Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2296: The evil is full, and the reward is here!

"But the East Renren ran!"

In the communication channel, there was no cold and frosty voice in the leader of the Heavenly Trial Court. "I don’t catch him on the spot, and there is a lot of hard evidence. And Dongfang Renxin also took away the master brain in the secret research institute, a lot of the past. The experimental data is all in the crystal brain, and it is very likely to be involved in many high-level members of the Eastern family!

"This is the crucial evidence. It must be in our hands to completely kill the two kings of the East and the East!"

The Eastern Renxin escaped through the transmission array.

But it is destined to run far.

At the beginning of the raid, the eight “space 涟漪 generating devices” secretly transported to the bottom of the revolution were activated at the same time, and they smashed the smashing void.

These spaces do not have any effect on the normal living and moving creatures in the three-dimensional space, even if they are close at hand.

But if someone wants to tear the three-dimensional space and jump through the four-dimensional space to jump into the distance, it will be involved in an artificially created storm.

After all, the four-dimensional jump is extremely dangerous. Whether it is a super long-distance Xinghai jump across hundreds of millions of stars, or a short-distance transmission that pursues extreme accuracy, it is not allowed to interfere with one star and one half.

With a little carelessness, there are two possible outcomes.

First, after the organism enters the transmission array, the cells and even the gene chain are all decomposed, but they are interfered by the "four-dimensional storm", and they can no longer be put together, or they can be put together in a very strange way.

In this way, if it appears on the destination transmission array, it is very likely that it is a pool of steaming meat and plasma, or the internal organs are exposed, the hands and feet become whiskers, and the body becomes a monster.

Second, the transmission was successfully completed, but the destination coordinates showed a "slightly" error, and did not jump to the destination's transmission array, but a few meters away from the transmission array.

Then, it is very likely that it will be embedded in rocks, metals and even others. The combination of active cells and cold substances is also a dead end.

Therefore, when the eight "space sputum generating devices" of the reformist group began to interfere, it was like erecting a transparent barrier outside the twenty-seventh district. It is impossible for the eastern benevolence to bypass the barrier and jump to dozens of moments. The ground outside the kilometer jumps up to a corner of the twenty-seventh district.

The resistance of the anonymous hospital is still continuing, but the Tianluo network is spreading to the entire 27th district.

In the operation room, Li Yao's hands were turned into a cloud of fog, and the control interface was operated nervously.

The transmission array is launched once, regardless of the jumping point or the destination, it will sway an unusual space. Although it is much weaker than the long-range jump of the starship, it is still sensitive to the search magic weapon that Li Yao himself polished.

In front of Li Yao, the transparent structure of the twenty-seventh area is displayed on the three-dimensional light curtain. There is a small red dot flashing in the depth of the unknown hospital. It is the transmission array that has just been activated.

Soon, under the twenty-seventh area, near the edge, another small red dot with the same luster jumped out.

It is also a transmission array that has just been activated. It should be the place where the oriental benevolence is drilled.

The Eastern Renxin did the opposite and did not run to the ground, but it fled to the deeper underground city.

Most of the revolutionary fighters are gathered in the upper floors of the 27th district, and the search and interception below is not strict.

Li Yao smiled a little, wiped a face, and found a ring from his arms.

Since he had a face-to-face with Long Yangjun, he has been carefully crafting a magic weapon that was prepared for today’s arrest.


The oriental benevolence was originally a pampered, high-ranking imperial elder and apricot master, most pay attention to maintenance and demeanor, the title of a beautiful man when he was young, even if he is old, still standing in the face, not like a few hundred years old, down It is like a middle-aged man with a strong young man.

But at this moment, he fled, but his hair was unkempt, cold sweats, completely lost the past grace, wrinkles burst out at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the muscles quickly dried up and shrunk, as if they were a hundred years old. year old.

Hard work has accumulated hundreds of years of foundation, and it has been destroyed in an instant. It is more likely to lead to fire. How to prevent the imperial elder, the vice president of the Royal Society of Physicians, is in a hurry!

There was a rumbling explosion behind the scenes, and the direction of the secret research institute ignited the flames.

The flames that burned in the underground world were not orange-red, but the wildfire of the oil, and the demon was at its peak.

The oriental benevolence can't take a look back and look at it. In spite of everything going to the abyss, he has three secret evacuation points in the 63rd, 75th and 88th districts below, as long as he can bring it to The important crystal brain and all the data were evacuated and fled back to the territory of the East, and no one wanted to take him out.

The gunshots, explosions and shouts behind them are getting closer and closer and more and more clear.

The master of the "Thirty-three Limits" has been sent by him to intercept the chasing troops, but it seems that it will not be delayed for too long.

Soon, there were only the last two "Thirty-three Limits" members around the East Renxin, but there was an earth-shattering explosion behind them. Then, the fire, the gunshots and the shouting silences were all silent.

The East Renren was horrified and looked back. There was a master behind him who did not hide the arrogance, like a spar battleship drilled to the ground, and "Rumble" approached him.

The pupils of Dongfang Renxin contracted to the limit, and the two "Thirty-three Limits" masters are ready to go, and the deadly killings can always pour like a flash flood.

But the human form that flashed from the darkness made the eastern heart happy: "Is it you? How do you know?"

Unpretentious appearance, waterfall-like black hair, tall and slender figure, is the president of the Hunting Horde Association, Oriental Mingyue!

"Don't say so much, this time we got on the big!"

Oriental Mingyue did not wear a helmet. With a faint light, she could barely see her frowning brows as a double-knife. The light crystal scorpion on her body was stained with streaked blood, and even "whistling" sparked, obviously Just after a hard fight, the soldiers chased the soldiers. "The reformists set up traps on the ground to tune the tigers away from the mountains, but they concentrated on all the forces to attack the secret research institute. The Prime Minister asked me to protect you from retreating. I don’t have many people. It won't last long, let's go!"

As I said, Oriental Mingyue strode to the East Renxin and two "Thirty-three Limit" masters.

"How could this be!"

The Easthearted heart screamed, "How can the reformists know our big secrets, we must be inside... Wait, Prime Minister, you just called Dongfang Wang 'Prime Minister'?"

The pupils of the Eastern heart re-contracted to the extreme again, and the white hair was full of roots.

The two "Thirty-three Limits" masters also felt that it was wrong, but it was too late!

The "Oriental Mingyue", which is close to them, suddenly blew a glare of golden light, leaving the oriental benevolence in a temporary blind state. Before he reacted, there were already dozens of sharp miniature flying swords. Into his large body, he stirred up a strong arc, and locked his limbs and Qijing eight veins, as if his bones and nerves were all alive and painful!

He hurts that the two "Thirty-three Limits" masters are more painful than him. The mournings that have been issued have never been issued during the operation of the Star-to-Earth Organ Transplantation.

The Eastern Renxin was temporarily blind, and was locked by the magic weapon to the bones and meridians. Even the escape could not be done. Only the sound of "咔嚓咔嚓" was heard around him. The two "Thirty-three Limits" masters were like being hit by an inch. Blast the bones and put them into the flesh disc to grind them.

They could still hear their screams for the first three seconds, and soon they couldn’t hear anything.

When the Eastern Renren gradually recovered his vision, he saw a picture that would not appear in the nightmare.

The two "Thirty-three Limits" masters were all ruptured, and the flesh and blood were compressed. Together with the special crystal scorpion on the body, they were compressed into two big **** and died on the spot.

Standing in the darkness opposite him, naturally it is not the Eastern Mingyue, but another recent month, so that the Eastern family and even the four major electorate families are timid.

"Vulture Li Yao!"

The Eastern heart screamed desperately.

Each other is a god, but the gap between combat and research is naturally different, not to mention the fact that Li Yao disguised as the "Oriental Moon" and briefly gained the trust of the Eastern heart, and was able to plant his own in his body. The refining magic weapon.

Li Yao refining the magic weapon of imprisonment, in addition to himself, looking at the entire empire, there will be no more than ten people who can be cracked.

Oriental benevolence is obviously not one of them.

"Oriental Dean."

Li Yao slowly licked his cheeks and stripped off the last trace of camouflage, revealing a sly smile. "You are full of sin, sin, and now retribution!"

The oriental benevolence squirmed like a huge locust, vainly squatting to the depths of the darkness. In the darker, I don’t know how many people living in the ground, staring at the sparkling eyes, staring at them quietly.

"You, you can't move me!"

The oriental benevolent face is distorted and screams loudly. "I am an elder of the Empire. I am the elder of the East. Do you know what you are doing? You dare to move me, that is to be an enemy of the East, and to be an enemy of the Senate." Is to be an enemy of the entire empire!"

Li Yao is cold, step by step.

"Don't move me, let me go!"

The eyes of the oriental benevolently turn and tremble. "I can give you anything you want. No matter what the heavens and the earth, or the peerless magical powers, I have a lot of resources. I can give you all the resources!"

Li Yao was unmoved and continued to move forward.

"You, are you in the realm of the gods now? But your flesh and blood is so perfect, it is extremely rare even in the battle of the gods!"

The Eastern Renxin shouted exhaustively. "Don't you want to be the strongest fighting **** in history? Don't you want to impact the realm of distraction? I can help you! I have the technology, the most advanced technology, can be implanted in your body. Into the seventeen or eight kinds of stars and animals, you will become twice as powerful as you are now... three times... five times... ten times! Ten times!"

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