Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2318: Unite as one, not afraid of sacrifice!

The creepy curse, with her careless tone, is really strange and has to be trusted.

The super-premium masters of the three peaks of the sacred period may not have had such great pressure in the face of the entire fleet.

The black gas of the earth and the dark clouds in the sky turned into a dark poisonous snake, and they went into every pore of their body.

"Kill her!"

Li Jiande had to send all the cards, screaming and fearing and screaming. "She never looks so strong, otherwise she will not have to be so much with us! As long as we are united and fearless, we can kill her!"

"is it?"

Including the Eastern Holy, the four strong gods are still hesitating, Li Linghai has sneered, from the top of the stalagmite sharp, stepping on the non-existent void ladder, step by step.

Every step in the void is like a **** drum in the depths of the nine clear yellow springs. The earth is bulging, and the undulating land is more cleft. The dark clouds in the night sky are like turbid waves, all the stalagmites around. In the telescopic and trembling, including the heart of everyone present, it seems to be hard to tear the chest, break free from the body, and flee!

"Then let the 朕 朕 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧

Li Linghai's skin is still white and crystal clear, but the fingernails become a thrilling black, and there is a black line, along with her fingerprints, just like wearing a pair of gorgeous and strange gloves.

She turned to the "magic" Li Jianyi, extended her right hand, posing a "crawl over" gesture.

The "sarcoma" Li Jianyi's sarcoma on his head suddenly expanded, just like a dozen high-angled horns, and his eyes almost exploded, releasing a circle of whirlpool-like light, colliding with Li Linghai's gaze.

For a moment, the magnetic fields of the two people all surged to the limit.

This is the confrontation between the "domain" and the "domain", just like the two abyss staring at each other.

Some people in the place can only see the air around the two people being blurred and distorted, as if they are about to disappear from the three-dimensional universe and turn into a twisted haze.

Through the shadows of the shadows, you can see the "Magic Yuan" Li Jianyi's face is blue and green, suddenly his eyes are glaring, and his teeth are gnashing his teeth, suddenly revealing the fear from the heart, a gesture of pleading.


The two sides collided with each other for only one second. Several sarcomas on the brain of Li Jianyi’s head quickly dried up, and the mouth was also bloody, and the whole person slammed down a few steps, just like being sucked up by Li Linghai. , languid appearance.

"Hey! Hey!"

When the two sides gaze at each other, when the "field" is in a fierce battle, the "broken star sword" Song has already injected the psionic power into the whole body of the "Sword Pills". These swords are all made of flexible metal and The liquid alloy is refining, and under the filling of the spirit, it is extended and turned into a sharp blade of the willow.

The surface of each fine blade is full of brilliance, all over the mysterious and complex spirits, with thin edges intertwined, and there is a faint sound of wind and thunder.

Under the full force of Song, these thin blades of the willows will turn into a metal ray flow when the speed is reached to the limit, and even the thickest armor of the star warship can be penetrated.

"Magic Yuan" Li Jianyi has just retired, Song is really "broken star sword" like a broken meteor like a whistling, one-third attacked Li Linghai's hands, not let her have any magic weapon, Jingjing and even The action of the giant gods; one-third attacked her body and the key points; the last third, but sealed her all the dodge space in all directions!

Tens of thousands of willow blades, each of which provokes the speed and destructive power of a superb flying sword, and it is a fascinating flight path that is like a fog. It is like having hundreds of outstanding swords at the same time. Controlling the general instructor of Song Jiajian, the name is indeed true!

However, just at the moment when the broken star sword shot, the dark dragons hovering over the heads of the people gathered around the sea of ​​Li Linghai, as if to put on her a layer of indestructible psionic shield, tens of thousands of willow blades On top of the psionic shield, I couldn't even get into half an inch, but I couldn't stop shaking, and the tail was swaying.


Song also made a scream of screaming, and the thousands of arcs between the fingers shook the tails of the thin blades of the willows, making all the thin blades of the willows suddenly brighten a series.

But no matter how she motivates the psionic power, it is impossible to stab in. Even a lot of willow blades are twisted from the tail forward and become a shovel. They are still firmly resisted by Li Linghai's psionic shield. .

Li Linghai squinted his eyes and shook his head slightly. He slowly reached out in the direction of Song and really slammed, just like the air locks Song’s throat.

Song is really round and round, and there are really five black handprints on his neck. The traces are deep, as if to tear her throat, and even the neck must be broken!

Song also really turned his face into a whiter than the dead, and even the screams were too late to send out.

How can she not understand how the power of the other side is so ignorant that she penetrates her own psionic shield, and naturally she has no way to scruple those thin blades.

All the thin blades of the willows fell into the control of Li Linghai, and she waved her hand to the back of the "hate the no-ring" cloud wide sea.

Although the nickname of Yunkuohai is as fierce as the practice of his cultivation, the fighting style is despicable and insidious. Seeing Li Linghai’s attention is really attracted by the “Magic Yuan” Li Jianyi and the “Broken Star Sword” Song. I wanted to sneak into the back of Li Linghai.

Unexpectedly, Li Linghai had long locked in his existence. Tens of thousands of sharp blades were beaten like a blast, and the speed and destructive power were not inferior to Song’s personal display, and he immediately shot him.

"What are you waiting for?"

Li Jiande screamed, "There are no giant soldiers and they are entangled with Yunkuohai. The rest of the people are dispatching giant soldiers!"

Li Linghai used an enemy three to force the retreat of the three great gods, but it was within a few seconds of the fall of the rabbit. Until now, many Yuan Yingqiangs in the periphery just woke up like a dream, and they spurred the crystal smash and shredded. The sound of the sound of the cracked air rushed toward the sea.

"The juniors in the district, a few infancy, dare to be so arrogant!"

Dozens of Yuan Ying, like the arrow of the string, rushed to the body of Li Linghai. Li Linghai suddenly burst into laughter, and his hands suddenly lifted up. From the cracks in the surrounding earth, he suddenly shot countless extremely high-pressure black gas.

These black gas do not know what kind of sinister and evil powers are contained. When a few Yuan Yings are slightly careless, they are squirted by the black gas. Not only the body physique shield collapses instantly, even the crystal scorpion is like dyeing. It is like a virus, turning into a dark black at a speed visible to the naked eye. The dark forces continue to penetrate into the gaps of the crystal, eroding their skin and flesh and blood, causing them to scream.

Li Ling Haiqi machine opened the fingers, and seized the helmets of these Yuan Ying, and laughed, "You, when you are married!"

The crystal helmet is theoretically the hardest and most protected weapon.

These Yuan Yingqiang are also strong in one side. The crystal enamel used is naturally the best of the refined refining. The helmet is strong, and the full bombardment of the crystal gun against the brain should be able to offset and buffer.

However, Li Linghai’s empty top is left with a few dark black handprints on the helmets of these Yuan Ying. The black big handprints seem to have life, constantly exploring the gaps of the helmets and making a “squeaky” metal rubbing sound. Finally, I really got into the helmet.

Everyone only heard the screams of these meta-infant non-humans in the communication channel, and there were "咔嚓咔嚓, 咔嚓咔嚓" as if the bones were shattered. In a flash, these few babies seemed to be pumped. Going to the bones, it fell down softly.

Everyone’s heart was awkward, and the timidity had already been forced by Li Linghai to retreat to the top of the three gods with a pair of three. At the moment, the horror scenes of several Yuan Ying’s heads were shattered in the air, and they thought: “There are five The famous gods here are sure to kill her with the giant gods. Why should I get together to die, and... may I ruin my family?

"In any case, there are so many people attacking and attacking. I am mixed in the crowd, and I am a little slower and can’t see it!"

In order to reach the level of Yuan Ying, it is naturally an expert to control the speed and posture. For a time, these Yuan Yingqiangs have quietly adjusted the dynamic array of the crystal, which is not only slow, but also the direction of the sprint. It’s not against Li Linghai, but to adjust the route as much as possible to hide behind others.

If only one Yuan Ying does this, it may not be obvious.

But all Yuan Ying are "hearted and inspiring", just like a huge wave of momentum suddenly slowed down half a shot, many people in order to hide behind each other and almost bumped together, the scene is a bit embarrassing.

Even the "hate the ground and the ring" of the peak of the gods, if he can really desperately rush to the spirit of the sea, and entangled in the spirit of the sea, will be able to let the "magic" Li Jianyi and "broken star sword" Song still I am waiting for someone to easily extract the giant soldiers.

Even if he is not afraid of sacrifice, holding the jade and burning mentality and Li Linghai stalking, perhaps all Yuan Ying will go forward and rush to come up, and Li Linghai will be completely solved.

However, how can it be that the high-ranking cultivators such as Yunkuohai are selflessly dedicated and self-denying?

The four major electorate families were originally born with ghosts, but they were only forced to lobby for the arrest by the "Silver Fox" Li Jiande. Even the four families had many people who did not agree with Li Jiande’s opinion, or There is a deeper plot.

Yunkuohai and Li Jianyi, Song Huizhen and Dongfang Sheng, were originally the subtleties of half of the competitors of half of the allies. They thought that Li Linghai was only the middle and low stage of the transformation of the gods, and the most advanced high-level cultivation of the gods. "Dahua Shenfeng" joined forces to suppress her, the risk is not big, the income is quite rich, and it is indispensable.

Now I found out that Li Linghai’s strength is much higher than estimated. He wants his surname Yun to sacrifice himself in vain, cheap Li and Song, what? There are no doors!

Therefore, "Hate the land without a ring", Yunkuohai refused to pay attention to the "silver fox" Li Jiande asked him to entangle the shackles of Li Linghai, but strode back, while strictly guarding against it, while extracting his own giant army situation is so dangerous Well, first summon the giant soldiers to say, what other people’s lives and deaths do?

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