Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2246: More dangerous than the extraterrestrial demon

Because it was filled with a large number of spar bombs, it was able to fully explode and react violently. This cruel fireworks did not last long, and it was annihilated in the dark and cold universe.

The annihilation of the flames also took away all the luck of all warlords and the eyes, blood and heart.

These from the remote areas of the empire, the despicable, but equally ambitious cultivators have become as murderous and ruthless as their commander, Lei Chenghu!

"Well, from this moment on, everyone is a friend of the ‘Imperial Rebellion, Shenwu Innovation’!”

Lei Chenghu carried his hands and stood up like a stalwart pillar. He said that "the rise and fall of the empire and our future are all here, so we don't have to keep a little bit of it, all the materials, ammunition and heavenly treasures will be distributed. And let your backbone force carry the road of 'renovating the empire' into the minds of every grassroots soldier!"


The commander of the Red Cloud Fleet Wei Guanghui hesitated for a moment, "Our fuel, ammunition and all the resources needed for cultivation of the immortals can only support one month of consumption. If it is a fierce battle, it is very likely that three days to one. The week will be exhausted. With our strength, one week is not enough to conquer the emperor, what should be the next?"

"This is no need to worry, I have the confidence to win."

Lei Chenghu said faintly, "This coach assured all of you that after a week, the resources that are absolutely useful are waiting for everyone. Now, act now!"

He will claim to change from "I" to "this handsome."

This means that he has returned to the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Joint Fleet and the highest commander.

The military order is like a mountain. There is no doubt that the sword has been squirted, and it is necessary to drink enough blood to recover it. Many warlords and sub-fleet commanders have no objection, and have quit communication, planning and organizing intensively.

The star-sea leaping unit of a starship began to detect and recharge again, ensuring that a thrilling leap can be implemented after a few hours.

All the spar warehouses and ammunition depots were opened, and the splendid spar and the cold swords were distributed and even distributed to the lowest-ranking original soldiers.

The material transport ship of the thundering fleet sent a large number of armbands to each sub-fleet. The commanders at all levels of the fleet towed the expeditionary armbands and replaced them with new armbands.

Ordinary soldiers do not have so many armbands to replace. After simply tearing down the expeditionary armbands, they use white cloth to smear blood, and write the words "respect for the emperor", which is tied to the head, but it also has a murderous murder.

From the flagship of the empire's remote worlds, the heroes of all walks of life are carrying out the final agitation of all officers and soldiers, especially the grassroots youth officers and men.

On the flagship of the Red Cloud Fleet:

"The country is so ruined, the people are miserable, they are going to suffocate and die, are your loved ones the same?

“Our factory was killed step by step by the capital of the Xinghai Central. It collapsed and corroded! Our farmland is full of crops from the central Xinghai. These crops savagely plunder the living space of all local crops. I can't see half of the seeds of the Chiyun community!

"And from the central part of the Xinghai, those who claim to be advanced in performance, and arbitrarily between our factories and farmland in the Chiyun world, we brutally plundered our jobs and stole them shamelessly!

"The formerly proud workers and peasants of the Chiyun community can use their own hands and sweat to straighten their backs to support their families. Now they have not got one of the most despicable positions, and they have become embarrassed, rogue and embarrassed!

"Even even the awakening of Linggen's cultivators, in order to get a little meager cultivation resources, they have to swallow their voices, bow down and become a beater and a dogleg!

"Tell me, have you not had enough in such a day, can you continue to endure?"

On the flagship of the Whale Fleet:

"In the 'Ghost Fury Line' is the three-fleet fleet that swallowed up the empire within a short period of six months, so that nearly 10,000 starships were smouldering, and the tens of millions of francs were **** stars. The warriors of our giant whales went on and on. Fear of sacrifice, such as the moths of the fire, the source continues to rush up, stepping on the tired bones of the same robes, and a bone of the sacred people fight together, one inch of land and one inch of land to grab, and finally won a brilliant victory!

"But at the rear, at home, our parents are hungry and crying in the middle of the night. Our children are so hungry that they can't stand up. Our sisters and wives have to sell their bodies, to those who are in the center of Xinghai. The door valve is strong and laughs, and you can play with it!

"Even so, even if we are so despicable, we are still betrayed, betrayed, and after being squeezed out of value, we have to kick it off!

"Who is the real enemy of us, the warriors and giants of the giant whales, the loyal children of the hometown fathers who are suffering, look at them with great eyes!"

Blood Yan Fleet flagship:

"Your Majesty can't bear to see that we suffer so much. This is not the original intention of the Majesty. It is all the privileged faction and corrupt officials who are under the shackles!"

"It is these sinister villains who have deceived their majesty, smashed the power of the empire, and did all the bad things. They are traitors of the empire, locusts of human civilization, and they are arrogant and indescribable, and their scorn is also abhorrent!

"Now the angel has brought the secret of His Majesty, and we will be the king of the military, sweeping away the traitors, and reforming the empire!

"My generation of soldiers must be swaying the stars, renovating the empire's righteousness, smashing bones, liver and brain!"

The flagship of the Green Frost fleet:

"Not only the Majesty, but most of the elders in the Senate are also supporting our righteous actions, including all the people of all levels of the imperial capital. They are also waiting for the Rebels to enter the Imperial Capital, bringing order out of chaos and reopening the world!

"Only a small group of slanders who have been eroded by the evil spirits outside the field are afraid of our thunderous attack!

"So, as long as our fleet appears in the outer stars of the Imperial Capital, it will destroy and ruin all the ambitions and plots of a small enemy.

"Gather your courage, take out the glory of the imperial soldiers, go ahead, charge, fight, victory must belong to us, victory must belong to your majesty, victory must belong to the empire!"

Countless starships, countless immortals, countless imperial soldiers, stand like steel cast iron, and like a piece of black and pressed steel forest.

At this moment, this piece of steel forest has already burned.

On the joint fleet's flagship iron flow number, it is also in the final pre-war preparations.

Above the array of command systems formed by the connection of ten super-ceramic brains, the ship's number, name and performance parameters emerged from the glittering light curtain.

These starships were all connected to the anti-interference local area network of the joint fleet and became a member of the "Battle Net". They then exchanged information through the soul and the brain, and became a small cell in Lei Chenghu.

Lei Chenghu stared at all the starships one by one, using the super-computing power of the **** series, integrated into the data chain and computing array of the master crystal brain, and the brain field surged out of 18,000. Thoughts are transmitted instantly to each starship.

In this way, hundreds of different fleets and hundreds of starships are mobilized by his arm, like ants, wasps or some zerg, interspersed, condensed and grouped in an orderly manner. .

It’s a pleasure to see Lei Chenghu’s dispatching troops.

Li Yao stood behind Lei Chenghu, but he was talking about it.

"has a problem?"

Lei Chenghu did not return, faint.

"Nothing, just a little curious..."

Li Yao didn't hold back, but he asked, "Where is the target ship that was blown up by everyone's guns, there is no one in the four major elector families?"

Lei Chenghu was silent for a while, and continued to give orders. He said: "The empire is already ill, and now is not the best time for major surgery. If there is a possibility, I still hope that there will be less blood, so that the Senate can change its mind. .

"This is not a compromise. I just want to... keep as much energy as possible for the empire."


Li Yao thought about it and asked, "I am very curious about the incident. The Xinghai Empire 10,000 years ago was destroyed by the hands of the demon outside the world. It is reasonable to say that the power of the Tianhuo demon should be very strong. Why is this? In the past year, they have not made too much trouble?

"This time the Queen's Highness and General Lei, you use the extraterrestrial demon as a scorpion, but have you ever thought that the empire may really lie in the outer world of the demon, and will wait for the opportunity to come out and do it, don't you worry about it?"

Li Yao is still worried about the devil outside the domain.

When the Black Wind Fleet struck, his fatherland, the Federation of Stars, was almost destroyed by the hands of the demon.

And the extraterritorial demon who is attached to Lv Dengchen may not be completely destroyed, and it is very likely that he fled to the center of Xinghai.

"I have been killing in the Xinghai for two hundred years. I have encountered countless vicious enemies, extraterrestrial demons, covenant alliances, and all kinds of strange aliens."

Lei Chenghu slowly said, "However, in the face of a more dangerous existence, these enemies are nothing worth mentioning, nothing to worry about."

Li Yao frowned: "There is a more dangerous existence than the demon outside the domain... What is that?"

"Humans, ourselves."

Lei Chenghu said, "Whether facing the shackles of the sacred alliance or the devil's minions, or even the devil itself, I have never had any fear. Only when faced with human beings, including myself, will they be born from the depths of the bone marrow. There was a chill."

Li Yao lived, I don't know how to pick up.

"Okay, Li’s special envoy."

Lei Chenghu sighed and finally turned around. His face could not see the firmness and excitement of the war. It was a lingering exhaustion. He patted Li Yao’s shoulder. "The joint fleet has already Finish the assembly, prepare... fight!"

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