, and he fulfilled his "angel" status.

Li Yao looked awe-inspiring and did not return to the ceremony. Instead, his hands were closed and turned into a slowly blooming lotus pattern. A jade slip was extracted from the Qiankun ring.

Careful and solemn, it seems that there is nothing in this jade.

Everyone gave a slight glimpse, and then look at this jade slip engraved with the Samsung Blitz emblem and the royal rune, and suddenly understood what it was, and the bottom of my heart could not help but jump.

Lei Chenghu hangs his eyes and says: "You generals, please pick up the secret!"

The secret is not a formal imperial edict. The real human empire does not have as many red tapes as many dynasties in the era of the ancient times, but it is not so complicated to bow down.

Many warlords and landlords put their fists in their hearts and waited calmly.

Li Yaokou has a lot of words in his mouth, and his hands have changed a dozen dozens of handprints. This is the courtesy and technique in the court. It is Li Linghai who teaches him temporarily. He uses his understanding and simulation ability to transform the level of God, and the natural display is not bad.

As the fingerprints changed constantly, the jade sculpt of this carved dragon was also slightly shining. Suddenly there was a rumbling dragon, and there was a stream of dragons in the form of dragons screaming out from the jade, vacating in all directions. Start.

The gorgeous sound and light effect is enough to prove that this jade is the royal refinery of the royal refiner, really from the royal supplies of the deep palace.

Li Yao’s mantra was read at the end, and his hands were combined. The jade slip immediately ignited a light curtain. The light curtains were decorated with Samsung flash current patterns, and the mysterious and complicated dragons faintly flowed up and down, while the content in the middle was impressive.


This so-called "secret" is actually empty, and there is no half of the above words!

All warlords, landlords and fleet commanders were stunned and looked at Li Yao unidentified.

"With the situation that your majesty is now being watched every move, if there is half a word on the secret, do you think that I can bring out the palace and the emperor, even if it is brought out by me, once it is discovered, there is no Life is?"

Li Yao coldly said, "This ‘no word 诏’ is enough to explain the hardships of His Majesty’s situation, and the arrogance of those who are treacherous and rebellious!”

"Yes, you can see that the big seal of the ‘no word 诏’ is really a brand of sacred soul in it, and there is already a seal. If you want to falsify, just write a few words and go.”

Lei Chenghu said, "But you just want to use this 'no word 诏' to express your situation and anger. What is this secret saying? Is it still unclear in your heart, then let Li Te’s plain voice is clear. This is the original words of His Majesty."

Many warlords and the landlord face each other, and it makes sense to think about it carefully. They turn their attention to Li Yao again.

Li Yao squinted his eyes and slammed the words: "The powers of the traitors, the swindlers, the smuggling of the squad, the ruling of the party, the ruin of the dynasty, the reward and punishment, are not the meaning of the king, under the heavens, within the Xinghai, the loyalists Altogether!"

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