Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2321: The most correct survival strategy

In all fairness, Yunkuohai is a highly computational and powerful cultivator. No matter how Li Linghai disturbs his mind, he does not completely believe in Li Linghai's words, thinking that the Eastern Saint is really a "fake betrayal."

However, Li Linghai's words are mixed with the dark psionic power of the millennium, invading his brain, and it is impossible to say that he is not affected at all.

Seeing the Eastern Holy Drive driving the "Sword-toothed Tiger" suddenly smashed out from the oblique thorns, Yunkuohai was shocked, the instinctive reaction was to condense the spirits of the whole body, and to release all the aggressive magic weapons, so that you can protect the whole body.

He was hung up behind him by the "Hell Star", and the speed has already reached its limit. The "Cracker" is a super-heavy giant soldier with a huge body and inconvenient turn. Naturally, it is not so easy to flash the Eastern Holy.

Besides, Yunkuohai does not intend to change the direction of such a high speed, and rushing to turn, will only further tear apart the broken giant soldiers, and leave a perfect mobile phone meeting for Oriental Saint, maybe even "Hell Star" "Catch up.

Although Yunkuo 90% believe that the Eastern Saint is standing on his side, but... in case?

No matter how hard the ghosts of Li Linghai are, at least one sentence is true. The status of his cloud and sea is in the Yun family. He relies on him alone to support the unparalleled force. He must not die. He died. His veins are destined to decline soon, and those children and grandchildren who are not able to do so are destined to keep the rivers he has hit, and even in the fight against each other, one by one, and the "nine annihilation" is not much different!

Therefore, there are hundreds of treatments in the cloud and sea, and eventually hate and bite, and choose a set of solutions that have the highest chance of survival for themselves.

That is the speed is the same, people block the killing, the Buddha blocks the Buddha, and continues to go to the Eastern Holy Mania on the way forward!

"If the Eastern Saint is standing on our side, it will definitely take the initiative to go away!"

Clouds and seas are secretly thinking.

The Eastern St. was shocked by the "raid" that was raging in the sea.

He was always confused by the black fog. The navigation system of the giant gods was almost scrapped. In the dark, he had not explored the edge of the fragmented world for a long time, and he could not find a way to escape this terrible space.

No matter how he calls other people, the communication channel is otherwise the noise of "shashashasha", or else it is the ghostly laughter.

In the depths of the Eastern St., there have been some regrets.

Regret that he should not be so reckless, before seeing all the cards of Li Linghai, he was persuaded by the "silver fox" Li Jiande's dead old ghost, and fell into such awkward situation.

If Li Linghai is not just a simple "Spirit of the Sea", but ... "that Majesty", or inherits the power of "that Majesty", then he has made the most wrong choice, even the intestines must repent It is.

It is a pity that he is now riding a tiger. He has just betrayed Li Linghai and jumped to the four major electorate families. After just ten minutes, he has to jump back again. This is too

When I was thinking about it, when I was thinking about it, I suddenly saw the clouds spread, and I was full of light. Then I saw the "hate the ground and the ringless" and the sea was driving the giant gods "crackers" who were known for their fierceness. He rushed over to him, and Li Linghai’s “Hell Star” was smashed in the back for the “Crackers”, and one pair had to be attacked on both sides, setting him to death!

Somehow in my ear, the scream of Li Linghai sounded: "Clouds and seas, kill this traitor!"

Every nerve ending of the Eastern St. is shocked to almost pierce the skin and poke out the body!

"Hate the ground, no ring", the character and fighting style of Yunkuohai, the Eastern Saint knows nothing more, this gentleman looks like a rough appearance, and he does not do anything. The singularity of cultivation is also a big, big, and fierce route. It is a bit of a reckless feeling of a big man. In fact, it is the most despicable and self-serving of people. It is obviously a god-dead, but even the benefits of sesame are not missed, and the danger of a big needle is not willing to touch easily.

Of course, it is often the case that the gods of war, especially the fighting gods, are so-called "there are heroic and fearless combat-type cultivators, and there are also combat-type cultivators who have turned the gods, but there is absolutely no brave and fearless god." Blame, what is the truth? Very simple, the sword on the battlefield has no eyes, the guns are ruthless, those who are really daring and eager to die, the most cultivated to the Yuan Ying realm, they have fallen!

It can survive in the **** battles of hundreds of years, thousands of battles in the pantoon, and even the battle-type cultivators who cultivated into the realm of the gods. No matter how masculine, mighty, and rude, the depths of the heart are not mean and not wretched. It is impossible.

However, it is also mean and wretched, and there are also differences in ranks. "Hate the ground and have no ring". This person belongs to the king of the despicable world, the supreme of the wretched world!

If you say "magic", "hate the ground, no ring" and "broken star sword" among the three peaks of the gods, who is the easiest to surrender under pressure, turn to Li Linghai's "the sire" camp, must be "Hate the land without a ring" Yunkuohai!

The Eastern St. was originally a guilty conscience, not to mention his fighting power is far less than the vast sea, there is no time to think.

Even if he thinks more about a thought, his giant soldier may be torn in half by the “cracker” of Yunkuohai, and his head will be smashed into mud by the iron fist of Yunkuohai!

Before the brain has yet to clarify the idea, the soul and the body have already reacted instinctively, and the shield of the body has suddenly expanded three times. The sword that has been close to the hand is also a flaming flame that tens of meters long, pointing to the vast sea!

In this way, if the clouds and seas are always the same, then they will use their own speed to insert themselves into the sword of the East.

The idea of ​​Oriental Saint is very simple and very clear. His knife is only the most basic defensive action. If Yunkuohai is still standing on the side of the four major electors, then he recognizes his giant soldier "Jaw Tooth Tiger" and knows that he is Allies, naturally will turn to dodge!

As for the Eastern Saint, why not give way? That's even simpler, because Li Linghai's "Hell Star" is holding him away from the side, no matter how he moves, it is possible to expose the flaws, let the "Hell Star" swallow him down!

From the perspective of self-protection, the two sides' combat strategies are no problem and very correct.

But when the two correct combat strategies collide, it becomes a big joke and tragedy.

At the same time, Dongfang Sheng and Yunkuohai realized the action of the other party and also misunderstood the intention of the other party.

Although it is also a strong god, but the realm of the Eastern Holy Land is slightly inferior to the vast sea, and the combat power is even more under the latter.

However, Yunkuohai has just been with Li Linghai, and the giant warrior "cracker" has been beaten by the "Hell Star", even exploding an arm, the combat performance has plummeted, and the reality of the two Combat ability, pulled to the same level.

In other words, at the moment, they all pose a fatal threat to each other, and they all have a "live first" approach.

The opportunity is fleeting, and life and death are decided within 0.01 seconds.

When one of the knives spurs a dazzling light, it is hard for the other party not to keep up with the "arms race" of the electric fire, but also to strengthen their own flames and firepower.

It is also unclear who is the first to take the shot. Under the instinctive drive, the sword of the Eastern St. "naturally" goes forward, and all the offensive magic weapons of Yunkuohai also cover the head of the East.

"Booming and banging!"

"Cracker" and "Jaw-toothed Tiger", the two giant gods and soldiers collided together, suddenly bursting out of overlapping shock waves like waves, often the first round of shock waves have not dissipated, they were caught up by the second round of shock waves, If you are surrounded by a beautiful rainbow.

In the rainbow shock wave, there are hundreds of criss-cross tears in the outer shell of the two giant soldiers. The longest and deepest wounds almost pass through the entire "spiritual", that is, the cockpit is killed. The gods are like two magnets that are firmly sucked together, and they can't be separated.


Yunkuohai made an irresistible bark. After all, he was the peak of the full-time battle. Even though the spirit was over-consumed, the giant soldiers were broken, but the fleet commander like Dongfang Sheng could easily win in the duel.

The "Cracker" kicked the "Sword-toothed Tiger" chest and almost kicked the Tiger Armor and the Psionic Shield together, destroying the balance system of the Saber-toothed Tiger, causing the latter to smash in the air. The maneuverability and dodge ability are almost reduced to zero. Then the remaining arm of the "cracker" shines brightly, and a ray of flames lingers on it, turning the entire arm into a heavy gun like a siege hammer. The "Sword-toothed Tiger" is broken from the broken chest!

Every magic weapon unit of the Saber-toothed Tiger has a desperate embarrassment. Under the strong pressure of the other side, the cockpit is almost burning.

There is a blank in the oriental sacred brain, but under the instinctive fierceness, the sword is stabbed again.

He thought that he would die this time. Unexpectedly, the heavy artillery of the vast sea was just halfway through, and the "crackers" were completely pierced by dozens of tentacles of "Hell Star", and they were all transparent.

Even the arm of the "Sword-toothed Tiger" was entangled by more than a dozen tentacles.

Yunkuohai’s fist condensed all the anger, unstoppable, and extremely powerful. Even if it was entangled by metal tentacles, it could not stop his offensive. Until a dozen metal tentacles were broken, the offensive was slowed down. A slowdown.

The result of the destruction of the remaining dozens of metal tentacles in the "crackers" body is that the "spirit" shield's psionic shield instantly vanishes.

The Eastern St. has not been able to think about it, and the burning sword has moved forward.

The "Cracker" lost the protection of the Psionic Shield. The front armor was broken in the confrontation with the "Hell Star". Where can it resist the counterattack of the Orient of the East?

"嚓", a few tens of meters long, thousands of degrees of high temperature super giant swords plunged into the breastplate, penetrated the cockpit, almost smashed the left half of the cloud wide sea!

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