Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2298: The country is angry!

During the speech, Li Yao’s index finger has become as bright as a red-hot steel strip, and the air is stirring, making a “squeaky” sound.

There is also a circle of psionic swaying beside the finger, condensing into a zigzag pattern of ripples, spinning fast, like the thread on the drill bit.

Fingers poke into the eyebrows of the eastern heart, just like the drill bit hard to withstand the steel, first of all, the sound of "squeaky", a blue smoke emerges, and then the contact surface bursts brightly The arc, covering the entire head of the Eastern heart.

The muscles on the face of the oriental heart blew open, desperately trying to shake his head, but his limbs and spine were all shattered by Li Yao, but he couldn’t move at half-point, even the screams of heartbreaking, listening They are all like "puppets" that are to be slaughtered. The two sides are deadlocked for three seconds, and Li Yao’s fingers are poked in!

The fingertips are like a gate that opens, and the violent and unparalleled spirits all flow into the depths of the brains of the Eastern heart.

The power of the gods of the gods is huge, like a frightened behemoth, launching an instinctive counterattack.

However, Li Yao is obviously superior, but he is clenching his teeth, turning all hatred and hatred into a torrent of anger, slamming in the brains of the eastern benevolent heart and destroying everything.

In the eyes and ears of the oriental benevolence, there are bursts of red-red flames, and the golden stream of light on the edge of the flame is the aftermath of Li Yao's spiritual power.

His screams gradually weakened.

Li Yao took out his fingers and even squirted a psionic fountain that could not be seen by the naked eye from the eyebrows of the oriental heart. It was like blooming a colorful flower in the darkness, and there was no fading for a long time.

As the psionic plunges outward, the oriental heart is full of muscles, and the full face is instantly turned into a skinny scorpion, but it is not dead for a while, and the two eyes that are almost burned are extremely incomparable. Li Yao is empty and can't tell the whirlpool of eyes. Is it desperate, hateful, painful, or very surprised? I can't believe that Li Yaozhen will do this.

Li Yaochong smiled and found out a few medical agents and high-energy nutrient agents from the Qiankun ring, and plunged into the carotid artery of the eastern heart, helping the living to maintain a life-threatening life.

After a moment of groping for his soft body, he quickly found four Qiankun Rings.

All four Qiankun martial arts were planted forbidden, but it is hard to turn into Li Yao, a master of refining.

Hearing the shouts behind him and the crystal smashing sounds getting closer and closer, Li Yao’s heart moved, and suddenly he backed everything, stunned the half-dead oriental heart, and dragged it to the dark corner of the lower abyss.

In the corner of the lower abyss, he found an abandoned mine hole, and used ten minutes to violently crack the four banquets of the Qiankun ring. He found a magic weapon unit similar to the master crystal storage chip.

The original data of the experiments and operations performed by Oriental Renxin in the past should be in it.

Time is tight, Li Yao can not completely copy the data in the storage chip, for a moment, he gently glued a refining, thin, flapped wafer in the depth of the storage chip.

This wafer, which is only a quarter of the size of the fingernail and completely integrated with the memory chip itself, is equivalent to a "back door" that is violently cracked from the material level, and has a strong positioning ability, as long as Li Yao’s mind is moving. It can be found in dozens of miles.

Li Yao does not know why he is doing such a small move.

Perhaps the words of Dongfang Renxin just touched him.

Or the reminder of Long Yangjun a few days ago is still in his mind.

In any case, he felt that the so-called "victory" came too simple.

Assume that the "Blood League event" is a conspiracy carefully planned by the East, and the revolutionary party led by Li Linghai is only a hasty counterattack. This "conspiracy" is too clumsy and too passive, and the "counterattack" is too fierce, too interlocking. It’s too thunderous.

The four Qiankun Rings were assembled as they were, and the original forbidden seal was simulated. Li Yao returned to the 27th District with the oriental heart.

In the darkness around, there are still countless pairs of eyes on the bottom of the original people squinting at him. Some teenagers are like panicked beasts, making a "oh oh" cry; but more people have already adapted to the underground. Dark, lifeless eyes filled with insensitivity, as if the fierce battle just staged, is a farce that has nothing to do with them.

It is really a long and difficult road to let those who have never seen the sun believe in the existence of light.

However, Li Yao will never give up, will definitely do everything he can to fight the end!

"I will definitely find out the truth... Li Linghai, what kind of trick are you playing, what is your 'secret weapon'?"

Looking at the hunting witches who rushed to the scene, Li Yao muttered to himself and fell into meditation.


The secret study of the benevolent heart of the East has been smashed in the form of "human beings and won", and even the Eastern Renxin has not escaped. Instead, he was arrested and returned to the secret base of the Tianmu Trial Chamber. The news came out, and it is worthy of the whole Xinghai. The central government set off a devastating storm.

Before the reinforcements of the Eastern family had not arrived, the fleet of Lijia had already appeared in the vertical sky in the 27th district. All the guns and the psionic shields were activated, and a pair of gestures could be shot at any time. The reinforcements that forced the Easterners did not dare to act rashly.

There was also an incontrovertible evidence on the Internet, revealing the guilty crimes committed by the benevolent people of the East.

Li Linghai’s judgment is correct. The actions of the Eastern Renxin have trampled on the bottom line of the immortal, and overstepped the rules of the game.

The real human empire is a cultivating kingdom with "real people" as the ruling class. No cultivator can tolerate himself being tied to the operating table like a piece of meat. It is a "original person" treatment that is lively slaughtered or even dried. But they are real people who are on the top!

A large part of the victims of the Oriental Renxin Secret Institute is not an ordinary person, but a large and small aristocrat, including the core members of the four electorate families.

Many cultivators are after the fierce battle between the front line and the sacred alliance. The starships and even the bases are blown up by the enemy. They are not known to be in the cosmic war. The attacks on both sides can soar to thousands of degrees of high temperature, allowing a corpse to evaporate alive. It is really easy.

Even a large-scale battle was laid down. 90% of the bodies were missing, either evaporating, or smashing after freezing, or drifting deep into the Xinghai. Only 10% of the bodies can be recovered. This is Very normal thing.

As a result, many missing soldiers have been declared sacrificed for their country, and their families have thought that their loved ones are dead under the sword of the sacred people.

The result was discovered that they did not die in the hands of the sacred people, but died in the hands of the benevolent heart of the East, and their Dantian and Linggen were even sucked alive, nourishing another cultivator!

For a time, the country is stunned, and the families of countless victims are of course powerful miraculous people. They are all furious.

Li Jia, Yun Jia and Song Jia, the owners of the three electorate families, could not suppress this raging flame. They could only be swayed by the raging waves, and the scalp and the reformists set up a joint investigation team. Everyone who has been involved in the case of the investigation and the Eastern Renxin.

On June 17, a veteran of the Yun family, on the grounds of this case, filed a impeachment case in the Senate, demanding that the Prime Minister of the East look down immediately and disband the cabinet formed by him and set up a new temporary cabinet. .

There is no direct evidence to prove that Dongfang Wang is involved in the evil study of the Eastern Renxin. Therefore, this impeachment case has not been approved despite the support of some Yunjia, Lijia and Songjia veterans.

But the discerning eye can see that this impeachment case is a declaration of war, which proves that the Yun family and the Song family have already stood on the side of the Li family and the reformists. The three electors and the reformists have reached a temporary alliance. The sword pointed to the East!

At the moment, the morale of the East is low to the extreme, and there are even signs of falling apart.

Because of the study of the benevolence of the East, the first victims are the Easterners themselves. Some of the top executives have benefited from the study of the Eastern Renxin. Naturally, another high-level executive has failed in the competition, thus hating and sharpening the eagerness to regain power. .

These high-level officials suddenly split into two factions, even more factions, blaming each other and shirking their responsibilities, and secretly wondering who should be introduced to be a scapegoat to solve the whole thing.

For the family faculty and the underlying cultivators, although they have long realized that they are just the cannon fodder of the family, they want to make a fortune in the increasingly rigid family system, and most people are stunned, but Such evil and ugly things are completely exposed, but they have also caused a shocking blow to them.

It turns out that being a family sideline and a bottom layer, not only does it have a chance to make a head start, it has to be reduced to the family's cannon fodder to fight for death. Even a little revealing some cultivation talents, it is possible to be caught by the family's high-level, and squeeze into a "high-energy nutrition." Agent" for those high-level and their children to enjoy!

Such a family, still a family, is simply a savage cave!

Anyway, I have never enjoyed the benefits of the family. Even if the Oriental family is completely finished, what is the relationship with them?

This is especially true for people living in the territory of the East, and even the immortals and the original soldiers inside the Eastern Fleet.

The Eastern family ruled nearly twenty rich worlds, and it was impossible for all the cultivators to rehabilitate the "Oriental".

In fact, in the territory and army of the East, the true immortals of the surname of the East only accounted for about 10%, and the remaining 90% were miscellaneous.

Among the original soldiers, the proportion of miscellaneous surnames is even higher, reaching more than 95%.

In the past, the miscellaneous surnames were all suppressed by the oriental cultivators, and no matter how talented, they could not get out of their heads. They had accumulated their full-faced resentment and unwillingness. They suffered from deep roots and powerful powers in the East. There was no channel for venting. And the method of change.

But now, the Easterners are swaying, and the internal and external affairs are sleepy. These miscellaneous surnames and immortals are inevitably swaying by the wind, at least in their hearts.

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