Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2294: Bombing expert!

In the dark swamp, all kinds of flames have exploded, and that is the brilliance of the reformists and the oriental masters.

The faint light from the psionic shield makes everyone look like a gleaming ghost. In the next second, all the ghosts are covered by their own flames and enemy fire, burning.

"Tietou" Yuxiong and other masters from the army are responsible for intercepting the outer Eastern family elite. "Flame Witch" Zhu Lingling leads hundreds of hunting witches to the door of an unknown hospital. The exchange of fire between the two sides is almost in the first second. In a white-hot situation, the dark swamp instantly boils!


Seeing that the three hunting witches have lightly crossed the first warning line of the unknown hospital, they will soon rush into the hospital, and they will be able to rush out of the hospital to form a deformed strong man with a height of more than three meters.

His figure has been as strong as a black iron tower, but the right arm that has been inflated to the limit is more than one meter in diameter. It is actually thick and thin. At first glance, it is like a conjoined person connected from the shoulder blade!

Not only that, but this deformed and inflated arm was dragged all the way to the ground, and the palm of the hand was degenerated into five huge sharp edges. The whole arm was covered with sarcoma, and some pale yellow lenses resembling the eyeballs grew between the sarcomas. It is both disgusting and scalp.


The lens between the arm sarcomas burst into a thousand glare of glare, which immediately disturbed the attack of the three witches.

The three-meter-long arm is waving, but it is like a whip. It is both flexible and fast, and it sounds like a crackling sound. It is pumped to a hunting witch, and even the people take it all. In the deformed tumor on the geek's arm, it seems to contain a very corrosive acid. When the tumor bursts, the acid is spattered onto the crystal, causing the crystal to make a "beep" sound and a white eye. Corrosion and collapse at a speed visible to the naked eye!

This weirdo is the "terrorist claw" in the "Thirty-three Limits". His entire arm comes from a fragmented world called "Poisonous World", a terrible area covered by acid seas!

"Flame Witch" wished that Linglong jumped up and rescued her hand in danger before the second hunting witch was shattered.

Her crystal forehead, also inlaid with a spar, is a vivid red eyeball. Under the turbulence of the gods, a red Mars is shot, and the speed of the electric stone fire breaks into the eyes of the "devil".

The fear of the claws is slightly stunned, as if they are caught in the spiritual attack of the Flame Witch. The speed is slow and the pain is low in the depths of the throat. The whole body has a huge blisters. When the blisters burst, a flame will smash. come out!

In the mysterious method, it interferes with the enemy's central nervous system, causing the enemy's brain to give wrong instructions to the nerve endings of the body, so that various hormones are secretly secreted, including the mitochondria in the cells, which do not work normally, and eventually cause the cells to "overload" and cause the human body. Self-ignition.

This is the magic witch's masterpiece!

The "Thirty-three Limits" members who accept the transplantation of stars and animals are arguably the purely flesh-and-blood-enhanced route. They do not pay attention to the attack and defense of spiritual practice and spiritual warfare. They encounter spiritual war masters like the Flame Witch. Can only be taken in an instant.

The whole person was blazing and burning, and turned into a huge fireball that was rolling around. ,

When the Flame Witch hits a hit, its own consumption is also great, the speed is not lowered slightly, and the figure appears to be slow for a while.

From the burning fire of the horrible claws, suddenly shot dozens of wet whiskers that licked the acid, and entangled the limbs of the Flame Witch, dragging her in the direction of the fear claws!

This is a new supernatural power that has never been recorded in intelligence. Anyone who can't think of a deformed arm can also burst open and divide into dozens of whiskers. The length of the meat must reach ten meters!

More witches are flying, wanting to cut off the whiskers and save the flame witch.

From the unknown hospitals, we also drilled a large number of fierce and sinister members of the "Thirty-three Limits" who witnessed the most tragic collision!

Five hundred meters away from the battlefield, one of the twenty-seven districts is built in a building that is carved out of the mountain rock.

The two sides in the fierce battle, no one noticed that this unremarkable gray building, the window opened slightly, and a flower-like magic weapon was stretched out.

The flower bones slowly bloom and become an antenna facing the unknown hospital. The "petal" gently trembles, and the gods after the increase will continue to be sent to the unknown hospital in all directions.

The other end of the antenna protrudes into the house and is connected to a squat-shaped console. Li Yao is lying in the squat-shaped console, wrapped in a mild nerve buffer, and a small foil on the head. .

On each piece of nail-sized metal foil, he is hand-carved and densely shaped.

He is on another battlefield, making a thrilling, more intense battle.

Lying in a warm, mother-like cockroach, the surrounding shocks and explosions seem to disappear. The twenty-seven districts are all decomposed into a three-dimensional, three-dimensional structure that allows him to build all the buildings within three kilometers of the East and West. A fire point and every pipe.

Regrettably, it is impossible for Dongfang Renxin to make such low-level mistakes. It seems that the unnamed hospitals around the hustle and bustle are not enough to accommodate a ventilation duct or sewer pipe drilled by humans.

Moreover, the innovative talents and the strong, such as Lin, such a key action, naturally can not turn Li Yao to play alone, secretly sneak into the trick.

At this moment, he was multi-tasking, splitting the gods into one hundred and eighty, and manipulating 108 ultra-miniature sacred spiders, crawling toward the spar bomb community scattered around the unknown hospital.

These ultra-miniature spiritual spiders were the models used to deal with Long Yangjun that day.

Their main purpose, originally not an attack, was to assist Li Yao to invade, monitor or disassemble the self-destructing device in places where humans could not invade.

It can be said that Li Yao specially elaborated for this task, "the nemesis of the spar bomb."

Under the cover of the violent attack of the large units, the ultra-miniature scorpion spider is like a small insect that has only been inconspicuous. It has penetrated into the gap of the underground pipeline and gradually approached the site where the spar bomb was detected in the previous period.

In the brain of Li Yao, there are 108 three-dimensional pictures, as if they were split into one hundred and eight.

To completely destroy the entire unnamed hospital and the evidence, the use of spar bombs is indispensable.

Such a spar bomb, even if it is dormant, will release extremely weak psionic fluctuations to the outside world. Experienced bomb experts can naturally distinguish them from ordinary magic weapons.

Needless to say, there are now a large number of people attacking anonymous hospitals. Dongfang Renxin must have activated the self-destruction device, and the psionic fluctuations are even stronger. Li Yao quickly locates all the spar bombs.

At this moment, the Eastern Renxin and the elders who have a lot of weight in the family are all in the hospital. It is naturally impossible to launch a self-destruction device and blow up all of them together with the hospital.

However, Li Yao estimates that such a secret location is sure to have a short-distance transmission to the outside world. After the Eastern Renren retreats safely, it will definitely blow up the hospital and even blow up the entire 27th district.

He must race against time!

"It's a really delicate toy!"

Li Yao manipulated the ultra-micro-spiritual spider, and from a close look at the spar bomb buried in the upper and lower left and right of the unknown hospital, issued a heartfelt admiration.

He hasn't seen such a beautiful spar bomb for a long time.

The elliptical shape of the snail shell is as smooth as a mirror. At first glance, any disassembly tool can't be used.

The most sensitive oscillating sensor chip must be installed inside, even the slightest vibration can be perceived by it.

Moreover, dozens of spar bombs are connected together by wired and wireless transmission. When one launches the whole body, which one is destroyed, other spar bombs will immediately enter the countdown detonation.

In terms of "self-destruction device", it is said that the word "seamless" is such that the spar bomb expert like Li Yao is eager to try.

"It's very challenging. Even now I am practicing to the realm of the gods. I want to completely dismantle such a self-destructing device. I am afraid it will take a minute!"

The metal capsule behind the 108 ultra-miniature sci-fi spiders suddenly opened at the same time, expelling a pale green ice fog toward the smooth mirror-like spar bomb shell.

On the outer shell of the spar bomb, a layer of faint octagonal frost suddenly appeared, which is completely different from ordinary snowflakes.

The metal capsule behind the ultra-miniature genital spider is a substance called "Jade Dragon Pulp". It is Li Yao's use of twenty-seven kinds of ultra-low temperature agents, which are mixed according to a certain proportion.

When it encounters the air, it will immediately turn into a group of ice fog, which will not only reduce the temperature to zero, but also cause most of the substances to lose their activity, especially for suppressing the psionic fluctuation of the spar. effect.

It can be said that it is a special gas that is both "cold" and "lazy".

Although each ultra-micro-rocer spider can only carry a small drop of jade dragon, it is enough to freeze the sensor chip of the spar bomb.

Next, Li Yao held his breath and remotely controlled the ultra-micro-spiritual spider to climb the frozen shell of the spar bomb.

The suction cups of the dozens of arachnid spiders firmly hold the outer shell of the spar bomb, and the nearby spiritual spiders use their sharp blade to draw a perfect circle on the shell of the spar bomb. , cut out a hole.

Gently put the cut shell aside, and all the ultra-miniature sculpt spiders sneak into the hole and invade the inside of the spar bomb.

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