Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2267: Cry for this empire!

The next morning, the general manager of the Miscellaneous General and the Lights Commander had no feeling of burnout. The nerves and faces were burnt to the red, as if they had returned to the old days.

They set off from their respective temporary residences or the dormitory of the Royal High School of Military Officers, and took civilian transportation. They marched into the Imperial Tomb in twos and threes.

These four days of election of the emperor family have been plagued by the problems of Li Linghai, the reformists and the Lei Chenghu rebels. They have become the birds of surprise, and they really want to be soldiers.

They are heavily guarded in the "Central Government District" where the Royal Palace, the Senate, and the major government departments are located. Most of the battlefields and low-altitude strikes are deployed there. The defense is strict, and it can be said that even flies are different. I want to fly in.

However, the strength and energy of the army are limited. The "blood league members" can't finish it. Who can think of these impoverished destitute, and the stunned commander of the pole will go to the imperial tomb to make trouble?

Besides, Chu Tianhe, Zhao Zhenwu and others, after all, are all righteous imperial generals. It is one thing to take advantage of them in the depths of the darkness of the earth. It’s really a day in the sky, and no one dares to move them. foot.

The most important point is that the visit to the Imperial Tomb is completely reasonable and even encouraged by the authorities. They are now the reserve of the Yulin Army. They used to go to the Imperial Tombs for three days. Even if they were stopped by the checkpoints, they would show their identity and who would Stop them?

The generals who were divided into ten roads were all unimpeded and arrived near the imperial tomb.

In order to hide their eyes and ears, they did not change into the general uniform at first, but dressed in casual clothes and acted in a low-key manner.

Until the imperial mausoleum was in front of them, they were under the command of the general commander Chu Tianhe and Zhao Zhenwu and other captains, and they were replaced in the civilian transport and the surrounding toilets, and the school uniforms were replaced by the pulp and the medals. The watches are all worn on the chest, gathered together from all sides, shoulder to shoulder, handcuffed, and marched toward the main entrance of the Imperial Tomb.

This day is a beautiful day with bright sunshine and cloudlessness. Inside and outside the Imperial Tomb, visitors are woven, and the worshippers from all over the world outside the Empire are also in constant stream.

In the past ten years since the "emperition counterattack" started, in order to encourage the nationals to self-denial and sacrifice, the rituals of worshipping the imperial tomb have risen slightly. Many schools, sects and enterprises outside the empire will organize their personnel to come to the public on a large scale. Ling and visit the National Museum.

On the west side of the Imperial Tomb, there is also a large-scale national cemetery. The burial is the victim of the wars of the past thousands of years, that is, the highest level of the martyr's cemetery.

According to the design of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, these sacrificers are loyal to the empire when they are alive. They die naturally and become heroes. They can continue to guard the souls of Wuying, and keep the country of the real human empire forever.

The size of the Martyrs Cemetery is enormous, and the families who come to worship and the students of various institutions are also extremely numerous.

And today the National Museum and the Martyrs Cemetery seem to be engaged in large-scale activities, and many heavy official media are gathered here.

Thousands of golden generals with shoulders and chests suddenly appeared. Naturally, the guarding troops were shocked. Looking at the list of today’s group, there is no such name as the general.

Look at these generals carefully, but see them all look sorrowful, with pain and anger in their eyebrows, and all people's arms are still tied with a white cloth that is the meaning of a close relative.

The Shouling troops realized that things were not good, but they dared to stop the intrusion of so many generals. They were busy reporting on the floor, but the superiors were arrogant, and they were not even able to find the highest commander of the guardian army!

There are several surnames Wu Ying, experienced and well-informed veterans immediately know that there are many articles that they have recognized the identity of these generals, knowing that they are all "school class", that is, the officers of the Yulin Army reserve.

Today, I will be in the school class. Maybe tomorrow, I will be assigned to the Royal Forest Army to be their top boss. Do they have enough support to compete with their future bosses?

At the moment, one by one, the eyes are dark, and I know that the depth of the pool is not at the bottom, and it will really sell for life to stop, but I have to deal with it.

Zhao Zhenwu first stood up and rushed to the defending troops. The guarding troops, like the fences of the bamboo stalks, were immediately dispersed by the angry generals. Thousands of singular generals smashed into the mighty and mighty Imperial tomb.

This slightly strange team immediately caught the attention of the four tourists, and thousands of tourists gathered toward them.

Zhao Zhenwu and other generals of the Miscellaneous Generals do not have to say that the most unusual thing is that in the forefront of many generals, the stars are surrounded by a woman and five children, which is the empire that was killed alive yesterday in the arena. In the army, the widow of "Zhou Lifu" and five children, the biggest son, still hold the portrait of Zhou Lifu, and the three-dimensional light curtains are adjusted to black and white.

This configuration naturally causes the curiosity of the crowd.

The generals of the Miscellaneous Generals did not lose the opportunity to throw flyers to the crowd and confess their encounters.

How did they fight bravely on the battlefield, repeatedly fighting for the merits, and after the troops returned to the rear, how did they get out of trouble, in order to survive and even dragged their bodies to sell arms, and ultimately they were killed alive in the arena On, and so on.

These flyers were just printed last night, and they are steaming at the moment, tainting their anger and unwillingness.

The trick of spreading leaflets is naturally learned from the "Blood League."

After the **** association’s assassination, many opposition parties and reformists in the empire discovered the beauty of the old propaganda method of “flyers”.

Through the spiritual network, it seems to be advanced and swift, but it is very easy to be disturbed, blocked and traced to the source. It is almost impossible to find out if the leaflets are thrown out and hidden.

On the other hand, the tools for printing flyers are also very easy to make, nothing more than rollers and metal plates, plus specially formulated printing inks.

Even if it is not a refiner, the ordinary cultivator can run the genius on the metal plate. If you practice a little, how can you write it back? Two or three people will be able to print thousands of copies of the leaflet in one day. .

The contents of the flyers made people from all walks of life in the empire that came to Fuling amazed.

In the official propaganda of the empire, the empire counterattack in the past ten years is a hearty, unprecedented victory, even if there are a large number of soldiers to sacrifice, it is also heroic and heroic, and died.

Unexpectedly, behind the brilliant victory, there are still such scandals of darkness and darkness. The imperial soldiers and the noble cultivators have fallen to this extent.

At the moment, all the flyers have been swayed, and more and more tourists and worshippers gathered from the emperors' tombs in all directions. Even the reporters of the major media have heard the wind and come to find out.

Surrounded by crowds of people, the generals of the Miscellaneous Army marched along the central axis of the Imperial Tomb to the mausoleum of the Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi.

The real mausoleum is buried deep in the ground, and it must not be alarmed. But above the mausoleum is a statue of 725 meters, which is carved from the whole hill. It is Wu Yingqi’s shirt and looks strong. With one hand on the hips and one finger to the starry sea, it is seen as a symbol of the Black Star Emperor. All the Fuling ceremonies are held under this super giant statue.

The generals of the Miscellaneous Generals have already spread the entire Emperor's Mausoleum in an instant, even if the team that is preparing to visit the temple has given way to them.

Under the super-giant statue of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, the crowds surrounded by the generals of the Miscellaneous Generals have not lost hundreds of thousands. The black pressure is crowded with people, and the tides are surging, but they are all silently silent.

The crying ceremony began officially.

"Chouling General Commander" Chu Tianhe invited Zhou Lifu's widow and five children to his side, just dressed in a dress, using the last lingering power, sighed: "Our intentions, all compatriots already know Now, we are not coming to Fuling, but to 'cry the mausoleum'!

"We are the most determined believers in Xiuxian Avenue. They are the most loyal defenders of the Empire, the Majesty and the Senate. They are sweating and dying in the front line, holding the same thoughts and the blood of the sacred people, although they are not too big. There are always some hard work in the battle, and even the body is beaten by adults, ghosts and ghosts.

"We dare not expect this kind of hard work to be exchanged for much, but now the front line of war has not been completely extinguished, and some people can't wait to kick us off and cut off all our lives.

"This is the will of Lieutenant General Zhou Lifu. Zhou Zhong will have the title of 'Ghost Butcher' on the front line. It is the savage savage of the sacred people, but back to the rear, there is no life, and it is killed by living, leaving Wills and five children, I don’t know how to be good.

"Today’s general is the tomorrow of all of us. Let the cattle and sheep be brought to the slaughterhouse to slaughter. The cows and sheep must be called a few times. We must drop a few tears. We are all living people, and we are dying for the country. The soldiers who have passed, can only ask for a meal, but how can they cry without crying?

"However, we are not just crying for ourselves, crying for all the **** and sacrificed soldiers, crying for the dying of the past, crying for the celestial cult and its creator, the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, for the real human empire and the whole Cry with human civilization!

"The empire of today, the wolf is in the road, the tiger and the leopard are rampant, the power is expensive, and the evils are all over. It is no longer the empire created by the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi!

"Even our seemingly prestigious generals will be killed alive, let alone others? The empire has deteriorated into such a thing, isn't it worth us all to cry?"

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