Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2263: I am a lieutenant!

"Excuse me, how about you to give it a closer look?"

When Zhao Zhenwu used to whistle in the mountains and forests in his hometown, he once said that "excuse me" was so awkward. However, when he went to the school class, he learned quickly. He carefully considered the tone and tried to lower his body. Laughing, "This is the magic weapon of the eight hundred masters. The light knife is made of Hebron, Mithril and Sun Jingjin Jiujiu. The inside of the handle is also equipped with the most advanced control chip. Aggressive gods lead and do not send, when they are in danger, they can automatically fly out of the guardian. On several occasions, they saved my life on the battlefield. I can't wait to use my own blood to maintain it. How is it that there is no wafer? What?

"On the light back to maintenance, it took me this number, a thousand crystal coins! Now the price is three thousand? It is not a laugh... Anyway, you loose your hands, eight thousand, eight thousand is good, I will redeem in the next day Come."

The young Jianbao, who had no hair on his mouth, pulled his eyelids and pushed the sword back. He said: "Broken sword, when the price is 3,000, more than one crystal coin!"

Zhao Zhenwu's face was full of smiles, his face changed three times, his eyes were a little distracted, and he slipped from the Qixing Broken Jade knife to the tip of Jianbao's nose, and slipped from the tip of Jianbao's nose to the lobby.

He was afraid to meet acquaintances, especially when he picked up a small number of individuals. When the lobby of the pawnshop was empty, there were only two guards with big waists, tiger backs, temples and eyebrows, and their arms were slanted beside them. Cold and cold at him.

Look at the treasurer, the two eyelids are about to stick together, and the head can't hold the circle, but they don't look at his knife and his eyes.

Zhao Zhenwu took a copy of the family knife, twisted his waist, and strode out, walked halfway, bit the dead molar, turned back, smashed the knife, and took a scarf from his arms. Stacked and stacked small bags, layer by layer opened, took out a piece of iron engraved with the Chinese character array, put it on the cabinet, and breathlessly said: "Excuse me, please ask one out, give this estimate The price, 50,000, there are 50,000 I will be!"

The young treasurer lazily flipped his eyelids and didn't look at the iron piece. He smiled and said: "The title deed?"


Zhao Zhenwu calmly said, "The land of the New Guangfu Regional Resources Planet, a hundred miles, a full three hills, a ready-made mining base, and ancillary facilities from the ground to the ground. This is not a common magic weapon. Please ask experts in the real estate department. Come out, take a look."

The young treasurer smiled, tilted his fingers and fiddled with the title deed, pushed the small piece of iron back, and shook his head: "No."


Zhao Zhenwu was stupid, and he was eager to attack the heart. He couldn’t care for the sinners and shouted at the door. "This land deed is true, and it is covered with the seals of the Emperor and the Senate. The procedures are complete, etc. The mining base has been picked up, and there are millions of coins in a year's profit. I am now 50,000, so why not."

"Let's call this...the general knows."

Young Jianbao said, "This is not the rule of our 'Dongshanxing' family, but the rules of all pawnshops in the 36th district. The title deeds are naturally good things. If it is the land title and mine ownership of the empire, it is The hard currency of the full red gold, we are also able to eat when the price is high, but the new recovery area is another matter."

"What is the matter?"

Zhao Zhenwu gritted his teeth and put the title deed in his palm. "It is the territory of the empire!"

"Yes, under the universal sky, it is the emperor's earth. Of course, the land is the land of the empire."

The young treasurer saw his face in red and red, and explained with patience. "But everyone knows that the sacred alliance has carried out a scorched earth strategy when retreating, and it has made all the resources of the new glory area a smoldering, messy, almost every A mining base was completely destroyed, and even thousands of veins on the ground were contaminated.

"If you want to control pollution, rebuild the mining base, and resume operations, there will be no success in the past ten or twenty years and hundreds of millions of dollars.

"Your mine, do you want to come the same?

"Of course, it is really possible to resume normal production. It is possible to have millions or tens of millions a year, but the initial investment is so huge. How about time and cost?"

"You are taking this title to 50,000 yuan. It seems that we have taken advantage of it. But if you don't come to redemption, this thing is in our hands. Do we still go to the new Guangfu area, 砸Do you have a lot of manpower and resources to develop mines?

"The most important one, although the frontline is solid, but who knows that the sacred alliance will come back one day? When we really have a lot of time and cost, we will restore the mining base in ten or twenty years. The result turned into a war zone, and it was a scorched earth. The bamboo baskets were filled with water, so we had to smear the neck and hang it!

"It is precisely because of such concerns that all pawnshops, pledge shops or private property rights trading centers in the 36 districts are very cautious about the title deeds and mine ownership of the new Guangfu area. In principle, all are not accepted. But you have to wait for the money to use, I broke the rules and broke the rules, 10,000 crystal coins to help you keep a few days?"

Zhao Zhenwu heard a stunned voice, twitching out a finger: "10,000?"

" Ten thousand, this is the price."

Young Jianbao teacher sincerely said, "More than thirty-six districts, you are flying out of five thousand miles. The same is true in other districts. As long as those super-rich mining groups do not accept it, no one dares to do this. !"

"This is the grace of His Majesty!"

Zhao Zhenwu stalked his neck and whispered. "It’s the fleet of the old man who has been killed for more than a decade, and how many lives have been exchanged. It is said to be at least 8 million at least!"

"Since it is the grace of His Majesty, go find your Majesty!"

The young Jianbao’s tone was also cold, and he swept his eyes at the two guards with big waist and round waist. He smiled. “Or you go back and find a way to restore the mine. If it can resume normal production, let us Experts in the real estate sector have made a good assessment, let alone eight million, 18 million people may not know who is in the 36 districts. Our Dongshanxing is the most honest and reliable, and the virginity."

The two guards swayed their waists, and the magic weapons hanging around their waists slammed together.

Zhao Zhenwu was so faint, and helpless, dizzy and dizzy, and several other hard-tied iron pieces were pulled out from the intimate inner pocket, and they were exhausted in the cabinet. They were so angry: "These, these medals, plus this Knife, 10,000 coins!"

The young treasurer sighed and took out a dark red single-piece frame from his arms on the right eye. He watched for half a second, faintly said: "The land lease is not received, the sword is three thousand, the medal is two thousand, a total of Five thousand empire crystal coins, when is it wrong?"

"two thousand?"

Zhao Zhenwu was completely shocked, and immediately angered, and the fork hand pushed the medal to the young Jianbao. "See clearly, look at the big eyes clearly, a second-class treasure medal, a second-class Qingyun medal, and one The third-class Black Star Medal is the Black Star Medal! The eyes of Laozi and the Black Star Medal in exchange for this arm are two thousand? Two thousand!"

"Bao Ding and Qingyun are five hundred, and the third-class black star is one thousand. This is the case."

The young treasurer is not motivated. "In the past six months, the emperor has come to a lot of military lords like you. There are so few things on the body, that is, the medals are the most, and the price is high. No one wants it! Yesterday, a military lord came. When a second-class black star medal, opened the price of 2,500 crystal coins, people did not say anything, it is right, your third-class black star, one thousand is fair price, this is still today, a few It’s still cheaper in the days, and 800 is not necessarily accepted!”

Two thousand five, one thousand, eight hundred.

There are so many things, no one wants it!

Zhao Zhenwu only felt that something in his mind was bursting open, and the two ears were squeaking, and the second-class black star medal was constantly enlarged. As a background, the stars seemed to be turned into countless sacred starships, casting thousands of thousands. The heavy-duty spar bomb, with his team and him, fried a flesh and blood, broken bones.


Zhao Zhenwu's blood was passed through, and his face was still unrecognizable. The right hand first pulled out the miniature sagittal gun at the waist and slammed it on the counter.

"This is a special gun for the generals of the empire. What is the value?"

He snorted and left his left eye of the spar and squatted on the counter.

"This is the righteous eye of Lieutenant General of the Imperial Army. What is the value?"

Another twist, a twist, a pull, smashed the arm of the armor, and lost it to the young treasurer.

"This is Laozi's arm, worth much, say, how much, how much!"

He seems to have returned to the glory days of the past when the star thief, smashed and violently released, even one step on the counter, want to go to the treasurer's collar.

However, it may be that the counter seems to be empty. In fact, there is a strong defensive array between the pilgrimage and the customer. When he just reached out, dozens of arcs spurted out from the corner of the counter and took him out. On the ground fell a four-pronged.

It was too late to make a scream, and the two wolf-like guards had already rushed up, and the arc of the short sticks was smashing toward him, turning the screams into white foam.

"You can't do this!"

Zhao Zhenwu’s madness has all been turned aside, and he screamed in tears. “I flowed through the blood on the front line. I have made meritorious deeds for the Empire. I am an upright Imperial Lieutenant General, Commander of the Lieutenant General Fleet!”


The two guards slammed their heads and screamed, one of them smirked. "Well, old man, know where this is? Emperor! A magic weapon smashed into the streets of the Imperial City, killing ten, five heads, eight lieutenants! ”

"I killed you!"

Zhao Zhenwu reached out and touched it. He wanted to touch his own seven-star broken jade knife. This reminds me that the family knife is still on the counter, and the sword does not have enough spar to drive it. It has not played the magical defense of the automatic defense. The duck's mouth is hard and dry. "Wait, you wait for me, wait for me to restore my strength... I am a lieutenant!"

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