Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2301: Outstanding experience

The ocean surface in front looks calm and calm, but in the sunshine, it bursts into a shocking red.

The red mangling swayed straight up to form a scarlet column of smoke, which remained for a long time and could be seen in hundreds of miles.

That is the first step forward to the place than the big forces. The coordinates of the submarine base that are accurately identified are just below the vertical axis of the plume.

At this moment, a group of the fastest assault ships have already rushed to the vicinity of the plume, and a large number of deep-water bombs have been released from the assault ship, and they have fallen into the sea, sinking into the deep sea of ​​three or four hundred meters. It bursts open.

The power of the deep-water bombs even makes the shock wave penetrate the seawater hundreds of meters deep, exploding a splendid splash on the water surface, making the whole ocean seem like boiling.

According to the information, the submarine base of Dongfangwang is built in the seamounts below 2,000 meters below sea level. These deep-water bombs naturally do not hurt the submarine base.

However, it can stir up the turbulent undercurrent on the sea floor, interfere with the transmission array to play a role, and disrupt the intention of the starship to launch directly from the seabed into the starry sky.

The last retreat of the Eastern Hope was completely blocked.

Hundreds of assault ships carried nearly 100,000 elites and flew over the **** plume. A **** hunt is about to begin.

The Eastern View in the submarine base seems to realize that he has no way to retreat, even if he is lucky enough to escape into the stars, with no empire, there is no place for him.

However, if he wants to be the former Prime Minister of the Empire and the owner of the East, he will be tied to the trial table and be slaughtered like a pig, but it will never be possible.

Resentment, the death to the last moment, is the only ending.

"Boom! Booming and banging!"

Suddenly there were hundreds of serial bangs on the bottom of the sea, followed by hundreds of thick and strong dragons, and the water column suddenly rose and flew to the height of hundreds of meters.

Thousands of flying swords fly from the water column, Wan Dao Xuanguang, hundreds of thousands of palms, and the head of the skull is shot at many assault ships.

The psionic shields of all the assault ships were shot in a circle, and the colorful brilliance was changed. Many of the shields of the assault ship were pierced, and the power unit and the anti-gravity unit were destroyed, raising an ugly ugly. Black smoke.

However, more assault ships have locked in the direction of the attack. The crystal cannons, the Xuanguang cannons, the Vulcan cannons and the bombardarians have returned fire, and a large ocean has been shot, and hundreds of thousands of tons of seawater are all Evaporation, turned into a big storm.

The two sides shot for a long time, the rhythm was a little slow, and there were many crystal scorpions and giant soldiers from the assault ship on the bee colony also flew out and jumped into the sea.

Regardless of the crystal scorpion or the giant squadron, all the extremely pressure-resistant models are selected, and the fin kit for deep-sea combat is installed, which can exert at least 60% of combat power even under the weight of several thousand meters of sea water.

In an instant, the originally turbid sea water was illuminated by the crystal blaze of the crystal scorpion and the giant gods. It was like a large piece of colorful crystal, giving off a faint chill and a creepy beauty.

"We will also set off. If we can successfully rescue the emperor, it will be a great achievement!"

Li Yao grinned, half jokingly and Li Jialing said, then Huo Ran got up, a little activity on the limbs, and then ran two steps, jumping from the head of the attack ship!

When people are still in the air, the crystals are shining all around, and a magnificent wing is outlined. It is like a giant giant golden-winged bird roaring out of his body, wrapping him in a group, and the giant gods are golden, once again. Debut!


The golden scorpion is deeply plunged into the sea and looted all the way to the dark endless sea!

The battle in the deep sea is very different from the ground and the vacuum of the universe.

Seawater is a natural barrier that can cause extreme interference and delay in the transmission of psionic waves.

Even the speed of weapons such as flying swords and bullets has become extremely slow in the sea.

Not to mention the keen sense of human beings. Once you enter the deep sea, you will be automatically blocked.

The most terrible is the pressure in the deep sea. At the depth of several thousand meters, the pressure of the seawater is enough to compress a dozens of tons of spar chariots into a seamless shovel. Can't get in.

Even if the power of the gods is strong, there are super-resistant anti-pressure crystal scorpions and giant guards, and fighting in this environment is extremely dangerous.

The reason is very simple. The so-called "reinforcement of the gods" does not mean that every minute can be maintained in the realm of the gods, the intensity of two or three times of the series of gods in a fierce battle is good, the vast majority At that time, it can only be maintained in Yuan Ying or even Jin Dan series to reduce the consumption of life and spirit.

The latest sharp ship of the real human empire, its barrel life is about 3 minutes, which means that the moment of each fire is superimposed.

The same is true for the power of the gods.

No gun barrel can withstand the continuous fire for dozens of minutes, and no one who is strong can survive the burning of life and maintain the state of tens of minutes.

However, the heavy pressure of sea water is continuous and never-ending. Unless it breaks into the seabed base, it will not be possible to relax for a while.

From this perspective, the Oriental Point, backed by the seabed base, is cheaper than the offensive side.

When Li Yao sneaked into the depth of 500 meters, the whole seabed had become a mess.

There are turbulent streams everywhere, whirlpools everywhere, invisible bans and glaring arcs everywhere. The flames are crowded into the strange shape by the sea, and the colorful faint fluorescence is blooming, killing countless lives without a word.


The main control crystal brain of the golden scorpion made a sound alarm. The entire sea-mountain mountain range was simply run into the dense flying sword forest of the East. Thousands of flying swords took the undercurrent and silently shot toward Li Yao!

Li Yao was able to dodge with ease, while stirring his mind to the limit and spying on the reality of the seabed base.

At this moment, the two sides have already collided with each other. Dozens of giant soldiers and Wantai Jingsheng stirred up the horror of the sea. One side is determined to win, the other side is recalcitrant, no one can step back and take a step. Real fire!

"Li Jialing!"

Li Yao locked his position, his eyes flashed, and he greeted the golden lion with a peer-to-peer private communication channel. "Go here, come with me!"

The golden scorpion is as smart as a shark, escaping the last flying sword and plundering the bottom of the sea.


Li Jialing, while he was behind Li Yao, wondered, "This is... not the direction of the main battlefield, the seabed base is there!"

"Crap, of course I know that this is not the main battlefield, so I have to go here!"

Li Yaoli is of course natural, "Immediately adjust the crystal to the stealth mode, in addition to the compression unit, the other power units are all messed up to the limit, don't be found us!"

Said, Li Yao first annihilated the glory of the golden scorpion, faint as a piece of rusty brass.

"What is this?"

Li Jialing was shocked and said, "Are we not going to rescue the emperor's majesty?"

"That is a joke with you. There is always a loyal loyal loyalty in the real human empire. There is no need for us to do anything?"

Li Yaoli is of course natural, "Young people are low-key, don't just make a fuss!"

Li Jialing: "...but, but Yao Ge’s past battles have been shining and showing the limelight!"

"Hey, let Yaoge come to teach you a little bit of experience, let you know what the limelight can come out, what the wind can't."

Li Yao said with a strong heart, "When I used to make a big splash in every battle, I was carefully evaluated. It is expected that the difficulty of the battle is not too high, and the resistance of the other party is not very tenacious. It is very likely that it will fall and even fall into the wind. To this kind of battlefield, of course, it is necessary to make a big outing. If you don’t show up, you will be sorry for your hard work, right?

"There is still a situation. Although the battle is difficult, even the death of the nine deaths, there is no way to retreat. All the responsibilities are on your shoulders. There is no way, you can only let go, and die to die!

"The battle of today is completely different.

"The word 'dog jumps on the wall', you have certainly heard it. The Oriental look is the former prime minister of the imperial empire. There are so many different people in the world. Here is the last nest he has worked hard for many years, various organs, prohibitions, and arrays. The law is endless, not worthy of the Longtan Tiger Cave!

"The masters deployed here are the last confidants of the East, the fate and the East are completely bound together, and there is no possibility of surrender. It is a group of wicked mad dogs. They simply did not want to live to escape, just looking forward to killing one. Enough, kill two and earn one.

"In addition, the pressure on the sea is so strong. Even if I am so eccentric, I have to turn the boat in the gutter slightly. You said, what is necessary for us to go to jade with these crazy dogs?

"One more time, this time the arrest of the Eastern Hope, the four major electorate families have sent the strongest of the gods of the ranks to participate, and there are so many crystal and attack ships surrounded by all directions, not afraid of being the East Looking to run away, more than two of us and two of us are irrelevant.

"So, let's take a low-key point and hide to the outside to clean up the miscellaneous fish that break out of the picture, and scream for the masters!"

Li Jialing stunned for a long time and said: "But the Queen's Highness said..."

"Oh, brains don't be so rigid, what does the Queen's Highness say?"

Li Yaodao, "Do you carefully perceive the powerful gods on the main battlefield, do you feel that the "others" of the "others" are soft and not full of food, and there is no such thing as a demeanor, that is Everyone is playing the same idea. No one wants to be the first to go to life. This is the case with the backbone of these four major families and the reformists. Why do we have to work so hard when we join the two and a half?"

Li Jialing had nothing to say, followed Li Yao and went to the deep sea.

Li Yao is satisfied with the nod, only the scorpion can teach.

Just want to teach him some experience, the golden scorpion suddenly received a familiar signal from the depths of the dark and innocent ocean.

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