Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2280: Mysterious Oriental Moon! (fourth more!)

Li Yao spent a long time and said: "If you have to say this, then there is no problem."

Li Linghai smiled and said: "In the first five hundred years of the empire, when the emperor still took control of the power, the court of the demon, the most sharp sword of his majesty, did have the absolute power to kill and kill, and to play the first power. At that time, one of the demon courts The little 'hunting witch' walked down the street, and they could scare the ministers in the court and the heads of the place to tremble. If anyone was knocked at the door by the 'hunting witches' in the middle of the night, it would be no exaggeration to be alive and scared.

"However, with the decline of the imperial power, the Devil's Court is also becoming sluggish and run-down. What I have just said is only the possibility of 'theoretical'.

"In theory, the Devil's Trial Chamber can indeed accuse anyone of being a cultivator, grabbing his own nest and succumbing to confessions and even squeezing into tactics. But in reality, if you really want to arrest people, you still have to look at strength.

"Before getting full support from our reformists, the Devil's Trial Chamber is far from having the strength to arrest people everywhere, especially when it comes to the case of the four electorate families. If you dare to come to the door, people will dare to kill you alive. Burned into ashes, sprayed into the depths of the Xinghai, how can you?

"Speaking ugly, don't say that you are good at arbitrarily good, and you are tempted to make a move. Even if the four major electorate families really cooperate with the extraterrestrial demon, they become a true demon. The demon court is not only a glance. , pretending not to see?"

Li Yao was shocked: "Is there someone... working with the demon outside the realm?"

"I can work with you, the immortal and the self-cultivator. As long as there are enough benefits, why can't you cooperate with the extraterrestrial demon?"

Li Linghai said faintly, "The extraterrestrial demon is also a kind of intelligent life. Wisdom life means the possibility of negotiation, compromise, trade and harmony. In short, what I want to say is that even with the full support of the reformists, the power of the Heavenly Trial Chamber is now Far from returning to the heyday, only the power of the theory of 'killing and killing, arbitrarily sanctioning' is not as arrogant and embarrassing as you think.

"But the other organization is different. It is the Association of Hunting Monsters."

Li Yao thought for a moment: "Understand that the empire is dedicated to the official institutions of the demon and the beast."

"Yes, since the Xinghai Empire was smashed by the Yaozu and the Devils 10,000 years ago, the Yaozu and the Tianmen have always been the two major threats to human civilization. After that, all the regimes in the central Xinghai will form institutions to deal with these two threats. Even the army, in the real human empire, is the Heavenly Devils Court and the Hunting Demon Association."

Li Linghai said, "Over the past 10,000 years, the extraterrestrial demons have disappeared most of the time, and most of them have occasionally come out for blasphemy. The Yaozu also completely lost the civilized state of systemization and system, and we drove to the edge of the Xinghai. It is estimated to be fast. Is it extinct?

"The Devil's Trial Chamber and the Hunting Demon Association lost their land, and they have been transformed into two secret secret agents of the empire. The sharp weapons that used to deal with the demon and the demon are now suitable for human beings.

"The first five hundred years of the empire, the era of the Heavenly Devil's Court, relying on the support of the Emperor's Majesty, has always firmly suppressed the Association of Hunting and Demon Hunters, which also led the Hunting Horde Association to invest in the four electorate families early and suppress them. The secret war of the imperial power made a great contribution. When it came to merits and rewards, it also received corresponding feedback. The scale and level of the war were rising. In the next five hundred years, it became the empire of all the empire of the empire, and everyone is horrible!"

Li Yao thought about electricity and nodded. "Understand, this member of the 'Hunter's Association' can also be shaken and swayed on the road to see who is unhappy and who is the Yaozu, dragging back to torture, slamming into a trick, then '咔嚓'A single kill is completely legal?'

"Yes, if the Devil's Court is the most sharp sword of the Emperor's Majesty, then the Demon Hunter Association is the most faithful hound of the four electorate families. Those who dare to defy the four major family orders and violate their interests will inevitably be detained. On the 'female traitor', the hat of the 'female mixed blood', ruined and ruined.

Li Linghaidao, "And in the recent hundred years, the strength of the Eastern family has greatly expanded, and it will reach out to all key areas of the empire. The Association of Hunting and Demon Hunters is naturally the target of their infiltration. The president who just took office is the person of the Oriental family, more accurate. Said, it is the confidant of the East.

"Now everyone's fleets are firmly held by each other, and no one dares to take the world to launch a civil war. That is the Heavenly Devil's Court and the Hunting Demon Association. This is a black battlefield that is entangled in the millennium. The fire is on fire."

Li Linghai gently stroked a pattern, and the light and shadow behind him flashed. The map of the underground block was replaced by the image of a young woman.

This woman...

The long, black hair and long hair poured down like a waterfall, and it hangs down to the waist. Although the five features are exquisite and exquisite, the whole is a bit dull, like a few faint dots on the gray rice paper. Deep impression.

Even with Li Yao's memory and discernment, I have seen this three-dimensional photo, but I can't tell you what other characteristics of this woman besides the full-head waterfall.

The long hair of the waterfall is obviously a cover-up. It can be cut short, dyed and changed in minutes. Focusing on the hair is completely worthless.

Since Li Yao’s cultivation to the realm of the gods, I have never been so “unpredictable” to a person. It’s really awesome!

"This woman is called 'Oriental Moonlight,' and is the president of the Hunting Warriors Association who just took office last month."

Li Linghai said, "I believe that she is the head of the special agent under the Eastern hopes. It is equivalent to the role of the month unparalleled on our side. It is also our next stage of fighting, the most dangerous enemy!

"You have recently made a big splash in Xinghai and the Imperial Tomb. You should have been noticed by the East. It is very likely that you have to deal with this woman. Be careful!"

Li Yao stared at the photos of the Oriental Moonlight with enthusiasm and muttered: "It looks really young, what is the realm, what is the beginning, is there any detailed research?"

Li Linghai slowly shook his head: "No."

Li Yao said a little bit: "The important role of the ancestors in the 18th generation has not been able to collect information such as hemorrhoids should be collected, what is ‘no’?”

Li Linghai smiled and said: "Remember how I used to introduce you to others. I said that you are a secret warrior who is raised in the dark by the reformists. The most unseen, mysterious, and mythical dragons are not seen at the end. Kind.

"A lot of big forces will cultivate such dark warriors, specializing in the most secretive, dirty and **** things, known as ‘Ghost Warriors’.

"You are naturally a counterfeit goods, but this Eastern Mingyue is really genuine, the dark warriors and ghost warriors who are looking forward to the East. Before she became the president of the Hunting Horde Association, there is almost no information, but there are reasons to believe that there are dozens of piles. The big case is related to her, and it is the master who is most proficient in latent assassination and secret action!"

"so smart?"

Li Yao is hard to set the channel. "Isn't she even a little bit of information?"

"No, she is like a shadow, a shadow from the depths of the dark swamp. No one knows what state she is."

Li Linghai talked for a turn. "However, a year and a half ago, I once saw her once in the palace. At that time, her identity was only a small palace lady."

Li Yaoyan opened his eyes: "What?"

"The four major electorate families will put eyeliner in the palace, including my own earliest line of Li Jia'an inserted into the palace, so she took the order of the East and went to the palace to perform tasks as a palace girl. Not surprisingly."

Li Linghai frowned slightly, muttering. "Just, at that time, I randomly glanced at her, and it was a strange feeling of vigilance. It was really strange."

"Is the Queen's Highness even a sense of vigilance against the Oriental Moon?"

Li Yao was shocked.

It is clear that Li Linghai’s fighting power is horrible. Even if it is not the “first master of the real human empire”, it is absolutely no problem to be among the top ten and even the top five.

Such a master of the emperor's supernatural powers, who possesses the spirit of the purple flame and the dragon's body, even have a sense of vigilance against the Oriental Moon.

In other words, even if the Eastern Mingyue is not as strong as Li Linghai, at least there is a certain possibility that it will pose a threat to Li Linghai!

Li Yao said: "The Queen's Highness, honestly, you have told me... Has there been a ‘wark feeling?'”

Li Linghai thought for a moment and said: "It seems that there is no."

Li Yao is hard to set the channel: "No, not at all, not even for a second?"

Li Linghai shook his head and said: "No, you should not pose a threat to me except to be a pig teammate and pull my hind legs."

Li Yao sighed: "Well, that is to say, everyone is also a ‘ghost martial in the darkness’, but this Oriental moon should be a little bit more powerful than me?”

"Yes, but you don't need to be discouraged."

Li Linghai opened the way, "I have carefully estimated afterwards, even if the Eastern Mingyue is really stronger than you, it may not be able to kill you. If you two really fight, you have a great probability that the Gecko will end off and escape."

Li Yao: "...oh."

"In short, during this time, the Devil's Trial Chamber will be fully engaged with the Hunting and Demon Hunting Association. The consumption of the magic weapon is enormous, and you and the Master Jin Tianzong will have to worry too much."

Li Linghai said, "As for the information of this Eastern Mingyue, there will always be more collections in this dark war. Even if you can personally try to try her two pounds, it would be better.

"In the final analysis, this vast dark war is just a slap in the face and cover up. When the time is ripe, most of the other side's forces have been transferred from the mountains. We will take the secret research of the Eastheartedness at a speed that is too fast. , to find the key evidence, of course, also to seize him, and then the entire avalanche of the Eastern family, it is unstoppable whether there is a problem?"


Li Yao raised his hand. "Why do you want to say that the Queen's Highness is saying that I am a pig teammate. When did I pull your hind legs? And, really, I really didn't pose a threat to you?"

The fourth is sent, the old cow is really exhausted, if your brothers and sisters have a ticket to recommend the ticket, let the old cow... make up?

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