Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2292: Eat the magic cave, the uninvited guest!

Li Yao once had an experience of being invaded by the blood-stained heterogeneous forces, or even today, this "heterogeneous power" still remains in him, and he also merges with his negative emotions into a "blood-colored demons", so he And the **** demons are very sensitive to different forces, and there is absolutely no mysterious and strange power that can escape their detection.

Even the power from the emperor is impossible.

After groping for a long time, I couldn’t find out what happened. Li Yao could only slowly pull out the power and release Li Jialing. Suddenly, "You have swallowed the power of the Emperor Flames so quickly. Didn’t you feel that there is anything wrong with it?" ?"

"Nothing wrong!"

Li Jialing snorted and gasped, quickly returned to normal, and shook her head. "I feel so good. Maybe I used to be in the city of the sky, Manzhushahua. I have eaten too much bitterness. I have been used to it." A strange power is injected into the body? The power in the flames of the Emperor is so strong that it makes me feel very comfortable and completely different from the past.

"In the past, when those forces were madly injected into the body, they often made me feel unbearable, completely uncontrollable, and the body would burst at any time. But the absorption of the power of the Emperor Flames only made me feel unparalleled confidence, as if... I swallowed all the stars into my body, and I have confidence that I can control them completely!"

"So weird?"

Li Yao thought to turn the electric power, knowing that this is about the emperor's "spiritual brand" remaining in the flames of the emperor.

Emperor, naturally, it is a peerless man who is in control of the stars.

Li Yao was also faintly influenced by some of the tyrants of the tyrants during his cultivation. However, he is an adult who has experienced many battles. The three views have long been shaped, and the soul is so strong that it is not easy to be reshaped.

Li Jialing had always been a ignorant teenager. It was not surprising that there was a sudden change in the emperor's spirits.

This is a normal influence, and the evil means of "infection, seizure" cannot be compared.

It is like a teenager who has not yet stereotyped, read a biography of the emperor, was rescued by the emperor, and the great achievements of the unification of Xinghai were deeply shocked, and determined to become a great hero in the sky. There is nothing wrong with it.

"Do you have any strange dreams, become another person in your dreams?"

Li Yao thought about it and asked, "Or usually look a little embarrassed, often hear some sneaky voices, produce various illusions of shadows, and even occasionally lose memories, do not know the past few minutes or even hours. What did you do inside?"

Li Jialing squinted and shook his head. "No, no, I feel better now than ever. I have never seen these strange symptoms. Besides, Yao is not with me every day, if I If there is anything wrong, you should be aware of it!"

"This is also true. It seems that the Flame Flame itself does not have any problems."

Li Yao really couldn't figure it out, and waved his hand in a random way. "Forget it, you can continue to practice. Remember that today I must practice my set of "Gale Wind Thunder Knife" and fully understand every subtlety. This is a killing trick that I created when I was young. It is very powerful."

"I have already practiced!"

Li Jialing was excited. "And Yao Ge, I found that you have hidden 19 flaws in "Gale Wind Thunder Knife", all of which are wrong knives that affect power, speed and psionic function. !

"This must be your intention, deliberately trying to test me, see if I can find these mistakes, right?

"Hah, I have not only discovered it, but also corrected and optimized them all. At least the power of "Gale Wind Thunder Knife" has been increased by 10%. Should it pass your test?"

Li Yao: "... Hey, good boy, really have you, even found the flaws that I deliberately hide in the knife method. Hahahaha, the younger brother, you are so good, I am really gratified.

"Well, you should practice first, I will talk to General Lei Chenghu!"

"General Thunder?"

Li Jialing blinked. "What are you looking for, is there something?"

"If you have nothing, you can contact me!"

Li Yaomo glared at his chin and muttered. "I have a feeling of faintness. I have to communicate with General Lei Chenghu, communicate and deepen friendship. Maybe he can help me at a critical moment!"


On June 10th, the emperor was underground, twenty-seventh district, and the day was changed!

The twenty-seventh district is located in the deep mountainous area of ​​the main land of the Tianjixing main continent. It has a depth of 3,000 to 5,000 meters. It is a city with darkness and never seeing the sun, but it is also a colorful city.

Iron and steel, rocks, veins and machinery constitute the main body of the city. The smelting furnaces and power furnaces that never go out are roaring day and night, and the ore in the depths of a mine hole emits various kinds of weak radiation. Fluorescence, the city is shrouded in a group of almost decaying fog.

Looking up, it is a rift through the sky, but because it is too far away from the ground, the top of the rift is always shrouded in a group of smoke, sealing the blue sky and white clouds.

There are also various criss-crossing pipes and steps, running through the faults on both sides of the rift. The pipes have been decayed for hundreds of years, and the seams have not been very strict. The "Drips and Answers" spills all kinds of suspicious liquids, just like a Never-ending, pattering rain.

This is the countless human beings, or the animals that are named after the "original people", the homes that have been inhabited for a lifetime.

Only a handful of people living in the 27th district can find a “official” job in underground mining bases, smelting plants or geothermal energy supply stations. Most people rely on the upper area to leak and throw away the wreckage. Cold and live.

These wrecks were cold and cold, originally from the city of the cultivator on the ground. After being used by the cultivators, some of the **** was first thrown and dropped to the next kilometer area not far from the ground, and then layered and consumed, and so on. When I arrived in the twenty-seventh district, there was only one star and a half.

But the twenty-seventh district is still not the worst, because in the deepest part of the ground below them a few kilometers below, there are still countless hands and countless mouths in the dark abyss, waiting for the waste and garbage they throw.

In ancient times, where resources were poor and technology was not developed, the vast majority of people in the underground world should have died in a brutal famine.

Modern food manufacturing technology is highly developed, producing a lot of flavors such as chewing wax and even difficult to enter the throat, but has a very high-calorie synthetic food, barely retaining the life of these social bottoms, but still nowhere to put their absurd soul, so that "Original people" and "squatting ants" are always on the ground like ghosts and ghosts.

Whether they have formal jobs or regardless of gender, their fate is the same, selling their flesh and blood in various ways, in exchange for synthetic food and the cheapest entertainment consumer goods and spiritual anesthetics, in the illusion of self-consolation, let The soul of the soul temporarily gets rid of the dark reality, and flies to the paradise where the illusory sand is piled up, enjoying the joy of the moment.

Day after day, year after year, the only cost of their flesh and blood is extremely fast.

And all kinds of illusory joys are often combined with the indulgence of the flesh.

After the injection of various mental anesthetics, dozens of white flowers and flowers are naked and entangled, enjoying the most original happiness. This may be the happiest moment of the original people.

The imperial authorities also adopted a tacit attitude towards the behavior of the original people.

On the one hand, the authorities think that it is normal for the lower class life of "original people" to control their own animal instinct. Besides, the original people put all their energy into the **, and there is no extra thought to ponder the mess. Something is good for maintaining the order and stability of the empire.

As a result, all kinds of diseases that are unheard of in the ancient world of the ancient world are naturally popular in the underground world.

In order to compete with the psionics in the flesh and blood factory, I have to squeeze my body in the most extreme way, and all the pain caused by the disease.

In the radiant underground mine, bathed in the seemingly gorgeous ore fluorescence, the body gradually mutated and evolved into various deformities.

Coupled with cheap entertainment and spiritual anesthetics to cause neurological alienation; and ** venting caused by a variety of sexually transmitted diseases, large-scale infections ... all kinds of suffering, such as the ghosts, entangled all the underground people, eroding their bodies and soul.

At this time, a hospital that can at least give them maximum anesthesia and soothing, even if it can't cure the disease, is worthy of the bright paradise in the dark.

In the center of the 27th district, there is such a large hospital.

The hospital has no name, but the milky white light that blooms all day long is like the darkness that can illuminate the hearts of everyone in the twenty-seventh district.

The medical facilities and standards here are naturally different from those of the immortal city on the ground. Fortunately, the requirements of the original people are not high, as long as they can barely cling to the painful nerves in the body and close the damaged joints and muscles. Let them continue to have the strength to struggle to live tomorrow, or to help them remove the deformed parts of the body, it will be fine.

Doctors and nurses at the Anonymous Hospital have done a good job of doing this.

Therefore, not only the twenty-seven districts, but also several nearby areas have been brought to the forefront. Most of them are also satisfied with the return. They are full of praise for the doctors in this hospital who are "the world's living, wonderful hands and souls". Grateful to zero.

Few people know that this nameless hospital is a magical cave for eating people.

However, it is not the majority of the original people who have eaten, and has not been swallowed up by this hospital.

At this moment, a large number of uninvited guests have already penetrated into the vicinity of unknown hospitals from all directions through various channels.

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