Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2266: Cry the Imperial Tomb!

Cry the Imperial Tomb!

Zhao Zhenwu was in a spirit, picking up his toes, and swaying the candlelight, shouting at the man, and found that he was actually in the school class, his "class leader", the Imperial Expeditionary Armor and other battle groups. Lieutenant General Chu Tianhe!

On the front line, this Chutian River is a famous "smart". It is best at unexpected surprises. When the troops fell to the rear, they heard that he still had several industries in his hometown. He knew that his strength would not be guaranteed. The whole step of selling, but also took a lot of cash in hand, but also good at investment and business, the situation is much better than other students.

This public has quite the ancient chivalrous style, the most is the public good and the righteousness, the righteousness and wealth, no matter which classmates encounter difficulties, in the past he has no friendship, always the first to come out to help.

In the past half year, dozens of embarrassed classmates were all supported by Chu Tianhe, and they were forced to survive until now, and Chu Tianhe’s savings have also spent most of the time, and they are as poor as they are. .

The other people are naturally puzzled. Chu Tianhe is a smile. Everyone is crawling out of the dead in the battlefield of Shura. After years of **** battles, life and death are all bearish. Isn’t it even a bit of copper smell?

Money and money, foreign things, flying back to come back, or friendship is more important!

This statement, including Zhao Zhenwu, did not have a classmate who refused to accept him.

The public’s prestige in the school’s class is extremely high. The faintness is the leader of many “general generals, light pole commanders”. Everything comes out, and everything is quiet. Everyone carefully ponders his suggestions.

Zhao Zhenwu’s mind is turning, and the more he thinks, the more he feels that Chu Tianhe is good!

In the past, the black star emperor Wu Yingqi established a real human empire. Naturally, he hoped that the empire would become the most powerful, greatest and longest country in the past and the present. It must not be as brilliant as the Xinghai Empire and instantly annihilated.

Do not say that the generations of the ages, at least like the Yaozu rule Xinghai, for three or five thousand years?

As a symbol of rule, the scale of the imperial tomb is naturally not small.

As early as Wu Yingqi was still alive, he sought the feng shui treasures of the gathering of the Kowloon, relying on the mountains and rivers to build the imperial tombs, and even carved a whole mountain into his statue, overlooking the great heavens and mountains of the heavens and the stars.

It is said that the entire underground tomb is more complicated like a labyrinth, enough to accommodate a whole army!

After the death of the Black Star Emperor, all of them have been buried here, and the scale of the Emperor's Mausoleum has also expanded, becoming a magnificent city.

However, the real human empire is not the feudal dynasty of ancient times tens of thousands of years ago. After the civilization of the Xinghai Republic, many concepts have changed from top to bottom, and there is no such thing as "the sacred inviolability of the imperial mausoleum."

On the contrary, when the Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi was still alive, he planned to build the Imperial Tomb into the spiritual center of the whole Xinghai. The main body of the above-ground building, in addition to the mausoleum, is the “Imperial Museum”, which specializes in the great achievements of the real human empire, and The glory of Xiuxian Avenue.

In the early 500 years, when the imperial power was strong, every day, the mighty Liling team came from Xinghai. Even the empire was in the form of clear-text law. Every Xiucian must come to the emperor to visit the emperor once. .

In the next five hundred years, the imperial power declined, and the four electorate families certainly did not want the shadow of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi to remain so strong. This law was gradually abandoned and abandoned.

However, the concept of the emperor's supremacy has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. No matter how powerful the ministers are, they can't stop people from coming to Fuling. That is to negate the legal right of their invisible rule. Instead, it will arouse the resistance and resistance of the masses.

Therefore, today's Imperial Tombs and Imperial Museums are still crowded with people every day, tourists are woven, and there are hundreds of pilgrims from all over the world.

Many pilgrims and tourists have come a long way, naturally it is impossible to take a look at it, but they will live in the towns around the Imperial Tomb for ten days and a half, slowly visiting the museum and the entire emperor, it is really lively.

Thousands of Imperial soldiers in active service, the most loyal warrior of the Emperor's Majesty, in the mausoleum, crying at the mausoleum of the Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi will surely make an earth-shattering, known by the whole world!

The most wonderful thing is that nowadays, the extreme heavens and the celestial stars are engaged in martial law. All the places are the ties of the four electorate families, such as the palace, the Senate, and the government's various departments, all of which are surrounded by water.

They are naturally unable to rush into the commander of the flat pole of Pingyang. I am afraid that there are still dozens of miles away from the Senate, and they are caught by electric batons and anesthesia guns.

However, the troops stationed in the Imperial Tombs are not the shackles of the four electorate families, but the Yulin Army!

This is a natural reason. Most of the members of the Royal Forest Army are ancestral chambers, the surname "Wu Ying", the sons and grandsons of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi and his descendants.

The tombs of the ancestors, they are not guarded, who will guard?

It’s ridiculous to say that it’s a bit ironic. Looking at the entire real human empire, hundreds of thousands of worlds, thousands of fertile planets, and perhaps only the imperial tomb, are still in the hands of the Imperial Army.

And Zhao Zhenwu, the generals of the miscellaneous generals, the commander of the polished pole, is now incorporated into the "Royal High Military Academy", which belongs to the Royal Forest Army system. More precisely, they are all "The Royal Forest Army Reserve"!

The Imperial Tomb is their site!

This matter is likely to succeed!

For a time, the blood of Zhao Zhenwu’s body rushed to his head, and he couldn’t help but breathe a heavy three-point.

He Peng, a classmate around him, and all the generals around him, are also excited and have a lot of arguments, all of which are praised by Chu Tianhe.

However, some people hesitated: "There is such a big noise, will it cause the fierce action of the Senate. Now the emperor is screaming for the blood of the League, and the ones that should be caught should have been arrested."

Chu Tianhe loudly said: "I am waiting for everyone who has nothing to die. What about the dark prisons that are closed to the dark? How is it different from the current life? Even if you kill the head, you can still make a noise. happy!"

Someone said: "How the Yulin army said, we are such a large group of people, we must pay attention, the group Fuling is to apply in advance."

Chutian River Road: "The Royal Forest Army is a ancestral hall. Many of them are our current classmates and instructors. Although everyone usually has friction in the 'Royal High Military Officer School', it is a trivial matter, and it is also considered as ‘no ignorance’.

"The clan and we are both sick and sick, and we hate the embarrassment of the four electorate families. If there is an opportunity for the four electors to be ugly, they are naturally happy to see it."

"Moreover, let's go to cry to their ancestors, is to express their loyalty to the royal family and to the Wuying family, and they will stop it?"

"At this point, all of you can rest assured that I have a small relationship with the ancestral chambers of Yulin Jun. I have to say that there is absolutely no problem with this matter. Now, if you have any guts, you are willing to continue to be like this. Living alive and boring, and then dying like a general, Zhou, is still going to fight back and fight hard!"

Zhao Zhenwu’s blood in his head boiled up.

In the meantime, I saw the face of the sturdy Jianbao teacher in the earlier Oriental pawnshop, and saw the fists of the guards and the hurricane, and saw that it was coming out of the house. The unscrupulous man heard his wife’s frosty, helpless laughter.

A face, a sneer, a sneer, a smirk, all shredded, turned into a bomb on the battlefield, and a scream of screams before the old brothers died.

"What about wealth? Boss, let's go to the front line and fight so hard, what is it for!"


Zhao Zhenwu did not know where the courage came from, clenched his fist and screamed. "I am not afraid of the sacred people on the front line. I am afraid of these dog hybrids when I return to the rear. They fight together, die and die, if they could The front line is so violent, how can there be so many birds!"


Chu Tianhe's eyes are bright and high. "Zhenwu brother said it is good. The immortal is not afraid of death. How many of our brothers have died in the front line? Even if we die, we must die like them. Famous Hall!"

"Please ask Big Brother Chu as our chief conductor, ‘Crying General!’”

Zhao Zhenwu’s ghost made a sudden disappointment. “Let’s go to the Imperial Tomb and make a turn of the day!”

When this statement came out, everyone cheered, and the long-lost generals of the miscellaneous generals all responded, so that Zhao Zhenwu tasted the taste of the past, and the body shape that had just been squatting was suddenly straight and strong!

Chu Tianhe slightly frowned, indulged for a moment, nodded and said: "Well, once this matter is really big, the first one is bound to be fierce but less, but it is forced to this, but it can not take care of so many, killing, killing !

"Not to mention, to fight out the head of Chu, if you can make a way out for everyone, let the Senate still give us the dignity and treatment, but it is also cost-effective!

"Brothers, friends, friends, this "Crying General" position, Chu will do nothing, if you are willing to believe me, all listen to my scheduling and arrangements, tomorrow we will go to see the next generation, see us The ancestors of the ancestors, the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi!"

It’s already here, it’s hard to be good.

All will be school, all in one.

They have been fighting for more than a decade on the front line, and both the troops and the repairs have been lighted, but the experience of professional soldiers is extremely rich. Nowadays, according to the regulations in the army, everyone is divided into ten teams, and Chu Tianhe is the "crying spirit." The chief commander, with another 10 captains, agreed to assemble from the various directions in the morning to the imperial mausoleum.

Zhao Zhenwu first jumped out to respond, and also got a team leader Dangdang.

This is the sale of the decapitation, but he promised to go down without a half eyelid.

While planning the route, negotiating countermeasures, and boosting morale, I thought in a confused way. If things are going to be too big tomorrow, will my wife see it on the spiritual network, even if I only see his name?

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