Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2299: Chinese people can kill!

The powerful deep-sea fleet, even if all the important positions such as the captain and chief of staff are from the Oriental family, the rest of the professional posts will be enriched by a dozen times more miscellaneous surnames.

Not to mention the basic underlying position, it also requires a hundred times more original warriors to serve as the glorious and sacred role of “cannon fodder”.

Similarly, the shipyards that refine these starships, the crystal warfare regiments that accompany the starships, the light infantry regiments that provide fire support for the crystal warfare regiment, and even the basic posts that support the effective operation of the Eastern family, countless miscellaneous The surnamed immortals and the original people are working hard.

If the Eastern Fleet is regarded as a pyramid, only a small number of bricks on the spire are engraved with the word "Oriental", and the huge towers used to carry the spires are all miscellaneous and original. People are composed.

Obviously making the greatest contribution, even the main work is done by themselves, but the most important thing is that the merits and achievements are all shamelessly plundered by the surname of the East. Such a day is not only the past hundreds of years, but even in the next few hundred years!

There is no such thing as a miscellaneous surname, and I am willing to endure such a system.

When they accumulate anger for hundreds of years and finally found a vent, the energy that erupted was amazing.

The fort was never broken from the inside.

These ancestors have been suppressed by the oriental masters of immortals. Forever eternal life can not see the surnames of the immortals, and destined to become the tomb of the oriental family.

With a family name to control dozens of big worlds, but also lack of grandiose name, even the "emperor" and other hats are not, just the "elected emperor", the East is destined impossible It is the loyalty and trust of all the people under the rule, but it is only by violence.

Violence stems from fear, and fear stems from the hope of not resisting success. Now the weakness of the oriental family hidden behind violence has already been revealed. The hope of resisting success is vaguely emerging in the minds of the immortals, just like the night is coming soon. In the past, the first dawn of the horizon!

Needless to say, the other three electorate families are secretly supporting the miscellaneous surnames under the rule of the East, giving them unrealistic promises and vicissitudes of victory. The reformists are through various channels. It has long penetrated into many worlds under the rule of the East, and it has a strong organization and appeal in the 90% of the number of miscellaneous people.

A blast of wind and rain, many of the worlds under the rule of the East

Beginning in July, the “Eating People's Cultivation Event” gradually fermented. The entire real human empire, especially the heavy industry world where the bottom cultivators gathered together, all broke out a large-scale and amazing gathering, demanding a thorough investigation of this matter. The most important thing is To unearth the "customer" of the Eastern Renxin, one must not let go.

Under the turmoil of various forces, especially in the world under the rule of the East, the world has the largest gathering and the most intense conflict.

The largest gathering is said to have gathered more than 500,000 cultivators, known as the “Millions of Immortals”, pointing to the highest level of the East, and even questioning whether the Eastern rule is legal. The whole planet is burning.

For this blatant "rebellion", at first, the Eastern family chose to suppress it mercilessly.

But the other side is not a civilian with no strength, but the same awakening of the spiritual roots, who can freely control the psionics.

In the process of playing the "cannon fodder" for the Oriental family for hundreds of years, many miscellaneous survivors have also controlled quite tyrannical combat power, which is called brave and good.

What's more, every combat-type cultivator is a killing machine that is extremely fast, super-smart, has great concealment and survivability. They will never be stupidly confronted with the Eastern fleet, but it will be Hidden in the high-rise buildings and even the labyrinth of the underground city, the gods are gone, the time is hidden, the destruction is caused, and the "limit war" is played.

In the intricate urban environment, it is necessary to deal with a frustrated and desperate combat-type cultivator. At least ten or twenty combat-type cultivators of the same level will be effective. In the pursuit process, the other party is very likely to destroy. The loss of several high-rise buildings has completely blocked traffic and even destroyed the local psionic energy pipeline, causing incalculable losses.

This is just a cultivator.

If it is one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, and half a million?

In your own territory, within the highly developed economic and industrial towns, playing a long-lasting, tangled, guerrilla warfare, and ultra-limit war, causing millions of people to "collateral damage", by the way, the home is devastated and messed up?

There is not a mentally active Eastern Fleet Commander who is willing to face such a task.

What is even more difficult is that more than 90% of the middle and lower-level officers and grass-roots soldiers sent to the suppression of the fleet are all miscellaneous and immortal.

Under the rule of the Eastern family, as long as the middle and lower ranks officers do not surname the "Oriental", there will never be a day of protagonization. Even if the ancestral graves are no longer smoked, it is the limit that they can rise to the vice captain and the staff.

In this case, what are the reasons for the middle and lower-level officers to help the Easterners to kill another group of miscellaneous people who fight for their own rights?

That is to say, the captains of the surnames of the East may not be the core of the family. They also face the glass ceiling, they will never rise up, and the war will be ruthlessly robbed by the core of the family. Although it is impossible to write two East, the problem is The reason why the treatment of the main veins and the side branches is different is natural. Why do they have to rely on the ruined old starships no matter how many battles they have, and the rookies of the "main veins of the East" have Opportunity to master the new warships that have just been refined?

Such a repressive fleet, where there is a bit of morale and combat power at all, it is very worthy of the Eastern family's ancestors.

Facts have proved that the miscellaneous surnames have no loyalty and awe of the ancestral patriarchs of the Eastern family.

The crackdown took place on the third day, and the change really happened.

The two arsenal ships of the Eastern family were even hijacked by the squadrons and landed on the surface of the planet. They were rushed in by the immigrants who were gathering at the meeting. They were supposed to be outside, and all the senior officers of the surnamed East on the starship were arrested. The piglets are tied like a big flower.

This picture, together with the huge gatherings and demonstrations of the miscellaneous surnames, was transmitted to the outside world through secret channels, and was played around the clock through the propaganda machine of the reformists and the three major electors. One after another slap in the face.

The violent rule of the East has fallen into a vicious circle.

The occurrence of the transmutation event proves that all the miscellaneous surnames are unreliable. If you want to solve them simply, you can concentrate all the oriental cultivators and rely on the "self" to carry out **** suppression.

But if you do this, it is equal to the 90% of the opposite of the immortal, even if there is no rebellious heart, the immortal will be forced to rebel.

What's more, the miscellaneous surnames are unreliable, and the sidelines in the oriental family may not be reliable or even more reliable!

In the vast world of the rule of the East, there have been two rumors that have been made.

First, it is said that the interior of the East has reached an agreement, completely no longer trust all the miscellaneous surnames, and will soon carry out a major cleansing within the Eastern Fleet, killing at least one-third of the surnames.

The remaining two-thirds, do not have to be too early to be happy, in order to ensure their loyalty, will be banned by the Eastern family in the body, even nesting around the neck can burst at any time.

In this way, life and children, sons and grandchildren, must be loyal to the East!

Secondly, it is said that there are serious differences within the Eastern family. Many of the collateral branches believe that this time things are clearly created by the high-level members of the main stream. Naturally, they should bear the burden. If they want to save the oriental family, they only have to All the high-level members of the main line are all taken out and a fair trial is conducted.

In other words, the sideline of the Oriental family is planning a "family coup" against the main pulse!

These two gossips are actually contradictory and cannot withstand careful consideration.

But many times, the so-called rumors are far-reaching predictions, and even three people become tigers. Even if there are no shadows, as long as there are more people, they have become reality.

These two rumors accurately hit the deepest weakness of human nature.

No one can deny the possibility of these two rumors.

For a time, the Oriental Masters did not trust the miscellaneous surnames to cultivate the immortals. The main veins of the Orientals did not trust the neighbors to cultivate the immortals. Li Yao once said that the war of "everyone is for all" must be in the East. The performance of the so-called "repression", how can it be carried out?

The chaos inside the family, deployed in the fleet of the Imperial Capital, and the loyalty of the loyalists in the temple, and how can they provoke the attack of the other three electorate families and the reformists?

The extreme heavens and the celestial stars also broke out in a gathering and demonstrations one after another. The call for the Prime Minister’s demise of the East has never stopped. Even several times, under the acquiescence of the forces of the parties, there is less than one from the Prime Minister’s Office. The kilometer of the place, the roar of the waves, the night and day after the earthquake, the glass of the Prime Minister's House.

A lot of **** pictures and "the roar of the ordinary citizens of the empire", through the modern spiritual network, are transmitted to the entire Xinghai Sea in an instant, further inciting the underlying cultivators with anger.

The so-called public opinion, most of the time is the imaginary air, but occasionally it will become oil, the oil on the fire.

After more than a month of instigation and fermentation, the general trend of "all people can kill" has become a deadly poisonous blade.

As a result, the "Blood League event" that had been quiet for a while was turned over again.

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