Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2285: The style of this sword!

Oriental Mingyue was originally a woman who looked rather faint, although she was not too sophisticated.

There is not much difference between the office girls and the financial streets that can be seen in this business district.

But the smile that slowly swayed from the corner of the mouth was like a rainbow that gradually emerged from the thin sky, completely sketching and releasing the charm of her whole person.

The two eyes are like the eyes of a hundred-year-old story. They are staring at Li Yao. The depths of the eyes are also swaying with subtle waves. It’s not like watching prey and enemies. It’s like being in the street for a long time. The old friend I saw, there is a kind of surprise and joy.

Li Yao did not have "hi", only "stunned", and was shocked that the tail keel was shrunk.

His pupils, muscles, and even the nerve endings of each bunch have shrunk to the limit. You can squirt at the fingertips, the tip of your tongue, and even the unexpected parts of your arm. You can spray 17 or 8 pieces of blown hair and crystals at any time. Deadly magic weapon.

The smile of the Oriental Mingyue lazy, coincides with another expression in his memory that is like a smile, a mysterious expression.

Li Yao is still not sure if the Oriental Mingyue is the one he highly suspects. No, it should be said that the "biological".

If not, the Eastern Mingyue is only the dark warrior of the East, and the confidant of the East. If Li Yao is now in a great predicament, maybe he will use the crystal scorpion and even the giant soldiers to get out.

If it is... the "biological", it is even more horrible than the "real Eastern Mingyue". It is impossible for the giant soldiers to escape!

Li Yao’s forehead, sweat dripping without stopping, and soon formed a trickle in the corners of his eyes and cheeks.

The body of the shirt came with a slight "tear, tear" sound, that is his faint psionic shield, tearing the fabric fibers.

Ten thousand thoughts in the brain were madly turned around. The three-dimensional structure of the entire commercial area and even the entire Shiraishi special city from the sky to the underground 500 meters clearly emerged for him to draw hundreds of escape routes.

But by the increasingly strong smile of the Oriental Moon, all the escape routes seem to have become a dead end.

Oriental Mingyue smiled and took a sip of juice, and did not greet the plan of the stalker to besiege.

However, her eyes did not leave Li Yao, who had been carefully disguised for a moment.

Li Yao thought that the electric turn, coldly screamed, and turned to look at her.

No need to worry about it anymore, the president of the Hunting Horde Association is here, and it is no coincidence that you are drinking it with pleasure. She is waiting for herself!

"What are you?"

While walking, Li Yao took the three words into the ears of the Eastern Mingyue and tried to observe the color and tried to analyze the micro-expressions.

The Oriental Moonlight laughed and said nothing, but the eyes really turned into two new moons. The eyes first swept around in a random way, and then fell to an empty table next door.

That meaning, as if to let Li Yao carefully ambush the surrounding hunter, and Li Yao to avoid the safari, sit next to her, the two secret exchanges.

Li Yao frowned deeply, and his mind echoed the picture when the other party disappeared last time. If it is really "it", it can be said that the most horrible "biological" of the whole empire at this moment is beyond exaggeration. What does it want to do, whether it wants to...

Just then, the warning is sudden!

Oriental Mingyue seems to be accurate, Li Yao will not be easy to be fooled, even if Li Yao really walked over, the red lips slammed the straw, and the smack of spurs from the depths of the straw, rushing out Yao's eyebrows!

Li Yao’s eyebrows tinged almost to burst, and the two golden rings in the depths of his eyes flashed away, mobilizing all the nerves, muscles and tendons on the body to oscillate at the same time, and then dangerously flashed over the Oriental Mingyue from the straw. Spray out something!

After this thing was wiped out with his temple danger, it burst into a fog of ice, like a ghostly hair, falling on Li Yao’s face.

It is ice. More precisely, it is countless extremely fine ice crystals. After being sucked out of the cup by the Oriental Moon, it condenses into a fine needle of cattle hair and blows it toward Li Yao!

"Do you want to be so embarrassed!"

Li Yao’s heart screamed.

This seemingly seemingly no ice fog seemed to get into his heart, causing the heartbeat to stagnate for a while.

He finally understood why the imperial queen, Li Linghai, who had the purple dragon's infuriating body, would have a faint perception of the eternal moon.

Masters fight, there are two forms, one is unscrupulous, desperate to release the psionic and destructive power to the limit, waves, waves and even cracked the earth, how amazing the sound is amazing, sound and photoelectric effect How cool is it to sneak into the cool and dazzling stars, and between the thousands of horses and horses, it is often so contested.

But another more advanced form is that if the weight is light, the Tibetans must be in the mustard, and the most powerful killings are displayed in the square, even the bombardment of the Yuan Ying, but close at hand. Passers-by still ignorant and ignorant!

The difficulty of the latter is obviously more than ten times higher than the former.

In addition to the infinite expansion of psionics and combat power, more emphasis is placed on absolute control and highly accurate computing power.

When you practice to the extreme, you can hurt people by picking up leaves and even blowing a breath, and the onlookers and even the target don't even know how to die.

The shot of Oriental Mingyue just now is the perfect presentation of this battle mode.

She blows the ice crystal fine needle out of the straw and suddenly accelerates to at least three times the speed of sound, but the fragile straw does not burst, and there is neither a deafening sonic boom nor a white sound barrier, and the pedestrians on the street are not moving. One perceptive, one hit, and instantly turned into ice and fog, is simply an antelope hanging corner, no trace can be found.

You should know that this is the central business district of the Shiraishi Special City on the ground. The vast majority of the work and life here are cultivated immortals. Even if it is not a combat-type immortal, the perception is far more acute than ordinary people.

But apart from Li Yao’s cold sweat that was provoked by this faint ice fog, the others were not aware of it, and a thrilling battle was going on!

Li Yao was so swallowing that he swallowed, and quickly evaluated the Eastern Mingyue, or the latest combat power of "it".

In Li Yao’s view, the Oriental Mingyue just seemed to be light and casual, and even more threatening than a knife-shaped battleship.

Damn, if he did not forcibly break through the realm of the gods when he came to the empire, he would still stay in the Yuan Ying series. Maybe he would be directly opened in the eyebrows by the needle, and even the soul would be poked!

All the above analysis and curses are completed within 0.1 seconds.

But when Li Yao stared at the dessert shop again, the plain table was empty.

Only the cat jumped to the table, bowed his spine, and rushed Li Yao to pick up his teeth with ulterior motives.

Li Yao did not hesitate, but continued to face the dessert shop.

If the Eastern Mingyue lurks in the crowd to prepare to attack him, then the place where she is least likely to lurk is in the dessert shop.

When passing by the table that the Oriental Moon had just sat, Li Yao's finger flicked. The cup of juice that the Oriental Moon had drunk with a straw, fell into the hands of Li Yao and was covered by a briefcase.

I didn't wear gloves in the Oriental Moon, so there is a possibility that her fingerprints will remain on the cup, and her saliva may remain on the cup and on the straw. Of course, fingerprints and saliva may not be true, but I will take it back. There is nothing to lose.

The main mainland of the celestial star has entered the summer. This street-side dessert shop likes to put a few tables outside, but it has set up a small pergola shade. Li Yao has stepped into the store door and his left hand gathers together. The wind blade, which is unrecognizable to the naked eye, gently breaks the fixed structure of the pergola.

In the exclamation of the boss and the guests, the pergola fell like a parachute, covering a few customers and blocking the narrow shop door. If someone wants to come in behind Li Yao, he will be discovered.

Before Li Yao had not entered the store, Shennian took the first step to scan the store thoroughly. After entering the store, he did not hesitate for a moment and went straight to the bathroom. After five seconds, he jumped out of the bathroom window, from the side. When the alley was drilled out, he changed his shape and turned into a wrinkled shirt, a face of embarrassment and bitterness, as if he had just lost his job.

As he sighed and sighed in the crowd, he calmly observed everyone around him. Fortunately, all the hunters were probably rushing to his newly arrived nest. There was no threat, just like a Still black and white photo...


Li Yao once again mobilized his body potential to the limit, in order to smash the cervical vertebrae back fifteen degrees in 0.01 seconds, a white light flashed in front of him, as if there was a blown hair break, a gas-changing Changhong, a peerless flying sword swept from the forehead. The three hairs fell down in a twist.

If Li Yao’s reaction is timely, the sword is very likely to be wiped from his eyes and his eyes are completely separated!

Looking at it again, there is a flying sword, but it is to compress the air to the extreme, compressing it into a shadowless invisible wind blade. The technique and the awning that he just interrupted the dessert shop are like a withdrawal, but the "swordsmanship" More than a few times higher than him.

Also, "it" was in the ancient sacred world, is the only swordsman who is second only to "Swordsman" Yan, who is known as "the second in the world".

The style of this sword is even more above the "sword idiot" Yan of the ancient sacred era, and it is perfect to be perfect.

Li Yaoshun looked in the direction of the wind blade, and saw that the Eastern Mingyue smiled at a distance of 100 meters from him, sending a sparkling fire and a thrilling sword. He still did not alarm half a passerby.

She did not disguise herself, or the light face just now, perfectly integrated into the crowd and the background, as if it were a negligible black and white figure in a black and white collective photo.

Even if Li Yao’s thoughts are firmly locked in her, she still has a kind of erratic, unpredictable taste, as if she is slightly distracted, she will disappear again, such as water droplets into the sea.

She blinked at Li Yao, her face full of innocent expression, as if the deadly sword was not hers.

"Long Yang Jun!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth and snarled in the bottom of his heart. "Don't think that you have activated the half-panel half-female sorrowful blood, how great is it. When I am Li Laomo's realm of realism is fake, come, everyone do After a while, who is afraid of who!"

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