Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2264: Can only forgive...

Zhao Zhenwu was overwhelmed by the fists and electric batons of the hurricane, and the one-eyed volcano erupted like a volcano. The illusion was in front of him, and he returned to the battlefield where the bombs flew.

His old brothers turned into a devil, a sulky evil-eyed evil spirit, and stretched out his thin claws toward him. The ghost cried and screamed: "Commander, what about our wealth? Boss, how good is it?"

Zhao Zhenwu "ah" screamed twice, and the whole person twitched.

The two guards licked their heads and slammed their heads, and then they threw their ankles and threw them out of the pawnshop, and fell heavily into the sump in the dark streets.

"When it is! When!"

His spar, the eye, the arm, the medal, the title deed, and the family knife were thrown out by the other side, and cold and cold on him.

Such a thing, in the past six months, in the 36 districts or the underground of any district of the Imperial City is commonplace.

It even breeds a bunch of idlers, specializing in the doorsteps of major pawns, sharpening their knives, preparing for a shameless act.

When Zhao Zhenwu was thrown out, a large number of idlers rushed to the top, screaming in the mouth to "save a quick rescue", and his hands touched him.

Zhao Zhenwu was beaten to death, and he was spinning around. When black and white were not divided, how could he struggle?

Reluctantly want to protect the medals, title deeds and swords, cold and not being caught in the head of a guy, immediately fainted.

Five minutes later, when I woke up again, I felt that there was a burst of cold in my bones. Even the uniforms of the school’s uniforms were smashed, and the medals, title deeds and swords were missing. A few idlers are still squatting at the door of the pawnshop, picking their teeth and watching him with a smile.

Zhao Zhenwu’s blood was completely frozen.

I only feel that the whole world has been drained of the air, and I can't breathe in half a breath, and my heart is cramping.

"My medal, my title, my sword!"

He screamed two scorpions and touched the sump for a long time. He only touched a spar's eyeball, and there was a metal arm that was squeaky.

He rubbed his left arm with his right hand, and walked toward the idlers like a walking dead.

"Someone robbed you of something and ran there."

The idlers laughed with trepidation, and some people squinted and pointed at the depths of the streets.

Zhao Zhenwu thought for a moment, turned around and wanted to go to the pawnshop.

The idlers swarmed up and put him on the street to get out of the street. Someone put it in his ear and gave a stinking tone. He whispered: "Forget it, keep it safe, you know Whose industry is this 'Dongshanxing'? Orientals! Going into the mess, killing you with a no-man, no-gun, no-gun, and throwing it into the furnace of the energy factory deep in the crack is more convenient than slaughtering dogs. !"

Zhao Zhenwu was kicked out by a person.

I only felt that all the bones in my body were squeezing inward and unconsciously picked up.

Look at the black hole in the back of the street like a savage cave, for a long time, but did not have the courage to return to the theory that is the industry of the East!

Zhao Zhenwu is like a lonely ghost, wandering in the 36th district, and he does not know how he returned home.

The Royal Senior Officer School will be a school class, so I will provide them with four people, such as a pig kennel-like dormitory.

But he is not a lonely man, and his wife and a son have to raise.

Zhao Zhenwu was born in a privately-capped fleet of stars and thieves. When he was doing business in his hometown, he killed all the people. He was an enemy everywhere. He went out to fight, and naturally he did not leave his wife and children at home.

He was desperate on the front line. His wife and son have been renting in the Imperial Capital. His wife was also originally a cultivated family. The beautiful lady, who is pampered and accustomed to living in the high-end community, has been living in the high-end community every year. Burning money in the mountains.

In the past few years, when the troops were strong, there were naturally various channels to make money, and they returned to the emperor to support their wives and sons. Zhao Zhenwu was also in front of his wife, and he was very arrogant and arrogant.

Even if I look for a fairy to double repair outside, it is also a job need, how can my wife ask more questions?

Now the old base is smashed, completely ruined, and even suffered serious injuries. The strength plummeted to the bottom of the valley. When facing his wife, Zhao Zhenwu naturally has no place to harden it!

His medical expenses have not yet been settled. His son’s eyes are growing and growing up. When he is at the critical moment of awakening Lingen, he is in need of a lot of resources, but he is forced to this level, even the medals, the swords and the title deeds are lost. ... Zhao Zhenwu wandered around the door for more than half an hour, I do not know how to go in with his wife to explain, want to die have a heart.

Suddenly, he heard the light laughter from his wife.

This is not a noble community that my wife had rented earlier. It is just an ordinary slum in the 36th district. What is the soundproof array? Zhao Zhenwu rounded his eyes and listened to the wall for a long time. The chin section was loose.


At this moment, the door opened, a cow was high, and the man with the oily face came out of his house.

Zhao Zhenwu only felt that his head was heavy, and Tianling had a weight of 10,000 tons. He pressed down hard and pressed him into the ground.

There are countless voices in my heart, but the body is like being hollowed out, and even a finger can't lift it.

The man also saw him, so good, after a dry cough, I did not know what to think, even came up and patted his shoulder, this was swaying and swaying.

"He shot my shoulder."

Zhao Zhenwu thought in a groggy way. "Despite his mother, he dared to shoot my shoulder!"


The voice of my wife came, not salty and not rude. "How come you, didn't you go to class today?"

"I am going to you"

Zhao Zhenwu's blood vessels were completely empty, his hands raised high, and it was too late to fall, and his wrist was caught by his wife.

The wife is also a cultivator, but it is a literary type. In the past, nature was far from his opponent. But after a moment, he dragged him into the house and went to the messy bed.

Zhao Zhenwu jumped up like an electric shock, looking at the bed of a group, like watching a snake.

"He, he is that"

Zhao Zhenwu was full of anger, but his voice was crying. "What, what is the 'Oriental'?"

"Well, he is the East, my current boss."

The wife was calm and thin, brushing her hair, calmly saying, "Lao Zhao, this thing, I never know how to tell you, since I bumped into it today, then today, you are not angry, you are not annoyed. It’s useless to take a fuss, but it hurts your body. You still have to take care of your illness.

"I don't have time to argue with you. I will move to 'Yunyang District' later. I don't want to pack things up. You don't have to make the scene so ugly. After all, you are spending outside, I am I have never turned your face with you, are you?"

Yunyang District is the area where the immortals live on the ground directly exposed by the sun. Zhao Zhenwu used to rent his wife's son in a noble community in Yunyang District.

Naturally, the environment and rent there are not comparable to the "36 districts", which are not even the names of the underground areas.

Zhao Zhenwu stunned for a long time and said: "How long?"

The wife smiled: "Is it important?"

Zhao Zhenwu was silent and hard: "Why?"

The wife sighed and took out a golden crystal card from her arms and inserted it into Zhao Zhenwu's arms: "You have been so hurt in the front line, and if you don't get the natural treasure to heal, the realm of the plunge It will never recover. There are 100,000 crystal coins in this card. You can take care of your illness first. It is not enough. I will give you back every month. The realm is the lifeblood of the immortal. Anyway, first recover. Strength is important."

Zhao Zhenwu's entire face was green, and the crystal card was thrown to the wife's face in the palm of his hand. However, the ghost in the brain made a strange thought: "I have to fight for three medals, only two thousand pieces, my wife... 100,000. ?100,000!"

"And, if Axiao is awake, you don't have to worry about it. I have arranged everything."

The wife continued. "You can rest assured that Axiao's talent is so good, and there are a lot of resources to go down. In the future, he will become a stronger immortal than you."

Zhao Zhenwu wants to cry without tears, open his mouth, I really don't know what to say, the throat is rolling for a long time and said: "You even have to take away A Xiao?"

The wife smiled: "It is not brought to the end of the earth, but it is back to the 'Yunyang District'. He has lived there for the past few years. He has long been used to everything there. He is noisy with me all the time, saying that the 36th district is dirty. It’s stinky, let me find a way to move back to Yunyang District anyway!

"In any case, he is surnamed Zhao, you are all jealous, what are you worried about?"

Zhao Zhenwu looked at his empty left sleeve and was unable to hang his head:..."

"I don't want to be like this, really."

The wife sighed and faintly said, "The family has become like this. I have never left you. After all, the couple still have feelings for so many years. I hope that you can be a man who can be a master, take a charter, but for half a year. In the past, you still have no choice but to go nowhere.

"The man can't think of a way. We have to find a way for our women. I know that the ladies of many senior officers in your school class are showing up in the place where they spend their days. For what, it is not for the whole family!"

"Today, if you don't let me go with the East, then I won't leave, but tomorrow, where is your medical expenses? The day after tomorrow, the two cultivators will keep the food and nutrition money in the realm. Where is the training fee for Awakening Linggen?

"Is it necessary to wait until the time, I also learn from your ‘study’ lady to be a dance lady, are you happy?”

The words of the wife, the sentence is heart.

Zhao Zhenwu was speechless, and he rushed to attack the heart. He snorted again and twisted softly.

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