Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2295: Human blood prison!

From the perspective of the ultra-micro-spirited spider, the inside of a monolithic bomb is like a colorful, strange new world.

A variety of fine-grained crystal lines illuminate the faint sacred light, forming the blood vessels and bridges of this new world; thin, flap-like wafers are constructed in the most incredible way to form an intricate labyrinth; It can be shaped into beautiful forms, such as the crystal clear energy flower, blooming in the depths of the maze.

It seems to have a new world of life, so sharp and fragile. Even if it is frozen by the "Jade Dragon", it is still like a sand tower suspended by a spider's silk. With a touch, the whole world will collapse.

Now, it’s time for Li Yao to make all the stops!

Taking a deep breath in the squat-shaped cabin, the pores of the whole body are slightly dilated, and there are numerous small bubbles in the nerve buffer, especially the circle next to the head. The bubbles form bubbles and rush out of the cockroach.

Li Yao’s thoughts stirred up to the limit, like a mighty river of spirits, rushing around the unknown hospital.

All the ultra-miniature sci-fi spiders, while fluttering lightly, screamed like a group of spar, and danced wildly on the tip of the knife.

Kenting solves the cattle, snagging and stripping, and the layers are deep. The mechanical and mechanical spiders use surgical operation, absolutely precise and consistent action, and peel off the sensor wafer and the detonating wafer of the spar bomb. Each movement can not have any 0.01 wire. The error, while peeling off, continues to spray "Jade Dragon Pulp", the deeper part of the frozen crystallized bomb.

The jade dragon marrow can also interfere with the remote control when it freezes the wafer. Only Li Yao, the spar bomb expert of the **** level, can operate in such a harsh environment.

At the same time dismantling dozens of spar bombs, the consumption of the soul is great, Rao is Li Yao's forehead, they all ooze a drop of cold sweat.

Both hands clearly did not hold anything, but the back of the hand was highlighted by blue veins, the ten fingers were slightly trembling, and the joints made a slight noise.

"See you..."

Li Yao muttered to himself, and there were dozens of slightly reddish wafers in his mind, like the layers of petals, and the most secretive flower.

That is the core trigger chip for the spar bomb.

As long as dozens of core trigger wafers are frozen and extracted in an instant, the operation of the self-destructing device can be prevented.


Li Yao’s eyes suddenly spun up, faintly giving birth to a dangerous hunch, and always felt that things were not that simple.

"The guy who buried this group of cyclone bombs must be the master of the high-handed hands. No matter the grinding of the spar bomb shell, the erection of the true crystal wire and the structure of the control chip, all of them are impeccable. Very few people can break through such strictness. Line of defense.

"But his thoughts seem too straightforward, not even a half trap? It doesn't seem like the style of this master.

"There must be an institution!"

Li Yao stopped at the last minute, calmly thinking about it, and released the ultra-micro-spiritual spider.

"Easy to each other, if it is me, how should such a set of vital self-destruction devices be set up?"

Li Yao thought about it and re-extracted the topographic map and structure map near the unknown hospital to consider the problem from the perspective of the designer of the self-destruction device.

The underground city of the Imperial Capital was originally overcrowded, filled with cave buildings with dense needles and needles, like the hive and the ant colony.

Since it is a secret research institute, there is no room for too much space to move.

Therefore, the space for embedding self-destructing devices is extremely limited, and there is not much room for designers to play.

Most of the spar bombs have been discovered and controlled by Li Yao. If there are hidden spar bombs, they must be buried in the most vulnerable part of the unnamed hospital structure in order to blow up all the evidence at once, then...

"right here!"

Li Yao found the last spar bomb in an extremely secretive pipeline below the unknown hospital.

The position where the spar bomb is buried is extremely insidious. It is good to support the central axis of the entire 27th area. Once it explodes, it may cause the collapse of the entire underground city. A lot of rocks and metal structures will collapse. The unnamed hospital will be completely overwhelmed with the 27 districts, and even spread to the deeper underground towns. Finally, the entire underground crack will be buried.

If this is the case, the number of innocent people buried alive is more than a few hundred thousand!

In order to destroy the evidence, it is necessary to pull hundreds of thousands or even millions of people to bury Li Yao to the extent that the cultivator can be cruel, and have a new understanding.

The reason why the original Li Linghai team did not detect the spar bomb, because it was wrapped in a shell made of special metal materials, and was sealed by a rather complicated ban, and it was in a dormant state.

Li Yao inspected for a long time and found that the trigger mechanism of this spar bomb is quite interesting. There are dozens of spar bombs on the periphery. It sends a very weak wave to it every ten seconds, as long as it receives dozens of fluctuations at the same time. It will always be dormant.

Once it fails to receive the signal of other spar bombs in time, it will immediately explode without hesitation, breaking the support shaft of the entire underground city, triggering a chain reaction, killing dozens of millions of people, and all crimes. Together with the evidence, annihilate!

Li Yao squinted and gnawed his teeth unconsciously.

In the design of such a vicious self-destruction device, he must take out the devil doctor of the benevolent heart of the East, and completely defeat the oriental family!

Now that you know the trigger mechanism of the last spar bomb, it's easy to do it.

Li Yao went back and studied a few dozen spar bombs in front. At the deepest point of these bombs, I found a small set of signal transmission chips. Every ten seconds, a specific wave is emitted, and each one The fluctuations in the spar bombs vary, and seem to be some sort of number or password.

All signal transmission chips are connected to the control wafer of the spar bomb. If the control wafer is removed or stopped, the signal transmission chips will be burned at the same time, and the fluctuating transmission is stopped.

Time is tight, Li Yao has no time to simulate dozens of different signals.

For a moment, he reconstructed the psionic circuit of the spar bomb, disconnected these signal-transmitting wafers and control wafers, and connected them to new lines.

It is equivalent to deceiving the signal transmission chip, making them mistakenly think that they are still connected to the main line.

After completing this crucial step, Li Yao finally got a sigh of relief and started the final disassembly work.

One hundred and eight ultra-micro-spiritual spiders were launched at the same time, carefully rotating dozens of "flowers" and slowly pumping them out.

Self-destruction device, destruction is complete!

Li Yao jumped up from the cockroach, spit out the nerve buffer, and grinned!

Gestly let Li Jialing take the towel, and open the communication channel without delay.

Sure enough, the communication channel is full of months of unparalleled, Tu Zhengdao and other people eagerly screaming.

Li Yao smiled and said: "The self-destruction device is cracked, you can safely attack!"

As soon as this statement came out, the flames and explosions from the direction of the unknown hospital suddenly became a series.

The secret research carried out by the Eastern Renxin here is not to be seen, and even in the East, there are many people.

Therefore, although there are master guards such as the "Thirty-three Limits", it is impossible to draw a few of the elite squadrons of the Jingjing Battle Corps, and bravely guard them.

The reformists arrested the long-awaited raids, but they all took all the elites out of the nest. For this reason, even a large number of ground-based positions were abandoned. Obviously, they are determined to win.

The two sides have not been deadlocked for too long, and the innovative arresting team has broken through the door of the unknown hospital, and has been driving straight into the secret research institute of the East.

The pictures in a large number of secret research institutes were transmitted to Li Yao's portable crystal brain in real time by arresting the monitor eyes of the group soldiers, allowing him to spy on the whole picture of the Ogre Cave.

In the ice-cold crystal vessels, in the suspicious nutrient solution, various strange and even deformed organs are soaked, and it is impossible to see whether it is from humans or stars and animals.

Many organs are connected to a single crystal line, and they seem to have life!

There are dozens of human brains connected to the **** vertebrae. The ends of the vertebrae are slightly inflated like eggs, and the dark golden luster is the brain, spine and "Golden Dan" of the Golden Dan strong!

The rest of the various shocking, disgusting pictures, even Li Yao could not help but fall into the sea.

That picture is almost more than he saw in the "Yufu Lab" of the ancestors of the blood enchantment, and the scene of transforming human beings into a demon is even more disgusting!

At the end of the secret research institute is an operating room.

Two of them were like an operating bed and a platform like a demon altar. They were lying down on two teenagers, all falling asleep, but one of them was locked up and locked.

His celestial cover has been opened, and the brain is obviously showing signs of shrinking, as if it has been extracted from the roots to the spirits and sent to the brains of another teenager.

Another boy who was full of extravagance had widened his eyes, and his pupils had spread, and he had already died.

It seems that it was the ritual to the critical moment, was interrupted by the raid, and what was wrong, so that the boy who had "reborn and washed the marrow" was violent on the spot, and the body was too late to take it away.

"Haha, this time the Oriental family is really finished!"

In the communication channel, there was a loud laugh from the assault captain Tu Zhengdao. "We found more than a dozen masters from Li, Yun and Song in the secret research institute, all of which have become cultivation materials and specimens. Many people are secretly missing on the battlefield, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are more specimens, materials and materials that cannot be destroyed. All of them fall into our hands. It seems that the number of victims is no less than thousands. How do the two brothers of the Eastern Renxin confess to the four families!"

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