Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2282: Dead horse is a living horse doctor!

Leaving the cultural relics repair center, Li Yao is still pondering the last words of Li Linghai.

He always felt that Li Linghai's words were a bit strange.

Generally speaking of a person's fate, it should be said to be "destiny", "destined to be destined", or simply a word, this is the "life" of Li Jialing.

However, Li Linghai said that it is "the fate of life."

"The destiny of the gods", "the fate of the destiny", the word does not always feel like a person to describe, at least not to describe ordinary people.

"The last time I was in the prison of God, I was not quite right. Now it is so capricious and flashy, the Queen must have problems."

Li Yao muttered to himself, but after careful consideration for a long time, he had to admit that until now, all the actions of the Queen did not violate the original promise. The "new empire" is indeed more advanced than the "old empire."

She even handed over the military command to the military squadron like Lei Chenghu. It is quite a civilized practice to have a taste of "separation of military and political affairs."

So, even if she really has a conspiracy, what can she do to make a huge wave?

Under the puzzling, Li Yao wanted to find the kid of Li Jialing and talk about it.

But the line of sight swept away from the floor-to-ceiling windows at the end of the corridor. It wasn’t Li Jialing, but the hands of the two, and the “God of War” Lei Chenghu!

Li Yao glimpsed and went forward and found that Lei Chenghu was standing in the window. His deep eyes were slanting through the slanting wind and rain, staring at the black uniforms not far away, and being meticulously worshipping the imperial tombs. .

The expression of God of War is somewhat lost and somewhat awkward.

Li Yao’s heart moved and said: “General Lei has not gone yet?”


Lei Chenghu looked at it for a while and slowly said, "I have come to the Imperial Tomb. Even if it is not the real body, it is a sacrifice. I want to wait for the following people to go to the black star." The statue of Emperor Wu Yingqi walked three times."

Li Yao knows that Li Linghai said that the oriental family’s smog and extinction of humanity will definitely cause great shock to Lei Chenghu. This veteran who is loyal to the empire does not know how resentful.

The real human empire is the kingdom of the immortal. In theory, all the cultivators are ruling classes. Although they do not regard ordinary people as human beings, they are regarded as "original people" of different ethnic groups with "real people". They can be crushed, killed, and even killed. The existence of the experiment.

But at least within the ruling class, that is, between "real people", we must pay attention to some rules and laws, and then how to compete with the weak and the strong, and the competition of your life and death, there is a last layer of fig leaf cloth.

The actions of the two brothers, Dongfangwang and Dongfang Renxin, undoubtedly trampled on all the "morality" of the immortal, and tore the last layer of fig leaf.

If some of the cultivators can rely on "cannibalism" to devour the blood and skill of others, and always occupy the core position of the ruling class, then Lei Chenghu is proud of the "Xianxian Avenue can optimize the allocation of resources to the extreme", Become a nonsense, the legitimacy and stability of imperial rule will disappear in an instant.

Lei Chenghu absolutely can't stand this kind of thing.

No wonder he is unhappy here, and he wants to stop.

Sure enough, Li Yao did not speak, but with Lei Chenghu quietly watching the disabled soldiers for a long time, Lei Chenghu took the initiative: "Although, I do not like war..."


Li Yao feels that everyone is quite abnormal today and it is difficult to set a channel. "You are a dynasty ‘God of War’, a ruined, victorious, and you don’t like war?”

“The most popular scorpion in the brothel may not like to go to bed with the guests, why do you like war?”

Lei Chenghu sighed and said in a sigh of relief. "However, what you said is also true. Seeing the false feelings between men and women, swearing and swindling, you can instantly turn your face and not recognize people. You can also love a couple of decades. At night, it becomes an enemy who is not in the sky. These things are sometimes awkward. Sometimes, the relationship between the nephew and the guest is simpler, more pure, and easier. You pay for it, I open the leg, fair trade, and always better. Those rhetoric that are so numb to the extreme that they don’t even believe in themselves.

"So, although I don't like war very much, I would rather stay in the back of the black smoke, the wolf, the dog's lungs, the mouse, the fly, the shit, the waving fairy, but the little man who knows how to seek personal gain. front.

"At least, in the coldest trenches on the front line, most of the soldiers' blood is always hot.

"Even, even the evil enemies on the opposite side, the sacred people are more pleasing to the eye than the rear dog."

Li Yao frowned: "No, are the sacred people more pleasing than these sham masters?"


Lei Chenghu coldly said, "At least the sacred people are simple enough, direct enough, pure enough, straightforward to say what they want, never pretend to be true, everyone has to rely on the ability to compete, my knife is fast enough, You lie down, your sword is sharp enough, I am going to die, so happy!

"Not to mention, the sacred people are united enough. They have always been a piece of iron. There is no such thing as a party to the private sector, the struggle for power, and the highest dedication. Every individual has the courage to sacrifice himself for the overall situation, although they may not be able to realize that 'The true meaning, but such unity and dedication, if it can be transplanted a little, even if 10% to the empire, how can the empire become today, and what enemies can not be defeated!"

"and many more"

Li Yao is not listening to the more wrong, "General Ray, you will not want to rely on the Holy League?"

Lei Chenghu shook his head: "I naturally can't rely on the sacred alliance, just as I can never do the ‘cannibalism'.

"But looking at the chaos of today's empire, if someone really trusts the sacred alliance, and is willing to strip away the deep desires and ugliness of the heart, and then branded the three major laws, it seems that ... is not surprising."

Li Yao was speechless and thought of the sacred spy "Tang Qianhe" that he encountered in the Kunlun ruins.

Tang Qianhe was definitely an imperial person at first, otherwise it would not be possible to join Su Changfa’s expedition.

What exactly did she encounter, and she was willing to be brainwashed and transformed into a sacred person?

While he was sinking, he listened to Lei Chenghu and sighed: "If the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi is still alive, he will be able to clean up all the chaos and ugliness and reorganize the mountains and rivers!"

Li Yao really couldn't help but blurted out and said: "I don't think it is necessary. Manpower is sometimes poor. Even if Wu Yingqi is really born again, he is afraid that he can only confuse these "fake immortals."

"Even, what is the 'fake immortal', according to the principle of 'weak meat and strong food, winners take all the way', 99% of the immortals will become this look, today's 'fruit', has been planted thousands of years ago Under the 'ince', the chaos and decay of today's empire may have been caused by the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi thousands of years ago!"

Lei Chenghu deeply narrowed his eyes and stared at Li Yao. He said one word: "You just said that my words have the taste of a comprehension. How do I feel that Li Daoyou, you are now more like this? What does the comprehension mean?"

Li Yao smiled slightly, revealing the bright teeth: "The so-called disease is rushing to the doctor, the empire has become ill, the ghost knows what methods can be saved, in a hurry, looking for medicine from the graves of the former self-cultivator, even if it is dead Madang is a horse doctor.

"Don’t you say that General Lei, the sword of the comprehension and the sword of the immortal, can kill!"

Lei Chenghu snorted and stopped talking.

The slanting wind and rain outside the window gradually increased, turning into a black cloud and a heavy rain.

The crowd worshipping the mausoleum was finally sparse and became vague in the rain.

Lei Chenghu no longer cares about Li Yao, dragging a heavy spirit to squat, leaving the National Museum, step by step, and walking towards the depths of the rain.

Li Yao still stood at the window, watching his figure disappear into the torrential rain, but his name floated in his head, and another male and female face.

"Oriental Mingyue..."


The Imperial Capital, a southern suburb of the Central Government District, is a gray building with a dilapidated appearance and a rough structure.

The seemingly ordinary office building is the headquarters of the "Hunter's Association" that makes all the immortals of the empire intimidate.

In the depths of the "Work" building, in the secret meeting room, the most elite team members of the Hunting Warriors Association are timidly stunned by the president who just took office, Oriental Mingyue to explain the latest information.

As the most secretive and sinister secret agent of the empire, these hunters are naturally sultry, killing, and unruly.

There are a lot of internal factions in the Hunting Demon Association. The fight for power and the intrigue is ten times more fierce than the outside world.

But at this moment, all the hunters are always on their knees, their legs are tight and close together, and even the atmosphere does not dare to speak out, more docile and obedient than the primary school students.

No way, the horror experience of the past month, very clearly told these peers, those who are slightly disobedient to the new president of the Eastern Mingyue, what is the end!

"Li Linghai, Dongfang Sheng, Yue Wushuang, Jin Yuyan, Lei Chenghu... The latest information of these revolutionary core figures has just been introduced in detail. Everyone has a lot of thoughts. The next thing to introduce is the recent ups and downs. 'Vulture Li Yao'."

The full-faced waterfall black hair, dressed in clear water and undulating Oriental Mingyue brought out Li Yao's three-dimensional photos, as well as the "Golden Daxie" battle video, poking Li Yao's brain, smiled and said, "This person is carefully trained by Li Linghai Dark warriors, ghost warriors, and shadow assassins for decades or even nearly a hundred years, specializing in the most secretive, dirty, and sinister tasks, so in addition to recent public battles, early information is difficult to collect.

"However, I know a little about his details. You have carefully listened carefully!"

"This vulture, Li Yao, is a brazen, scheming, insidious mouse. His fighting style is not so big and big. You are so arrogant and arrogant. The bones are extremely wretched. The people are best at hiding. And escape, or in a variety of dark corners, like a mouse and a scorpion drilled to drill, called 'pervasive'.

"His realm, um, should barely reach the middle stage of the sacred period. It may not be the most powerful **** of the whole empire, but it is definitely the most escaping god. It is conservatively estimated that there are no more than three fighting gods. In the 70s and 80s, Yuan Ying was chasing and blocking, and he wanted to leave him easily.

"So, if you find the trace of this cockroach, don't rush, no matter how many of you can't get rid of him, let me know the first time, I really want to know, this wretched 蟑螂... now How is it developing?"

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