Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2311: Underground palace!

Li Yao also carefully scrutinized the black-eyed coke, but still couldn’t tell if it was poisoning, or was subjected to some extremely overbearing practice, sucking the blood and the soul, and frowning. Road: "Why is it poisoned, or was it planted a long time ago?"

The East looked hesitant and said: "The whole world is well known. His Majesty is held by me. I want to 'make the emperor to make the princes', but if I say, my Majesty actually trusts me very much, and I am worried that someone will murder him. So I played a good show with me to hide my eyes and ears. In fact, I hid here to seek protection. Do you believe it or not?"

"Wow, the truth is like this, of course I believe it!"

Li Yaodao, "The original Prime Minister of the East is really selfless, and he is a country with a heart and a loyal loyalty like a white lotus!"

The East coughed a sigh: "Well, it may be too exaggerated to say this, but the relationship between His Majesty and me is indeed not completely antagonistic. Many times we have to cooperate. He wants to use my strength to suppress the other three electors. The Hou family, as well as the unstable factors in the court, include Li Linghai!"

Li Yaodao: "Is your Majesty dissatisfied with His Royal Highness?"

"Not dissatisfied, but afraid!"

Looking east, "Your Majesty has a deep fear of Li Linghai. He said that in recent decades, especially since the outbreak of the Empire's counterattack, Li Linghai has become more and more changed. Many times it has become another person, one that makes him A person who feels creepy and who is standing still.

"I am not afraid of jokes. His Majesty said that he and Li Linghai have not shared the same bed for 20 or 30 years. Even when they saw Li Linghai, they could not wake up a man's ability physically, but in other nephews, they still have the dragon essence. Tiger fierce, the night Yu ten women are not to mention.

"And, my Majesty said that Li Linghai often wanders in the palace in the dead of night. The ghosts don't know what to do, he wants to investigate, but Li Linghai will disappear without a trace."

"and many more."

Li Yao raised his hand. "What is the meaning of disappearing without a trace?"

"Nobody knows exactly what Li Linghai can do. The Royal Palace is the key monitoring object of the four electorate families. The monitor eyes and our eyeliners are everywhere. It is reasonable to say that no one can make a ghost in the palace."

Looking east, "However, the Imperial Palace of the Real Mankind is said to have been built on the remains of the Imperial Palace of the Xinghai Empire 10,000 years ago. Although the battle has turned and the sea is swaying, there are countless secrets buried in the depths of the earth.

"When the Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi made the palace, he used it as the last resistance base of the real human empire, so the underground is well-connected. There are a large number of labyrinths, arsenals, and the entrance to the fragmented world. They are connected by secret passages and transmission arrays. There are all kinds of powerful defensive arrays and intricate organs. Even Yuan Ying and even the powerful gods can be trapped.

"It is said that a thousand years ago, the Black Star Emperor launched hundreds of thousands of comprehensions to build the 'underground palace'. These comprehensions are mostly prisoners of war when the Xinghai Republic collapsed. The Black Star Emperor promised that as long as they built the 'underground palace', even The crime of sin can be transformed into a cultivator and a new life in the real human empire.

"Unexpectedly, after the 'Underground Palace' was built, the Black Star Emperor killed hundreds of thousands of comprehensions in the 'Underground Palace' and refined their souls into a powerful defensive array. After that, hundreds of thousands of souls were always in the depths of the palace, and the secrets of the 'underground palace' were only known to all generations until the middle of several generations of emperors died, and the secret of the 'underground palace' no one knows.

"Our four electorate families naturally want to discover the secrets of the 'underground palace', but the four of us are restrained and balanced. No one wants to get the secrets of others, and the difficulty of discovering the entire underground palace is really difficult. Too high, a little careless, may even cause the entire celestial star's crust to change dramatically, the ecological imbalance, the environment is not suitable for human survival, the consequences are so serious, there is no big benefit, the matter has been shelved.

"According to His Majesty the Emperor Shenwu, Li Linghai seems to have mastered some method of freely moving through the 'underground palace'. This is suspicious. I naturally investigate it secretly. Only then did I discover the clues of the 'innovation'. The corner of the iceberg of Li Linghai's ambitious ambitions.

"But at that time, I still didn't think that Li Linghai's plot would be so great, and the means were so dense and vicious. She thought that she was just the kind of woman who had been in the past five hundred years and had been in trouble.

"So, I only deployed the conventional means, and wanted her to succumb to the demise of the empire, but actually secretly arrested and tortured her and asked the secret of the 'underground palace'.

"As for His Majesty, since I am seeking my protection, I am naturally arrogant.

"I am not malicious to my majesty, but he was stunned by the triumph of the empire's counterattack. The whole person has inflated and gave birth to his ambitions. I am an imperial prime minister and naturally have an obligation to beat him. Let him calm down, recognize the reality, and not be used by others with ulterior motives.

"Unexpectedly, the secret arrest of Li Linghai was not smooth, and only one substitute was caught. The real Li Linghai has long since fled.

"Unfortunately, we can only poison this substitute, want to announce that the Queen's Highness has collapsed, in this way to minimize the threat of Li Linghai who thought, still far underestimated her.

"And since I have accepted my protection, my Majesty has always been good, but I have been erupting in the 'Eating people's cultivation event' and the 'Blood League event'. I was the most unprepared, and when I was in a bad position, I was in the absence of a warning for only half an hour. Within the whole body, all the liquids in the body have evaporated and become such a look, and even a smashed soul has not been left behind.

"At the time, there were several doctors and meditators who accompanied me under the armpits. The first time they were rescued, and hundreds of medical drugs were injected into the body of the armpits, but they didn't help. It was like having a tiny black hole in the body. Give him alive... **** it up!

"It’s not too late or late, just in my most difficult time, my Majesty’s death is so embarrassing, it’s clear that someone is going to frame me, kill me, and ask me to carry this black pot! Indeed, my majesty is dead in my hands. I can't tell my mouth, it's even more impossible to tell anyone, I can only wait to die!

"This, this interlocking conspiracy, such a sinister drug, is not a spirit, but who else?"


Li Yaodao, "Why should the Queen's Highness do this, why should she marry her and kill her husband?"

"Maybe, my Majesty knows too much about her secrets. Even when she considers the abolition of the Queen, she will start to be strong; or maybe she wants the four electorate families, and even the entire empire is messed up!"

Looking at the East, "You just said that as long as the Eastern family cuts out a lot of interests and then greets the Emperor Wu of the Emperor, the four electorate families and the reformists can still maintain a reluctant balance. Perhaps this scene is not Li Linghai wants Seeing that she wants to make the empire a mess?

"The Emperor Shenwu has been in office for 60 years. In the empire of the empire, it is considered to be a long-lived one. It can be safe and stable for sixty years. It is natural because the four major electoral families compare the current interests. Satisfied, there is no need to easily push back.

"It is precisely because of this, plus the focus of the empire in the last two decades is on the war, and even did not set up the Prince.

"Our four of our elected monarchs thought that after the end of this war, when we divided the interests of post-war reconstruction, we would consider the establishment of the Prince and consider the Prince as a trading condition.

"The current situation is so critical, and it is such a death that the four major electors and the reformists are pushed to the forefront.

"For the reformists, your slogan is 'Respect for the Emperor, Shenwu Innovation', and now even the 'Shenwu Emperor' himself has been murdered by the 'reverse thief', you can never let go of the culprit, even the evil To completely annihilate the East, in order to maintain your righteousness, right?

"For the oriental family, many of the collaterals can be used to clean up the mess. If I sacrifice this one, it is possible to keep the family eternal, but with such a bad thing, everything becomes unknown, maybe The remnant force of the Oriental family must jump to the wall and fight hard!

"For the other three electorate families, they naturally have their own opinions on the candidates of the princes, and they must support their own interests.

"Now it is facing a big change that the empire has not seen in the millennium. Regardless of the front line or the rear, the interests of various fields are being reshuffled. Whoever can be an emperor can naturally take great advantage and even replace the oriental family and become a new one. 'The first family'!

"So, the new Emperor's candidate will inevitably get through the bloodshed, not open!

"Ling Linghai is so insidious, there must be a backhand, but she will only use a small amount of subtotals. I am afraid that the three major electors will not make a big fight and become a mess?"

Although there are some incoherent words, the East looks at the computing power, but it restores the corresponding level of the imperialism, and the whole thing is stripped and sifted.

It was also heard that Li Yao was sweating and his heart was cold.

"I still can't figure it out."

Li Yao muttered, "Is the Empire a big mess, what good is it for the Queen's Highness?"

"I don't know how much the Empire is in chaos, and what good is it for Li Linghai."

The East is looking at his teeth and it is difficult. "I only know that if the empire is calm and calm, and you will be able to pass through the transition period of power, then Li Linghai will always be a little queen. The more time goes by, the less likely she is to pick up. A little bit of wind and waves will eventually disappear into the stardust in obscurity!

"She has done so much in her heart, she will never be willing to annihilate this, never!"

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