Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2312: Who is the winner?

In Li Yao’s perception, the spirit of the East is like a volcano erupting, pouring from the depths of the brain.

This is by no means a good phenomenon, but the final return of light.

Li Yao hurriedly said: "Oriental Prime Minister, don't be excited, I believe in you, you slowly say!"

Both eyes of the East look burnt into a gray glass bead. It is not sure whether he still has normal vision. The hands of the dry branches are in the void, and the Imperial Territory map is torn into pieces.

The former prime minister of the empire screamed hysterically: "Li Linghai, Li Linghai, you can count everything, but it is impossible to calculate that I have reached a secret agreement with Dongfang Tuo. I have evidence that I can never assassinate Dongfang Tuo!

"Vulture Li Yao, Oriental Mingyue, if both of you are Li Linghai's people, then everything will be closed, I would also like to gamble and lose!

"But if you have a glimpse of the big picture of the empire and human civilization in the bottom of your heart, then help me bring this evidence and all the words I just said to General Lei Chenghu and tell everyone in the world. Let's uncover the true face of Li Linghai!"

Li Yao was trying to inject a medical pharmacy into Dongfang. He stood up and swayed. Every pore in his body was filled with a faint flame, and he made a grotesque laugh: "Haha, hahaha, but even if you The conspiracy is all right, the useless Li Linghai! You can defeat me, you can deceive and steal the entire empire, but you can't fight this piece of Xinghai! You will be like me, crushed by the Empire, swallowed by the stars!

"Nobody... No one can escape this piece of Xinghai, this vast and inexhaustible starry sea, this cage of billions of civilizations!

"Whether we are still the gods of the ruins, all of them are ants in the Xinghai, and the dust in the universe..."

The hands of the East look tear the map of the empire's territory, and traverse the spots of the stars, as if to reach the top of the head, through the sea, to the real universe.

The flames lingering in his body gradually dimmed, his movements finally solidified, and if he was a poor statue, it ended his life that was difficult to evaluate.

Li Yao gave up his intention to inject medical pharmacy.

The magnetic field of the hope of the East has long been on the verge of collapse. It is only by the amazing willpower and the hatred of Li Linghai that it has persisted to this moment. Now that everything is said, letting go of the burden, the last breath is gone, and Da Luo Jinxian can’t save it.

Li Yao sighed, stepped forward, gently closed the eyes of the East, and put him on the ground, finishing a dress, as if he was sleeping.

Dongfang Wang is not a good person. In modern society, he can do the "cannibalism". He can only say that he has trampled on all the bottom lines of human nature and is a well-dressed beast.

However, in the past two decades, he did indeed devote himself to the real human empire, sacrificed his soul and life, integrated all resources, and brought temporary victory in the empire counterattack. This is also an indisputable fact.

Li Yao really doesn't know how to evaluate "the iron and blood prime minister".

Naturally, I don’t know how to deal with what he said just now, facing the “Imperial Queen Li Linghai”!

"how about it?"

The East Mingyue Long Yangjun, who has been leaning against the silent side, stepped forward and patted Li Yao’s shoulder and smiled. “I didn’t lie to you, is the last words of the East, is it very thrilling and exciting? ”

"It is really exciting."

After Li Yao packed up the body of Dongwang Wang, he cleaned up the remains of Emperor Wu of the Emperor, and discharged the two people. He took out a few bottles of the agent for treating Tiandi Dibao from the Qiankun Ring and carefully processed it.

Many heavenly treasures are the body tissues of the beasts, monsters, and stars and animals. Naturally, they must be carefully prepared for long-term preservation and use. The flesh and blood of human beings is not much different from the beasts and monsters. The pharmacy can also be used to preserve human corpses.

These two wills are all vital evidence, and Li Yao naturally does not allow them to annihilate in the deep sea.

While dealing with the body, Li Yao analyzed: "The words of the East can not be trusted, can only say that there is great reference value, indeed, from the perspective of 'who gets the most benefit after the fact', the Queen's Highness is indeed The first suspect of the 'Blood League Incident'; and her series of thunder counterattacks after the outbreak of the 'Blood League Incident' was indeed too smooth, too violent, too meticulously planned, and traced afterwards; and, The whole thing is really bad, very passive, like being caught unprepared!

"But even if all the indirect evidence points to the Queen's Highness, the most crucial question can't be solved. If the empire is really in a mess, what good is it for Li Linghai, what can she do and what can she get?

"Without military power, no prestige, there is no powerful force in the Senate. The four electors of the emperor cannot easily obey her. Even the reformists are not following her personally, but following the ideas put forward by her. Li Linghai, how can you clean up the situation in the face of a chaotic empire?"

"Maybe, she doesn't need to clean up the situation at all?"

Long Yangjun said faintly, "Assume that the current imperial queen is not the real Li Linghai, but is occupied by something else, for example, has become ... Saint League?

"If Li Linghai is a sacred person, then everything can be said. She is deliberately trying to mess up the empire so that the squadron can join in!"

Li Yao’s eyebrows are twisted together, and they have been thinking for a long time. They slowly shook their heads: “It is true that if Li Linghai is a sacred person, everything has a reasonable explanation, but I always feel that things are not that simple.

"I know that the sacred ally has a very advanced 'simulated emotion' technology, which can make a flesh and blood scorpion simulate the normal feelings of the seven emotions, and avoid all the 'spiritual test', but I and Li Linghai are the strongest of the gods, I I saw her anger and the way the psionics broke out. I always felt that... she is unlikely to be a sacred person."

Another point, Li Yao did not say.

Li Yao’s righteous father is a sacred ally, but because of the emergence of Li Linghai, he broke through the three fundamental laws and obtained the emotions and wills that human beings should have.

The righteous father can change from a sacred ally to a normal person, and Li Linghai becomes a sacred ally. This is ridiculous!

When he mentioned his righteous father, Li Yao could clearly perceive the fragility and thoughts of Li Linghai's heart. Such real emotions can never be simulated.

"It seems that even if Li Linghai is a sacred person, there is not much to explain. For example, why does she know the depths of the Royal Library and the secret of the 'underground palace'."

Long Yang Jundeng had a meal, said, "Yes, you haven't told me the source of Li Linghai's power. Why can she change from an ordinary queen to a mysterious, windy and rainy in just a few decades? The conspirators have also set up a very elite deep-sea fleet in the dark, and have also connected many opposing forces to form a new force like the 'innovationist'?

"Innovation is to ask for money and resources. When it comes to happiness, power and combat power, where does she come from so many resources?"

Li Yao has been indulging for a moment, and now it seems that it is not going to tell the truth. "

"If I say"

Li Yao thought twice and finally said, "Li Linghai is indeed occupied by the people, but not by the sacred people, but by the legendary emperor, do you believe?"

Long Yangjun gave a slight glimpse and lost his voice: "Li Linghai actually got the inheritance of the emperor? She, she found the ‘golden holy seat Lingjiejie!’

Li Yao nodded: "Is it so, can you explain everything?"

Long Yangjun thought about it and shook his head: "I don't really believe that this is true. The legendary emperor symbolizes light and justice. It is the way to open and close the army. If it is sharp, it is true." Being rejected by the emperor, or getting the inheritance of the emperor, must not bother to use this intrigue.

"Of course, you have to say that the legends are all fake. The emperor was originally a sinister villain, or something different happened during the eternal sleep, which led to a big change in personality. I can't deny your statement."

Li Yao also felt that the idea was too reluctant. The key point was that the half key to the depths of the emperor's tomb was always in his hands. That is to say, Li Linghai did not enter the emperor's tomb from beginning to end. The core, how could it be won by the emperor, or get the inheritance of the emperor?

Thinking of this, Li Yao suddenly stunned.

Yes, Li Linghai can never enter the core of the emperor's tomb. She, she can't get the emperor's inheritance!

Then she swallowed the domineering starry sky, the sword of the purple flame true dragon, where did it come from?

"There is something weird in the depths of the emperor's tomb!"

Li Yao suddenly thought that Li Linghai asked him to pay more attention to the relevant materials of the emperor's tomb. He couldn't help but ask, "Long Yangjun, have you never approached the Royal Library? I heard that there are various ancient books of the entire empire. And the most complete places, there must be a lot of books related to the emperor's tomb? What's the ... very special information?"

“Very special information? No, no!”

Long Yangjun quickly shook his head and wrinkled his brows. "I came here when I came here. The Royal Library does have millions of materials related to the emperor's tomb. It almost takes up the entire library." In one sub-region, I thought that there would be any discoveries in it. Who knows that it took a long time to look for a long time, it is not a mythical legend, it is a strange travel, and there is nothing useful at all. It is a waste of time!"

“One tenth of the entire Royal Library is used to store the books related to the Emperor's Tomb?”

When Li Yao was unclear, he asked, "Why?"

"Because the former black star emperor Wu Yingqi, who likes to study the emperor's tomb, he has collected almost all the materials of the emperor's tombs that have been explored for the past 10,000 years. They are all piled up in the royal library and studied in madness. Will the posterity pull all these books out and burn them?"

Long Yangjun did not think that "the empire had rumors five or six hundred years ago, saying that the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi did not die in the palace of the extreme heavens and the celestial stars, but felt that he was going to the limit. I set off to go deep in the Xinghai, looking for the emperor's tomb, and finally fell into the emperor's tomb!"

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