Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2284: Come and stimulate!

The Magnetic High Speed ​​Track is a public facility that assists the shuttle to increase speed and save fuel.

Although the shuttle can travel freely and without a trace, the fuel consumption is extremely high, and when the speed reaches the extreme, especially when the speed of sound is broken, various accidents are easy to occur.

Imagine that hundreds of shuttles are arrogant at the speed of sound, and if they are slightly inadvertent, the two shuttles collide together, and the consequences are unimaginable.

Therefore, in the "high-speed airspace" on the outskirts of the major cities of the real human empire, there are specially arranged crystal rails extending in all directions. The magnets are driven by the magnets to attract the shuttle car to the top, and rely on the orbit to fly, saving Fuel has greatly improved safety.

At this moment, a "Lightspeed Bird" brand pure black and long luxury shuttle shuttle car is on the track leading to the suburban heavy industrial area, followed by four fully armed combat shuttles, even the Vulcan cannon and the crystal cannon. They are all exposed, and they do not hide the highest level of alertness.

This "Lightspeed Bird" brand black long luxury shuttle shuttle in the back row, sitting on the emperor's main mainland West Coast Industry Federation, the control of the lifeline of dozens of magic weapons refining group along the West Coast, is also the surname of the East.

In the past more than half a month, a large number of bureaucrats and merchants have been secretly arrested, which has already aroused the vigilance of the Easterners. The bodyguards of the chairman of the Industrial Federation have also been fully upgraded. Not only the senior agents of the Hunting Horde Association sit around, but also from the family. A large number of masters have been drawn, and private pockets have hired assassins and killers from the depths of the Imperial Capital. The spacious space of the luxury shuttle shuttle has been crowded.

It seems that there are only four combat shuttle shuttles in front and rear. In fact, there are dozens of ordinary shuttles in the wider range. They are also agents, family masters, killers and assassins. Many people have already sent crystals. Armed to the teeth, the shuttle shuttle can be torn in half a second, stimulating the most powerful magical power.

Hundreds of pairs of eagle-like eyes, bursting with a blade-like sharp light, staring at all in all directions.

at this time

There are more than one high-speed orbits in the magnetic field. There are dozens of crystal tracks in the upper and lower left and right, just like dozens of lanes, four of which are designed for the operation of overweight trucks with a load of more than 50 tons.

At the moment, four vans disguised as different paints passed through the luxury convoy.

The four vans have a load of more than 80 tons and the carriages are extremely towed like a crystal train.

Unconsciously, the four vans and the team remained parallel, the speed remained the same, and they seemed to be stationary.

The body of the well-trained industrial association, the bodyguards, smelled the dangerous atmosphere and immediately ordered the team to accelerate.

But the four vans have also come up with incredible super-speed and stability to keep up with their footsteps!

Before and after, several bodyguard cars want to shoot and detect the black light to scan the interior of the van. The material is like a shot on the mirror. The black light is reflected back. It doesn't even penetrate. This is a big problem!

"Open fire!"

The head of the bodyguard took the initiative and did not consider whether there was any possibility of accidental injury.

But before the bodyguards pulled the trigger, the magnetic track in front of the team suddenly exploded and broke. The two bodyguards suddenly lost control and flew out!

The four vans suddenly ignited a dazzling arc, criss-crossing into an intricate grid, and countless arrays and spirits flashed in it, which was an extremely fierce and aggressive battle!

On the other side of the front, there are two vans that are fully open above the compartment, raising a small bowl of silver, sending strong interference fluctuations to the outside world, blocking the signals of the luxury team!

"Oh! Oh!"

The compartments of the four heavy-duty vans exploded, and hundreds of hunting witches belonging to the Heavenly Court were rushed out.

The elite bodyguards that were prepared early were also torn the shuttle bus and fired at the hunting witches.

A fierce super-speed killing, instantly entered a fever.

Far away from the interference range, it is a hunting hunter that specifically prevents accidents. It is also the first time to send a request signal to the hunter-dealer association branch in Shiraishi Special City.

Immediately there were countless hunters and oriental masters who leaped from the city and rushed to the suburbs, vowing to wipe out the hunter-hunting witches!

All of them are suspended in the stratosphere with hundreds of invisible probes, which are clear and glimpsed.

These hundreds of invisible detection crystal eyes are the brainchild of Li Yao's life-changing skills. While maintaining the invisibility and anti-detection capabilities, the scanning range, accuracy and transmission distance are more than five times higher than in the past.

With these hundreds of invisible crystal eyes, plus the Tianmu Trial Chamber and the Reformists have long lurked in the eye line of the White Rock Special City, Li Yao will be able to fully grasp the entire battlefield.

The images from the suburbs are transmitted through encrypted signals, and are instantly shot at the Shiraishi Special City, a bustling city, and a crowded central business district.

In the business district, there is a building that is transparent and sleek, and the 36-storey building looks deep in the office of the trade group.

The small room was flooded by thousands of three-dimensional light curtains. Most of the three-dimensional light curtains were presented at the moment. The white-stone special scene inside and outside the city was monitored by a large number of crystal-eyes. The public safety platform of the Shiraishi Special City intercepted all surveillance screens.

Coupled with Li Yao and the Heavenly Trial Court's own secret surveillance eye, the whole city seems to have been stripped of clothes and exposed in front of Li Yao.

Li Yaoshu lay comfortably on the ergonomic office chair, adjusted to the rest mode, hands folded behind the head, two feet up and down, his eyes slightly stunned, like sleeping and not sleeping.

In the depths of the brain, it is repeated and repeated every time, to ensure that every link is perfect, any flaws are erased in advance, each detail is accurate to 0.1 seconds!

The raid-style secret arrest in the suburbs seems to have failed.

The scale of the bodyguard group is far beyond their expectation. The speed of reinforcement from the urban area is also very fast. There is no such thing as a "raid" and no "secret".

However, Li Yao’s eyes are still deep and calm, and it seems that the sugar beans that are refining the heavens and the earth are more interested.

Most of the surveillance screens in all directions, the lock is not a fierce battle in the suburbs, but not far from here, the whole picture of a luxury hotel in the city.

Today, there is a meeting hosted by the mayor of Shiraishi Special City, which is held at this luxury hotel.

Yes, the "secret arrest" of the president of the Industrial Confederation in the suburbs is only a strategy to adjust the tiger to the mountains. The real target of arresting them today is the mayor of the special city of Shiraishi!

The Shiraishi Special City is the top ten mega-city in the world of celestial stars. Heavy industry, especially the crystal enamel manufacturing industry, is famous in the whole empire. There are more than a dozen crystal slab research and development centers located here and the most important refining bases.

The weight of the mayor of Shiraishi Special City can be imagined.

If such a heavy person is arrested, it will definitely cause a great blow to the East, and the Yun family, the Song family and the rest of the swinging aristocracy will have deeper doubts about the strength of the East.

Now, a large number of senior agents from the White Lion Division of the Demon Hunter Association have gone to the suburbs. The real secret arrest team of the Devil's Trial Chamber is also located around the luxury hotel. It takes another half minute to start the operation.

Everything seems to be in control.

There are still twenty-five seconds.

Li Yao suddenly sat up, staring at the seemingly calm monitoring light curtain, a candy bean pinched in his hand, has not been swallowed for a long time.

There are still twenty seconds.

"The hunting team is ready!"

"The Eagle Eye Group is ready!"

"Mole group is ready!"

"The Tigers are ready!"

A communication chip built into the eardrum, the voice of each witch hunting team.

Li Yao’s eyes turned wildly, and a cold sweat permeated his forehead.

There are still fifteen seconds.

"The moon is long."

Li Yao gently pressed the earlobe and said, "Although I am only trying to help you manipulate the magic weapon, it is not an expert to arrest people, but I strongly recommend that you immediately stop all actions and retreat at the fastest speed!

"No, I didn't find any clues, but the intuition is very wrong. Believe me, the title of the first escape expert of the 'vulture Li Yao' empire is not a vain name!

"Don't act, immediately retreat, repeat, don't act, immediately retreat, no matter what you say, anyway, I have to flash first!"

After Li Yao finished, he did not wait for the unparalleled response of the month. He simply took out the communication chip in his ear and all the magic weapons that would release the magnetic signal. All of them shattered and then activated the timing crystal in the office. The stone bomb detonated the device, which was put in his pocket with his hands and whistled away.

He did not take the psionic lifting platform. Anyway, with his skill, the stairs of the emergency passage, the speed and the psionic lifting platform are also similar.

When he left the building, he had become a two-legged white man. When he was dressed, his face was calm, and the elite business person with a black leather briefcase in his hand took the three-step flow into the bustling crowd.


Li Yao perceives full opening, and the lively and extraordinary business district is completely still and decomposed in front of his eyes. Every expression and movement of thousands of people is captured by him.

Sure enough, he found seven sneaky guys in the crowd.

It's as easy as recognizing seven colored figures in black and white photos.

Li Yao smiled slightly and casually squeezed from the seven people. The posture, gait and facial expressions were all like a financial person who was obsessed with work.

He even walked side by side with a hunter, and the other didn't feel a bit strange.

"The difficulty is too low. It's really a little challenging. It's better to go home and sleep."

Li Yao recalled the excitement of being chased and blocked by the Spring Swords in his hometown. It was called real life. Therefore, it is also a kind of distress to be too strong. Who can understand the loneliness in his heart!

Then he saw the Oriental Moon.

Oriental Mingyue sat on the street, surrounded by flowers and plants, at the entrance of the very sweet dessert shop, very lazy to use the straw to play with the ice on the juice. There was no one on the opposite seat, only one was the same as her. Lazy little cat.

She seems to be hot enough to completely lose her passion for work, and she is even too lazy to change her sleek dress, letting her long, black hair shine in the hot air, just like the high heel of jade feet. Same as sandals.

It was not until Li Yao appeared that she only got a little spirited and yawned shallowly, like a woman sucking a straw and laughing at Li Yao.

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