Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2307: The ending of the East

"Meet, satisfied."

Li Yao is busy. "So, your situation is really special. You may not find your kind in the whole Xinghai."


Long Yangjun smiled and gently swayed and waved. "If it is a Pangu and a female who entered the ultra-long-term hibernation state, maybe there is, but there are really few cases like me. I am I don't expect to meet my true kind.

"It doesn't matter, Xinghai, loneliness is the main theme of the universe. Even if you have hundreds of millions of people in your side, don't you want to fight each other and kill each other? How much can you really trust without reservation? How many? There is no similar, perhaps more Clean up!"

Li Yao listened to the meaning of the lonely in Long Yangjun's words, and then thought of his unique "Earth Man" identity, but he was quite able to understand the mood of Long Yangjun.

Indeed, many things are not enough for outsiders. They can only bear and pursue themselves silently. Long Yangjun can't find the same kind. Can he meet the second "Earth Man" in his lifetime?

The two of them were worried about each other and moved to the downstream for a while. It was the turn of Long Yangjun to ask: "I have answered you such a private question in 1510. Should you be open to me, honestly tell me this? 'Bloody Heart Devil', is your last card?"

"of course!"

Li Yao blurted out. "I am not a gambling god. How can I hide seventeen or eight cards? The **** demons are my only and the last cards!"

Long Yang Jun suspicion: "Is it?"


Li Yaozhen is categorical. "I guarantee my personality."

"That's finished."

Long Yangjun sighed. "It seems that you really have weirdness. I finally understand why you are so refreshed and throw the 'Bloody Devil' to let me know, because you expected, I will not open your The card is never going to stop, so you deliberately play the 'Bloody Devil' card, just to satisfy my curiosity, to win my trust, in fact it is just a smoke bomb, you must have a deeper secret, more Strong card!"

"Is there such an exaggeration as you said?"

Li Yao swears hard. "Why is it like a sinister look in your description?"

"You are very insidious."

Long Yangjun did not return. "Although you usually have a stupid and naive stupidity, you will be dumbfounded and cold and sweaty. It seems very deceptive. It will be easy to be fooled, and it will be arbitrary. Ah, in the past 100 years, all the guys who believe that you are really stupid and naive, no matter what the heroes, the commanders or the conspirators, no matter how smart they are, how elaborate the layout is, no matter how innocent, no fault, All of them are already dead under your knife. This is not sinister, what is sinister!"

Li Yao smiled a little and sighed, and let Long Yangjun not swear.

In a short while, the two have penetrated deep into the gap of more than 13,000 meters below sea level, and the surroundings are really like swampy dark and sticky.

On the east side of the fault, the traces of artificial excavation are very obvious. Of course, this "person" is not a human being, but a Pangu or a female Yi.

"This side."

Long Yangjun took Li Yao through a long and narrow crack and walked forward for a minute. The rugged rock formations turned into smooth metal like mirrors, and they entered the pipeline of some artificial objects.


Behind the two, a circular door slowly rotates and closes. The surrounding drainage holes continuously discharge the sea water, and there is hot air blowing. The pipes that are just filled with sea water suddenly become dry and warm.


Li Yao finally got rid of the helmet and took a deep breath. The air here was hot and dirty, and there was a strong metal smell. Fortunately, there was not much impurity and toxicity. For the strong gods, breathing is not a problem.

However, there are a few **** smells in the air, and they are quite fresh. It seems that they have just experienced a tragic massacre.

Li Yao eyebrows pick one, look at Long Yangjun with vigilance.

"take it easy."

Long Yangjun made a gesture, and the airtight door in front opened slowly, and several bodies with riddled holes and crystals merged together.

Li Yao frowned and looked inside the airtight door. He found that it was a steaming slaughterhouse. At least dozens of bodies were covered with scrap iron and iron crystals. They lay on the ground or in the bulkhead. They all widened their eyes and looked like a dead eye.

"This ship is the last means of escape for the East to prepare for itself."

Long Yangjun explained, "At this moment, it is just a substitute for the command of the submarine base. The real person wants to use the seabed base as a bait to lead your main force. You can take the ship and sneak into the cracks in the deep sea. I slipped away.

"The shell of this ship has been specially refining, even in the tens of thousands of meters of deep sea can still run fast, and the power unit is silenced, will never emit a slight psionic fluctuation, it is extremely difficult to detect and capture.

"75% of the surface of the celestial star is covered by sea water. The ocean is so big. He hides in the deep sea. As long as luck is a little better, it is indeed possible to escape your search.

"Unfortunately, his 'hardcore confidant' seems to be unwilling to be alive with him in the deep sea, for the 'pre-prime prime minister' to be buried, they conspired to tie the Oriental Five Flowers to the front of your Queen's Temple. Exchange your life and future, but I don't want to deal with Li Linghai. As a result, you see it.

"Resolving these guys, I have not lost much of my strength, but this ship has also been seriously damaged. It has been stranded here. With my own strength, it is not enough to repair and activate it. The East sees the 'hardcore confession' allegedly betrayal. It’s even more mad and bloody, and it’s burning inside, it’s going to be awkward!”

Li Yao felt in his heart that the human mind is indeed the most uncertain thing in the universe. Even if the East hopes can calculate everything and carefully arrange the final escape route, there is still no way to ensure that his men are not betrayed.

Human beings are not mechanical, they are not as reliable as machinery!

After crossing the **** corridor with Long Yangjun and opening the two doors, Li Yao was in the corner of the cockpit and saw the former Prime Minister of the East.

Although Long Yangjun had a vaccination in advance, Li Yao was deeply surprised by the appearance of the "Iron and Blood Prime Minister" at the moment.

He has seen the look of the East in more than one video and three-dimensional photos. His figure is strong and even slightly fat. The whole person is like a big clock, full of exuberant energy and no The power of anger and self-esteem.

But at the moment, the oriental look is thin and smashed to the extreme. The fat and muscles of the whole body seem to be smashed by strange insects. Only a pair of loose skinballs are pulled down, and there are three layers on the face and body. On the third floor, there are still dark spots on the skin. A sigh of black gas emerges from the black spots, and escapes into the air, causing the stench of the body's corruption, which makes people unable to hold their mouth and nose.

If it is said that there is only one organ in his body that still keeps the living and even the **** of ecstasy, that is his eyes.

The entire face of the Oriental look is like a candle mask melting down. The two eyeballs are high and bulging, protruding forward, occupying almost half of the face, seemingly not like humans.

With his talons-like hands, he held a long strip of big parcels, his eyes filled with the excitement of returning light, and his frantic eyes staring at a three-dimensional star map that was the entire territory of the real human empire. .

The map of the empire's territory is slowly rotating, and the vast world and the resources of the stars have exuded colorful and beautiful light, which is projected into the eyes of the East, making his two eyes look like burning. Glass beads.

"Oh, hehehe!"

Dongfang Wang did not notice the arrival of Li Yao and Long Yangjun. He continued to watch like a drunk, giving a low-pitched laughter. From time to time, he also twitched his hand like a lumber stick to gently touch the empire. The "new light complex area" in the territory map seems to include the entire piece of Xinghai in its palm.

Long Yangjun coughed softly.

The oriental bones shrink, and the empty skin around the body is supported by the last breath. The whole person is like a big, thin balloon. He hurriedly put the Empire star in his arms and witnessed the fierce slogan. : "Who is it? Who is it! No one wants to take the whole piece of Xinghai from my hands. It is mine. It is all mine!"

"I led the empire and won the unprecedented empire counterattack! I managed to control everything and defend the dignity of human civilization! I revived the empire, and all the stars, all in one hand, **** in the hands !

"I am the deserved first prime minister of the real human empire. I am the great hero of the revival of the empire. No one can drive me off the stage. You are despicable, ungrateful guys, don't even think about it!"

"Isn't it just devour a few living people to cultivate? What is this, compared with the merits of my work, what is this? Without consuming these guys to maintain the computing power of the peak, how can I dispatch hundreds of them? Thousands of worlds, tens of thousands of planet resources and terracotta warriors, in the vast battlefield across tens of light years, full battle? No one can do it!

"Sacrificing one, saving one hundred, winning the empire's counterattack, countless human beings can be saved! In order to win, everyone is paying sacrifices, even I have lived and drained my flesh and blood, and sacrificed more. How about a few people? How?

"I did not make a mistake, I have a clear conscience. You are conspiring to frame it. You are a shameless betrayal. It is a crime of "adding sin, why not have a word", no one is qualified to judge me, especially you are hypocritical and treason. The empire will always remember me, will return me a fair, empire! Haha, hahahaha!"

"His brain burns like this."

Long Yangjun whispered to Li Yaodao. "It seems that there is not much time left for you."

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