Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2302: Entanglement in the deep sea!


The weak pulse signal, listening to other people's ears, is just a meaningless turbulence under the sea or the ripples of the strange animals, but Li Yao faintly distinguishes the familiar rhythm.

This rhythm is the communication signal that he once agreed with a group of ancient holy monks when he returned to the heavenly world and prepared to face the Black Wind Fleet.

At that time, it was considered that various communication means were likely to be disturbed, so that up to a dozen or twenty kinds of communication methods were set up, and this signal is one of them.

In the real human empire, only two people may know this signal, except for him, it is Long Yangjun.

"Is you hiding here?"

Li Yao’s eyes are shining and shining.

As the saying goes, "the tree is falling apart." With the collapse of the cabinet of the East, the Hunting Horde Association will naturally not hold this crumbling backing.

After all, they were not loyal to the East to look at one person, but to loyalty to the four electorate families, or anyone who can be loyal to all.

At the same time that the "Eating People's Cultivation Event" and the "Blood League Event" were exposed and fermented, there was a series of dark battles in the safari association, and the factions loyal to the Eastern Hope were bloodied. The whole organization was heart-wrenching and disintegrating. .

Oddly enough, the president of the Hunting Horde Association, "Oriental Moon", disappeared one step ahead, just as she was airborne to this organization, as mysterious and silent.

Li Yao has been looking for the whereabouts of the Eastern Mingyue Long Yangjun, and has always found nothing. He also thought that this changeable, male-female and even non-human and non-ghost guy had long since escaped. I did not expect her to be "loyal to the East". Until now, I will stay in the East.

After a moment of indulgence, Li Yao decided to go to Long Yangjun.

Long Yang is not a good person, even a stranger.

But somehow, Li Yao still feels that she is more trustworthy than the four major electors and the imperial queen Li Linghai.

Even if there is a great threat in the deep sea from the pulse signal, it is worth taking an adventure.

"Li Jialing, I suddenly remembered that there are still some things to do, you are here to play for a while."

Li Yao mobilized the golden shackles and swam towards the deep sea. "I will go back when I go!"


Li Jialing was stunned. "Yao Ge, you, what are you doing, what am I doing here?"

"I am going to cool down in the deep sea."

Li Yaodao, "As for you, look at the battle situation, find a place where the enemy is scarce and weak, just fool it, and pretend that the crystal is hit hard, can't fight again, and then surfaced, remember, thousand Don't be stupid enough to rush to the center of the most fierce battlefield. The party feathers of the East are all mad dogs that are desperate, terrible!"

The voice did not fall, and the wings of the golden scorpion contracted into a fin shape and broke into the deep sea.

Two kilometers below sea level, three kilometers, five kilometers.

Here, it is already a deep sea area where you can't see your fingers. You can't see a glimmer of light. The sea water is like a semi-solidified steel. It is rushing from all directions to the gold. The shell of the giant gods is squeezing out. The sound of the sound gives a very strong sense of oppression.

The repression here is even stronger than the “landing dragon” in the bottom of the land.

After all, the rock formation at the bottom of the earth is solidified. In fact, it does not really squeeze out. It is just a psychological pressure.

But here, for every one meter drop, the pressure of the seawater is increased by one point. Even though the gold enamel uses a super-alloyed shell and a compression-resistant kit, it still looks like a fist-sized piece of a minute.

"This is the real power of Long Yangjun?"

Li Yao’s heart was a glimpse. I didn’t expect Long Yangjun to penetrate God’s deep seawater and accurately transmit it to his giant soldiers.

It’s a bit more curious about what this guy is doing.

Move the mind to the limit, look down, and faintly perceive the bottom of the sea.

But in the rugged central seabed, there is a long and narrow crack. The crack has a weak suction, and the seawater is swallowed up, as if it is straight through the earth. It is a bottomless pit.


The pulse signal is transmitted from the crack, as attractive as the enchanting voice of the banshee.

Li Yao brows his head, driving the golden shackles and sneaking into the gap.

The faults on both sides of the seabed crack are like vertical cliffs. Li Yao radiates the light of the golden scorpion to the extreme, and can faintly see the skeleton of the innumerable giant beasts on the fault, even the huge man-made buildings and The wreckage of the utensils.

There are several huge artifacts, like a broken starship twisted into a ball; there are many giant bones that reflect the light of the light into a colorful and fascinating, scared Li Yao and jumped, thinking for a moment to realize that It is the wreckage of giant gods hundreds of thousands of years ago.

It seems that this is a battlefield that has not yet been discovered.

Since the extreme heavens and the celestial stars are the "traffic roads" of the three thousand worlds, it was not surprising that they were once the main battlefield in the wild wars hundreds of thousands of years ago.

It seems that Long Yangjun has recovered a lot of "prehistoric memories" in order to find this uninhabited and undiscovered battlefield, but I don't know what kind of baby she got from this battlefield.

Li Yao glanced at the control interface, which is already below sea level, 9900 meters.

The deep sea under the feet suddenly shines brightly. At first it was just a small light spot. It soon turned into a group of crystals, completely ignoring the barriers and heavy pressure of the sea, at the speed of the light stone, toward the gold. I am coming!


In an instant, the crystal and the golden scorpion were staggered, and a hard wound on the chest of the golden scorpion made a shocking wound. Even if there was no small injury on the ground, it was in the deep sea of ​​nearly 10,000 meters. There may be consequences of annihilation!

"Long Yang Jun!"

Li Yao was shocked and angry. The thoughts of the gods rushed toward the crystals like the rushing darkness. "You deceive me here, is it going to hurt me with both?"

"Hehehehe, I said the last time, you have to see your ‘golden big bird’. Can you be a man without words?”

The sound of Long Yangjun’s smile is mixed with the ripples of the gods, penetrates the steel-like seawater, and shoots into the “golden scorpion”. “You and I started playing from the first second of the acquaintance, and later in the depths of the son-in-law battleship. It is also that everyone is spelling out the real fire, spelling out the cards that they are not willing to reveal easily, and find that they can't help each other, then they don't know each other, and they can achieve cooperation!

"Now, you and I have come to a wider stage, and have also gained a new magical power. It is not good to learn from each other, to enhance mutual understanding, and how to talk about cooperation. I don’t want to drag your hind legs, and I don’t want to be dragged by you. what!

"So, I have carefully prepared this battlefield that absolutely no interference. This time, I have not used a little bit of intrigue and tricks. It is purely a contest of strength. See clearly, I am coming!"

The voice did not fall, and Long Yangjun swayed and rushed over again.

At the moment when she spoke, Li Yao had already seen it clearly. The giant soldier she was driving was not the high-speed reconnaissance model "black and white" that Li Yao discovered in the ancient holy world to explore the depths of the son-in-law battleship, but a new one. , more agile, more elegant, and more classical models!

The height of this giant soldier is about 25 meters, which is slightly shorter than that of the golden scorpion. However, the whole body does not use a conventional superalloy material, but it is like a crystal clear crystal, and the crystal is constantly The fascinating and colorful light makes people dazzled and stunned.

Once indulged in the illusion of the five colors, the soul will be involuntarily attracted to the other party, completely led by Long Yangjun.

Li Yaozhen took a nap and found that Long Yangjun had already drove this strange "Crystal Giant Soldier" to his eyes, and the speed was fast!

The double wings are turned into two shields, and the body is protected in time. It is still inevitable that it is collided by the crystal giants, hitting the fault on the side of the crack, deeply hitting the rock layer for several tens of meters, hitting the rock and cracking, the sea water is tumbling, the mud Sand shields everything around, and the perception drops to near zero!

Li Yao screamed, his wings split into hundreds of streamers, but a piece of willow-like metal feather spurred out, criss-crossing, forming a network of nets to protect the whole body, jumping out of the fault, momentary Between the direction of the Crystal Giants, the chest of the golden scorpion blasted to the sides, and a golden bombardment whistling out, aiming at the center!


In an instant, the original colorful giant army soldiers were actually bombarded into gold!

But after a while, the golden color faded, and the crystal giant soldiers were intact!

Not only is it intact, but after consuming a lot of bombardment energy, the shape of the crystal giant soldier has changed strangely. The crystal flows like a flowing water on the body, and it is combined into a new "fir" and "tail". "It is like a sea monster in the deep sea."

"This is the giant soldier who I found after I came to the center of Xinghai. Its name is ‘Tianjing’.”

Long Yangjun snickered, "How, isn't it worse than your ‘golden big bang?'”

The voice did not fall, the giant **** "Tianjing" turned into a crystal streamer, and then hit again!

A crystal, a gold, two streams of light in the 10,000 meters deep sea entangled together, just three seconds, actually collided hundreds of times!

Li Yao has not tasted the taste of teeth being bitten for a long time.

He finally knows why Li Linghai’s evaluation of Long Yangjun is so high, and that Long Yangjun is a great “threat”.

Awakening the prehistoric memory, unlocking the dragon and the double blood of the son-in-law and the Pan Gujun, is no longer the ancient sacred world that succumbs to the "Swordsman" Yan under the "Da Yu Wang Xi".

Between the gestures and the gestures, they all carry an ancient and overbearing spirit, as if they are real devils, standing in front of Li Yao.

Not to mention that this **** giant soldier "Tianjing" is ever-changing and free-spirited, and has the ability to devour enemy attacks. It is terrible!

"Boom, thunder!"

After the first thousand and one collisions, Li Yao was once again bombarded on the fault, bearing thousands of crystals like a blast, and the golden shackles all appeared in pieces, and the metal twisted sound caused by heavy sea pressure. Very harsh.

"It seems that you can't do this ‘golden bird’.”

Long Yangjun appeared like a ghost in the side of Li Yao, and even boldly put the head of the giant **** "Tian Jing" to the side of the golden scorpion's head, whispered, "If your strength only ends here, what is there? Qualification and cooperation with me, all the way to explore the biggest secret between the stars and seas?"

In an instant, behind the words of Long Yangjun’s smile, the killing seems to have really improved to the extreme.

In the depths of Li Yao’s brain, a sharp and extremely loud voice broke out: “Go to hell, he is mine!”

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