Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2286: Dark battle!

Li Yao gently coughed, and the lower abdomen slightly raised several drum kits, as if several mice were smashing around the body and gradually broke into the pants.

When you drilled out from under the pants, it was four slap-sized, small and delicate spiders.

Four beasts and beasts, shaking gently on the ground, immediately entered the invisible state, "嗖嗖嗖嗖", to the Eastern Mingyue or Li Yao in the ancient holy world to know, non-male and female, also enemy and friends, change the magic The old rival "Long Yang Jun" rushed over.

These four beasts and beasts were manipulated by Li Yao's thoughts. The movements were soft and agile. They dexterously shuttled through the crowd, and they did not touch the feet of half passers-by, and instantly swept to the feet of Long Yangjun.

Long Yangjun snorted and seemed to be too creative and too easy to deal with, and there was no challenge.

Li Yao sneered, and the back of the invisible beast of the four heads suddenly split open. From the inside, there were hundreds of ultra-miniature beasts that were smaller than the fleas. They were also in an invisible state, silent and without picking up. Half a wave, smashing toward the dragon and yang!

The sparrows are small and complete, and they are engraved with hundreds of aggressive characters on the flea-sized metal and spar body. They also store blood-sealing throats in the capsules of the abdomen, and even the venom that can be eroded by Dantian is so fascinating. The refining technique is only available to Li Yao, a master of master craftsman who is skilled in hand forging.

The attack of hundreds of "invisible fleas" finally caused Long Yangjun to scream and provoke passers-by to look at them.

Her cheeks instantly glowed with two red enamels.

Li Yao knows that these "invisible fleas" can't stand Long Yangjun, but they are striding forward, once again crowding into the crowds, and quickly calculating the height of the buildings on both sides. The sun shines on the glass curtain wall of the high-rise building. The speed at which the crowd walks, and the structure of the block, think about the perfect battle plan.

Sure enough, after three seconds, the connection between the **** and the beast was completely cut off, and hundreds of small windows in the brain were all closed. All "invisible fleas" were solved by Long Yangjun.

Behind the heat waves that are angry and angry, you can see that Long Yangjun is biting his lips and catching up without looking back.

There is a crossroad ahead, although most of the means of transportation are in the air, but after all, some public transport and special vehicles are driving on the ground, and when the crowds are too turbulent, the people who cross each other will collide, so There is still a traffic light here, and the countdown shows the time that can pass.

At this moment, it is Li Yao’s passage here, with five seconds left.

Li Yao’s thoughts were rolled up like the invisible octopus, and as soon as the spirit could invade the control chip of the traffic lights, the speed of the countdown was adjusted by 20%.

In this way, if Long Yangjun continues to maintain the same speed, when he just crossed the intersection, Long Yangjun will be blocked.

Long Yangjun really stepped up.

At this moment, she still maintains the camouflage of the ordinary office workers. If the most vivid body is used to shuttle in the crowd, it would be too weird to pretend to be in a hurry and push the passers-by in front.

Just two seconds left in the countdown, Long Yangjun came to the intersection.

At this time, the sun is just shining from the curved glass curtain wall that is tilted upwards from the left side of the building. If it is focused by a magnifying glass, it will be unbiased and shot into Long Yangjun's eyes!

This is the trap that Li Yao has set up for Long Yangjun, turning the plain environment into the most deadly weapon.

However, Long Yangjun was a peerless master of the peak of the Yuan Ying period decades ago. He is not an ordinary human being, but has the ancient blood from the era of the wilderness.

She swallowed a lot of extraterrestrial demons in the battle of the Xingyao Federation against the extraterrestrial demon. It gradually activated the mystery of the deep veins. Even without eyes, she could clearly perceive the whole world, let alone the insects and tricks that were dazzled by the sun.

Her retina only returned to normal after shrinking for 0.01 seconds.

In this 0.01 second, she also perceives that Li Yao is playing with the toes in front, and then the figure is short, and the whole person's breath disappears without a trace.

When I stepped on and went to see it, I found out that it was a manhole cover for a sewer. It had been dusty for a long time, but there were signs of loosening.

There was also a wrinkled old man who looked at the manhole cover with amazement. He muttered in his mouth, as if he was saying that he was blind or not. How could someone suddenly disappear?

Long Yangjun sneered in his heart: "It’s really a dog can’t change it!”

Carefully pick the edge of the manhole cover with your toes, and release a sigh of relief to explore. Suddenly you feel wrong, and the face is white.

She also used the supernatural powers that she listened to, and kept the appearance and shape of all the people around her in her heart, but the white-haired, wrinkled old man next to the manhole was never in her impression. appear!

This thought has just turned around in her mind, this "old man" Li Yao has already shot!

Ten fingers seem to be nervously twitching, such as the habitual shaking of ordinary people, but every convulsion means a wind blade of broken gold cracks condensed, and the scorpion shot to Long Yangjun.

Long Yangjun’s white cheeks once again bloomed with tender red flowers. The long fingers such as jade are also gently twirling, and all the wind blades are eliminated invisible, and even Li Yao’s thoughts are manipulated, and several of them are reversed. The direction of the wind blade, but turned back to Li Yao!


Within three seconds, the two had already met with thousands of times.

However, the passers-by who are close at hand have turned a blind eye to it, and they have not realized that the two most terrible "monsters" are crouching beside them and making a thrilling contest.

Long Yangjun's swordsmanship is obviously better than Li Yao's, and he reacted from the initial shackles and quickly seized the initiative. A wind blade is like a flying sword with hundreds of thousands of invisible and invisible hairs. Li Yao’s eyes are all pitted.

Seeing that Li Yao is busy with the troubles, it is necessary to smash the legs of the dragon, just from the foot of Long Yangjun, in the sewer manhole that has just been moved, but it is a sneaky single crystal mica silk, entangled in her legs. past!

Although these single crystal mica filaments have not yet reached the level of single-molecule arrangement, they are almost the same, but the sharpest, however, what psionic shields and strengthened armor have the opportunity to cut.

Everything was covered up just now, this is Li Yao’s killing!

Long Yangjun gritted his teeth again, and this turn became her again, slightly stunned the entanglement of single crystal mica silk, and cut the single crystal mica silk, and then looked up, Li Yao once again Crowded into the crowd, but turned to the street on the right.

"Boom! Boom!"

Just then, in the depths of the high-rise buildings behind the two people, there was a burst of explosions.

The unparalleled hunting witches of the month really believed in Li Yao’s judgment and retreated early, avoiding the step of entering the trap and ending the army.

However, it is inevitable that they will collide with the sorcerer who is angry and angry, and launch a thrilling chase.

Hundreds of crystal enamels are criss-crossed between high-rise buildings, displaying the most destructive power and the most dazzling magical effect of sound and light, just like a blossoming fireworks.

However, the glass curtain walls burst into bursts, and the fragments fell like flowers.

The passers-by who was on the street suddenly became confused. They shouted and screamed at the shops and buildings on both sides.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun are mixed in the chaos of the crowd, and the ever-changing battle situation becomes more complicated.

However, the panic of the crowd, the shards of glass scattered by the goddess and the continuous explosion of the sky also gave them more room for shots.

Both Li Yao and Long Yangjun are vaguely able to guess the other's concerns.

With the strength of the two of them, if you really want to fight, you must spread all the cards.

But they all have too many secrets on them, and many magical powers and magic weapons do not want to see light easily.

In particular, Long Yangjun, she is not a human being, but a "female sect who was invaded by the Pangu forces in the embryonic state", such a strange existence that no one can tell.

That is to say, she or she can cause serious damage to Li Yao. It must also show that the original form is an empire that regards the Pangu people as a major threat. This is undoubtedly a self-seeking death.

Therefore, regardless of Li Yao or Long Yangjun, they are not willing to attract hunting witches and hunters and even other cultivators, but hope to solve problems in their own way.

The shards of glass that were falling rapidly in midair suddenly became like a strange life, and the pieces flew horizontally out, "啪啪啪啪", collided with each other, and crashed into white powder.

These white powders, under the control of mysterious power, condensed into a flying sword with the thickness of an embroidery needle, and smashed into the streets on both sides of the street in a strange way.

At this moment, there was no one on the street, and everyone fled to the shopping malls and shops on both sides, letting the glass break on the ground and smashed.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun are on the side of the street. They are not going to move forward. They are facing each other through a "glass rain". The "glass flying swords" have been wiped out from their dangers. Once again, it became a puffy white sand and fell lightly.

Although there is no sound and smoke, but the battle is fierce, it is more dangerous than the battle of the head hunting witch and the hunter.

Suddenly, Li Yao stood.

In front, there is a station for underground crystal trains. From the shopping malls on both sides of the street, there are entrances and exits.

This is a big station, the intersection of two underground crystal track lines, with underground access and a lot of roads.

He took a sip of his mouth and fired Long Yangjun. The last glass flying sword smashed, his body was light and flashed, and he fell into the crowd like a fly. He did not return to the underground crystal train station. go with.

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