Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2303: People will die

It’s too late, it’s fast, it’s like a passive beating, and the wolf’s golden scorpion suddenly has a big mouth, and a scarlet **** spurt in the mouth turns into a sharp blade that tears everything, and goes straight into the giant **** “Tianjing”. The door is stabbed!

The distance between the two sides is very close, and the action of the golden scorpion is extremely small and concealed. Under the defense, the red mans is in the forehead of "Tianjing"!

The material for refining "Tianjing" is non-golden and non-woody, and it is very strange. It is the inner and the tibia of dozens of wild and savage beasts. They are squeezed together in the depths of high temperature and high pressure, refining millions or even thousands. Only a thousand years have finally taken shape, and even in the battlefields of the wreckage of giant squadrons, it is extremely rare.

The body of this blood-stained man is nothing more than the training ship "Xilong" of the Xinghai Empire. Naturally, it cannot penetrate.

However, the 枭龙号号 does not enter, it does not mean that the **** demons can not invade.

The sneer of the blood-colored demons is higher than a wave, and turned into a ghost figure of a claw and a claw, and the figure is drilled along the gap of "Tianjing".

Even if it looks like no matter how seamless, as long as it can move freely, there must be joints and gaps.

The shape of the blood-colored demons suddenly exploded, turning into thousands of blood-striped filaments, and exploring the weakness of Tianjing!

Long Yangjun finally gave an exclamation.

Even though she had expected Li Yao to have a card, she never imagined that Li Yao’s card was so sharp.

Li Yao snorted and cooperated with the blood-colored demons. When the heart of Long Yangjun was strongly disturbed by the **** demons, the golden flames spurted out the blazing waves, and the fault behind them was completely collapsed. Under the pressure of the deep sea, it provoked the horrible impact of transcending the speed of sound and slammed into the "Tianjing"!


This time, it was the turn of Tianjing that was hit by the golden scorpion on the other side of the fault, and was swallowed up by the raging flames, until the fault was blown up by Li Yao’s indiscriminate bombing. Deeply buried in it, the offensive came to an end.

For a moment, the Scarlet Devil and the Crystal Crystals came out from both sides of the fault.

The giant **** "Tianjing" no longer shines brightly and colorfully, but instead becomes patchy, and there is a slender red line like a nematode, looming under the crystal shell.

The blood-colored demons are hands on their hips, gently point on the dragon, and look at the dragon.

"Is it still playing?" Li Yao was cold and cold.

" is like a word, this is the 'vulture Li Yao Li old devil'!"

Long Yangjun gasped hard, but it made a low-pitched laugh. "It turned out to be your secret weapon. It seems to have been seen somewhere? Yes, it seems to be there when the Starry Federation deals with the Heavenly Mo Mo Xuan. The appearance of this little guy, really cute, is your second god?

"I didn't expect you to be able to cultivate the second **** to such a terrible level. Except for no entity, the combat power is not inferior to the ordinary gods, and the degree of surprise is far above the ordinary god. What is this, a special 'quasi-divided'?

"No wonder you just showed weakness all the way. It turned out that I wanted to use the second **** to yin me. It really looks like your style. Fortunately, I knew that you are so insidious and wretched, otherwise it is really possible to recruit, hehehe!"


Li Yao no expression, "This is indeed my second god, the name is **** demons; **** demons, this is Long Yangjun, you two are close and close."

"I don't want to, I hate this guy who is not a man or a woman, I don't know if it is a demon or a monster!"

The **** demon rushed to the dragon and sighed. "Hey, you have to kill this stupid idiot. I don't object at all, but this body is mine. You dare to get rid of half hair. I will never die with you!" ”

"Oh, it’s fun, your second **** seems to form his own independent personality!"

Long Yangjun smiled softly. "No, it seems that it is not only the second god, but I smell a more ancient and distant taste from it, as if... a long time ago, from the world of three thousand Besides, I came here very far away. At least, I couldn’t perceive the atmosphere of Pangu and Nuwa in it."

Li Yao’s heart is a glimpse of the blood-stained demons’ predecessor, the Blood-striped family, which is indeed from the distant world of the three thousand worlds.

Li Yao didn't even know whether the home of the blood-striped family and the Pangu, the female Yi and the world of human life could count the same universe.

"I said, why do you have such a relationship with you, and the identity and experience of each other are similar!"

Long Yangjun continued to laugh and said, "I am a female Yi, but it is eroded by the power of the Pangu people, and you are human beings, but they are eroded by the Gorefiend. Everyone is carrying a double fate and blood, no wonder they can see it."

"Who sees you like you?"

The **** demons stared at Long Yangjun with great vigilance. "What are your plots and what do you want to do?"

Long Yangjun smiled slightly and even removed the giant **** "Tianjing" on his body. He only wore an ordinary deep-sea anti-pressure crystal, and opened his hands to indicate that he was absolutely not malicious.

Li Yao sneered coldly: "Is it enough?"

"You have such a strange and powerful second god, I can't just kill both of you at the same time. It is possible that when you kill you, you will be invaded by your second god, causing extremely serious damage. Even it took my body away."

Long Yangjun said in a big way, "If this is the case, what is necessary to waste time and strength? Just said that it is not a life-and-death struggle. It’s just that we haven’t seen each other for a long time. Let’s talk about it and contact us!"

Li Yao indulged for a moment and said: "Well, since my cards have been forced out by you, I can see clearly, you can finally say it, what purpose do you have?"

"There was no purpose. It was just a tour of the central part of the Xinghai. I saw the world and saw myself."

Long Yang Jundao, "However, when I was traveling, I found some very interesting things. I still remember that I told you last time that you should be careful to guard against the imperial queen Li Linghai?"

Li Yao squinted: "Why, what evidence is you finding out?"

"The evidence may not be, but it is quite interesting."

Long Yangjun’s words turned, "I don’t want to go to see the East. He is going to die, and the soul and the body are exhausted together. There is no chance to turn into a ghost repair. The so-called 'human will die, its words Also good', his dying words may be justified, maybe very interesting!"


Li Yao was slightly surprised. "The East looks with you, is dying? How come!"

"Because his brother's secret research institute was smashed, his ‘Yuanshen nourishing liquid’ was out of stock!”

Long Yangjun said, "Don't look at me like this. This is the biggest secret of their two brothers. I didn't know it at first, until you exposed the whole thing. After he was defeated and unable to recover, he would have the original truth. Tell me, if I knew it earlier, everything might be different!"

Li Yaosi came to think, but it is still unbelievable: "The so-called "iron and blood prime minister", this is going to die like this, from beginning to end, he also ... too weak!"

"Because he is the 'Iron Blood Prime Minister', it is so weak that it will die so fast."

Long Yangjun said something that sounded unreasonable, and then asked, "You should know how many big worlds, how many stars, how many starships, how many immortals and how many people?"

Li Yao nodded lightly, he knew, but he only knew a string of boring astronomical figures.

"Easy to go, if you are the Prime Minister of the Empire, you are confident that hundreds of thousands of worlds, tens of thousands of resource planets, million star ships, trillions of people and cultivators will be well ruled and do not ask them. Can you do it with the power of the limit, just let this huge system work?"

Long Yang Jundao, "Or, if you have an empire, the Prime Minister can really do all this, how much computational power does it take, how many souls to burn, and how much vitality to overdraw?"

This problem is what Li Yao never thought about.

He was not good at strategizing and coordinating management. He only liked the hearty battles and the ever-changing refiners.

However, as a man of Ding Lingwei, he is also very clear that he only has to deal with the intricate problems of how many complicated and complicated problems he has to face in the Xinghai, and how many dilemmas he has to make.

The problems and challenges faced by the Prime Minister of the Empire are more than a hundred times more than the Federal Speaker!

Human beings are sometimes poor, not to mention the management of the gods of the gods, even if they reach the realm of distraction and even higher, there are countless super crystal brains, and in the face of the vast sea of ​​stars, there will still be a sense of sigh.

"Understood, the empire is too big. Anyone who wants to rule the whole piece of Xinghai with his own power will inevitably burn his own brain completely like a crystal brain that performs too complicated and huge tasks. Like a wafer."

Long Yangjun said, "What's more, Dongfang Wang is not an ordinary prime minister, but a 'wartime prime minister'. It is a 'iron and blood prime minister'. Under his leadership, the empire has carried out a super-large war that has not been seen for five hundred years. Although not a frontline commander, as the helm of the entire empire, the painstaking effort, energy and even life he put into this war are incalculable.

"I also learned that I have been in contact with the East for a long time before I know that this seemingly prestigious 'Iron Blood Prime Minister' has been drained by the huge empire and the 'empire counterattack war'. It is reasonable to say that it should have been exhausted and enchanted. Half dead, but only relying on the 'Yuan Shen nourishing liquid' provided by his brother.

"But ‘Yuanshen nourishing liquid’ also has side effects. The most important thing is that the dosage will be larger and larger. At the beginning, one dose per day is enough. After that, ten doses per day can not moisturize dry brain cells.

"This is also an important reason why the secret research institute of the East Renren has not stopped operating when the situation of the Imperial Capital is so tense. There is no way, and the East is really unable to break the medicine.

"Once the medicine is broken, the physical condition will immediately deteriorate. I will not wait for you to attack. He will first get rid of the whole piece of the sea of ​​stars and be dragged down by his own ambitions."

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