Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2320: Each break!

Li Linghai said that the black fog in all directions suddenly became a hundred times stronger. It was like a group of ink swamps, which covered all the crystal scorpions and giant gods.


The navigation and positioning system of all the crystal scorpions and giant warriors all made sharp humming, the data jumped wildly, and the pointers turned around, just like being in the vacuum of the universe, completely recognizing the upper and lower left and right and east and west.

The black fog even obscured the communication between each other, and there was a burst of "sand" in the communication channel, and then the half-voice call of the companion could not be heard.

In the terminology of the ancient world, this is a large-scale "Qimen armor", which can show the magical power of "ghost hitting the wall".

In the terminology of modern Xiu Xianjie, Li Linghai activated the large array of magnetic interference hidden in the underground palace, and carried out the highest intensity interference operation for all the crystal scorpions and giant warriors. The positioning ability of the human brain has been completely destroyed, and even the spiritual attack has created an illusion in the depths of the brains of the people. At the same time, it has opened up a number of fragmented worlds in one breath, dragging everyone into the mysterious and mysterious, distorted space. Among them!

Here, everyone can't search for the traces of their companions, as if they are alone in the darkness of the boundlessness, and the giant gods "Hell Star" that is tyrannical to the extreme!

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Including the three great gods, the scalp is numb, and the creeps are stunned. The speed of the crystal scorpion and the giant squadron are all reached to the limit, trying to escape the "underground palace" and break through the darkness of the sky.

However, under the full force of the dynamic magnetic interference of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi thousands of years ago, the navigation ability of the crystal brain or the human brain was completely distorted to the extreme.

They think that they are arrogant in a straight line. In fact, they are like drunkenness, and they continue to dance around the "8". They go back and forth and go back to the same place, but they are farther away from their companions.

Li Linghai’s laughter still came from all directions in the dark, and they rushed into their giant warriors, crystal scorpions and mustard battle suits, like a poisonous insect, slamming into their ears and invading their brains!

"Hate the ground, no loops", the wide mouth of the broad sea is twisted to the extreme. He makes angry roars, dispels his inner horror, speeds up again and again, and realizes that he is getting farther and farther away from his companions until he is "Hell Star." "Lifting from the darkness, shooting hundreds of tentacles towards him!"


The giants of the vast seas and the "crackers" ignited the brilliance of the psionic shields, causing hundreds of tentacles to burn.

However, Li Linghai was unaware of it, still using the burning tentacle to entangle the thick arms of the "crackers" and draw the distance between the two giant soldiers.

"Hell Star" is facing the "Lifter"'s big face and bursting with a smile, and the two are shining, and the two deadly black light are condensing.


Perceived the high-energy reaction of the "Hell Star", the cloud wide sea screamed, regardless of the fatigue limit of the shoulders and elbow joints of the giant gods, hard to tear off a few tentacles, and barely head to the left.

He has just missed the head of the "cracker". The giant face of "Hell Star" shot two scarlet light, and it was dangerously rubbed against the shoulders of the "Cracker", leaving a deep on the shoulder of the cracker. The gully of the bone can be seen, and the surrounding armor is completely melted.

If it is not evasive, this record will definitely cause serious damage to the various detection and information processing units of the skull!

At the juncture of life and death, Yunkuohai finally exerted the peak of the battle of the gods to the fullest, but regardless of the damage of the shoulders and arms of the giant gods, and the agility that is not commensurate with the huge figure, flashed behind the "Hell Star". Shoulder armor, chest, abdomen and arms, all honeycomb-type magazines, crystal guns, bombardment guns and Xuanguang muzzle all open, hundreds of angry torrents cover the brain to the "Hell Star"!

However, the "Hell Star" is not a giant soldier in the form of a human or a beast, but a large iron ball with a round shape. Naturally, there is no difference between front, back, left, and right.

The dark fog, surrounded by strong venom, severely weakened his attack power.

Hundreds of anger and torrents were all resisted by the "Hell Star" psionic shield. Although it seems that the "Hell Star" has been defeated, it has not broken through the last defense of Li Linghai.

Li Linghai did not dodge his attack, but from the giant face facing him, he provoked dozens of deadly black light, and smashed hundreds of self-burning tentacles toward him, one attacking and attacking , jade and burning gesture!

Under the indiscriminate bombing, the two giant soldiers were wrapped in a colorful, inflated fireball, and the psionic shields of both sides were quickly consumed. The damage of each magic weapon unit was severe, and the tip of the master crystal was sharp. call.

With the harsh metal fatigue, the "crackers" were as thick as the main gun-like arms of the starship, and finally there was a shocking tear.

The tentacles of the "Hell Star" also broke in two consecutive years, but the tentacles after the break seemed to have the ability to fight independently, turned into a metal snake, and continued to swim around the "crackers".

In the case of one-on-one, on the absolute strength, Li Linghai, who is driving the "Hell Star", is better than the Yunhai Sea that controls the "crackers".

Of course, the gap between the two sides is not so great that it is completely impossible to play.

This kind of hard-fitting close-range attack is purely a waste of energy and soul consumption, and it depends on who will fight more strongly.

If Yunkuohai can really hold the determination to die, do not hesitate to sacrifice himself, and Li Linghai hard to consume the end, even if he is devastated and dead, there is no place to die, but it must be able to call Li Linghai pay a heavy price, the performance parameters of "Hell Star" Reduce at least half.

In this way, "Magic Yuan" Li Jianyi and "Broken Star Sword" Song can really easily leak, and it is easy to suppress the exhaustion of the soul without any effort, and the giant gods are severely damaged.

But... how is it possible?


The left arm of the "Cracker" can no longer support such a cruel attack, and the whole piece is shredded and burst open.

This record has finally broken through the limits of Yunkuohai. He snorted and looked like a mighty and unrelenting blast of the last round of fire volley. Then he poured all the psionic power into the power array and turned and ran.

Li Linghai chuckled and did not continue the long-range bombing. It was not far from near, and the ghost was not scattered behind Yunkuohai.

The “crackers” of Yunkuohai were not super-high-mobility speed giants. In the dark fog and extremely disordered magnetic fields, they naturally could not get rid of the pursuit of Li Linghai. On the outer shell, he was even more upset.

He has been accelerating his direction several times in a row, and he can't get rid of the "Hell Star" behind him. Under the anger, he rushed to the back and said: "Why are you just chasing me alone!"

"Because you are the stupidest!"

Li Linghai sneered, "Everyone else has guessed the identity of the sly, all of them are far away from the tens of miles to hide in the deepest part of the world of debris. Waiting to see the situation and then take advantage of the fishermen, only you hate the earth and the sea is the most I am not afraid of death, I still dare to rush to attack off Tianwei, I will not break you down, how to shock the world!"

"I do not have!"

In the heart of Yunkuohai, it is called a grievance. The heart says that "who is not afraid of death" and "stupidly rushed up", obviously it has been lingering by you!

However, the reconfirmation between the lines of Li Ling Hai Zi is increasingly causing the sea to be suspicious and unreasonable. " are really"


Li Linghai suddenly violently drunk, "Since guessing the identity of the shackles, why not surrender to the feet of the shackles, really want to be a chaotic thief, annihilating the Nine?"

Yunkuohai snorted and the speed accelerated again, but it was almost faster than the "Hell Star". He could hear the metal tentacles of "Hell Star" and gently scratch the back of his steel back!

"Clouds and seas, others guessed that they were intimidated, all scared to go a thousand miles, half did not dare to come up with hands, but you have to squat your arm and be an enemy?

"Clouds and seas, you are only the third-ranked elder in the cloud family, because you have a tyrannical force, but you are not good at business and control, including your son-in-law, are also well-developed, simple mind You Wufu, you are relying on your invincible force to support you! 朕 Killing you at all costs today, your hard-working accumulation of hundreds of years of family business will be gone tomorrow, all the children will be People are going out!

"Clouds and seas, do you really think that today's battle is a sudden attack on you, and there is no such thing as a squat between you? Do you really think that the Eastern Holy General will betray it? Haha, haha Haha, the whole plan, all the arrangements, are to lead you to the battlefield that can best play the full strength of the film, and you will be able to play it all!

"Clouds and seas, 'Magic Yuan' Li Jianyi and 'Broken Star Sword' Song has really shaken, plus the Eastern St., the three live mouths that you want to stay will be ready, take the initiative, don't wait until the nine secluded Huangquan, And crying with your wife and children, the broken souls!

"Clouds and seas, don't you want more powerful powers, don't want to unlock more advanced energy forms than psionics, don't you want to be shocked and even higher in your lifetime?

“Clouds and seas! Clouds and seas! Clouds and seas!”

Thousands of thoughts, such as thousands of invisible poisonous snakes, while along the gaps of giant soldiers, drilled into the brains of Yunkuohai.

Yunkuohai suddenly became fascinated, his heart was full of clues, his psionics were disordered, and even the giant gods trembled fiercely.

Suddenly, the black fog in front of it suddenly disappeared, and a new giant soldier emerged.

This is a medium-sized giant soldier painted in bronze. The overall appearance is ancient and conservative. The biggest feature is the tiger-shaped armor on the chest, and the shoulder-shoulders on both sides, like two huge fangs.

Yunkuohai recognized it at a glance, this is the giant swordsman of the Eastern St.

"Oriental General"

Li Linghai smirked, "Do it!"

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