Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2250: The fleet blessed by the dark!

The distorted faces of the guards and the white foam on the corners of their mouths made them seem like a grotesque and fanatical flame, losing their original intellect.

It is also like being injected into a new thing in the depths of the brain, showing a temperament that is completely different from the ordinary Lijia Xiu Xian.

The director of the No. 3 Star Gate Control Center subconsciously pointed the miniature squirt gun at the Guard, stuttering: "What are you doing?"

Without waiting for him to pull the trigger, the attacking magic weapon on the opposite side of the four or five crystal enamels also bloomed with a fascinating light. The four or five roads contained the powerful flame sacred light and hit the right hand of his gun.

The powerful flame spirit instantly breaks into the miniature sagittal gun, triggering the uncontrolled explosion of the spar ammunition, and transforming the right hand and elbow of the star gate into a mass of magma.


The director of Xingmen looked at himself and melted quickly, such as the orange-red muddy flesh and blood that fell to the ground, causing misery.

He was not a combat-type cultivator. Under the pressure of tearing heart and the pressure of twenty or thirty sets of crystal scorpion, he completely lost his will to resist, but he was kneeling on one knee and completely melted. The right arm of the remaining black bones, the pain of cold sweat, DC, convulsions, almost shock.

"Booming and banging!"

There are also two guards on duty in the control center. It seems that the Guards who are rushing in and out are not all the way. They just pulled out the Yabogun and wanted to fight back. However, they were all attacked by the attack of the other blast, and the shards were broken. Constantly splashing, and finally hit the console of the Starry Sky, turning into two dazzling sparks.

All navigators, dispatchers, and operators were scared to the ground. The space in the control center was not large, and there was nowhere to escape. They could only surrender with their hands raised.

The only Guard leader who did not wear the scorpion strode forward and walked to the pale face. In front of the star-studded director, he was condescending and looked at him coldly.

"You, you dare"

The director of Xingmen saw the intention of the other party from the cold eyes of the other party, but he could not believe what had just happened. This question is not so much a swearing, but rather a deep doubt.

"For the future of the new empire, we have set the limits of life and death, and there is nothing to dare!"

The leader of the Guards took a knife in his hand and raised it high. He screamed and screamed. The slashing knife slanted obliquely from the left shoulder of the star door supervisor, all the way down to the right abdomen, and even the star door supervisor broke off!

The head is still connected with a large number of organs. The star gate supervisor has not died yet, but it is between the heavens and the earth, and sees everything on the monitor light curtain.

I saw the rebellious guards sneak in with more than a dozen mysterious characters he had never seen before, replacing the original dispatch and operator of the No. 3 star gate.

These people are well-trained expert hands, and the movement of the unknown starship is guided by the movement of the clouds, and the efficiency is higher than that of the original staff of the No. 3 Star Gate.

Under the operation of their mercury and diarrhea, more and more unknown starships jumped out of the void, and the jumping points were exquisite to the extreme. They were not too close to each other to cause interference or even overlap, and they would not be too alienated and interspersed by the enemy. However, it is not far from near, and once you get rid of the troubles of time and space, you can form the most ruthless battlefield!

At first it was the kind of black painted, silent, invisible model that converges to the maximum extent, like a swamp crocodile covered in mud.

With the increasing number of "swamp crocodiles", they gradually become an indestructible battlefield. More large arsenal ships and super-giant cruise ships are rushing against each other, without concealing their existence, if they are tens of thousands of tons The killing giant whale jumped high above the sea.

Before falling into the endless darkness, the last picture seen by the director of Stars was the crocodile, swordfish, sharks and giant whales who were heading towards the Valley of the Rains, and launched a colorful stream.

Dozens of streamers are like his soul wave and heartbeat curve at the moment, flat and long.

Then, his spirit is completely dissipated in the vast sea of ​​stars, and nothing is known.


At this moment, the Valley Rain Fleet is just like a star of the 3rd Star Gate.

As one of the richest resources in the Lijia Dominion, Gu Yujie's defense is naturally the top priority of Li's strategy.

The equipment and personnel configuration of the Valley Rain Fleet are ranked high among the hundreds of fleets in the entire Empire.

The fate is that in order to strengthen the defense of the Imperial Capital, the Valley Rain Fleet has just transferred one-third of the fleet reinforcements to the Imperial Capital twelve hours ago. This reinforcement unit took away a large amount of ammunition and fuel and caused the local defense system in the Guyu community. Some insignificant loopholes that can be made within twenty-four hours.

Who can think that the rebels will suddenly come out when they are so embarrassed?

The strength of the Valley Rain Fleet has weakened at least one-third, and the rebels have gathered the elites of dozens of small and medium-sized worlds outside the Empire, and they are commanded by the famous "God of War" Lei Chenghu!

What's more, war is not a digital game. The outcome is not determined by the dry book figures.

In the past ten years or even hundreds of years, in the war of the empire against the sacred alliance, in order to preserve their own strength to the greatest extent, the four major electorate families tend to make the ruins of the empire's peripheral world rushing to the front as cannon fodder, and other cannon fodder. After paying countless sacrifices and smashing the hard bones, his troops swayed out to grab the battle and easily extract the fruits of victory.

This has created a paradox.

The fleet is played out, the strong soldiers are killed, blindly retaining the strength to make the cannon ash in front, they have never experienced the real iron and flame test, the four elites of the electorate family, often empty the most advanced starship However, the lack of fighting will in the end, and the rich combat experience, is a illusory flower shelf.

Of the 100 cannon fodder fleets, perhaps 90 were beaten and beaten, and the crash was completely cancelled.

But there are always ten lucky cannon ash fleets that will use their enemy's swords to slowly sharpen their minions and horns in the brutal war of Shura, engulf the enemy's bodies, strengthen their flesh and bones, and quietly From cannon fodder, grow into a vicious devil!

Unfortunately, the Valley Rain Fleet is a typical former, and the expeditionary fleet of the Third War Zone, with the thundering fleet as the core, is the uncompromising latter.

The Valley Rain Fleet is equipped with the most advanced and powerful starships of the Empire, but in the past few decades they have been stationed in the Valley of the Rain, nominally shouldering the heavy responsibility of defending the waterway and jumping points. In fact, there are half of the stars that do not open their eyes. Pirates, Devils, or whatever monsters and devils dare to come to the home to die?

In addition to the routine exercises that have become more and more perfunctory, the most advanced crystal cannons, Xuanguang cannons and Vulcan cannons, which are equipped with these huge ships and are intensively resourced, have never been I have been stained with blood for a star and a half.

Similarly, the commanders at all levels of the Guyu Fleet are almost all served by the Li family. Many commanders have a very high realm. Even the captain of a small destroyer often has the strength of the Golden Age.

But the realm of these knots, Jindan and even Yuan Ying are often endlessly piled up with high-quality spar and high-purity spar. They have never experienced a real test, even if the intrigue of the family is fierce, even if The trial venues such as "The Amusement Park" are more realistic, and how can it compare with the whole universe, and the front line of all people's blood is boiling?

The thundering fleet is just the opposite of them.

This is a destructive fleet that will play the sacred creed of "the survival of the fittest and the strong is the king".

Each of the starships in this fleet has been surrounded by at least ten sacred starships, and then dragged the scarred body, slamming out from the enemies' encirclement.

Everyone on these starships knows very well that they don't have any power to rely on. The only thing that can be relied on is their fists, teeth and swords.

Their foundations, knots and even the Yuan Ying realm are not built up in their own facilities, the environment is superior, and the medical team is piled up in the cultivation base at the time. Instead, they are eating the meat of the sacred people on the battlefield. Drinking the blood of the sacred people, perhaps the chest is still inserted with the sacred knives in this environment, difficult to break through.

Of the 100 cultivators who have joined the fleet, ninety-nine have died on the arduous and cruel battlefield. However, their will and the wicked desires are all turned into dark blessings. I wandered around the body of one survivor, and the last one climbed back miraculously from the gate of Jiuyou Huangquan to swallow the whole world!

Such a valley of the rain fleet, stunned to see such a thundering fleet, murderously appeared.




On every starship of the Valley Rain Fleet, there is such a sense of nonsense nonsense, and the alarms that monitor the magic weapon are mixed together, making people more and more noisy.

The instinctive response of the flagship is to ask for help from the rest of the world and even the emperor. However, all external communications are strongly disturbed in an instant, and all the help signals are involved in the chaotic turbulence. I don’t know if it is actually transmitted to the outside world.

Experienced and sturdy Lei Chenghu will accommodate the fleet of troops in the valley of the rainy valley. The first batch of troops jumping here will be filled with a large number of magnetic interference ships.

Li Linghai also infiltrated many Lingnet signal transmitting base stations in Guyujie, and passed the precise coordinates of these base stations through Li Yao to Lei Chenghu, making the first wave of interference strikes extremely efficient, almost instantly cutting off Gu Yujie and External communication.

When the Valley Rain Fleet finally rushed out to meet the formation, when the thundering fleet was killed.

A quarter of the Star Wars fleet has recovered from the ripples of the space, and a quarter of the space has slowly crossed the gap of the four-dimensional space, and the other half of the ship is crossing.

Even the most stupid commanders know that this is the best and even the only chance to destroy the Thunderbolt.

But at this time, the dozens of colorful streams that the director of the No. 3 Star Gate had just seen dragged thousands of kilometers of flames in the vast sea of ​​stars, just like a small meteor shower, appearing in front of the Valley Rain Fleet.

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