Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2316: Black and white queen!

Li Linghai’s eyes turned round and said: “The Oriental family has suddenly expanded in the past 100 years. I don’t know how much wealth has been searched. Are you completely tempted and don’t want to completely divide the East’s home? And, now, you It is a heavy blow to the East, and all the cultivators in the East must be resentful. If you don’t rush to the roots now, be careful to be countered by the embers of the East!"

"Oh, my good granddaughter, you can only lie to those who are blind, to see the good fortune, to play this set in front of Grandpa, but it is too naive!"

Li Jiande smiled and said, “It’s wonderful to completely divide the picture of the oriental family. But if you are not careful, it will trigger a chain reaction, and eventually it will be burned. Not only will all the resources we swallowed spit out, it will even hurt the four electors. The root!

"Actually, is this your fundamental purpose?

"In the past few months, you have been inciting the power of the Oriental family and the underlying cultivators, and intensifying the contradiction between the main veins and the side branches of the East, and finally bringing these two waves together and turning into a torrent that engulfs the entire family. !

"Our other three electorate families seem to be able to take advantage of the so-called "innovation" and even help them to get a lot of benefits, but the deadly threat we face is actually the same as that of the East.

"In the dozen or so worlds of the rule of the East, 90% of the immortals are not surnamed the East, including the most elite starships. Most of the grassroots posts are also filled by the miscellaneous surnames, and they are extremely dissatisfied with the Orientals. This is the same for us, Lijia, Yunjia and Songjiatun.

"The Eastern family has the contradiction between the main vein and the side branch. The side branch does not want to overthrow the main pulse all the time. Instead, it becomes the master of the oriental family, and the other three big families, which dare to say that they are brothers and sisters, love each other, no gaps. What?

"You are in the midst of the great world under the rule of the East, and you are tempted by the ambitions of the miscellaneous surnames and the sorcerers. It is a condensed fire that burns through the sky, so that we can solve the so-called 'empire first without any effort. The family', but if the fire burns more and more, will it cross the border like a mountain fire, burning thousands of miles, and it will be out of control, and eventually burned into the territory of our Li, Yun and Song families?

"Since the miscellaneous surnames and sideline cultivators in the Eastern Territory can be unveiled and overthrow the rule of the Eastern family; what is the reason for the miscellaneous surnames and collaterals in the Lijia, Songjia and Yunjia territories?"

Li Linghai snorted and said: "Grandfather, you have to worry."

"No, I don't care much."

Li Jiande sighed and said: "If we really want to smoke, let this fire continue to burn, and burn the whole oriental home, then the general trend has been completed, it is too late, this fire The entire Eastern family is fueled, and it will inevitably sweep the entire empire. No matter the Li family, the Yun family or the Song family, there are only a few masters of the main veins. Don’t think of contending with the madness of the madman and the cultivators. The four major families are like four tombstones. They will only fall one by one. In the end, the order of the entire empire will disappear. The central part of the Xinghai will be completely turned into a loose sand, and it will fall into the never-ending war!

"Although, Grandpa doesn't know why you want to do this, but for the sake of the family, or for the empire, Grandpa must not let your plan succeed, I am sorry, my good granddaughter!"

"I understand."

Li Linghai clenched his lips and coldly. "From the beginning, even when threatened by my army, you never thought about completely destroying the East!"

"Yeah, Grandpa is old. When people are old, many things, including ambition, will shrink. Considering the problem is more secure, no longer thinking about what will be gained after success, but more about what will be lost after failure."

Li Jiande is really like a kind-hearted, amiable grandfather, who is giving lessons to a stubborn granddaughter. "If grandfather is a young or a hundred or two, maybe it will really be your plan, risking a desperate attempt to destroy the oriental home regardless of the consequences."

"But now Grandpa has already understood that Lijia, Yunjia, Songjia and Dongfang, our four electorate families are a community of destiny that is firmly bound together. It is a relationship of glory, loss, and authority. It is to maintain the authority of the four electorate families, including the family, and if the East is declining, or even completely eliminated, it will inspire countless people to do it in one go, overthrow the ambitions of the four electors, the empire at that time. It’s completely messed up!

"So, Grandpa didn't think about destroying the Eastern family from the beginning, just hit them and let them change to a more sober leadership.

"Four big families, four table legs, who is too strong, just beat and beat, who is too weak, help to help, after all, is a big piece of cake in the whole star sea, who can eat alone Next? Eat it, don't break your stomach, right? Hahahaha, cough, cough, cough, since everyone still has to eat on a table, no matter how ugly the face, how to fight in the hand, how the chopsticks collide There is always something to be left at the foot. It’s not good to kick the table legs. Good granddaughter, what do you say?"

Li Linghai's face is getting more and more ugly, one word and one word: "No wonder the Yun family and the Song family are so easy to stand behind the reformists. When they stood up, they were already provocative, and they tightened their knives. !"

Li Jiande put the aerosol mask between the nose and mouth, took a deep breath, and showed a three-pointed blood on his face. He sighed: "Good granddaughter, Grandpa really regrets sending you to the palace. I really should leave you. Being taught by your side, you will become the best successor of your family! Your talent is so good, but there is no high-handed guidance, but it is too young, too impatient, too confident and too sharp!

"Mu Xiu Yu Lin, the wind will destroy it, it must be... urged!"

Li Linghai deeply looked at Li Jiande and cast a knife-like gaze on the Eastern Saint. Cold and cold: "The four major electors have regained their balance, and the reformists will be unloaded and killed. The Eastern General, this Is it what you call 'loyal to the idea of ​​the reformist'?"

"Good granddaughter, you really misunderstood the generals of the East."

Dongfang Sheng has not refuted, Li Jiande is on behalf of the defense, "everything is harmonious, I 'silver fox' Li Jiande and the East look like the iron-clad Shantou green, is the most dislike to fight killing, everyone They are all imperial people. Is there anything that you can't sit down and talk slowly?

"The four electorate families are the pillars of the empire, but the warlords of the small and medium-sized aristocracy and the peripheral world are also an indispensable part of the empire, including your reformists. They are all extremely important lubricants of the empire. The act of rebellion and innovation of the martial arts has also sounded the alarm for our four major families. Let us reflect on whether some people in the family are doing something that is too much.

"Despite your reassurance, after this incident, our four major families will carry out internal rectification, and they will also make a considerable amount of interest, so that the forces that have made outstanding contributions in the past two decades of war will be satisfied. How, the sacred alliance has not been completely eliminated, I never want to see that the interior of the empire is the same in the same room."

"Grandpa, your old man is really better than singing. If the name of your "Silver Fox" is well known 100 years ago, the granddaughter will almost always believe."

Li Linghai sneered again and again, suddenly round eyes and pointed eyes, "Oriental General, do you really believe that the four major electors will step back and loosen the fat on their lips? This is just their plan to slow down, wait for them to return. If you are too angry, and then thoroughly understand the details of the reformist, you will have to settle the accounts after the fall. Don't wait until you die, and then regret what you are doing today!"

"My Royal Highness, I have decided, no need to make a futile excuse."

The Eastern Holy Face said with no expression. "You have so many secrets hidden in your body. I really can't believe you completely, unless you first make clear the whole story, including the resources of the deep sea fleet. You are mysterious. The repairs, and... just now you sneak into the depths of the Royal Library, and the figure disappears without a trace. What is going on here, where did you go?"

"Yeah, say everything, good granddaughter."

Li Jiande violently coughed for a while, and did not take the airway. "Speak all the secrets, and then promise our conditions. You are still the Queen of the Royal Man, who is so respected by the real human empire. You can still participate in the distribution of interests after the war." In this game of power, Grandpa will make every effort to help you keep a position."


The Eastern Holy Path, "Until this moment, I am still the leader of the reformist, and I am not willing to meet you!"

Li Linghai calmed down completely.

The crystal clear pupils seem to have lost human temperature and heat, releasing two faint magic flames and burning them around.

She squinted at the long white hair of the waterfall, faintly said: "If I don't say it?"

"Then I have to ask the Queen's Highness to change the place to say it!"

“Hate the ground and have no ring”, Yunkuohai glared at the giant palm of his hand and smiled. “Don’t blame us for being ruthless. I believe that in the end, the Queen’s Highness will definitely say everything that happened in the past 100 years!”

"Don't dying, making the scene so ugly."

Li Jiande also frowned slightly. "All of us are in all directions. All the people in the deep sea fleet who are loyal to you are controlled. Even the defense system inside and outside the Imperial City is invaded by us, and it is in my hands!"

"There are a total of nine restrictions on the surrounding, you can't even send a glimpse of God's thoughts. I want to call what 'vulture Li Yao' to rescue. Grandpa is the peerless powerhouse who regards you as the peak of the gods. If you arrested this time, you have no chance for a single trace. It is time to admit defeat, my good granddaughter!"

"is it?"

Li Linghai smiled uncontrollably. The white face suddenly appeared a bunch of black blood vessels, twisted like thousands of reptiles. The smile became more and more mysterious and more and more embarrassing.

She still gently caressed her long white hair like a waterfall, but with the swing of the slender hand, from the beginning of the hair, the white hair that was originally like frost, turned into an inch!

White is shocking white, black, and unfathomable black. It is like a special kind of coating that can swallow all visible and invisible waves into it!

No, not only the hair, even her original white eyes, are infused with a black cloud of ink, and soon, the inside of the eye is black, even the white eyes can not see, as if on a beautiful face, Hardly inlaid into two tiny black holes.

In the blink of an eye, full of black hair, no longer see a trace of white, in the eyes, there is no more light, the white queen, turned into a complete black queen!

"This palace... I... oh... I never know what ‘losing’!”

The black queen grabbed his long black hair like a tentacle and danced wildly.

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