Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2287: Non-family!

Although there are crowds in the mall, there are not many people who are crowded into the underground crystal train station. Maybe they are afraid that they will not get up when they are squeezed.

However, the passengers stranded in the underground crystal train station did not run much on the ground. They were still not sure what was happening on the ground. They all stunned in the corner and waited for the latest news.

A team of armed police officers set up cards at the underground crystal train station, but they saw that they were shaking hands and trembled, and they knew that it was not elite.

The emperors are mixed and have a lot of power. In nominal terms, all the police and the army are directly under the command of the emperor. In fact, they do not know who is behind the control. Li Yao does not want to alarm these policemen, so as to avoid extra-budgets.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Under his enthusiasm, the lights on the ceiling of the underground crystal train station burst and the whole station suddenly fell dark.

Although the emergency lighting array was turned on after a few seconds, Li Yao had been stunned for a few seconds of darkness and panic, skipping the check gate and jumping into the tunnel.

He hurried along the crystal track, and the light of the shadow of the station was gradually swallowed up by the darkness, and he became unable to reach his fingers.

There was a gentle "tick" sound in front of it. It seemed that the moist air condensed into water droplets and dripped from above.

Li Yao stood still, suddenly kneeling on one knee, the breathing, heartbeat and even the blood flow all converge to the limit, hands gently placed on the crystal track, sensing the movement of the ultra-high-speed crystal rail train.

The eyes are staring at the front, as if there is no darkness.

Darkness is like a mirror, but something is slowly coming out of the mirror.

Li Yao's hands were inserted into his arms, and when he came out, the ten fingers were nested with a Qiankun ring. All kinds of sacred weapons, crystal scorpions and even giant squadrons were ready to go, and they could do a good fight at any time.

"come on!"

Li Yao squinted his eyes, and his eyes burst into a sacred battle. He said, "The original shape, Long Yangjun!"


Long Yang’s faint laughter came from the darkness. “This is what you said. Don’t regret it. I really showed the original shape?”

"Don't, don't, have something to say, good to discuss!"

Li Yao hurriedly said, "Everyone has lived and died for so many years. I still cherish life and death. In fact, I still cherish it. If there is anything I can't sit down and talk slowly, don't show the original shape. Don't show the original shape. You really have the original shape. I was attacked by a group of tens of millions of empire cultivators, what should I do if I take a slice of research?"

"It doesn't matter."

Long Yangjun seems to carelessly say, "If one day, I really have a crisis that I can’t solve, and I have to show the original shape to cope with it. After I was arrested by the imperial people, I must be honest before I slice them. Confession, telling everything I know.

"For example, I might tell the imperial people that the Raiders of the Black Sea Fleet at the Star Beach have ended, and the Black Wind Fleet has been defeated and completely defeated, and has merged into an ambitious emerging power 'Xingyao Federation', although the Star The Yao Federation is still a small and insignificant existence, but it has a heritage of a great ruin. It is a replica of the Covenant League thousands of years ago!

"Right, I have the precise jumping coordinates of the Xingyao Federation, as well as detailed military, economic, political and other information. I am most afraid of this person. I don't have to wait for them to torture, I will definitely say it all." La!

"Oh, I almost forgot, and the legendary star of the Federal Father, the Three Realms, or the Seven Realms, the peerless master of the Star Beach, the glorious deeds of the vultures of Li Yao and the twists and turns, I will certainly compile In the upper, middle and lower sections, there is nothing to say.

"No way, a person who is in jail or being sliced ​​is always too lonely. You said, everyone is so good, they have to sit together in prison, they have to be sliced ​​together and they are sliced ​​together. This is the loyalty. ,right?"


Li Yaodao, "Are you not so mean?"

"Yeah, I have always been so mean."

Long Yang Jun is a natural way of saying, "From the identity of ‘Da Yu Wang Xi’, I am so mean, you are not the first day to know me.”

"On the other hand, it is the same."

Li Yao said coldly, "If my identity is exposed or there is a catastrophe, I will certainly shake your secrets out and die. Let's die! So I don't understand why you are dead when you meet. Everyone took a shot?"

"Let's die?"

Long Yangjun sneaked a sigh. "Hey, you guys really have no conscience. Just had a little joke with you. I really want to die. You think you can still stand here." ?"


Li Yao glared at his sharp teeth and sneered. "You can give it a try, my strength now!"

"I know, you still have only the 'Golden Big Bird' not exposed, it is really the same taste name as the 'Nine Secret Xuan Bone', but today, even if the time and place are not suitable, next time there is a chance to say it! ”

Long Yangjun lazily said, "Your action this month is too arrogant. The East is not the only one in the hands of the Hunting Warriors Association. The Oriental Intelligence Department’s own intelligence department has found out that you have great actions in the special city of White Rock. As the president of the Association of Hunting Demon, is it that the East looks for me to shoot, can I refuse it? How can I perfuse it!"

"Speaking here"

Li Yaohu suspected, "You are very good. In just a few years, you will become the confidant of the Prime Minister of the Empire, the most powerful secret intelligence and secret organization leader, and you will establish with you in the ancient holy world and the Dagan dynasty." Ghosts are like 'organized, mixed up! What do you want to do?"

"Li Laomo, are you praising me, or are you boasting yourself? I thought that the ability to climb up the pole is big enough. I didn't expect you to be sharper than me. How long did it take to come to the empire? Two years? One year? Or half a year? So soon became the confidant of the imperial queen Li Linghai, the most powerful super-warrior of the revolutionary style, and the rumor that you are the master of the loyal guardian of the generations? Hahahaha, you are I don't know, how hard I have been laughing all day!"

Long Yangjun is really forbearing and smiling. "Don't be so nervous. I don't have any ulterior motives. I just go alone to the empire. I always have to find a strong force to rely on, in order to get enough cultivation resources. Only then can there be ways to repair and upgrade my giant soldiers. No way, no matter how powerful the blood is, there is no continuous supply of resources, and it will soon be exhausted, isn't it?

"Exactly, chances met the Eastern Hope, and helped him settle the many hills of the Hunting Horde Association. He completely controlled this secret organization in his own hands, even without being influenced by the other big names of the Oriental family. What is the strangeness of such a big credit, mixed into his confidant?"

Li Yaodao: "It's that simple? I don't believe it! I have been in the Stars Federation once, and it is the elite of the female Yi people. Actually, it has been eroded and polluted by the Pangu people! This time, who believes? Who is stupid!"

Long Yangjun sighed: "It seems that you have a great prejudice against Pangu civilization."

Li Yao coldly said: "It’s not my family, my heart will be different!"

"You humans, sometimes it's really fun."

Long Yangjun smiled lightly. "If you say 'non-family, your heart will be different', you never unite to fight against aliens. On the contrary, the sharpest sword always hits its own body. in.

"Speaking up, no matter whether the demon, the demon or the Pangu, it is your confidant, you want to 'demon slayer, chickens and dogs don't stay', but in the past ten years, the real tragic death in the demon, the demon and How many humans are there in Pangu, and how many demons are killed by human beings? How many human beings are killed in each other's killings, and how many of the most fertile human planets are destroyed by human beings?

"Just say that the original should be used to deal with the aliens of the Demon Trial Chamber and the Hunting Demon Association, where are their swords and minions falling?

"Oh, I almost forgot, the source of the phrase 'non-family, its heart must be different' is not originally used to describe the relationship between humans and demons or aliens of stars and stars, but between human beings, different ethnic groups. 'of.

"That is to say, even if it is also human, as long as the customs culture is slightly different, it becomes a 'interracial', and it is ‘the heart will be different’, and it must be removed soon!

"In this way, the two of us, as the 'half-panel-and-half-female girl', and the person who is 'human', who is more terrible, who is more like a monster, who should be more vigilant? Dear Li Laomo, can you answer my question?"

Li Yao was silent for a long time, and the spirit and tone were softened: "Hey, we two, is there any possibility of cooperation?"


Long Yangjun said in the dark, "However, there are at least two prerequisites for the two ghosts who want to cooperate.

"First, your strength must not be much weaker than me. If you are too weak, it will only become my burden. What cooperation is necessary?"

"Second, your strength must not be too high for me. Otherwise, it is possible to kill me in minutes. It has been a nerve-wracking cooperation. It is too nerve-racking.

"I know that although you look like a sneaky person, it is very ugly, very embarrassing, very embarrassing and will run away, but there must be a biggest card in the dark, that is, the trick at the bottom of the box is not displayed, huh, huh, etc. When do you know what your hole card is, maybe we can really cooperate again. After all, I still feel very happy with the last cooperation!"

Long Yangjun sent out a series of breezy laughs, and the laughter gradually disappeared into the depths of the darkness.

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