Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2270: The coffin board can't be pressed...

A variety of multi-angle high-definition pictures, and even three-dimensional holographic video, just overlooked the giant statue of the black star of Wu Yingqi's magnificent giant statue, shooting thousands of people's heads, even if there is no sound, Can imagine the roar of the tsunami on the scene.

Such a professional shooting technique is definitely a veteran of the media industry who has been playing for decades.

Even before the crying incident has taken place, it is necessary to find the angle of the viewfinder, such as the angle of the shoulder of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, and it is absolutely impossible to find between the haste.

Therefore, this is not a video of the people present at the scene, but premeditated!

Even the media belonging to the Li family had even interviewed a fierce empire veteran in just a few minutes with incredible efficiency!

"...There has been such an incident. It cannot be said that it is a great regret, but we must not blame these generals and veterans who have nowhere to go. On the contrary, the highest authorities should seriously reflect on what is the reason, so that they have repeatedly made great achievements in the front line. The generals and soldiers who sacrificed everything in the empire can only make their own voices in this way?"

In the face of the crystal eye, the surname of the old man is revered. "Human is the most powerful fighting race in the sea of ​​stars. This sentence has been passed down from the era of the Xinghai Empire to today, and it has become our faith. The army is the empire. If the cornerstone is broken, the real human empire and the entire human civilization will disappear!

"In the past ten years, we have achieved brilliant success on the front line. The spirit of all the people is very uplifting, but the unprecedented victory is only made by these generals and soldiers who have been sweating on the front line. Now it is only One day we will go to the old nest of the sacred alliance, completely destroy the covenant alliance, and unify the stars and sea. At that time, it is not necessary to rely on the soldiers to continue to sacrifice and continue to contribute to human civilization. ?

"Today, treating the hard-working soldiers is so cold that the majority of the soldiers will be cold. Who will be willing to work for the country in the future? I think this issue is the Senate, especially the cabinet of the East. It should be well thought out and properly solved!"

The reporter asked the surnamed veteran, this is his personal attitude, or represents the position of Li Jia, the surnamed veteran slightly smiled: "The incident suddenly, I just received the news, this is naturally only my personal Attitude, but I believe that any person who truly believes in the empire and human civilization, regardless of what is the Li family, the Yun family or the Oriental family, will be crying, the heartbreaking generals and wounds gathered in the emperor's tomb. The remnants of the veterans expressed their deepest sympathy and the most insults of the culprit leading to all of this!

"Speaking more seriously, this is 'shaking the country'. If this happens, shouldn't someone stand up and take responsibility? Next, how can the top authorities and the Prime Minister of the East look for and thoroughly trace it? We will wait and see! I can only solemnly promise to all the people and all the Taoist friends on my behalf. I will do the most sacred mission of an imperial elder, and I will supervise the cabinet and solve the problem!"

Rao is the king of the East for forty years and the prime minister of the 20th century. The city is no longer well-fed, and it is almost necessary to blow up the internal organs.

Because he clearly remembers that when the previous days discussed how to retreat so many generals and disabled veterans, the Ministry of National Defense had proposed a plan for the four electors to take a sum of money first, with a special subsidy. The form of "send down", so that before the blood alliance event is not completely resolved, first stabilize these guys.

As a result, it was the first surname of the surname to jump out and call out the bitterness of the sky. The iron **** was in vain, and even half of the copper plates were not willing to come out.

The surnamed Laos took the lead and boycotted. The other veterans naturally responded. Even the elders of the Eastern family were undecided.

Unexpectedly, today, this surnamed veteran has a face through the media, saying "sacred supervision, solving the problem" in front of all the nationals, and also pointing to the surname, pointing the spearhead directly at the cabinet of the East, really making "the iron and blood prime minister" The anger is unstoppable, and the murderous heart is there.

However, after the moment of anger, more is the chill of the bones. The elders obviously will not accidentally shoot. His words must represent the attitude of the family. What is the situation?

The East looks like a fat Buddha, and it is sinking with a blank expression. Two new news came.

First, the millions of disabled veterans came to the road to figure out such a huge crowd, and the ins and outs of the country could not be concealed. The intelligence organizations of the Eastern family quickly figured out that they were following the change of the Fleet of the Li family and landed in The defense zone in charge of Lijia was rushed to the Imperial Tomb by Li Jiabao.

Secondly, Li Jia’s “silver fox” Li Jiande’s “again” episode of stagnation, which is said to have been left untouched, is now being exercised by his seventh son, Li Mingxuan.

The East looked a little sighed and sighed.

This is the end of the matter, he completely understands.


A high-ranking cow, a full-faced attendant walked into the office and said murderously, "Our troops have been assembled on the east side of the Imperial Tomb, and they can go in and suppress the rebellious chaos!"

This servant is the confidant he brought from the family, calling him "homeowner" rather than "prime minister."


In front of the bodyguards, there was not much concern. The East looked at him. "Standing on the spot, not being swayed, remembering, beware of the deliberate provocation of the other party, absolutely, absolutely can't do it!"

Since it is known as the "Iron and Blood Prime Minister", Dongfang Wang is by no means a person who uses force.

If all the systems within and outside the Imperial Tombs are cut off, and the Lingwang and the media are in control of their own hands, the East may not be able to solve the problem cleanly and silently.

But now it is clear that the Li family, one of the four major electoral families, is igniting behind the scenes. A little carelessness is the complete break of the four electorate families. For the Prime Minister of the Empire, this is the result that they are unwilling to see.

What's more, why did Li Jia have the temper to suddenly attack him at this time, which is equivalent to a full-scale attack on the East, what is the reliance of Li Jia, and is there any powerful backhand and killing? This is something that must be clarified first.

The most important thing is that now the other three media and the spiritual network are all blocked. Only the Li family has occupied the propaganda highland. What kind of friction really occurs, what kind of pictures will be seen by the outside world, and what kind of voices will be heard. His prime minister will be defiled. What does it look like?

Dongfang Wang is pondering whether he should immediately send his own media to the East, and there is another news that has caused him to be shocked.

There is a small fleet that is forcibly breaking into the Imperial Tomb!

"Not our people."

The body guards rushed to the scene and naturally, this picture is also from the media of Lijia. "Our troops are confronting the Yulin Army on the east side of the Imperial Tomb. They are absolutely obedient to the orders of the homeowners. They are only blocked and will never conflict with each other. And there is no attack on the imperial mausoleum, ah, this is"

In the low voice of the guards who could not believe it, the East looked up and stared at the top of the emperor's tomb in the picture.

Against the backdrop of more than a dozen low-altitude assault ships, a golden **** is getting bigger and bigger, and soon it is in a cloudless blue sky and blue sky, showing a completely overbearing and cool look.

This is a golden body, and there are many giant soldiers who have more eyes.

The violent flames of the giant squadrons formed two golden wings nearly 100 meters long on the left and right. There are still words on the wings. The left and right are:

"Golden Oh!"

"Vulture Li Yao!"


The mausoleum, the central axis, the front of the giant statue of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi.

Before the appearance of the golden brilliance of the giant gods, all of which were created by gold, all the anger of the soldiers, the clan and the people were reached.

Because everyone saw the sky in the east side of the Imperial Tomb, flying from the direction of the Senate, a large number of starships depicting the emblem of the Eastern family, are confronting the rusting and riddled starship of the Royal Forest.

It seems that if the Yulin army is hard to stop, these star ships from the East, murderous will rush into the Imperial Tomb!

"Oriental homes have even reached this level, even the heroes of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi dare to trample?"

I don’t know which corner to breed from, and soon spread the entire mausoleum, making the clan’s crying even more fierce, and the atmosphere suddenly became tragic. All the generals who led the crying mausoleum seemed to see themselves. The end.

Just like this, when a slap in the face, a small-scale low-altitude striking fleet was quietly released from the west side of the imperial tomb by the Yulin army, and it was discovered all the way to the crowd.

Then, a golden "seed" spewed out from one of the starships, and grew bigger and bigger in midair, turning into a giant **** of the gods, and the golden scorpion!

"this is"

Zhao Zhenwu looked at the sky with a stunned look. He also counted as a battle. He had worked with the giant soldiers for dozens of times, but he had never seen such a gorgeous, so domineering, so tyrannical giant soldier!

The giant squad is still standing at the height of hundreds of meters, but it is a wave that makes everyone scream, but this volatility is not a bit murderous, but full of... screaming, passionate !

"It’s a golden scorpion, one of the strongest giants in our empire, and it’s gold!”

"I heard that its driver, the vulture Li Yao, is also a super-premium master of the empire. He has always been active in a very secret underground battle, specializing in spying, destruction and spying on the sacred alliance, so it has been unknown. However, the brilliant victory of the empire's counterattack warfare is really a great credit for the vultures of Li Yao!

"Yes, I have heard of this person. He is a loyal patriot. He is the purest cultivator. He is the most faithful believer of the Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi. He must be on our side! ”

All kinds of rumors that Zhao Zhenwu had never heard of, suddenly broke out from all corners of the Imperial Tomb in the moment when Li Yao appeared!

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