Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2271: Add oil to the fire!

Some gossips say that this "vulture Li Yao" is the most powerful "secret weapon" of the Imperial Army. It has been in the darkest and ridiculous star field on the front line, and the super master of the covenant alliance, to carry out the arduous struggle.

There is also a gossip that this "vulture Li Yao" is the strongest in the palace. It is the "big master" who has been loyal to the ancestors in the 7th and 8th generations. Even in the era of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, he has already followed his majesty, so it is The first generation of the immortal.

This time, it was also that he couldn’t bear it, and sent him to protect the generals, veterans, patriarchs and the public.

All kinds of news are vivid and vivid, and it seems that some people have seen this "vulture Li Yao" on the front line or the palace, and they are driving the "golden big bang" and smashing the heroic posture.

Under the encouragement of these news and the instigation of the people, countless people have raised their hands to the gold screaming and shouted: "The giant gods, the sects of the giants to protect us, and the sire is to support our crying mausoleum, long live, sire Long live the long live the Empire!"

Zhao Zhenwu was stunned and suspicious. He was the witness of the empire's counterattack. After playing for more than ten years, he had never heard of any "golden scorpion, vulture Li Yao".

But then again, the empire counterattack involves four major war zones, dozens of thousands of worlds and hundreds of resource planets. The battle line spans tens of light years, far beyond the limits that individuals can observe. No one dares to say that they themselves Learn about every war in every star field.

Therefore, if it is really deep in the Xinghai, the secret warrior on the black front, he has not heard of this name, it is not surprising.

At least, one can be sure that from the golden flames of the ruined land, no matter whether this giant **** is a golden scorpion or a vulture, Li Yao, who is driving the giant gods, all are strong and outrageous. The qualification of the first-line strongman!

A super-class combat-type cultivator, driving a giant soldier who is luxurious to the extreme from any angle, is not necessarily the sky falling down and the ground drilling out?

Therefore, it is really the secret weapon of the Imperial Army, or the great master of the generation to protect it!

Zhao Zhenwu sneaked into the Chutian River next to him, but he saw Chu Tianhe staring at the golden giant soldiers in the air, and it was slightly strange.

However, the general commander of the crying tomb was calmed down after a while, and whispered to Zhao Zhenwu: "Zhenwu brother, you believe now, we are still very likely to gamble to win this game, get rid of a big fight, get a win Everything we lost is back!"

Zhao Zhenwu's heart moved, the fire of desire flowing in the bottom of his eyes burned to the extreme, and the fists of steel and flesh and blood were all tight.

Chu Tianhe said that it is not the case. It is not necessary to consider whether he has been exploited by people to use the value of being used. It is better than garbage and waste that have no use value!

Why do you want to take this giant warrior out of it? Anyway, this giant soldier is standing on their side, as long as a famous church comes, everything...and his wife...all come back Now!

"Long live your majesty, Long live the Empire!"

Zhao Zhenwu also waved his arms against the golden cockroaches in midair, screaming and screaming.

The roar of thousands of generals, veterans, patriarchs and the public seems to be the purest fuel, and it is constantly being poured into the golden shackles, making this cool and incomparable giant soldier once again releasing the gorgeous golden ripples. .

It screams in the midair, tearing the eardrum, and even single-handedly, turned into a streamer, flew toward the Eastern family fleet deployed on the east side of the Imperial Tomb!

A few tens of kilometers away, for the giant soldiers, but between the breath.

Thousands of people in the underground have a flower, and the golden scorpion has already stood in front of the fleet of the Eastern family. The golden knives and knives swayed and swayed, and they swayed a dozen kilometers of majestic knives and turned them into a golden wall. Block the footsteps of the Eastern family fleet.


Above the Imperial Tomb, the confrontation between the giant soldiers and the fleet!

Millions of people are the first to see such a thrilling and magnificent scene in their lives, and they can't help but scream.

The Eastern family fleet was in a big mess.

The troops that rushed to the Imperial Palace to suppress it were all equipped with low-altitude strike ships against ground targets. There was no operational requirement against the giant soldiers.

What's more, the most important thing for a starship to fight against a giant warrior is to pull away the distance, at least for hundreds of kilometers, and then form a crossfire network to block and drag the giant soldiers with constant firepower.

Now the two sides are less than one kilometer apart. For the giant soldiers, they can reach them in 0.1 seconds, and even drill into their starships to destroy them. And their starships are too close, and the giant soldiers even Can sprint directly from the belly of a starship to another starship!

In a nutshell, they are not at all fighting against the formation of giant soldiers. Using this formation against a top-level giant soldier, no matter how bad the price is, it is difficult to achieve too good results.

Li Yao drove the appearance of the golden shackles, forcing them to make a big mess and had to withdraw hundreds of kilometers to re-arrange.

In addition, the Prime Minister of the East has strictly forbidden them to take the initiative to open fire. At first glance, it is like Li Yao, who will force the entire Eastern fleet to retreat!

A waterfall-like cheer and thunderous applause broke out inside and outside the Imperial Tomb. Everyone was cheering for Li Yao’s "heroic performance."

Even the ruined and rusty rusted starships of the Yulin Army expressed their salute to Li Yao, expressing 120,000 to the "loyal and immortal cultivator, the most loyal follower of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi". Sublime respect!


In the golden shackles, Li Yao has tears in his eyes and his heart is ups and downs.

Scarlet Devil: "No, you won't be touched by them to cry?"

Li Yao: "Of course not. I was touched by myself! I said it a long time ago. I have a dream. One day I can control the most powerful giant soldiers. I will come to the imperial capital of the real human empire. , arrogant, arrogant!

"I didn't expect that today, after my unremitting efforts and resolute struggle, my dream has finally come true. I can even pee on the head of the statue of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi. This is called 'Heavenly reward, justice will win'. It’s too easy, oh!”

Scarlet Devil: "...Do you know what my biggest dream is at the moment?"

Li Yao: "What is it?"

Scarlet Devil: "I really hope that the giant statue in front of the '哗啦' will split, and the mausoleum of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi will burst into bursts. Then the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi will climb out of the coffin and die with a slap in the face. You are such a brazen guy!"

Li Yao: "Hey, how can I be shameless, can't I compare with the next one?"

Scarlet Demon: "This is also true."


Li Yao drove the golden squad to retreat from the Eastern Fleet and returned to the top of the Emperor’s Mausoleum in front of the statue of the Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi.

Holding the knife in the right, the left hand spreads out, but the palm is a shadow and stands alone.

The golden scorpion landed slowly.

The central part of the Imperial Tomb was empty, and the generals and veterans had commanded the public to clear out a site for Li Yao’s foothold.

Li Yao stretched his left hand and held up the palm of his hand.

After a special modification, the golden scorpion shot a giant three-dimensional light curtain of several kilometers from the shoulder and back to the sky, and clearly displayed the image of the palm of the person in the sky.

This is a woman with a noble temperament, a beautiful face, and a simple dress, without a little bit of carving.

With sorrow and sorrow, pity for the eyes of all beings, staring at the millions below.

So that the generals, soldiers, patriarchs, and the public saw it for a long time before they recognized her identity and could not believe it and exclaimed: "His Royal Highness!"

"The Queen's Royal Highness came to the Imperial Tomb to support us!"

"His Royal Highness is on behalf of His Majesty, standing on our side!"

The sound waves rolled into a torrent, and the hearts of the imperial mausoleum and every crying ancestor flooded.

"You generals, warriors, nationals, sorry everyone, this palace... I, I am late!"

The imperial emperor Li Linghai was full of emotions. He did not say that he would cry in a half sentence. Even the court etiquette could not take care of it. "I learned that everyone spontaneously gathered here to pay homage to the majesty, and I came to the imperial mausoleum for the first time. Many people who heard the in-depth understanding on the road, but the more they listened, the more they felt timid and angry.

"I didn't expect that the heroes who fought in the front line and defended the imperial empire of the empire, and returned to the rear, had such an encounter, and they would fall to such an extent, and even die silently!

"This, this is shaking the country. This is a kiss and hatred. This is a chilling heart. It is a cornerstone for the bad guys to ruin the true human empire and the entire human civilization!"

I did not expect the Queen's attitude to be so tough, and many of the soldiers, the clan and the public were all asleep.

Many people know that the Emperor of the Empire and the Queen's Highness are involuntarily embarrassed. They are also in a precarious and treacherous environment. They are so timid about Li Linghai that they can't help but secretly squeeze a cold sweat.

"The people are so bitter, the soldiers are so wronged, and my Majesty is deeply sympathetic and extremely dissatisfied."

Li Linghai seems to have been brave enough to courage. "However, many times, both of me and my Majesty are powerless. Actually, I am really sorry for everyone. I am even more worried about the ancestral ancestors buried here. I am sorry for the Black Star Emperor!"

Having said that, she has been crying and choked.

The public is also being provoked by her emotions, sobbing all the time, the tears flowing out are like rolling oil, so that the fire of anger is burning more and more.

"I have lived in the Imperial Palace all the year round. I don't know anything about the military affairs. I don't know how to properly solve this problem. I believe that the Prime Minister of the East can definitely come up with a solution?"

Li Linghai wiped his tears. "However, after so many years, I have some savings in my private life. Before the matter is solved satisfactorily, so many soldiers who come from afar will always eat and drink, and use this money to help everyone through the storm. Please don't refuse, this is the only little thing that my 'emperor queen' can do for the hard-working, bloody, and grievous soldiers."

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