Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2291: Queen without ambition!

Li Linghai showed a sneer of disdain, and slowly said: "We are the Emperor of the Emperor Wu of the Emperor, and said to you that it is an innocent idealist. To the bad, it is that Zhida is sparse, just for personal use, indulging in his own fantasy. In the meantime, I thought that the brilliant victory of the empire's counterattack was his credit, and he could really restore the glory of the era of the Black Star, and let all soldiers and nobles surrender to their own feet.

"In short, this is a guy who is not enough to make a mistake, so even if he falls into the hands of the East, it doesn't matter."

Li Yao’s eyes turned and said: “Hey, how do you say that he is the Queen’s Highness...husband, and you have more than a dozen children.”

Li Linghai’s face flashed a bit of hatred and hatred, and said coldly: “You should know that being the wife of this pig is the most hated thing in my life. If I follow my will, I can’t wait to see him die.

"However, considering that the real human empire continues the millennium, in any case, a nominal emperor is needed. As long as he does not make foolish behaviors of self-destruction, after he rescues him, he will continue to respect him. This is also mine. committed to.

"Speaking back, Li Yao, I think what you really want to ask is not the Emperor Shenwu, but me? You want to know, what kind of position will I be in after the mission of 'Renovation Empire' is really completed? Will it become a certain degree of dictator, what kind of 'a generation of empresses', right?"

Li Yao smiled a little slyly, which is the default.

Li Linghai snorted and did not think that: "I have told you that everything I have done is to save the empire, not just to seize power for myself, even if one day I really control the supreme power, It will definitely be better than the four electors.

"In our reformist group, we have also discussed several sets of solutions for the imperial political situation after the collapse of the four major electoral families. There is a plan for the 500 yuan in the Senate, at least two hundred and fifty innovations. Members, check and balance old interest groups.

"But the operation of this program is too difficult, it is very easy to trigger the strong resistance of the old veterans, and the contradictions are completely intensified. Therefore, there is a new plan to divide the Senate into two upper and lower houses. Now the Senate becomes the upper The House, the esteemed status and generous treatment of all the elders remain unchanged, but another 3,000-member House of Commons, the elders of the House of Commons are selected by a wider group of interests, representing the interests of the vast majority of people, to control Real power.

"These two programs, including how to differentiate, balance power, and set up a truly just, honest, and efficient big government program, have been circulating in the reform industry for a long time. Everyone is actively involved in the discussion and agrees, in any case, It is much better than the current oligopoly and gate rule of the four electorate families. Do you think that there may be a tyrannical tyrannical, murderous dictator on the basis of such thoughts?"

Li Yao’s eyes turned round and round and did not speak.

"I can understand your concern as a self-cultivator, but these concerns are all worrying."

Li Linghai’s tone is softer and seems to be snarling. “Which is the most important thing to create a dictator who kills the blood? The first is the army, the second is the prestige, and the two The elements are combined into one, that is, countless strong people are sworn to pledge allegiance to me personally, and I am loyal to my spirit.

"But now, is this really the case?

"On the army, the deep-sea fleet is completely under the command of the Eastern Holy General. I never asked for details, and did not interfere with the selection and promotion of his personnel. Not to mention the thundering fleet of General Lei Chenghu, the independence is so strong that it is impossible to add Can only be said to be my ally and not my men.

"On prestige, I have never thought about any personal worship in the reformist. Whether it is the Eastern Holy, the Moon, or the Golden Jade, they are not worshipping or loyal to me personally. They all have their own reasons. And agree with the idea of ​​the reformist, everyone can come together.

"You and even General Lei Chenghu are even more so. Everyone tells the truth, I have a little bit of ‘prestige’ in front of you?

"In short, I am the leader of the reformist, but I am by no means a unique leader of the reformist. If I really want to be a dictator, if you say that the 'generation queen' is so vulgar, I will not build the innovation. In today’s way, it’s even more important to firmly control the military power in your own hands, right?

"After all, no matter how powerful my individual combat power is, it is useless to face the overwhelming starships and the mountains and tsunami."

"From the beginning, I didn't do this. When the reformists swelled to today, they have their own will. I am even less likely to control the military power and establish personal prestige. But these are not important. I am not a reformist or even a reformist. The leaders of the empire are not important, as long as they can create a new empire that is stronger and more eternal, that is enough!"

Under the enthusiasm of Li Linghai, Li Yao couldn't find too many loopholes for a long time. He could only say: "It seems like this."

"What are you worried about?"

Li Linghai smiled slightly. "Don't think about it, go ahead and prepare. Believe me, what you are doing is to maintain the balance and stability of the central Xinghai. There will be more people's lives, because you are saved!"

Li Linghai cut off the communication screen.

Li Yao was alone in the fog of heavy darkness.

His fears are even more serious.

The **** demons in the depths of the brain said: "Have you discovered that the Queen's Highness is very gentle today, eager to defend himself, for fear that they will be misunderstood, completely different from when I first met her."

"Nature found."

Li Yaodao, "Anomaly is a demon, a person who has always been frosty, suddenly become so gentle, it is not a good phenomenon."

However, Li Yao and the **** heart are thinking about it, and I can’t think of the problem.

Li Linghai said that there is nothing wrong with it. No matter what intrigues and tricks, or ambitious plans, or the concept of madness and madness, in the final analysis, it must be implemented by the military.

However, Li Linghai did put all the military power down, and even the deep-sea fleet that he had formed by himself was commanded by the "outsiders" of the East St., and the arrogance and selflessness reached the extreme.

Li Yao and Dongfang San have been in contact several times. They can't see the fleet commander of this **** series, and they have absolutely loyal worship to Li Linghai.

Not to mention Lei Chenghu, Li Linghai really changed, the first one to stand out and destroy her is Lei Chenghu.

The political pattern of the new empire, including the reformist ideals, is indeed much more advanced than the rule of the four electorate families. Most of the reformists are inspired by the idea to join the "innovation empire" cause, allegiance It is the word "innovation", not Li Linghai himself.

Therefore, assuming that Li Linghai really has any ambitions, there is a big conspiracy to operate in the back ground, and what is it to achieve, so that hundreds of thousands of thousands of soldiers around the world will obey her? It’s totally impossible!

Even if she is good at the peak of the gods, even if she is good at distraction, she will be alone, and she will not be able to engulf the entire empire.

Li Yao wanted to break his head and couldn't think of the key inside. However, the words of Long Yangjun seemed to be very reasonable. I really wanted to explode my head.

Simply call Li Jialing in: "Come here, the younger brother comes over, Yao Ge helps you check your body. How has your progress in practicing the flames of the emperor recently?"

At the moment, Li Jialing, although still full of golden hair, has a layer of pale golden flames in the hair, the whole person's temperament is both fierce and gorgeous, really like a mighty golden lion.

However, in the face of half of the master, half of the mentor Li Yao, this golden lion is as gentle as a small cat, and took out the small half of the flames of the emperor and spread it in the palm of his hand.

"Wow, so fast!"

Li Yao was shocked. I saw the ruin of the Emperor's flames in Li Jialing's palm. The original smooth and mirror-like surface showed a pinhole-like hole. The texture is like ordinary rock. It is faintly flowing inside. The power of all is dry, no, it was sucked up by Li Jialing!

Li Yao has hundreds of years of continuous adventures, and he has been reborn and washed for a long time. The body of flesh and blood has long been too strong to describe with pen and ink. He also thought that his cultivation speed was fast enough. He did not expect Li Jialing’s cultivation speed. More than him, in just one month, the "Wang Baqi" contained in the Divine Flame Beads will be swallowed up!

Although the fragment of Li Jialing is a little smaller than his fragments, the cultivation efficiency is too damn... depressed!

"Come, try your current skills."

Li Yao Chao Li Jialing reached out and the two palms were tightly held together.


The two of them were surrounded by two equally golden light flames, and they formed a "beeping" arc in their bodies. Their chests and arms also swelled with thick blue veins, and the deepest terrorist power in the cells continued. Delivered to the palm of your hand.

In a short while, the palms of both of them became crystal clear, and the muscle fibers, blood vessels, nerves and bones inside were clear.

After another ten seconds, the palms of both of them turned into white, like the steel that was heated to melt!

Until now, Li Jialing’s face showed a trace of pain, and he snorted and wanted to let go.

Li Yao did not let go, and the power from the blood vessels of his arms rushed toward the arm and body of Li Jialing. It really touched the other side's limbs, the odds, and even the dantian.

But no matter how he explored, he did not find any strange power and invaded into Li Jialing's body.

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