Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2251: Too... gorgeous debut!

As dozens of streams are getting closer and closer, what is hidden in the core of the streamer is clearly visible. It is a metal cylinder with a length of more than 100 meters and a diameter of about 20 meters. It adopts a segmented structure and the latter sections are powered. Unit and fuel room.

After being emitted from the star's crystal magnetic orbit by the powerful magneto-magnetic spiral force, the fuel chamber reacts insanely with the intensity of the explosion, and it shines brighter than the star.

Every once in a while, there is a fuel cell and power unit falling off, but it is igniting a new, more powerful and bursting spar fuel, which makes the tail flame suddenly expand and the speed is doubled.

In the end, the fuel chamber and the power unit all fell off, and the perfect shape from the cylinder to the metal water droplets, the speed also soared to no more, smashed into the defensive circle of the Valley Rain Fleet, and the flashing curtain was completely burst open.

A huge human figure like a demon, clearly presented on the monitor light curtain of each starship of the Valley Rain Fleet.

The fragmented metal casing became the best interference bait, attracting most of the barrage. The giants continued to move forward under the influence of strong inertia, directly into the heart of the Valley Rain Fleet.

"Giant magic!"

On every starship of the Valley Rain Fleet, there was a scream of screaming.


The rebel army's giant soldiers have just shined on the front line of the empire's counterattack. The Valley Rain Fleet's database naturally holds its detailed data, through the shape scan of the giant soldiers, the release of the flame features and a series of unique performance. With the parameters, you can analyze the signal and identity of the other party.

Slowly appearing on the light curtain, every name that is so eloquent and fierce, has caused the commanders of the Valley Rain Fleet to be in great silence.

For the first two giant soldiers, one is called "Blood Blood Fire Crow", and the old-fashioned powerhouse of the thundering fleet is ‘Lei Wuya’.

Lei Wuya is a very rare purely combat-type powerhouse. He once had the horrific record of destroying twelve sacred starships in the front line. In terms of combat power, he was the first master of the thundering fleet and even encountered The top strongmen of the four electorate families have the confidence to fight!

If he is obsessed with martial arts, he will not know what to do with the dispatching of troops, the formation of troops, and even the pooling of resources. There is no time and interest to learn. Lei Chenghu is not so easy, and easily mobilize this super-class master.

Another "Star of Nether" is dominated by the infamous madman "Shen Tu Meng".

Shen Tu Meng may be the epitome of the low-level cultivators who are born in the outer world of the empire.

Without noble origins, there is no rich resources and excellent cultivation environment. Even if you have the best talent, you can only play as cannon fodder on the battlefield and struggle to grow up in the Shura massacre.

Of the 10,000 cannon fodders, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine were deadly miserable. Only Shen Tumeng, with the dark blessings of his robes, struggled to survive and grow up, from refining to building foundations, from building foundations to knots. Dan, in the blood of the corpse, condensed his own blood color Yuan Ying!

Unfortunately, manpower is sometimes poor, and a Yuan Ying in the area is not much different from the ants in the vast sea of ​​stars. No matter how madly practicing and fighting, Shen Tumeng can't stop the fleet of his hometown from being wiped out. The survivors still have to He was rebuked by the expeditionary army base camp and charged with the crime of "retreating."

When Shen Tuqiang almost stood on the bench, Lei Chenghu tried to save him.

Since then, the madman who lost his hometown and compatriots has been loyal to Lei Chenghu, and he has proved that he is not a coward who is retreating under the guise of Lei Chenghu. He only needs to give him sufficient resources for cultivation, logistics, and reliable friends. He can completely defeat any enemy, and after more than ten years of **** battle, he successfully rushed to the realm of the gods!

No matter whether it is nowhere else or Shen Tu Meng, it is the battle of the rest of the world, the fierce flames of the sky, the giant soldiers have just emerged in the stars, there is a fierce murderous murder from the gap between the shells, instantly swallowing the distance, in The bridges of the various starships of the Valley Rain Fleet swayed.

However, Lei Wuyao and Shen Tumeng did not lead the 20th and 30th giant soldiers to the flagship of the Valley Rain Fleet. Instead, they all led a giant warrior commando, such as slowly opening scissors, and rushing to the Valley Rain Fleet. Two wings.

"What happened, the strongest force of the rebels, did not even directly plug into the core of our army?"

When the flagship commander of the Valley Rain Fleet was puzzled, the detection of the magic weapon again made a scream of near screaming.

They discovered that under the cover of the rebel army's many giant soldiers bursting their shells and igniting the flames, there is still a metal drop that has not yet broken!

This metal water droplet is coated with an invisible material that absorbs all the fluctuations and radiation. It really seems to be integrated with the dark universe. It relies on inertia to fly at high speed. It does not diffuse any ripples and ripples at all. It is not discovered until now.

On the flagship of the Valley Rain Fleet and the flagship frigates, arsenal ships and destroyers, there are hundreds of thousands of light columns to tear the stars, illuminate the universe, and at the same time shoot the black water droplets from this wind!

"Booming and banging!"

Inside the starship, there was a huge roar of the main guns, and the deafening roar brought an illusory sense of security, and a series of shining **** of light overlapped, as if a golden wall of gold was built in front of the Valley Rain Fleet. The commander of the Valley Rain Fleet was relieved, and finally got a few minutes to calmly arrange for the troops.


The shining ball of the Xuanguang cannon, the crystal magnetic cannon and various high-explosive bombs did not annihilate as usual, but instead had a new life, in the strange creep, distortion, condensation and change, slowly Extending on both sides, a strange bump appears above it.

Ten seconds later, this dazzling brilliance formed a sky-covered sun, at least a hundred kilometers long golden eagle or ... vulture!

"This, this, this is"

On the flagship bridge of the Valley Rain Fleet, everyone was dumbfounded, and even sucked in the air. The golden vultures that were condensed with their bullets on the opposite side slowly flapped their wings, trampling on all the rules and the lawful form of arrogance. They!

"Found a great psychic reaction!"

"Giant soldiers, new giant soldiers!"

"There is a strong psionic response than the previous ‘River Blood Raven’ and ‘Nether Star,’ and there is absolutely no data in this database for this giant soldier!”

In a series of incredible exclamations, the golden vultures that cover the sky once again contract and deform, but how to shrink again, still split into hundreds of miles of golden streamer, the streamer forms a wing-like cloak, fluttering Behind a golden giant soldier!

Not waiting for the commanders on the starships of the Valley Rain Fleet to swallow the cold air into the abdomen. The tens of kilometers of streamer cloaks behind the golden giants have once again changed the mysterious and mysterious changes. Wan Dao Xuan Guangyu forms a mysterious complex. Text, and countless runes are condensed into three lines of brilliant, brilliant, domineering to the entire star can be clearly seen in the big characters.

On the left side of the giant gods is the "golden big bang", on the right is "vulture Li Yao", but above is the three words of the dragon and phoenix dance and can not be refuted: "surrender!"

Each word is more than one kilometer in diameter, even if it is not too eye-catching in the vast sea of ​​stars, but under the scanning of all detection magic weapons, it is clearly displayed on each light curtain, and it is like hunting. Like a battle flag, it was very arrogant.


On all the starships of the Valley Rain Fleet, the commanders at all levels who saw the three lines of words were silent.

"Golden big cockroach, vulture Li Yao, this, what is this ghost!"

The top commander on the flagship is unbelievable. "Before you started the war, you used the flame to paint your own name. Does this guy have a problem with his mind, or do you want to use this mentally retarded tactic to disturb our mind?"

"Our giant soldiers, dispatched, give this guy a blast, and must not let the enemy invade our formation!"

In the confrontation between the battleship and the giant warrior, the only advantage of the warship is the long-range firepower that is continually ruined.

In order to take advantage of the long-range firepower, it is necessary to open the distance between the two sides. In other words, the enemy's giant soldiers cannot be invaded by their own warships. Otherwise, not only will the firing range be dead, but it is also very easy to accidentally injure the friendly forces.

Needless to say, if the giant squad breaks the armor and the hull and drills into the interior of the warship, it is a devastating blow.

The method that can effectively deter the attack of the enemy giant soldiers, in addition to their own crystal scorpion and spar battle shuttle attack clusters, do not fear to die to fill, only send their own giant soldiers.

As an elite in the core world of the Li family, the Valley Rain Fleet certainly has a large number of giant soldiers. Even though many giant soldiers have reinforced the Imperial Capital, there are still more than a dozen giant soldiers.

At the moment, a Taiwanese magical war machine jumps out of the starship, accompanied by densely attacked clusters like the wasps and ant colonies, and the blaze of the power unit smashes them. It became a colorful battle cloud, and the battle cloud split into three shares, which were swept toward Li Yao, Lei Wuya and Shen Tu.

Behind them, the Valley Rain Fleet has also desperately changed into an arc-shaped battlefield that is most suitable for playing a fire attack. It is like a glistening cauldron like Li Yao and other giant gods commandos, flash bombs. The intensity of the curtain is ten times faster than that of the previous one. If you are between the stars and rivers, there will be a downpour!

The golden cockpit is inside the cockpit of Lingfu.

Li Yao was wrapped up in Xiao Hei's whole body, like sinking into a black swamp. The flesh and blood body seemed to melt, and the soul and giant soldiers were completely integrated.

In the face of the three enemy giant soldiers, thousands of crystal scorpions and overwhelming barrage, his mouth is a touch of faint smile.

"For a self-cultivator, what else can you do more than a bunch of cultivators to kill another cultivator, and the cultivator who does not know the truth screams for himself, is it more refreshing?"

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