Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2306: private question

Li Yao thought that the electric turn, I think that Long Yangjun's words are absurd, whimsical, but can also be self-explanatory, hard life was pulled back by her.

Thoughts and repeated, Li Yaodao: "Even if your guess is not false, the ecstasy is not ‘evil,' but it is indeed 'dangerous'.”

"Yes, the energy is an extremely powerful, powerful and almost uncontrollable energy. It is really dangerous. It is definitely something that ordinary people and low-level practitioners should touch."

Long Yang Jundao, "However, for the strong in the Yuan Ying and even the gods, the mystery of exploring the solitude is the only way to continue to be strong.

"It is the limit by psionic power, ability to cultivate to the gods and even distractions. Only the solitude can help the small humans to touch the ultimate mystery of the universe and inherit the precious 'heritances left by countless wisdom lives from ancient times to the present. '!

"Of course, this is the case. It is normal for you to have concerns. Don't say it is you, even the Pangu people of the past do not agree to cultivate solitude!"

Li Yao listened to God and could not help but ask: "Do you think of more things about the war?"

"Almost, those streaked pieces of memory are becoming more and more clear in my soul!"

Long Yangjun sighed. "The ultimate war between the Pangu and the Nuwa, in terms of avenues, is the battle of 'order' versus 'freedom', but this is only a metaphysical theory. The real fuse is that Do you want to develop solace on a large scale?

"In the late Pangu civilization, technology and various cultivation supernatural powers were highly developed. They also found the remains of ancestral civilizations hundreds of millions of years ago, and initially had the conditions for large-scale development and application of solitude.

"But this kind of energy form, which is a hundred times more powerful and dangerous than the spirit, naturally caused the vigilance of everyone at that time.

"Thirteen main civilizations of the Pangu Civilization Alliance are killing and destroying each other in countless cosmic wars. They are exhausted and exhausted, almost completely destroying each other. They can’t really fight, and they slowly come together. The lessons of the past wars, They are deeply aware of the terrible desires, ambitions, hatred and chaos, so the Pangu Civilization Alliance advocates absolute order, and believes that everyone should try to converge and even erase their emotions in order to maintain the peace and harmony of the universe.

“The secluded energy is certainly a more advanced and powerful energy form, but it contains the remnants of the emotions, wills and even desires of countless ancient civilizations. It is rushed into it, and it is very likely that many ambitions of the Pangu civilization have just been suppressed. Hatred, once again provoked.

"Therefore, the leaders of the Pangu Civilization Alliance reached an agreement at the time to jointly seal the solitude, destroy all the technologies that can exploit the solitude, and define the ecstasy as "chaos", "the extraterrestrial demon" and the like, telling Every individual in the Alliance of Civilizations, how evil and terrible this power is, once activated and released, it will destroy the entire Union of Civilization!"

No matter how high the credibility of Long Yangjun’s words, Li Yao gave a sense of openness.

Long Yangjun continued: "The twelve civilizations that first joined the Pangu civilization alliance have experienced a devastating war between them. They know the importance of order and have faithfully implemented this ban for thousands of years.

"But finally joining the alliance is also the youngest 'women's civilization', and did not participate in the worst wars of the past. Their nature loves freedom. I don't know that freedom will lead to chaos, and chaos will bring destruction. The psionic power of the repressed state is not enough to help the Pangu civilization alliance to rush out of the known universe, just as it is impossible to help a planetary civilization rush out of the star system by relying on coal and petroleum energy.

"If you want to explore a broader universe, and even conquer the entire sea of ​​stars, so that civilization will continue to climb higher peaks, you must activate the solitude, use the solitude, and inherit the legacy of hundreds of millions of ancestral civilizations!

"Otherwise, the seemingly splendid Pangu civilization alliance is nothing but a frog at the bottom of the well. It will be trapped forever in the known universe and will die silently!

"The female Yi people, in spite of the ban on the Pangu civilization alliance, secretly studied the solitude in secret. It was impossible to study nature at first, and it also caused some tragedies while liberating the powerful forces, and was known by the Pangu civilization alliance.

"In order to maintain peace and order in the Xinghai, the remaining twelve civilizations in the Pangu civilization alliance, including Pangu, Kuafu, Gonggong, Zhurong, etc., unanimously decided to eliminate the son-in-law civilization that has been polluted by the solstice, and will be chaotic and Destroy and kill in the hustle and bustle!

"This should be the fuse of the flood war. Later, most of you know, with the weakest and one's own strength against the powerful civilization of the twelve strengths above themselves. At the beginning, the son-in-law civilization is naturally a festival. Retreat, almost completely annihilated.

"But at the last moment, the Nuwa civilization has liberated the powerful power contained in the psionic power, upgraded the psionic energy into a solace, and used this power to apply the most extensive "pan-topographic all-general small-scale biochemical tools" of the Pangu civilization alliance. It has become the ultimate weapon with will and emotion, strong independence, and potential to be incalculable. In the end... it has brought in a fateful defeat, and it has become a world of three thousand after the Pangu and the son-in-law have fallen. Owner!

"So, in fact, human beings are very strong, and they are able to use ecstasy when they are born. As long as I just give pointers, you can use them quickly!"

Long Yangjun kept talking and said to Li Yao with a smile, as if he had just told an insignificant story, not an earth-shattering legend.

Li Yao wanted to scratch the scalp and ponder for a long time. He asked: "You are willing to teach me to use ecstasy, why?"

Long Yang Jundao: "If you say that it was in the underground crystal train tunnel of Baishi Special City that day, your sentence "Be a friend" made me very moved, so I am willing to treat you as a true Letter?"

Li Yaodao: "It's not unbelief, it just feels... a bit numb."

"Hah, yes, I also feel quite numb, then it's a good idea."

Like the mermaid, Long Yangjun danced lightly in the deep sea. He smiled and said, "The East can't see it, but I still need a lot of resources to cultivate. I still need someone to help me maintain and repair the giant soldiers. I don't have to find another one. Big thick legs hug? Li Linghai is too dangerous, I don't really want to provoke the woman, think about it, do it better than cook, or you are more reliable, so give you a small meeting Is this reason enough?

"If this is not enough, there is still a reason. Just for the various causes and consequences of the war, and the mystery of the solitude, most of them are my speculations, and there is no detail and evidence. I want to collect enough in the real human empire. After much intelligence and information, it is inevitable to explore deeper fields and find the full truth of the war. Even before the Pangu and Nuwa people appeared, the mystery of the ancient times! The vast expanse of the sea, the long road, one person It’s too cold to be alone, and it’s better to have someone to accompany you. Li Laomo, are you willing?”

"The mystery of the ancient times, so far away!"

Li Yao sang for a while, "I have to go home and ask my wife first."

Long Yangjun: "..."

Li Yao: "Or after my wife stepped down, let's explore this ancient mystery, mess, and so on. You don't know, she can play, and she can be ten times stronger than me!"

Long Yangjun: "..."

Li Yao: "If you think that the two of us are more embarrassing, then bring a few more people. What is Jin Xinyue, Yan Yiren, Wu Mayan, and the demon knife Peng Haiquan, and the road is full of excitement. How good!"

Long Yangjun stared at Li Yao for a long time.

Even in the dark and deep sea floor, her eyes are very sharp through the crystal and the sea.

Long Yangjun snorted and swayed the metal fins next to his legs and swam deeper into the tunnel. "If you don't want to see the last side of the East, come with me!"

Li Yao scratched his jaw for a long time, and negotiated with the blood-colored demons. He decided to go down with Long Yangjun.

No way, he and Long Yangjun are in the ability to "who can't help anyone, whoever has both sides and loses." It seems that they can only be tied together for the time being.

Taking back the golden scorpion, and re-inhaling the **** demons, Li Yao followed the dragon Yang Jun and quickly fell.

Seeing the shape of Long Yangjun as a mermaid, Li Yao’s heart moved and sent the other **** to the other side: “Hey, there is a relatively private question that has always been asked, but it’s no big deal, just very curious, what are you... male or female?"

Long Yangjun swam silently in front. After half a minute, when Li Yao thought she was deaf to the ear, she said faintly: "I found that you are not only narrow and childish, I am a man or a woman, is it important?"

"Not very important."

Li Yao is a bit embarrassed. "Forget it, if you don't want to say it, I just think that everyone is so loyal and a loyal comrade. It is very likely that they will face some extremely dangerous battles in the future, in case your body is being The flesh and blood are blurred, and you are unconscious, I have to know how to help you."

Long Yangjun was silent for a while, scorning one voice: "The so-called 'men and women' is just a way of dividing humans into breeding races. In the 13 civilizations of the Pangu civilization alliance, not every gender has gender, even if there is gender. The points are not necessarily divided into men and women, and there are probably three or four or more.

"As for the female Yi people, the talented supernatural power is 'creation'. To put it bluntly, the gene of the female Yi nationality has an extremely powerful fusion ability. It can survive with most intelligent life, and there is almost no reproductive isolation. Therefore, Pangu civilization The Alliance will hand over the mission of 'creating humanity' to the female Yi people.

"My soul is eroded by the power of Pangu, but the body is derived from the birth of the female Yi, so there is no clear gender, or what gender can change as desired. Men and women, I don't care, your Is curiosity satisfied?"

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