Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2268: Out of control and upgrade

Chu Tianhe and Zhao Zhenwu and others discussed the night last night, and everyone screamed and sang a large section of the ceremonies.

But now it’s only a head, and Lieutenant General Zhou Lifu’s widow is crying “wow”.

When the mother cried, the youngest children also cried, and the female officers who took care of them were also distracted and secretly crying.

When Chu Tianhe saw this scene, he couldn’t help but feel that a ritual couldn’t be read anymore. He just turned to “噗通” and squatted in front of the giant statue of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, hanging his scorpion and shouting: “Your Majesty, His Majesty what!"

This is a scream, and many colleges have followed suit.

Around the tourists, the public and the worshippers met, and all the anger and anger, and the indignation filled.

Just then, there was another team not far away, and many of the team were wearing the uniforms of the Shouling Guard.

At the beginning, the public thought that these people were to disperse the generals who cried the mausoleum, and they could not help but whisper, and even some people bravely stepped forward to block.

However, in this team that is getting bigger and bigger, there is also a faint cry of crying, which inevitably makes the public face each other and stunned.

Not waiting for Chu Tianhe, Zhao Zhenwu and others to ask, the leader of this team has self-reported that the house was originally the clan of the real human empire, the son and grandson of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi.

The imperial mausoleum is a magnificent and endless city. In addition to the mausoleums, martyrs cemetery and national museums of the past, there are many small-scale museums, hotels, restaurants and commercial areas around. Prosperous place.

Most of the interests of the tourism industry, as well as the staff of the Shouling Guard, the Martyrs Cemetery and the National Museum, were firmly held by the ancestral hall.

This is also regarded as the "hardcore crop" left by the four electorate families to the ancestral hall. Many of the sects are gathered in this city to make a living.

These ancestors named "Wu Ying" have not seen so many imperial generals for their ancestors for many years, and they have seen the flyers. They know their intentions, and they are even more moved. They also succumb to the foxes and think of their own. Encounter, even under the encouragement of the heart, formed a mighty "Crying Army".

The ancestral hall is the indigenous people here. The number is naturally dozens of times more than that of the generals. Even if one-tenth of them join the cries of the clan, the momentum will suddenly increase a lot. It is like a raging wave, rushing forward, and setting the atmosphere to a higher level. Stairs.

The head of the clan, three steps and two steps to the Chutian River, first squatted on the ground, "咣咣咣" to the giant statue of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi smashed three heads, then turned back to the blood, right Volkswagen shot the chest and said: "I can guarantee that everything that General Chu said is true. The empire is corrupted to such an extent. Even our ancestors of the name 'Wu Ying' are desperate and unprepared, let alone the generals.

"Grandfather, you blink, show the spirit, the current empire has bad people, there are bad guys!"

During the speech, the patriarch was crying and crying.

The clan cried and was different from the generals.

Such as the Chu Tianhe, Zhao Zhenwu and other miscellaneous generals, after all, are iron-hearted iron-and-blood soldiers, ruthless and ruthless immortals, one by one is heart-wrenching, killing people without blinking.

Even if it is really embarrassing, there are all kinds of distress and grievances in the heart. After all, there are still some soldiers and the bones of the cultivators. They want them to cry like a ignorant woman and a tear in the nose. It is absolutely impossible, and at most, it is dark. Tears, to the statue of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, flowers, and so on.

But at the moment, the patriarchs gathered together, many people have lived here for hundreds of years, and they have long been the nursery to take the mouth, the old small squadrons.

And there is no experience of being born or dead, and without too much cultivation, many people have long become no different from civilians.

Those who are slightly older, the aunts and the scorpions, who are in charge of the three sevens and twenty-one, one by one, are scattered, squatting, crying, and crying, the sun and the moon are gone, the sun and the moon are dull, the battle is more than the generals. More than ten times stronger.

Such a huge crying scene, such as flooding, volcanic eruptions, and out of control, quickly triggered the mood of all tourists, people and pilgrims present.

The mourning virus instantly spread to every corner of the Imperial Tomb. Everyone was in a subtle emotional resonance. Hundreds of thousands and millions of people were crying at the same time. It was really crying that the Emperor’s Mausoleum would collapse. The Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi I am so angry that I have to climb out of the mausoleum!

The crying ceremony, the accidental turn to this step, has been faintly beyond the control of the generals.

At this moment, everyone inside and outside the Imperial Tomb can't cry on their own. Even the Guards of the Imperial Army stationed in the periphery are screaming, and there are too many bad people in the empire today, so that their ancestral halls of "Wu Ying" fall into such fields. I also cried and screamed one by one, and spit in the direction of the Senate.

Instead, the generals of the miscellaneous have become the most sober people.

Zhao Zhenwu feels a little flustered.

The trend of things should not be like this. Last night, they discussed it well. They went to the Imperial Tomb to cry, distribute flyers to the people, and then swear to the statue of the Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, and give flowers, and after the sound, everyone will Scattered.

In this way, it has not only affected the situation, but it has not been grasped by the authorities. It is a matter of righteousness to worship the imperial mausoleum. Even the duty of every imperial soldier and the immortal, the highest authorities have a few voices in the dark. How dare you treat them?

But the current state of affairs has clearly begun to get out of control.

Hundreds of thousands and millions of people are rioting in the Imperial Tombs. This is obviously going to happen!

Zhao Zhenwu sneaked a peek at Chutianhe, but he saw that the "Chenling General" was fully engaged in the role, and entered a state of incomparable fanaticism and excitement. He could cry out of his heart and cry while still on the side. Inciting, but the atmosphere is not hot enough!

“Chu Tianhe is not a famous ‘zhizhi’, why is the mind so stunned today?”

Zhao Zhenwu was uneasy in his heart, and some of them looked at the direction of the Senate and immediately opened their eyes.

The imperial tomb was built on the mountain. The giant statue of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi is naturally halfway up the mountain. Zhao Zhenwu is at the top of the mountain, looking up, but seeing not far from the imperial tomb, there is a black torrent that is rolling in!

It is a mighty crowd, the number is ten times more than the clan, a hundred times, and they are all wearing uniform uniforms. They are all black uniforms of the Imperial Expeditionary Force.

The torrent flooded the speed very quickly, and the blink of an eye broke through the defense line of the Yulin army. Of course, the Yulin army, who was crying and screaming, did not really want to block these people.

"Is the troops of the Senate?"

Zhao Zhenwu was in a tight heart, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. "Unlike, they didn't wear a crystal scorpion, didn't carry any heavy magic weapon, and there was no low-altitude attack ship on the head, not the troops of the Senate!"

However, after half a minute, the news from below was a surprise to him, almost fainting.

The comer turned out to be a disability veteran who was shot in the empire counterattack in more than a decade!

They all came from the various worlds outside the empire to the Imperial Tomb to worship!

There have been tens of thousands of disabled veterans rushing into the Imperial Tomb, and there are hundreds of thousands or more people behind them, and they are coming and going!

The situation of disabled veterans is even worse than that of their generals. They are also well-prepared and there are also "Royal Senior Officer Schools", and there are meager allowances and subsidies that can survive.

Many disabled veterans from the peripheral world were kicked back to the outside world and supported by local finances.

But now the governments of the peripheral worlds of the empire are going bankrupt, and there are all kinds of war taxes and defense donations to be turned over. How can we raise these wastes?

Therefore, the disabled veterans have accumulated a belly of resentment, I heard that there are generals crying here, but also came, crying!

"its not right!"

Zhao Zhenwu’s brain slammed, and 10,000 question marks exploded.

He naturally knows the suffering of disabled veterans. But these people have no money to eat, and can they afford the transportation, accommodation and worship expenses from the peripheral world to the extreme heavens and the stars?

And how hundreds of thousands, millions or even larger disabled veterans are organized and transported to the capital, how sophisticated and powerful organizational, discipline, and financial resources are needed, simply not spontaneous. The move.

Zhao Zhenwu is very clear that the imperial capital at this moment is in an extraordinary period. The jumping points of the imperial capital and the star port are firmly controlled by the fleet of the four electoral families. Only the four family of starships can be unimpeded, and the civilian transport ship wants Entering the Imperial Capital, it is necessary to go through dozens of heavy examinations and the most rigorous search. How can these disabled veterans easily slip in?

Also, this thing is too clever, they just cried here and cried for a long time, the sects will hear the wind and move, even the disabled veterans come to join in the fun, this, this, this!

The more Zhao Zhenwu felt that it was not good, the moment it was full of cold sweats, and some guilty eyes looked toward Chutianhe: "Head commander..."

"Old Zhao!"

Chu Tianhe's eyes were red, his expression was calm to the extreme, and he took a lot of shots behind his back and whispered in his ear. "The matter is here, how are the crimes of killing the head, maybe the more trouble, the more upset Instead, you can put it to death and then give birth. You are also a soldier. Do you understand this simple truth?"

Looking at the demon-like eyes of Chutianhe, Zhao Zhenwu was deeply chilled, and his body was so stiff that he couldn’t say a word.

Chu Tianhe squeezed out a very incomparable smile, and suddenly shook his arms and shouted: "Look at you, millions of disabled veterans have joined us. We will not leave today. Everyone is waiting at the Imperial Tomb. The hospital gave us a fairness! Without justice, we would rather die at the foot of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi!"


Zhao Zhenwu feels that the whole person has been blown up and broken, and he does not know where he is, what he is doing! ——


Yesterday, some readers commented that the old bull, the imperial authorities are not so stupid, do this kind of morale, so is it an exaggeration?

The old cow thought about it and thought about it. It still has to be clear. Many times, the old cow is just a porter of history.

The first few chapters are drawn from the **** suppression of the petitions of the First World War veterans during the US economic crisis. The dream combination of Barton and MacArthur killed the country's World War I veterans and flesh and blood, not soft!

The second is that the great president of our great Republic of China has compiled and compiled the "Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum". Interested readers can search for it and see how the real historical figures can handle such a mess.

In short, these chapters are, and are only based on, these two historical events. Although this will affect the continuity and immersion of the novel, but think about it, for various reasons, it is still necessary to explain it carefully. Everyone understands Ha!

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