Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2245: Sacrifice flag!


The commanders of the various warlords, the landlords and the fleet were another commotion.

Although I already knew the intention of Lei Chenghu to bring them here, but when I heard such a murderous secret, I still couldn’t help but feel the ups and downs.

The world of justice is a total of!


Lei Chenghu’s voice is like Hong Zhong, and every word is like a bombardment. It’s like a national disaster. “There is no time to hesitate. I’m already determined. I’m going to be a secret, and I’m going to the Emperor’s capital. Revolutionary empire!

"In the past millennium, all the heroes who sacrificed for the real human empire, their blood must not flow in vain! We can not let those traitors and rebellion, destroy the great empire! For this reason, even at all costs, bear the 'treason The name of the person is not hesitating! Because I believe that when we really eradicate the traitor, we will get the recognition and dignity we deserve after we rescue our sire!

"Can there be a loyal and loyal martyr, willing to join me and countless stars in the sea, and raise the banner of "respecting the emperor and reversing the gods"?"

Some words are bloody, and with a hammer, the taste can not be questioned, who can dare to say half a word?

At the moment, Wei Guanghui, the commander of the Red Cloud Fleet, first screamed: "Everything is for the empire, and all the cultivators in the Chiyun community are smashed and smashed, and the liver and brain are painted, and they will not hesitate!"

"I swear to follow Liao Haihou and Li special envoy, the body is broken, the liver and brain are painted, and I will not hesitate!"

"Tiger Shuai, please let me order. Our children and grandfathers all have consciousness. For the birth of the new empire, we will not hesitate to fight!"

For a time, the group was full of excitement, and the rhetoric was flying all over the sky. Everyone blushes and expresses loyalty and "patriotic sentiment" to Lei Chenghu and Li Yao.

"it is good!"

Lei Chenghu focused on the eyebrows, and the eyebrows were squirted like a sword. "Despite the reassurance of the princes, I will never fight with uncertainty, and I will not bring so many children of the world to death! The so-called 'respect of the emperor, Shenwu "Innovation" is not to completely smash the Senate, but it is not to start a full-scale civil war. It is just to use our blood and will to carry out 'Bingbing' and let the patriarchs of the Senate hear our voices, and that's it!

"We believe that the vast majority of the veterans in the Senate are still loyal to the empire and their majesty. These veterans and their majesty are blinded by a small group of traitors. Even the ‘the blood league event’ may be a conspiracy of these traitors.

"These traitors are very likely to have a lot to do with the extraterrestrial demon!"

When this statement comes out, everyone is lost.

Everyone was confused and looked at Lei Chenghu. He didn't know what he was going to do.

Is there any extraterrestrial demon in the real human empire? Of course, there is, otherwise, the unparalleled "Tian De Trial Court" is not necessary.

However, most of the devils engage in cults in some remote planets far away from the emperor of the high mountains, and the tricks such as the sacrifices of the souls, the limit is also in the game of a certain planet, "the devil is coming", as soon as the empire army arrives, it is immediately "spinning" The end of the "off".

For thousands of years, the extraterrestrial demon has not caused a fundamental blow to the human political power in the central Xinghai, or the conspiracy of the extraterrestrial demon has been so high, even if it really devours a lot of interests in the dark, even in the human world. Countless interest spokespersons have never been discovered.

Many warlords and landlords naturally do not believe that the extraterrestrial demon will come to stir up this pool of water.

Because the supernaturals who admire chaos, disorder, and desire, and the covenant alliance are also endless enemies.

The sacred men will destroy the will of the demon outside the world, even stronger than the imperial people.

Once there is a trace of extraterrestrial activities, the sacred people will even give up the grievances of the empire and launch an offensive against the devil.

So... even if there is really the existence of extraterrestrial demon, according to the truth, it should be slightly inclined to the empire side, first kill the sacred believers of the sacred alliance.

After all, the living soil of the extraterrestrial demon is a human being with seven emotions and strong emotions. If it is really ruled by the Holy Alliance, and transforms everyone into a flaw without emotion and will, who can erode and pollute the extraterrestrial demon?

Think deeply, this thing can't stand the scrutiny.

But since Lei Chenghu said so, there must be his truth. Everyone is holding his breath and waiting for his backhand.

Lei Chenghu gently hit the palm of the hand, the conference room door opened, and the two guards dragged in the east of the fleet commander of the special investigation committee of the "magicized".

At this moment, the East is far from being banned by a triple ban, and the chains of the lightning runes engraved on the body are tightly tied.

He gradually woke up from the role of the stimulant, revealing the expression of horror, scared his nose and one after another, "Oh, yeah" want to justify, but it was already filled with the anesthetic of the vocal cords, how Can't speak.

"This guy, who came to the third theater half a month ago, claimed to have ordered the special investigation committee and the Senate. He had to thoroughly investigate the 'Blood League event'. The result was that he was caught in the air, and he was guilty of murder and ruined Zhongliang. In the Three War Zone, chickens and dogs are jumping, the wind is blowing, everyone is in danger, where is there a little fighting power?"

Lei Chenghu fell to the ground with his feet, pointing to his nose, and righteously resigned. "It has been checked out now. He is the minion of the demon outside the domain. He is a shameful demon. It’s a mess, it’s a fake!

"Our true human empire is the only inheritor of the Xinghai Empire. We are all descendants of the Xinghai Empire! And the Xinghai Empire is destroyed by the hands of the demon outside the world. We and the extraterrestrial gods have the hatred of destroying the country, and they are destined to stand up!

"Warning, all the friends, the extraterrestrial demon is very easy to drill into the void of human weakness, infinitely magnify your seven emotions and desires, and then make you a slave to desire! More than this guy, now the Senate and the Central Xinghai Among the nobility and the gate valve, there is also a small veteran who is not determined, and becomes the hidden magician of the demon of the heavenly demon!

"Our soldiers are not against the Senate, nor are they totally opposed to the aristocrats and gates in the central part of the Xinghai Sea. They are trying to help them and to find out the hidden deep demonists. I believe they will understand our difficulties. I believe that all the people of the entire empire will support us after knowing the truth!"

After Lei Chenghu finished his breath, he did not ask the warlords and the landlords to question the time. The tiger stared at the East and gestured to let the other party get up.

At this time, Dongfang Yuan has already fallen into the confusion of the whirlwind. He stood up and wants to beg for the thunder, but he saw a red-knife-like knives bursting from the waist of Lei Chenghu and rushing toward his neck. Then the whole world was flying fast, and if the battleship exploded, he was involved in a **** vortex. After half a second, he did not know anything.


Blood is like a waterfall, sprayed three or four meters in the air, and also sprayed Lei Chenghu.

The spotted blood stains quickly penetrated into the black uniform and merged with the military uniforms. The flaming flames evaporate and turned into a group of red dragonflies, shrouded in Lei Chenghu's body and head.

The holographic projections of many warlords and landlords have been penetrated by blood beads, and a circle of weak ripples has been swayed.

Wearing a headless chamber of the Imperial Army’s uniform, he took a few steps, and then he fell to the ground and twitched nervously.

Many holographic projections looked at the corpses and the rolling heads silently. I didn't expect Lei Chenghu to be so ferocious. I didn't leave a little after the other.


Lei Chenghu slammed the blood beads on the blade and slowly absorbed the sword into the sheath. He said: "I have killed this magical flag. Next, it is your turn.

"The demon in the investigation fleet is far more than this one. I have already taken the rest of the 'suspected demons' into a target ship, removed the target ship's psionic shield, and filled a lot of Crystall ammunition.

"Everyone, send the coordinates of the target ship to your flagship now. After one minute, please fire at the target ship at the same time to destroy these ‘suspected demons.’”

The word "suspected" is used very well.

A series of very accurate coordinates are transmitted instantly to the flagship of each road, and the distance is close at hand, and there is no possibility of a partial offset.

On the top of Lei Chenghu and Li Yao, a new three-dimensional light curtain emerged, which was a shattering target ship shivering in the dark sea of ​​stars.

The warlords and the landlords of all walks of the eye were blind and saw the chill of each other's eyes. I did not expect that Lei Chenghu would play so absolutely.

The so-called "survey fleet", since it is sent by the Senate to dismember the thunder and destroy the fleet and suppress the rest of the fleet in the third theater, is naturally the four major electorate family, the commanders at all levels are the backbone of the four electorate families. Even the blood relatives of all parties.

Who knows how many people Lei Chenghu has put in this target ship, and what is his identity, whose son or grandson or true disciple?

When the gun went down, they really couldn’t get back, they could only bite the scalp and Lei Chenghu “renovated in the end”!

However, the thundering fleet is on the sidelines, and they are a mess of sands. Everyone has to express loyalty in front of Lei Chenghu and Li Te, if they are behind the people, that is, the two ends of the first mouse, the two ends are not good. Really "innovation" of the empire, I am afraid that there are not many cakes.

Lei Chenghu and Li Yao stared at them coldly, and did not give them the opportunity to discuss and think. Their flagship and the flagship iron flow number in the third theater were already connected, and there was no fire, and there were no hits at a glance.

Lei Chenghu actually filled the target ship with a spar bomb. That is to say, it was useless to deliberately hit the thick and indifferent parts of the skin. It would still cause a serial explosion and kill all the inside of the starship. Captive, can't wash your own charges!

One minute, it’s flying fast.


Lei Chenghu blinked. "What are you waiting for? Let's do it!"

Many warlords and landlords bite their teeth, and some people's eyes are squeezed out by wrinkles, and they are determined.

A ray of light, a psionic missile containing high-explosive spar, a super-alloy projectile that was pushed out by the crystal trajectory, flew from all directions to the target ship.

The target ship with a lot of the direct children of the four major electorate families turned into gorgeous fireworks, blooming in the eyes and hearts of every warlord and the landlord.

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