Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2317: There is no joke!

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

With the maddening laughter, the earth under her feet has also split, and numerous gaps, like black sharp edges, have swept in all directions, as if a series of thunderous explosions came from the depths of the earth!

In a short while, with the feet of Li Linghai as the center, the cracks in the spider web have spread to a few kilometers of the square. The earth is like a dry farmland. The pieces are split and the blocks are knotted. The heights are undulating and uneven!

"Boom! Hey! Rumble!"

The thunder of the underground is getting louder and louder, and it is getting more and more shocking. It is like a monster playing in the depths of the nine clear yellow springs. It is also like a beast that has been sleeping for thousands of years and gradually wakes up and makes a hungry roar.

The thunder and squats in the depths of the ground seem to have drawn the psionic and magnetic fields in the sky. Just now, the moonlight is bright and the stars are clean and clear, and suddenly there are clouds of dark waves, dark clouds and dark clouds constantly colliding, swallowing and killing. Entangled into a huge whirlpool, just like the eyes of countless black holes in the night, staring at all the creatures on the ground, and a black cloud column hanging from the night sky like a tentacle, as low as can be directly entangled Live the neck!

Everyone feels that the heart beats faster, breathing is difficult, and they will be swallowed by the dark clouds at any time.


The thunder of the ground turned into a big bang, and the hard ground within a few kilometers seemed to turn into a soft sea, and the sea surface was rolled up with "stunning waves."

Some places are deeply sunken, as if there are huge holes and faults that are unfathomable underneath. In other places, stone pillars and stalagmites that are tens of meters high are raised, like the devil's fangs of the underground, more like a **** sword. jungle!

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Between the canine staggered stalagmites and cracks, like a volcanic eruption, there are countless strong black gas, black gas stunned into the air, turned into thousands of teeth and claws, face black dragon, hovering over the top of the head, bleeding with both eyes The same red mans!

The black dragon in the ground and the dark clouds tentacles that hang down in the night sky finally entangled together, like an overwhelming black cage, which sealed most of the imperial city!

Li Ling Haizhuo stands on one of the steepest stalagmites, and the tentacle-like black hair dances more violently. The original white robes are also inflicted with black gas, turning into the same darkness as the night sky, two eye sockets. The black vortex in the bigger and bigger, almost swallowed the entire face, the entire Imperial City, the entire celestial star and even the entire Xinghai!

Such a shocking and shocking change made the three superpowers of the three peaks of the realm of the gods, Li Jiande, and all the Yuan Ying, who were set in the periphery of the East and even the outside, scared a cold sweat, from blood to Jindan to Yuan Ying, almost All frozen!

"This, what kind of 'field' is this!"

Several super-powerful people are also timid.

In order to achieve the realm of realizing the gods, you can use the "field" as you like, and integrate the surrounding world and your own magnetic field to achieve the effect of "Heaven and Man".

Li Jianyi, Yun Kuohai and Song Huizhen are all well-known senior gods. They all have their own "fields" and have in-depth research on the stimulation, application and combat skills of the "domain".

But they couldn't believe it. Someone could stir up the field to such a horror, as if to control the extent of the whole world.

This, this is really what the intelligence said, "Does the combat power reach the initial stage or even the middle stage?"

Even if they are the peaks of the gods, they will burn the soul, overdraw the life at all costs, and hold the heart of the fight, they will not be able to stir up such a field!

"Magic Yuan" Li Jianyi's sarcoma on the bare head is like the heart after strenuous exercise. "Bu Bu" beats, and his eyes emit a hundred times more light than the sun, but it pushes the spiritual power to the limit, and resists the sea spirit. Out of the field of terror.

"Hate the ground, no loops", the two arms of Yunkuohai have doubled. At first glance, it looks like three equally strong bodies, sharing a head, especially the big hand like a pair of Pu-fans. The sound of 噼噼啪啪 , , , , , , , , 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古Crystals.

The two crystals are shining, and the orange-red light is shining like a crystal magnetic muzzle ready to go!

"Broken Star Sword" Song is really screaming like a living thing, and it is also screaming like a living thing. It also converges into a small scale of turbulent waves. It constantly swells around her body, and from time to time it also provokes a sword that is more than ten meters long. Mang, and the black air dragon and the black cloud tentacles in the air constantly confront each other, but no matter how her sword gas is cut vertically and horizontally, the black gas and the dark clouds are cut, and these dark forces can always recover in an instant. .

The three hunters who are determined to win, the most primitive threats at the same time, the deepest part of their cells, all instinctive.

The Oriental sage who just became a traitor is even more shocked and stunned. I don’t know what to do.

"Silver Fox" Li Jiande activated the psionic shield of the medical chair in the first time, turning the medical chair into a fully enclosed medical cabin covered with yellow light, barely resisting the invasion of black air and dark clouds.

Although he is also a god, he is not a combat-type cultivator. What's more, he has been lingering over the years, and he is always on the verge of dying life. Where can he eat such a confrontation?

The first time I wanted to slip away, but it was too late, and the inexhaustible black air and dark clouds poured into his psionic shield, destroying the dynamics of the medical cabin and fixing him firmly on the scene. Do not move.

"You, you are not Li Linghai!"

Rao is the old-fashioned Li Jiande. At this time, it has completely changed its color. The fine cold sweat gathers between the wrinkles, and it is quickly evaporated by the ultra-high-speed brain. "Who are you, who are you!"

Li Linghai's black eyes and his intoxicating expression seem to be immersed in the fields that have not been stirred up in the millennium. The expressions, temperament and even the gestures of making a gesture are completely different from those of the white hair.

She did not put five gods and dozens of Yuan Ying in her eyes. She opened her hands and enjoyed it for a long time. She only took a glance at Li Jiande and smiled. "The silver fox" Li Jiande, the first empire of the current empire Not dead, really worthy of the name, I was focused on the 'Iron Blood Prime Minister' Oriental look, but it slightly neglected you, almost caused a big disaster.

"It's a pity, if your actions can be a little more decisive, a few days in advance, if you change the place to catch it, you can really cause ... not a small trouble.

"But, today, still in the Imperial City? Oh, hehehehe, really... self-seeking dead road!"


The people finally heard the self-proclaimed Li Linghai.

This is the title that even the four major electors do not dare to surpass, Li Linghai, she, she really

"You don't want to know, what do you get from the underground palace, then look at it with your eyes wide open!"

Li Linghai's smile is getting more and more embarrassing, but it is becoming more and more domineering. There is a feeling of saying that the law is killing, and the feeling of killing and killing. Whoever black hole-like eyes shine on, whoever shudders, can't help but give birth to the urge to worship. Every breath and heartbeat is extremely difficult, like a knife in your throat and heart!

"Pretend to be a ghost, demon to confuse the public!"

"Silver Fox" Li Jiande seems to realize what, faintly changed, white hair roots erected, mad as crazy, "kill her, everyone together, kill her! Her strength can never be strong, she I will definitely use all the psionic powers to stir up the field. She is bluffing, just to scare you, and then break each of you! Killing her, now is the best chance. If you miss it, no one can stop it. She is!"

"Oh, it seems that you have already guessed your identity. It’s really a 'silver fox'!"

Li Linghai smiled differently, suddenly his eyes were round and screaming, and he thundered and shouted. "You, the chaotic thieves, dare to face each other with swords and swords, and all of them are like the nine ethnic groups. All the tribes are devastated, and the spirits are annihilated, never surviving!"

In a word, almost all the souls of people in the place will be blown up.


She has just been very vocal, and she has to look like a thousand people, and suddenly she will breathe a sigh of relief and squint her eyes. "At the moment, when you are using people, you will know nothing about your identity." It can be magnanimous, and then give a very small number of you, the last chance to sin.

"After listening carefully, not only those of you, but those who are behind the Yuan Ying, who are remorseful, willing to surrender to the embarrassment, and help the thieves of the chaos, will not hesitate to him. Not only to preserve his life and family, but also to have a limitless future waiting for him.

"But, if you are obsessed with it, you will find yourself dead, and you have to fight against you." Suffering from the pain of life is not as good as death!

"Before you kill the last of you, this promise has been effective. As long as the knife is inserted behind the people around you, you know that you are a big loyal minister!

"However, to insert a knife behind the companion, it is better to be faster, because you only have three live mouths, three loyal ministers!

"Have you understood? There are only three of you who can save your life and family. The rest of you must be devastated, and the nine people will be annihilated!

"Including the generals of the East, you are the same. Although you have just betrayed you, you are still willing to give you the opportunity to take sins and make meritorious deeds. However, I would like to advise you to start with a strong hand.

"Although everyone is a god, but people are fighting full-time, you are better at commanding the fleet. If all four of you are kneeling at the feet of you, you can only ask for mercy, and you can only leave three lives. Then you... But those three fighting gods!

"Oh, you have the only way to live around these Yuan Ying, that is, when the three great fighting gods are fighting and killing, they will insert a knife into their backs. If this is the case, you will definitely see your ‘goods’.

"Think clearly, life is precious, not to mention that your life is not only your own, but also your nine people. No matter who you die, his nine people will follow the most painful way to bury them!

"Reassuring, Jun has no jokes, hehe... I will kill you if you kill the nine people!"

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